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Guest tony manero

I'm Not Feeling Survivor Series

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First ever Triple Post!!!!!!!!! On the same night as my first ever double post. I rule/suck.

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anyone got some updated results? please?

Well lets see:


Booker T pinned Benoit and is up 1-0 in the best of 7

Trish pinned Melina to retain the Women's Title

HHH beat Ric Flair when Flair couldn't answer the 10 count after 3 Pedigrees and a Sledgehammer shot to the back

Cena pinned Angle with the FU to retain the Title

Teddy Long defeated Bischoff with help from the BOOGEYMAN


Randy Orton of Team Smackdown was the Sole Survivor of the RAW vs Smackdown SS match


Lashely eliminated by HBK after a Kane Chokeslam

Kane eliminated by Batista via Spinebuster after a 619 by Rey on Kane

Batista eliminated via double chokeslam by Kane and Big Show

Big Show eliminated by Rey Mysterio

Carlito eliminated by JBL via the Clothesline from Hell

Masters eliminated by Rey Mysterio via a springboard leg drop

Rey Mysterio eliminated by HBK with a superkick

JBL eliminated by HBK via Sweet Chin Music

Randy Orton eliminates HBK with the RKO to win

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Not a bad show. Not a great show, enjoyed the main event other than the sheer stupidity of eliminated Lashley first.

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seems the raw vs smackdown GIGANTIC FUED, and SS 2005 itself, was basically just a promo for taker's return and Armaggeddon

How so?


The whole match lead up to Taker confronting Orton to set up the Hell in a Cell match.

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seems the raw vs smackdown GIGANTIC FUED, and SS 2005 itself, was basically just a promo for taker's return and Armaggeddon

How so?

I wish they hadn't announced Takers return, then it would have made sense.


Orton survives his 3rd straigh SS match, then out of nowhere Taker comes out and goes after him.


As it was, with Takers return being announced, it was obvious that Orton was going to win so Taker could come out. I was trying to figure a way they could do it without him winning but I couldnt come up with anything.

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Match by match coverage from teh Meltz.


Juventud pinned Simon Dean with a Juvi driver in the Heat match. It was a non-title bout. The Mexicools stole Dean's gym bag to distract him. Juventud has learned to work WWE style. So he's useless.


Booker T vs. Chris Benoit for the U.S. title opens the show. This match needs to be good given the line-up tonight. Booker won this one with an Oklahoma side roll with Sharmell holding Booker's legs and him also using the ropes for leverage. Good opener.


Match two will be live on the Smackdown special Tuesday night from Cincinnati.


Bischoff and Vince were backstage. Eric promised to screw John Cena just like Vince screwed Bret Hart. Cena was right there when he said it and made a comment about how Eric likes screwing guys. Vince tried to act like he was into hip hop and used the term "nigga" while Booker watched and was furious, saying "Tell me, he just didn't say that."


Trish Stratus vs. Melina is up now. Mickie James is with Stratus. Tazz & Styles are announcing together, so this will probably be the best announced match on the show. Tazz & Styles spent the match arguing Raw vs. Smackdown. Stratus won with a facebuster off the top rope after minor help by Mickie James. She moved Stratus out of the way from an attempted tackle by Melina just before the finish. Match was good based on usual WWE women's match standards.


HHH vs. Ric Flair is up next. They went 27:00. Flair juiced heavy the entire match with HHH using a screwdriver on him. HHH took a backdrop through the table. Slow-paced but dramatic. Went a little long but real good. Flair got up after three pedigrees, but HHH used a sledge hammer to the back of the head for the ten count. Flair went out on a stretcher. They are acting like this was the end of Flair.


Orton & JBL were badmouthing Batista, but Batista showed up and said he should be the leader. Rey agreed. JBL got mad and wanted to be the leader but then backed down. Lashley agreed to side with Batista. Finally Orton sarcastically backed Batista.


Edge debuted the new Cutting Edge talk show with Dmitri Young of the Tigers. Edge ripped on the Tigers and baseball players for being overpaid, not caring about the fans, taking steroids and amphetamines. Really, he did. Young then brought up all the championships that the Pistons, Tigers and Red Wings had won. Young said Edge had no balls and Edge said he was going to be like GM and Ford, he was leaving Detroit. Pretty good segment and Young did a good job in the celebrity role.


