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Epic Reine

Best matches involving non-wrestlers!

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Guest jm29195

If Vince counts as a non-worker, then his major matches against Austin and HHH in 99, against Flair in 02, and against Hogan in 03 were all very entertaining... hell even his matches in 03 against Gowen and Steph were miles better than they had any right to be......

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Test vs. Shane McMahon from SS 99 was awesome at the time. Watching it today, I'd leave it as decent.


Vince vs. Shane from WM X7 holds up pretty well as just a good 'sports entertainment' match

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Then for women, we have the Trish/Steph match that most everyone seemed to enjoy.

That's my pick too.


I remember fearing the worst and then it turned out to be a good match.

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I always liked the NFL vs Wrestlers Battle Royale at WM2.

Does anyone know if there was any real reaction from the NFL or its teams? This certainly wouldn't go over like hotcakes in today's environment.

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Why wouldn't the NFL thing fly in this day and age?


I realise wrestling will never be held in the same regard as football, but given all the bad press football's gotten in the last 6 months or so (cruise ships and the like), how's any kind of publicity gonna hurt? Wrestling's more, for all intents and purposes, alot more respected than it was in 1996, even with it often being less than stellar.


Plus, p retty well every week there's at least some football players in the audience on Raw.

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Why wouldn't the NFL thing fly in this day and age?


I realise wrestling will never be held in the same regard as football, but given all the bad press football's gotten in the last 6 months or so (cruise ships and the like), how's any kind of publicity gonna hurt? Wrestling's more, for all intents and purposes, alot more respected than it was in 1996, even with it often being less than stellar.


Plus, p retty well every week there's at least some football players in the audience on Raw.

Generally because of injuries. Teams are much more protective of their talent now than 20 years ago. Many contracts have clauses specifically prohibiting some physical activities.

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Bam Bam Bigelow-Lawrence Taylor is like the Flair-Steamboat of celebrity wrestling matches.


Then you've got the three cage match with Jeff Jarrett, Diamond Dallas Page, and David Arquette, which was like the Oz-Bill Kazmaier of celebrity matches.

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