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Martial Arts that you've taken?

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Guest Agent of Oblivion
You should get a tazergun, the kind with the projectile darts, and a blackjack.


A tazer would be expensive. This way I can disfigure someone without killing them.

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4 years of Aikido, 3 years of Takwando, in that time, 5 years of training with a Bo.


I never really believed that the stuff would become "instinctual" but I was doing it for physical fitness. Then some asshat tried to mug me one night and I think in 5 seconds his arm was broken at the elbow.


I, to this day, don't remember those 5 seconds. I think he was as suprised as I was (though, in much much more pain).

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So I went to my first Judo class at USA Start today. It was awesome. It was hard but rewarding in the end and I think I learned a lot. That and I got complimented by one of the black belts for my strength and technique on a certain move. Excellent.


You should join one of those "Power of Christ" traveling shows, and use the Lord's strength to throw remote controls through solid steel. Then talk about the dangers of television violence and how it can lead to domestic abuse.

Use the Power of Christ to tear up phone books, have somebody smash cinder blocks with a sledgehammer while you lay on a bed of nails, bending steel rods into pretzels....


Kali with sticks is for pussies be a man and use a knife.

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So I've been going to Judo on Tuesday and Thursdays and Jiu-Jitsu on Monday and Wednesdays.

Because I just started I don't think I can handle myself in a fight any better than before but I'm having a blast. I'm always sore now though.

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I did Judo and Jui Jitsu for years...Judo was actually offered as a PE course at my high school (we had a 7th Dan blackbelt that tought Biology there)...I took it for an hour during school everyday and then a thursday night class and a saturday morning class...after HS, continued the thursday/saturday class for the next 3 years before other things consumed my time and money...it's hella expensive when you factor together the cost of the classes, registering your belt ranks to make them nationally recognized, fees for tournaments, etc.


I'd recommend Judo before any other martial art, simply because most retards these days that actually look for a fight always want to take it to the ground...get some Judo experience (wrestling wouldn't hurt either) and you will own them...

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most retards these days that actually look for a fight always want to take it to the ground

Most retards looking for a fight these days usually skip the hand-to-hand and go right into the weapons.

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most retards these days that actually look for a fight always want to take it to the ground

Most retards looking for a fight these days usually skip the hand-to-hand and go right into the weapons.


nah I'm talking like random nights out at the clubs or something...they never use weapons, the fights just turn into ground rolling exhibitions...

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I just got a free month of Karate from some ugly girl at the mall. I took karate classes when I was a kid. Don't really remember much of it, since I was little.


My most vivid memory was practicing kicks with some other little girl in my class, and I brought my heel down onto her thigh real hard and she started bawling.

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most retards these days that actually look for a fight always want to take it to the ground

Most retards looking for a fight these days usually skip the hand-to-hand and go right into the weapons.

Most retards looking for a fight these days usually yell and spit a lot.

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most retards these days that actually look for a fight always want to take it to the ground

Most retards looking for a fight these days usually skip the hand-to-hand and go right into the weapons.

Most retards looking for a fight these days usually yell and spit a lot.




all good points!

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Guest JMA

I only took Tae Kwon Do as a kid. It never really did anything for me. It was like learning a bunch of useless poses.

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I've come close.

What happened was that one of my sensei's was demonstarting a roll into a choke and I was his victim. He got us down and he hadn't demonstrated the bow and arrow motion yet but he was already choking me with my gi. I just sat there thinking "Ok he has even put the stretch on yet. I can't tap. I'd look like a bitch." then he puts the stretch on and I tap immediately and he let go and I just fell on my face and tried to gain my bearings. His voice got really distant and someone asked if I was alright and I got up and they said my face was really purple and my eyes were bloodshot. And my whole face was tingling.

It was kind of cool while sucking at the same time.

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oh yeah, the choke focuses right on those two spots on your neck, wrap a gi or an arm around it and pull in and up...not back...dude will be either tapping or passing out...have you worked on arm bars yet? those are fun!

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oh yeah, the choke focuses right on those two spots on your neck, wrap a gi or an arm around it and pull in and up...not back...dude will be either tapping or passing out...have you worked on arm bars yet? those are fun!


Yeah armbars are great b/c most people tap nearly immediately before you even apply pressure. Well most of us noobs at least.

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oh yeah, the choke focuses right on those two spots on your neck, wrap a gi or an arm around it and pull in and up...not back...dude will be either tapping or passing out...have you worked on arm bars yet? those are fun!


Yeah armbars are great b/c most people tap nearly immediately before you even apply pressure. Well most of us noobs at least.


hit it right, the higher ranks will tap out just as quick...kinda makes you view wrestling in a different light whenever they use arm and choke holds and the victim is able to hang on and get out of it...

Edited by Black Lushus

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