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*SPOILER* No Way Out Main Event Revealed

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An email sent out by Baltimore's First Mariner Center announced that tickets for the WWE No Way Out PPV will go on sale this weekend.


According to the email, Kurt Angle will defend his title against The Undertaker in the show's main-event.


(Partial Source: PWInsider.com)


Well, looks like we won't be getting the best possible option for the world title match at Mania since their wasting it here. Their reasoning is so the Undertaker's streak is safely intact, most likely.

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Well, looks like we won't be getting the best possible option for the world title match at Mania since their wasting it here.


Okay, I'll be the first to say it.


Undertaker / Angle? Most definitely NOT the "best possible option for the world title match at Mania." Oh, far from it.


As down as I am on a possible Orton / Angle match at Mania, I'd rather see that match-up about a billion times more than I ever want to see Taker / Angle. I'd rather see just about anyone versus Angle over Taker. Even Mark Henry. Yes, I'm serious. No, I'm not joking.

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I said POSSIBLE option. This was the most realistically "Wrestlemania-esque" match they could've gone with, as Benoit-Angle has been done to death and Benoit just lost a US title feud, thereby having very little current world title credibility.


And you MUST be kidding regaurding the Henry remark.

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Guest wildpegasus
I said POSSIBLE option. This was the most realistically "Wrestlemania-esque" match they could've gone with, as Benoit-Angle has been done to death and Benoit just lost a US title feud, thereby having very little current world title credibility.


And you MUST be kidding regaurding the Henry remark.


Benoit and Angle hasn't been done in 2 years. And at the Rumble they beautifully set the seeds for a rematch which never really occured. If they want to they can easily do Benoit and Angle for Mania.


Edit -- 3 years. I can't belive how time goes by

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Guest wildpegasus
I said POSSIBLE option. This was the most realistically "Wrestlemania-esque" match they could've gone with, as Benoit-Angle has been done to death and Benoit just lost a US title feud, thereby having very little current world title credibility.


And you MUST be kidding regaurding the Henry remark.


I could buy Henry vs Angle. Henry's been on a role lately complete with a

very good match against Rey Mysterio on Smackdown

. I'm digging Henry right now more than almost anyone. He's got the look and if he can keep up his momentum than good things can happen.

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Guest Dr Stupid

I saw on Smackdown here in Australia they're advertising matches for March 3rd and 5th Sydney and Brisbane house shows, with one of them being Angle (defending) v Henry v Orton v Taker. Also they said Booker T (defending) v Benoit for U.S. Title. This could very well mean that they are keeping Benoit in the US Title scene through WM. I would love to see Angle/Benoit as well, but I wanna see a good build up with their rivalry

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Angle/UT at WM wouldn't make sense because A. it'd be stupid to end UT's WM streak at this point with a loss to Kurt Angle, a guy who doesn't need THAT kind of rub and B. a UT title reign wouldn't really do the company any good unless it's merely a transition into a fued with Batista whenever he returns.

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There is nothing to gain from putting Angle over Undertaker or Taker over Angle. However, this is a big enough match to give NWO some interest which it usually struggles to get because of the placement in between WWE's two biggest shows of the year.


Angle/Taker matches are hit or miss. They either really stink up the place or put on a great match.


This would be political nightmare for WWE to handle if it were the WM main event for Smackdown. Undertaker isn't going to want to give up his streak and Angle will try to play politics saying that he's jobbed the WM main event too many times now(xix and xx), also Undertaker has a limited schedule which is something a champion today can't have.


Despite his popularity, Undertaker has never been a steady draw, so there is really nothing to get from saving this for WM. There is no point in ending the streak now as any rub that could be obtained from it, was lost last year.


Angle will work Orton because Orton is Smackdown's default #1 heel in the eyes of WWE, Mark Henry will get the sacrifice spot to Undertaker despite the fact Undertaker really needs a good match to solidfy his streak. Both men (Taker and Angle) would benifit (as would the fans), from Benoit being used in either place but it isn't going to happen.


It's smarter to use the Taker/Angle match for NWO and get whatever interest you can, placed on that show instead.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
It's smarter to use the Taker/Angle match for NWO and get whatever interest you can, placed on that show instead.

Honestly, I think you have to look at No Way Out for what it is. The show in between two HUGE shows that people want to buy. Most people aren't going to want to buy three expensive shows in a row. You can put barbed wire cage matches in there and its not going to make all that much of a difference in the end.


What you NEED to do, though, is put out an appealing Wrestlemania card. And as of right now, the card they have planned absolutely sucks. Like I said, I'm sure they have something waiting in the wings to fix it, but right now, not so good. People are going to buy Mania regardless. But every year, they have a certain number in their head for the Mania buyrate. The "every year" buyers plus people who buy because something on the card is appealing. And if you run HHH/Edge, Taker/Henry, Angle/Orton and Vince/Shawn, you're not attracting a hell of a lot of casual fans. If the Mania buyrate ends up just being the diehards, that's a huge embarassment to the company.

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It's smarter to use the Taker/Angle match for NWO and get whatever interest you can, placed on that show instead.

Honestly, I think you have to look at No Way Out for what it is. The show in between two HUGE shows that people want to buy. Most people aren't going to want to buy three expensive shows in a row. You can put barbed wire cage matches in there and its not going to make all that much of a difference in the end.


What you NEED to do, though, is put out an appealing Wrestlemania card. And as of right now, the card they have planned absolutely sucks. Like I said, I'm sure they have something waiting in the wings to fix it, but right now, not so good. People are going to buy Mania regardless. But every year, they have a certain number in their head for the Mania buyrate. The "every year" buyers plus people who buy because something on the card is appealing. And if you run HHH/Edge, Taker/Henry, Angle/Orton and Vince/Shawn, you're not attracting a hell of a lot of casual fans. If the Mania buyrate ends up just being the diehards, that's a huge embarassment to the company.


