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Guest tony manero

Winner of the Rumble revealed plus; News on 'Mania

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Guest Fook_Theta

HHH will be winning the title back at or soon after Wrestlemania.


I predict HHH will be cheered more than Cena at the height of the 'feud', but knowing HHH he'll dick it up and go back to being hated soon.

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You people speak as if this is still the Invasion, and he's the most over guy right now.


RVD will get a big pop when he returns, but the overness will soon drop afterwards... especially once he gets into a feud with Masters for the IC title.

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I'd rather see Taker win the Rumble, then job to Batista at Mania, rides off into the sunset.


Then at Summerslam they can put the belt on Orton.

This is my favorite.

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Guest New Jake
Do you seriously think WWE would be stupid enough to give Mr. Flippy-Flop a world title shot over Randall?


Well they were dumb enough to give it to your boy Orton at one point. And he isn't even over. Randy Orton is a fucking worthless main eventers and his fans aren't very smart. WHY does Vince wan't to ruin yet another wrestlemania? Orton and Batista are both useless, sorry loads. They're failures as transitional champions and alltogeather stars. They suck. So why have two losers main event?


I'd rather see Taker win the Rumble, then job to Batista at Mania, rides off into the sunset.


Then at Summerslam they can put the belt on Orton.


Oh fuck off. More bad ideas. Batista is absolutely not worth going over Taker at mania.


And you know what? The biggest missconception you people make about Batista is that this piece of garbage is OVER! He's a fucking aweful in-ring talent and a terrible face. Why on earth should he ruin another WM main event ?


Fucking sad I tell ya.

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Randy Orton wins the World Title?


The incredibly stale John Cena defeats Triple H to complete a full year reign as WWE Champ?


I don't even think a Bret Hart appearence could make me order Wrestlemania 22 if those two things don't change.

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I think the only thing that could possibly save Wrestlemania 22 is Hogan vs Austin, that is the match that will bring in buyrates..... I don't know this sounds weird a heel winning the rumble then chasing the title going into Wrestlemania and winning the title in the main event doesn't sound like it'll draw at all.

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

The "plan" is to have a heel win the title in the main event of WrestleMania?

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Can cabbageboy not grasp that it was NOTHING TO DO WITH ORTON THAT THEY BOOKED A DQ ON THE TRIBUTE SHOW. Bitch about how he sucks, how he's not over, bland, whatever the hell you want, but the DQ WAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ORTON NOT WANTING TO JOB.

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The Orton hate on this board is almost overwhelming...in fact it's threads like this that make me wonder why some of you even watch the show...I've tried to be critical of Orton and I just can't find all that much to be so pissed about..so he's not Benoit but for that matter who is? Austin was a badass who raked in millions...so did the Rock and neither were great workers at the time of their big runs...Orton needs work...his promos have lost the impact they once had(being Rock V.2) but his in ring work is fine and if they'd drop Dad from his side then he could get some crdibility as a true top heel...for Pete's sake he's been in a feud with the UT for almost 9 months, some of which were spent on the sidelines. Nobody these days can have a good feud with Taker because A. You can't hurt him or really beat him 'cause he's the fucking "Dead Man" and B. There's always just one sided promos between the two...no verbal debate that makes me want to care about why they hate each other.

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I haven't said that Orton refused to job on the Eddie show, it's the baffling insistence to "keep him strong" on a show that had no actual bearing on the future. Hell, even HHH would have insisted on doing the job on such a show (and apparently did since he lost to Benoit). Orton could have looked at that booking and said "No, this is Eddie's tribute show so there shouldn't be a DQ. I'll lose tonight, no biggie."


My RVD idea has nothing to do with Orton or the world title on Smackdown anyway. If they're going to do another ECW themed PPV, it's obvious that they are going to have to push RVD come June. They have to then. The main problem I had with last year's show was that it was a nostalgia PPV without any heated feuds or storylines (other than the WWE invaders). With a lot of the ECW talent under TNA contract they need something to make this PPV special. Here's what I suggest:


At WM, RVD can win another Money in the Bank match, which if they put the right guys in it would be an incredible match. Soon after RVD can cut a brief promo saying that unlike Edge, who sat on his title shot till he had no momentum left, he will use his shot soon at the "right time." Since One Night Stand will technically be considered a WWE event, RVD can use the MITB shot at that PPV. At ONS RVD would of course get his big title win in front of the rabid ECW fans, though I'm not sure who would have the title at that point. If it's HHH, I'm not so sure he'd want to do this scenario but it'd be wild to see how the ECW fans react to The Game. If Cena has the title still, it'll also be interesting to see the ECW fans eat him alive.


After that if they just wanted it to be a transition thing, fine. Job RVD out at Summerslam 06 to HHH or whoever. It'd just be nice for him to get his moment in the sun, then he can put over younger guys or stay in the title mix, etc.

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RVD winning the WWE or World Heavyweight Title in front of an ECW crowd?


It would be great yes ... After that let him change the name of the title to ECW World Heavyweight and only defend his belt on "ECW Bout" with Bill Alfonso and cie. It's time to bank on the ECW vs WWE feud

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I haven't said that Orton refused to job on the Eddie show, it's the baffling insistence to "keep him strong" on a show that had no actual bearing on the future.  Hell, even HHH would have insisted on doing the job on such a show (and apparently did since he lost to Benoit).  Orton could have looked at that booking and said "No, this is Eddie's tribute show so there shouldn't be a DQ.  I'll lose tonight, no biggie."


The show had no bearing on either guy's status, but they're saving the finish for a future show. It's not that hard to understand why a non-advertised first-time matchup between the company's top heel and face would end in a schmozz.