Angle vs. Cena is up next. Wow, this was weird. Daivari, Chad Patton and Mickey Henson were all KO'd, Daivari by Cena and Pattona and Henson by Angle. Charles Robinson of Smackdown ran in as ref and gave Angle an FU and got the pin. As you can tell, a ton of shortcuts but Angle wrestled well. Crowd was electric because no matter what Angle did to be a heel, the crowd got more and more behind him as the match went on. Cena really showed it in his face when he did the five knuckle shuffle and he was booed out of the place.


Eric vs. Teddy is up. The Boogey Man gave Bischoff a pump handle slam behind the refs back and Teddy got the pin. This died. Crowd booed the whole match, run-in, everything. You knew it was bad when Teddy came out and climbed the ropes and got booed. Boring chants from the start. Only thing good I can say is this wasn't as bad as the Richards-Tomko match.


Raw vs. Smackdown elimination match is up next. Kane choke slamemd Lashley and Michaels pinned him. Yes, you read that correctly. Batista pinned Kane after a spinebuster after cleaning house. Kane didn't leave and he and Show double choke slammed Batista for the pin. Show was next out after a JBL clothesline, a 619, an RKO, another JBL clothesline and a springboard Thesz press, so Rey pinned Show to set up Tuesday. JBL pinned Carlito after a clothesline. Mysterio pinned Masters after a springboard legdrop. Masters was way out of position.


Michaels is selling like he's knocked out and he's left with JBL, Mysterio & Orton. Michaels just pinned Mysterio and then JBL in succession with superkicks so it's Orton vs. Michaels. JBL interfered with a chair but Michaels superkicked the chair into JBL's face. He turned around into the RKO and Orton pinned him clean to win the match for Smackdown.


Time for the Undertaker. Druids brought out a casket. Lightning struck the casket and Undertaker came out. Orton and Cowboy Bob ran off while Undertaker beat up Brian Kendrick, The Dicks, Regal, Birchall and a bunch of others, leaving Undertaker eyeing Randy Orton as the show ended. Not sure if this was the right week to use a casket, but this company has never been the best about letting real world events stop what would be tasteless timing of angles.

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I noticed in Cena's face that he was gwetting annoyed too. He didn't know how to handle it. Rock is good at that stuff so he would have played along. Cena looked lost

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Lashley jobbing first was a horrendous booking mistake. Look, I figured he had to do two things: 1. Break the Masterlock, which he kinda did. 2. Destroy Carlito and eliminate him. He did kill him with the Dominator, but Carlito wasn't legal.


The wrestling on this show was pretty good I thought, but the booking was just garbage. They are just flat out force feeding some guys who the fans simply are not buying. When damn near 80% of the crowd starts chanting "Cena sucks!" it might just be time to job the guy, or turn him heel (preferrably both). Hell, Orton isn't even getting any kind of response whatsoever and they've pushed him as hard as humanly possible. Cena bitterly divides crowds...Orton puts them to sleep.

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Looks like the show was worth skipping but as I expected the last man standing match was indeed a nwa tribute and that Shawn would play a factor in the end.


Another case of WWE ruining a potential surprise by announcing UT's return for tonight as it also gave away the result. How many extra buys was it going to get? very few.


The Lashley booking was poorly designed as well. There was no need for him to take a pin-fall lost. They could have simply had a count-out scenairo with Kane or TBS.

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Who will be the top face on Raw now that everyone is turning on Cena? Maybe they can send over Rey? Just as long as it's not Michaels, Triple H or Flair.


I would like to see Kurt Angle shift into that position seeing as he's been over as he is. WWE usually panics and goes with the big men. I would expect TBS or Kane before Angle.


Shawn and Flair have been protrayed as the top faces the last 3 months anyways.

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Who will be the top face on Raw now that everyone is turning on Cena? Maybe they can send over Rey? Just as long as it's not Michaels, Triple H or Flair.


How long does everyone think WWE's going to go without finally going along with the crowd and turning Cena heel?

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Who will be the top face on Raw now that everyone is turning on Cena? Maybe they can send over Rey? Just as long as it's not Michaels, Triple H or Flair.


