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Dangerous A

Trimming the Fat

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Of the current TNA roster, who would you cut or keep and who is borderline? Guys I'd cut are in bold and borderline guys in italics. Keepers are in normal font.




AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

The Alpha Male Monty Brown

Andy Douglas


Austin Aries

BG James

Bobby Roode

Cassidy Riley

Chase Stevens

Chris Harris

Chris Sabin

Christian Cage

David Young

Eric Young

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Gail Kim

Jackie Gayda

James Mitchell

James Storm

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jerelle Clark

Jerry Lynn

Johnny Devine

Kevin Nash

Kip James


Lance Hoyt

Matt Bentley

Petey Williams

Prime Time Elix Skipper



Roderick Strong

Ron Killings


Samoa Joe

Sean Waltman

Shark Boy


Simon Diamond

Sonjay Dutt

Sonny Siaki

Team 3D

Traci Brooks


How would you proceed with the current talent pool?

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A1 - Cut


AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

The Alpha Male Monty Brown

Andy Douglas

Apolo - Cut

Austin Aries - Borderline

BG James

Bobby Roode

Cassidy Riley

Chase Stevens

Chris Harris

Chris Sabin

Christian Cage

David Young - Borderline

Eric Young

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Gail Kim

Jackie Gayda

James Mitchell

James Storm

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jerelle Clark - Borderline

Jerry Lynn

Johnny Devine

Kevin Nash - I thought he was done with wrestling due to the heart scare he had.

Kip James - Borderline


Lance Hoyt

Matt Bentley - Cut

Petey Williams

Prime Time Elix Skipper - Borderline



Roderick Strong - Borderline

Ron Killings


Samoa Joe

Sean Waltman - Cut

Shark Boy

Shocker - Is Shocker still even in TNA? If so, Cut

Simon Diamond - Cut

Sonjay Dutt

Sonny Siaki - Borderline

Team 3D

Traci Brooks

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Guest Bulwark





BG James

Cassidy Riley

David Young

Jeff Hardy

Kevin Nash

Kip James


Lance Hoyt

Sean Waltman


Simon Diamond

Sonny Siaki

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AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

The Alpha Male Monty Brown

Andy Douglas


Austin Aries

BG James

Bobby Roode

Cassidy Riley

Chase Stevens

Chris Harris

Chris Sabin

Christian Cage

David Young

Eric Young

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Gail Kim

Jackie Gayda

James Mitchell

James Storm

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jerelle Clark

Jerry Lynn

Johnny Devine

Kevin Nash he's done anyways, if it wasn't for the heart thing, he'd stay

Kip James


Lance Hoyt

Matt Bentley

Petey Williams

Prime Time Elix Skipper



Roderick Strong

Ron Killings


Samoa Joe

Sean Waltman for the no shows...otherwise I'd keep him.

Shark Boy


Simon Diamond

Sonjay Dutt

Sonny Siaki

Team 3D

Traci Brooks



If Dangerous A's changes were applied....TNA would be off TV in 1 month. Altough he's keeping the good workers or whatever, he's cutting or borderline on anyone with name value. Very stupid business.

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If Dangerous A's changes were applied....TNA would be off TV in 1 month. Altough he's keeping the good workers or whatever, he's cutting or borderline on anyone with name value. Very stupid business.







I just don't see the value in the people you think have name value. I'd rather take my chances creating stars from the good workers and giving them mic and interview time to get over and become personalities versus using the "established" stars for some kind of rub. Just my take.



edit: looking at your list, Carnival, it isn't too far off of mine, although I have more cuts. Methinks you got offended because I put Jeff Jarrett on my cut list. I wouldn't mind Jarrett on the roster if he wouldn't mind taking a spot that wasn't in the main event, but since Jarrett would probrably not be down for that, I would cut him.

Edited by Dangerous A

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AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

The Alpha Male Monty Brown

Andy Douglas


Austin Aries

BG James

Bobby Roode

Cassidy Riley

Chase Stevens

Chris Harris

Chris Sabin

Christian Cage

David Young

Eric Young

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Gail Kim

Jackie Gayda

James Mitchell

James Storm

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jerelle Clark

Jerry Lynn

Johnny Devine

Kevin Nash

Kip James


Lance Hoyt

Matt Bentley

Petey Williams

Prime Time Elix Skipper



Roderick Strong

Ron Killings


Samoa Joe

Sean Waltman

Shark Boy


Simon Diamond

Sonjay Dutt

Sonny Siaki

Team 3D

Traci Brooks



Not too many cuts... I think TNA has a fine roster.