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I haven't said that Orton refused to job on the Eddie show, it's the baffling insistence to "keep him strong" on a show that had no actual bearing on the future.  Hell, even HHH would have insisted on doing the job on such a show (and apparently did since he lost to Benoit).  Orton could have looked at that booking and said "No, this is Eddie's tribute show so there shouldn't be a DQ.  I'll lose tonight, no biggie."


The show had no bearing on either guy's status, but they're saving the finish for a future show. It's not that hard to understand why a non-advertised first-time matchup between the company's top heel and face would end in a schmozz.


Something that they could have remedied by not doing that match at all. A tribute show shouldn't have a cheap finish like that for it's main event.


There were ample options for a main event beyond Cena and Orton.

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Wait, Batista is 40. What has he been doing all these years? Why would Vince hire someone with little wrestling experience and push him insanely? Because he has a great look???


I've been away from wrestling for over a year. What's behind the Orton hatred? Last time I watched wrestling seriously, he was madly over in Evolution.

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For some reason Vince listened to the fans when it came to Batista, probably because Batista was buddies with HHH. Batista wasn't pushed to the moon until after he got the reactions though. Prior to that he was always the odd-man out in Evolution, or the guy they would use if they need to put over someone in a RAW main event (as happened more than once in the Benoit title reign).


Batista was getting very strong reactions by the summer of 2004 though, and the push started in the fall. Remember this is a guy who's career almost ended with his injury in 2003.


I've been away from wrestling for over a year. What's behind the Orton hatred? Last time I watched wrestling seriously, he was madly over in Evolution.


He won the World Title at Summerslam 2004, then got punked out by HHH the next night and turned face. The next month featured him running like a bitch from Evolution before jobbing the title to HHH at Unforgiven 2004 ending his title reign after about 4 weeks. He got his ass kicked by HHH for months, finally losing clean in a humilating defeat at the Royal Rumble (with Orton getting booed out of the building despite being face). By the time we get to the Undertaker feud, Orton's heat had been killed and his credibility shot.


Meanwhile, Batista was starting to really get super-over in the late summer-fall of 2004 as well. In the fans eyes, since they were both in Evolution, Batista and Orton were in direct competition with each other. Batista was the fans choice. Orton was Vince's choice who was being viewed as having gotten an undeserved World Title push by that point. In order to boost Batista, therefore some fans found it necessary to tear down Orton as well, since he was being groomed for the Wrestlemania title win against HHH that they wanted Batista to get.


Personally, I despised Orton during that face run, just because it was so painfully obvious that the company was trying to use whatever cheap heat they could to get him over and Orton himself just couldn't play the character. He is much better as the Legend Killer. I am still not a fan of him, but by Wrestlemania his credibility was so destroyed by the face run that putting him over Undertaker there would have ruined his career as the fans simply would not have accepted it. He was rather fortunate that he got injured actually. Because by the time he got back, a lot of that stuff was forgotten by the fans and the Batista/Orton comparison was no longer valid since Batista had gotten the title (and crushed Orton in a match the next night). Plus the match against Taker was a pleasant surprise. The combination of that job to Taker and the injury was the best thing that ever happened to Orton. It was a very weird situation in which doing a job ended up helping him more than winning would have.

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Guest New Jake
so he's not Benoit but for that matter who is?


Um lets see....


Shelton Benjamin

Christian(talent-wise, not gimmick)

Matt Hardy


They're not Benoit's, but they can wrestle unlike Orton.


Austin was a badass who raked in millions...so did the Rock and neither were great workers at the time of their big runs...


Bullshit. Austin couldn't help his bad neck and Rock was always a great worker. It is utterly useless to make such comparisons.


Orton needs work...his promos have lost the impact they once had(being Rock V.2)


Perhaps the biggest missconception about Randy Orton is that he has mic skills. His promos have blown since day one. He cut probably his worst promo at WM XX. There is nothing interesting about a lame fratboy dissing a bunch of old people. It's laughable people compared his promos to the Rock. You see even in his rookie days, Rock was funny and convincing. Randy Orton just isn't.


for Pete's sake he's been in a feud with the UT for almost 9 months, some of which were spent on the sidelines.


A feud which has only produced one good match (WM 21), a zillion bad promos and the most overplayed, unremarkable and boring ending to a casket match in history. Taker has had better feuds then this. A feud isn't interesting when it's blatantly obviouse that it's just slaunted on tv for the sake of pushing a failed greenhorn.

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Wait,  Batista is 40.  What has he been doing all these years?  Why would Vince hire someone with little wrestling experience and push him insanely?  Because he has a great look???

You've got the answer right there. Vince is obessed with huge muscle freaks. Always has been, always will be.

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Guest New Jake
New Jake is the worst kind of poster here. A big accomplishment, kudos to you.


Kiss my ass pal. You know I'm telling the truth.


Batista was getting very strong reactions by the summer of 2004 though, and the push started in the fall. Remember this is a guy who's career almost ended with his injury in 2003.


Are you fucking joking? Batista's fan responce has greatly dimminished since his push. He's basically a one hit wander. Now this guy is about as important as Goldberg's shitty WWE run. And this roided loser is still champion? Either Vince is blind or the fans faith in this guy is fucked. Either way, Batista is an abortion of a wrestler.

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While I don't agree Orton is the ideal person to win at the Rumble, really, who else is there that Vince would REALISTICALLY want to push? I think Orton would be a better candidate for this spot than say, Chris Masters or Carlito. Though it makes me wonder if Edge is going to blow through the MitB beforehand, with the rumored matches being Orton/Batista and Cena/HHH? Have they even mentioned the MITB thing lately?

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