How long does everyone think WWE's going to go without finally going along with the crowd and turning Cena heel?


Knowing WWE.....2 years. At that point they'll be tomatoes flying in the ring during Cena matches

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My thoughts:


Booker V Benoit: Solid opener. Dumb finish.


Melina V Trish: Hey, I enjoyed this match.


HHH V Flair: Flair was at his best. Biting, Grabbing HHH in the Jewels, Low blows the works. H emade this match. Again, good match but the finish was kinda lame


Angle V Cena: I was right about Cena. He was booed like crazy. It's wierd, beacuse he's initial entrance gets a great response, but as the match started you could clearly tell the crowd had sided with Angle, even with Daivari in his corner.


Long V Bishoff: THE BOOGEYMAN~!


Raw V SD!: Fun match, bad booking. Lashley, until he got pinned looked good. Masters looked out of his league. Ortoon is building quite the leagcy at SurSer


I think the money fued going into WM is going to be Batista V Orton. They have a great chemisty, a good backstory I think their styles would click. orton has to first overcome Taker. I'm not sure where this leaves Batista heading into Armageddon and RR cause Orton V Taker is DEFIANTELY being booked as the main event for Armageddon.

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They may have to turn him heel, but that could be disastrous for Cena. Not that it would kill him with the crowds, they'll probably like the old 'edgy' heel Cena more, but he'd have to play second banana to HHH.

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Average show, not worth the high price. I've got to stop buying WWE Pay-Per-Views. I keep saying that month after month (and I didn't even buy Taboo Tuesday, praise Jesus).


Before the show, I watched some of the Bret Hart DVD that I purchased earlier. I saw vs. Owen on Action Zone, vs. Undertaker at ONO and vs. Perfect (incredible, incredible match) at Summerslam 1991. That pretty much ruined me for the rest of the evening, nothing could even possibly compare.


Benoit vs. Booker T- I can't say I paid attention to most of this due to pre-existing apathy for any Booker vs. Benoit match. What I saw was bland. Finish was done alright, it wasn't botched. * or something.

Melina vs. Trish- Alright work here, best women's match in 2005 that wasn't all about titty (Christy vs. Stacy is my WWE women's MOTY). Nothing terribly offensive although the finisher wasn't great. *1/2

Flair vs. Triple H- That went pretty long but wasn't offensive. Some cool spots. Don't remember much of it. Why Flair got up after three Pedigrees is beyond me though. ***1/2, MOTN.

Angle vs. Cena- Just a clusterfuck with some alright work around it. Angle has had better matches this month. I'm tired of this kind of match in 2005. Worst Cena/ Angle encounter ever. *1/4

Bischoff vs. Long- Absolutely terrible in every way. Biggest waste-of-time PPV match since the Stevie vs. Tomko match. Boogeyman's interference was really, really bad. It took forever and didn't look good. Which is sad, because I love everything Boogeyman's done so far. -**

Raw vs. SmackDown- I was just so bored with all of this until the nifty finish. Rey took a few nice looking bumps. Commentary was abysmal, absolutely abysmal. Five guys is high even by WCW standards. A complete was Undertaker's return post-match was alright. **1/2


I'm feeling pretty sick right now (no, not due to the show) so maybe when I re-watch it I won't be as hard on it. However, I'm disappointed they did nothing to build up to WrestleMania or even the Rumble. I'm still anticipating Orton/Taker in the HIAC though, although I don't know if I want to drop $$$ on it.

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Who will be the top face on Raw now that everyone is turning on Cena? Maybe they can send over Rey? Just as long as it's not Michaels, Triple H or Flair.


I would like to see Kurt Angle shift into that position seeing as he's been over as he is. WWE usually panics and goes with the big men. I would expect TBS or Kane before Angle.


Shawn and Flair have been protrayed as the top faces the last 3 months anyways.


No No NO. Kurt is over beacuse of what his character is RIGHT NOW. Do not turn him into the fun babyface, milk loving goof

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I'm not so sure about Angle...hasn't every one of his face runs bombed?


I wouldn't mind Big Show, he is pretty over for some reason and his matches are watchable.



Cause he's always been the goofy, cornball face



They should turn him face, but keep him as the same vicious bastard.

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