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Guest [censored]

I think your missing the boat with Johnny Devine. When not injured this guy is awesome. He can be high flying but also wrestler a mat based style, he's got a great look and natural charisma as a heel. He and Bobby Rhoode are the two best prospects in Team Canada in my opinion.


Also why cut David Young? He's a solid worker, will do the job and can make guys look great. Everyone can't be a star you need guys like him.



IMO, the only problem with the Naturals is how they are being used. They should be the modern day Midnight Express complete with loud mouthed manager. These two can work though and make the tag team division much more well rounded.



Jeff Hardy has fans, can take bumps and can hit high spots. He has a ton of value but he needs to be put on a team with a great worker so his weaknesses can be hidden. If TNA brought in a guy like Jamie Noble/Gibson and put them together as a baby face team they would be much better off.


I wouldn't cut much of anyone but instead I would pick the guys I want to build the company around,and push them to the moon using the other talent, if they didn't like that I would then cut them.


However there are three guys I can't stand who I would cut

Konan - one of the laziest workers I ever seen, who relies soley on cheap heat and gimmicks. I hate Konan.


Kip James - he's never going to get over. I'm sorry he may be a great guy but he doesn't fit with the roster.


BG James - old act, doesn't bring much to the table and with Konan and Kip gone he's has no place.


Kevin Nash - He shouldn't even be on the website.


Sabu - I liked him alot but I think he's holding them creatively but relying on old stories, matches and gimmicks


I wouldn't cut Raven , however I would change his role to manager and occassional wrestler sort of like Kevin Sullivan back in the Dungeon of Doom days. He should be using people to do his dirty work and fight his battles for him. Only getting in the ring when finally forced to by the face of the month. Also Raven should never be anything other than a heel.

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Sabu - I liked him alot but I think he's holding them creatively but relying on old stories, matches and gimmicks

Same can be said about all of the "established" stars from WWF, WCW, ECW that are currently working for TNA.

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Of the current TNA roster, who would you cut or keep and who is borderline? Guys I'd cut are in bold and borderline guys in italics. Keepers are in normal font.




AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

The Alpha Male Monty Brown

Andy Douglas


Austin Aries

BG James

Bobby Roode

Cassidy Riley

Chase Stevens

Chris Harris

Chris Sabin

Christian Cage

David Young

Eric Young

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Gail Kim

Jackie Gayda

James Mitchell

James Storm

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jerelle Clark

Jerry Lynn

Johnny Devine

Kevin Nash

Kip James


Lance Hoyt

Matt Bentley

Petey Williams

Prime Time Elix Skipper



Roderick Strong

Ron Killings


Samoa Joe

Sean Waltman

Shark Boy


Simon Diamond

Sonjay Dutt

Sonny Siaki

Team 3D

Traci Brooks


How would you proceed with the current talent pool?


I agree with Carnival.

No need to cut Sharky, Jeff Hardy, Devine, Hoyt, Clark Young, or Riley. Besides Hardy, none of them to much else but job. And all of them can make their opponents look good. Not to mention Sharky and Hoyt are over with the fans. And Riley is entertaining. the Naturals shouldn't be borderline, they are TNA's best tag team. Period.

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Using the same key as DA (bolded are cuts, italicized are borderline, normal is keep)...




AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

The Alpha Male Monty Brown

Andy Douglas


Austin Aries

BG James

Bobby Roode

Cassidy Riley

Chase Stevens

Chris Harris

Chris Sabin

Christian Cage

David Young

Eric Young

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Gail Kim

Jackie Gayda

James Mitchell

James Storm

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jerelle Clark

Jerry Lynn

Johnny Devine

Kevin Nash

Kip James


Lance Hoyt

Matt Bentley

Petey Williams

Prime Time Elix Skipper



Roderick Strong

Ron Killings


Samoa Joe

Sean Waltman

Shark Boy


Simon Diamond

Sonjay Dutt

Sonny Siaki

Team 3D

Traci Brooks



A1, Apolo, Kevin Nash, Sean Waltman, Shocker


A1 is just a muscleheaded oaf to act as the enforcer of Team Canada, when Team Canada doesn't NEED an enforcer. And were they to get one, hiring a better wrestler wouldn't be that hard.