Even if you load up the show with attractive matches, the show can still "fail" by usual Mania standards. Look at WMXIX for example. You had arguably five main events (Lesnar/Angle, McMahon/Hogan, Booker/HHH, Jericho/Shawn and Austin/Rock) and it tanked by WM standards.


Last year drew well because the main event spots were really getting over and they built an overly strong card that was really appealing to casual fans but also threw a bone for the die-hards.


Maybe Edge/Triple H will hit it off and it draws interest, we don't know yet because WWE hasn't both to plant any seeds with the exception of Triple H's brief and forgotten shot at Edge the night after NYR.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
Even if you load up the show with attractive matches, the show can still "fail" by usual Mania standards. Look at WMXIX for example. You had arguably five main events (Lesnar/Angle, McMahon/Hogan, Booker/HHH, Jericho/Shawn and Austin/Rock) and it tanked by WM standards.

You have to factor in that the only match they promoted at all was Vince vs. Hogan. You also can't do that.


Last year drew well because the main event spots were really getting over and they built an overly strong card that was really appealing to casual fans but also threw a bone for the die-hards.
They haven't done either.

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While it would suck to the people that ordered NWO, and would lead to a pisspoor match at WM, I could see them having Orton-ference mar the Angle/Taker match at NWO, leading to a 3-way at WM.

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While it would suck to the people that ordered NWO, and would lead to a pisspoor match at WM, I could see them having Orton-ference mar the Angle/Taker match at NWO, leading to a 3-way at WM.


the only problem with that is that you still have to make the decision of either canning a WM streak you'll never have anyone achieve again (not anytime soon anyway) or putting the belt on a guy that the company really wouldn't get much out of other than transitioning to Batista (who may not be back anytime soon). Let's face it, at this point, there's no way in hell Mark is gonna be "feeling" losing at WM.


I can see hotshotting from UT back to Batista if he was coming back anytime soon, but then you blow your wad on a potential money match between the two at say Summerslam or Survivor Series and I don't know if keeping the belt on UT from WM to either of those two PPVs is the wisest choice.


Oh the corners WWE books themselves into...

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Even if you load up the show with attractive matches, the show can still "fail" by usual Mania standards. Look at WMXIX for example. You had arguably five main events (Lesnar/Angle, McMahon/Hogan, Booker/HHH, Jericho/Shawn and Austin/Rock) and it tanked by WM standards.

You have to factor in that the only match they promoted at all was Vince vs. Hogan. You also can't do that.


Last year drew well because the main event spots were really getting over and they built an overly strong card that was really appealing to casual fans but also threw a bone for the die-hards.
They haven't done either.


That was my point, loading a card with attractive matches for the sake of having them on the card isn't going to draw anything, but if you give the fans a reason to care and make it mean something and put out a over-all strong card, the fans will buy it.


WMXIX argueably had a better set of main events then WMXXI but no one cared because it meant nothing.

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Angle/UT at WM wouldn't make sense because A. it'd be stupid to end UT's WM streak at this point with a loss to Kurt Angle, a guy who doesn't need THAT kind of rub and B. a UT title reign wouldn't really do the company any good unless it's merely a transition into a fued with Batista whenever he returns.


I disagree. I think an Undertaker title reign would be pretty profitable if done properly. He hasn't been champion for a lonnnnnng time. There's a lot of fresh feuds he could have over the World Title (Benoit, Booker T., Angle, Rey Misterio, Batista when he returns)

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What I'm waiting to see is how badly booked the finish to this match is. Taker isn't getting beat without a ton of interference from his Wrestlemania opponent and Angle will be booked to look like shit. This makes me groan because it will be the beginning of Angle's return to his goofy persona.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
What I'm waiting to see is how badly booked the finish to this match is. Taker isn't getting beat without a ton of interference from his Wrestlemania opponent and Angle will be booked to look like shit. This makes me groan because it will be the beginning of Angle's return to his goofy persona.

I'm not so sure. I think Angle's at the level now where Taker won't feel the need to fuck him.

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Why does Taker even still have a job? Is he still THAT popular? I honestly don't know. I mean, is he selling T-shirts and putting on quality matches that entertain the masses? Hasn't his time passed?

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Why does Taker even still have a job? Is he still THAT popular? I honestly don't know. I mean, is he selling T-shirts and putting on quality matches that entertain the masses? Hasn't his time passed?

Quite honestly, UT will decide when UT's time has passed.

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Well, looks like we won't be getting the best possible option for the world title match at Mania since their wasting it here.


As down as I am on a possible Orton / Angle match at Mania, I'd rather see that match-up about a billion times more than I ever want to see Taker / Angle.




I guess you don't remember the kickass match between the two in 2003, and all kinds of reports of their kickass match at a house show before WM 21, last year.

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I'm actually glad they're going this route with UT/Angle at NWO. Like someone said earlier, WWE would really book themselves into a corner putting that match on at Mania. You either kill UT's streak or waste a title reign on him while killing Angle's immense overness.


And I actually would rather see Mark Henry fight UT at Mania over Angle. You know why? Because Mark Henry sucks and should be used as a jobber to put over Taker. UT hasn't really put out any quality matches since going back to the deadman persona. Well, I guess his first Orton match wasn't bad, but that's one in 2 years... Anyway, there's no point allowing either of these two guys to drag down someone else at Mania. You can kill two birds with one stone and confine a lot of "suck" into one match. Would the match be good? Fuck no, it wouldn't. But who cares? Keep it short, Taker keeps his streak, Henry stays away from anything good, the match is fogotten, and everyone's happy. Then let Angle and Benoit fight guys they can have good matches with that can be remembered.

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