Apolo just flat-out sucks. He showed a lot of promise in his first TNA run, and yeah, he may just be one of the biggest stars in Puerto Rico ever, but why is something I'll never understand. No promo abilities, so much muscle he can't move, and little charisma.

Kevin Nash is gone since he'd likely be a liability at this stage. If he were to come in for a match or two to give the rub to somebody younger, or maybe work as a manager for somebody who needs to develop mic skills and/or a character (read: 3/4 of the roster), or even do SOLELY backstage booking work with Scott D'Amore and crew, then I'd say he'd be borderline, because what he adds to the product doesn't make up for what he could do - even accidentally - to damage it.

Sean Waltman because he no-showed his last couple of bookings for TNA, and outside of a fire being lit under his ass in the working department, he brings nothing.

Shocker because he hasn't impressed me at all in TNA, and I think he's on his way out anyway, if he's even still there.



Alex Shelley, Cassidy Riley, David Young, Jerelle Clark, Lance Hoyt, "Primetime" Elix Skipper, Simon Diamond, Sonny Siaki, Traci Brooks


Shelley may be awesome in RoH, but he's been nothing but dull in TNA. They either need to invest in giving him a character and a program, or just cut their ties.

-Riley has a decent enough look, and it'd be good to give Raven another set of lackeys after The Gathering turned on him, but he's mediocre-at-best in the ring, and abysmal-at-worst.

-David Young...he's talented and works in the goofball department, but that's it. Fodder.

-Jerelle Clark is just a jobber, basically, whose only real talent is his ability to do flips. He doesn't even do them NICELY like most of the X-Division workers do, he just flips.

-Lance Hoyt is...yeah. Only reason I didn't decide to cut him flat-out was because of how over he is with the live fans.

-Skipper...he has his "on" days. They only come in tag matches and multi-man spotfests, though. He's never really been able to work a one-on-one match, only multi-man spotfests and tag bouts, so unless he's restricted solely to those, I don't want to see him.

-Simon Diamond USED to be good in the ring. Simon Diamond USED to be gold on the stick. Ever since ECW went under, though, Simon Diamond has sucked a major dick. No real reason for him to be there, no real reason to fire him either.

-Sonny Siaki is a good tag worker. He just needs a GOOD PARTNER. His tag bouts when teaming with Ekmo (Jamal of 3MW) were good, as were his tag matches when in the Flying Elvises.

-Traci needs to be used, dammit! Bentley needs a good tag partner, and Traci's his manager, so either Bentley gets a good partner and she manages them, or she manages somebody higher on the card. Otherwise? No use paying for just tits, ass, and a square jaw.

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DA, yes i found the cut of JJ stupid. You've explained that, even though I don't agree with your reasoning. I more so found the cuts of BG, Kip, and Primietime a little extreme. Plus placing Raven and Hardy on borderline is insane unless for disciplinary reasons.


Cutting everyone with name value and just letting dudes go balls out is not going to garner new fans IMO. I just plain don't agree with you, those guys won't be able to get over without a rub. I just don't think it would work

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Raven, Hardy, and Konnan are disciplinary issues for sure, which is why they are on the borderline.


If Waltman didn't have the relationship with HHH and Vince that he has and didn't flake, he'd be a keeper. Too bad that is not the case.


I probrably was a little hard on Prime Time, but I just haven't seen him grow as a wrestler beyond a spot machine, and not a good one at that. Kip and BG don't work for me period. They gotta go if you ask me.

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I think BG and Kip could prove vital to the tag division aswell as the Naturals whom you had on borderline.


I didn't really wanna cut or borderline some people because TNA can't really afford to lose a lot of talent. Yes currently they too many guys to fit into an hour, but a lot of these guys might be useful in the future.

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AJ Styles (although I'm kind of on the fence-- not a huge fan)

Alex Shelley

The Alpha Male Monty Brown

Andy Douglas


Austin Aries

BG James

Bobby Roode

Cassidy Riley

Chase Stevens

Chris Harris

Chris Sabin

Christian Cage

David Young

Eric Young

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Gail Kim

Jackie Gayda

James Mitchell

James Storm

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jerelle Clark

Jerry Lynn

Johnny Devine

Kevin Nash

Kip James


Lance Hoyt

Matt Bentley

Petey Williams

Prime Time Elix Skipper



Roderick Strong

Ron Killings


Samoa Joe

Sean Waltman

Shark Boy


Simon Diamond

Sonjay Dutt

Sonny Siaki

Team 3D

Traci Brooks


Those in bold, I would keep. Italics, I'm on the fence. No code, no way.


Yeah, my wrestling company would fail, but at least I wouldn't have people under contract that I'm personally biased against. For the most part, I really dislike the roster of TNA.

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AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

The Alpha Male Monty Brown

Andy Douglas


Austin Aries

BG James

Bobby Roode

Cassidy Riley

Chase Stevens

Chris Harris

Chris Sabin

Christian Cage

David Young

Eric Young

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Gail Kim

Jackie Gayda

James Mitchell

James Storm

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jerelle Clark

Jerry Lynn

Johnny Devine

Kevin Nash

Kip James


Lance Hoyt

Matt Bentley

Petey Williams

Prime Time Elix Skipper



Roderick Strong

Ron Killings


Samoa Joe

Sean Waltman

Shark Boy


Simon Diamond

Sonjay Dutt

Sonny Siaki

Team 3D

Traci Brooks

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Guest thebadguy76

Here is who I would cut:


A1 - let him go back to Border City wrestling for awhile to get better and maybe

have him come back in a year or so when he has tweaked his looked a little

and is better in the ring. He has a decent look to work with.


Apolo- he sucks plain and simple. Decent look but he looks robotic in the ring.


David Young- decent wrestler but he has a bland look and there are better people

out there that TNA can sign.


Kevin Nash- his career is done. I find his interviews and commentary entertaining

but he has likely wrestled his last match. I wouldn't mind him on

color commentary though.


Lance Hoyt- a 6'9" goof who punches like a girl and has girl tattoos. I just can't

take him seriously.


Prime Time Elix Skipper- his voice is annoying and he is already in his mid-late

30's. His spot should be filled by a younger wrestler

with more potential.


Sean Waltman - overrated piece of garbage who can't be relied on to show up

consistently and can be a headcase. I've never liked him.


Shocker- overrated and is an x-division/heavyweight tweener. Best suited in the

X-division but doesn't look like his style mixes well with the others.

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AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

The Alpha Male Monty Brown

Andy Douglas


Austin Aries

BG James

Bobby Roode

Cassidy Riley

Chase Stevens

Chris Harris

Chris Sabin

Christian Cage

David Young

Eric Young

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Gail Kim

Jackie Gayda

James Mitchell

James Storm

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jerelle Clark

Jerry Lynn

Johnny Devine

Kevin Nash

Kip James


Lance Hoyt

Matt Bentley

Petey Williams

Prime Time Elix Skipper



Roderick Strong

Ron Killings


Samoa Joe

Sean Waltman (Unless he gets his shit together. I like him as a wrestler but he's flaky as hell.)

Shark Boy


Simon Diamond

Sonjay Dutt

Sonny Siaki

Team 3D

Traci Brooks

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Cassidy Riley

David Young

Jerelle Clark

Kevin Nash

Sean Waltman

Simon Diamond



Andy Douglas

Chase Stevens

Jackie Gayda

Jerry Lynn

Kip James

Shark Boy


Explanation for cut guys: All of them have either served their purpose (Nash, Waltman) or are just unnecessary. Or flat out suck. Get rid of them.


Explanation for borderline:

* I was never a big fan of the Naturals, and they may have run their course in TNA.

* Gayda isn't much use to me, even though I'm not opposed to them bringing in women. Now, if they were to sign her husband....

* Didn't know Lynn was on the roster still. If he can't wrestle now, consider getting rid of him.

* Kip James - pull the plug on the NAO reunion, get as much mileage out of that as you can (perhaps with a NAO / Team 3D feud), then fire him.

* Shark Boy - I don't know, maybe he's okay for comedy gimmick purposes, but really, with only one hour of programming on Spike, him on TV only takes up the spot of someone more deserving.


Get rid of at least the 'cut' guys above, and try and sign some of the more 'known' guys out there on the independent scene. Charlie Haas, Homicide, etc. I'd love to see some Chikara guys in the X-Division.

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I don't think I'd cut anybody. If I were in charge, I'd simply USE EVERYONE BETTER. No matter how shitty or useless some of these guys seem to be, they can have uses:


Apolo would be a great strongarm for a stable. Kip and BG would add a lot to the tag scene. Jerelle Clark and A1 would be good jobbers, and I mean that seriously, since that is a vital role for the roster as a whole. The people love Hoyt, so keep him, just don't let him near the ME. Skipper, Young, Siaki, and Shocker would all work better in tag teams rather than as singles. Even Jarrett, the man who arguably holds TNA down single-handedly, would work wonders as an upper-midcard heel helping to get others over.


I just personally don't see the point in cutting anyone without talent when the real problem is that TNA doesn't properly use the people they have WITH talent.

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Guest [censored]
* Didn't know Lynn was on the roster still. If he can't wrestle now, consider getting rid of him.


He's on the roster but it's misleading to think of him as a wrestler. It would be akin to the WWE showing Dean Malenko or Arn Anderson on their roster. I'd like to see him do a few matches here and there but I think his role as a agent could be invaluable for the young guys TNA has who are still learning.


I think A1 is being judged too harshly. He's very green and learning and he's not in the ring much at all. Let's give him a chance to succeed or fail before we bury him.

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Guest Coffey

Hmm, some of these are hard. If someone can't get over or aren't over, then I think, the majority of the time, you blame it on the writing/booking, not the workers. Obviously there's exceptions but after watching Heyman in ECW, I'm confidant that anyone can get over. That being said here's whom I'd cut:




Cassidy Riley

David Young

Eric Young

Jerelle Clark

Jerry Lynn

Lance Hoyt

Prime Time Elix Skipper


Sean Waltman


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Guest JMA

Cuts in bold:




AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

The Alpha Male Monty Brown

Andy Douglas


Austin Aries

BG James

Bobby Roode

Cassidy Riley

Chase Stevens

Chris Harris

Chris Sabin

Christian Cage

David Young

Eric Young

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Gail Kim

Jackie Gayda

James Mitchell

James Storm

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jerelle Clark

Jerry Lynn

Johnny Devine

Kevin Nash

Kip James

Konnan - Make him an interviewer, put Shane on commentary.

Lance Hoyt

Matt Bentley

Petey Williams

Prime Time Elix Skipper



Roderick Strong

Ron Killings


Samoa Joe

Sean Waltman

Shark Boy


Simon Diamond

Sonjay Dutt

Sonny Siaki

Team 3D

Traci Brooks

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I would not cut Hoyt because the man is plain out over, and he apparently sells a lot of shirts, look at all the Hoytamania shirts in the crowd. It'd be like WWF cutting Cena while he was on the rise simply because his ring work isn't great. Hoyt doesn't take up too much space and he can work a decent match, I'd say leave him.

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The guys I would keep.



AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

The Alpha Male Monty Brown

Austin Aries

Bobby Roode

Chris Harris

Chris Sabin

Christian Cage

David Young

Eric Young

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Gail Kim

James Storm

Jerry Lynn

Johnny Devine

Petey Williams


Roderick Strong

Samoa Joe

Shark Boy

Sonjay Dutt

Team 3D


Really, with the amount of TV time that they have, do they need any more?

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People who want to get rid of Apolo, Sonny Siaki, David Young, AND Lance Hoyt are crazy. One or two of them? Yes. But the reason that these guys are around is becaue they're big and muscular. When you want to do step one of establishing a guy as a heavyweight contender, you don't put him over Sonjay Dutt. You put him over one of those four.

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AJ Styles

Alex Shelley

The Alpha Male Monty Brown

Andy Douglas


Austin Aries

BG James

Bobby Roode

Cassidy Riley

Chase Stevens

Chris Harris

Chris Sabin

Christian Cage

David Young

Eric Young

Fallen Angel Christopher Daniels

Gail Kim

Jackie Gayda

James Mitchell

James Storm

Jeff Hardy

Jeff Jarrett

Jerelle Clark

Jerry Lynn

Johnny Devine

Kevin Nash

Kip James


Lance Hoyt

Matt Bentley

Petey Williams

Prime Time Elix Skipper



Roderick Strong

Ron Killings


Samoa Joe

Sean Waltman

Shark Boy


Simon Diamond

Sonjay Dutt

Sonny Siaki

Team 3D

Traci Brooks

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Guest [censored]

Why all the hate for David Young? Not everyone on the roster can be a star and this guy puts people over while making them look good in the ring. What more could you ask of him? He's like an Iron Mike Sharpe, an in offensive but fun enough to watch wrestler who fills his role very well.

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