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Using Eddie's death in storylines - So, are all of you finally aga

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I remember back after the SD where Orton destroyed Eddie's lowrider, TBS powerbombed Rey on it, and TBS spit on the car, few people here thought that it was fine and that we should look at it just as a TV show. I thought that line of thinking was stupid then, and I still do. I've been against using Eddie's death in any sort of storyline (I'm against that no matter who the wrestler is) since day one. The tribute shows were great, and a few nods to Eddie now and then in a match is fine as well. Heck, I'm even ok with someone saying that they are going to wrestle a given match in memory of him.


But here we are two months later, and we have all of this shit with Rey going way overboard with the talk about Eddie, we have the heels in matches mocking Eddie, etc... Last night with HHH vs. Chavo, when the fans would start to cheer for HHH he would do something to mock Eddie to try to get back over as a heel. Then with what happens/is said at this coming SD (it's not a huge spoiler, so feel free to check it out) I have got to think that there will come a point where someone or a group of guys say something about this. Here is the small spoiler:


Orton asks Rey why he looks up all the time, he should look down, cause "Eddie's in Hell!"


Dave Meltzer had this to say about it on the WC message board:


I just got a call from one of their guys this morning. The locker room reaction when they heard that line was stunned silence and I was told a complete loss of all respect for management.


He goes on to say this about guys being vocal about it or refusing to do certain things regarding it:


Anyone can say no, but everyone knows what happens when you do.


If Orton quits, there is no TNA and no Japan. I'm guessing he has years left on his contract and if they don't sue for breach (under those circumstances, they probably wouldn't), he'd have to sue, with no guarantees of winning, to be able to work anywhere in entertainment until it expires.


I'm not defending anyone's actions on this. Just explaning why guys will be offended and continue on like nothing happened.


I know that guys are worried about losing their jobs over being too vocal, but I have got to imagine that there is a line somewhere, and when it's crossed some sort of backlash will take place.


I just thought that quote from Meltzer was worth mentioning, and thinking over. The road to Wrestlemania could be very interesting (in a bad way) if they continue stuff like this.

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The thing is, Vince has them all by the balls and they are the ones who put his hand there and squeezed it. They knew what kind of man he was and they cannot honestly tell me they thought Vince wouldn't do this.


They have three options: Quit and pray TNA can hire them, speak up and be fired and hope TNA or Japan can use them, or shut the hell up and take it like they always have.


The only way they could hit Vince were it hurts is the day of RAW is they all leave, just Trips and Vince stay. It's all they can do and even that would blow up in their face. Simply put, they are screwed.

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I like (not really) how they do something nice (the shows for the military, free PPVs for servicemen/Eddie tribute shows, giving money to the family) and then go and do something that insults those they did something great for (all of the talk by Kurt Angle and others putting down the military/all of this shit with Eddie).


It's like they think that the good that they do gives them a free ticket to do whatever the hell they want. It's almost like, I said almost, they do the good just so they can have that "free ticket" to do the bad.

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You know, with Eddie being dead and all, it's hard to imagine him having a problem with this. I think his number 1 problem would be being dead.


What are you talking about? He helped out Rey in the Rumble, remember?

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You know, with Eddie being dead and all, it's hard to imagine him having a problem with this. I think his number 1 problem would be being dead.


What are you talking about? He helped out Rey in the Rumble, remember?


No, he didn't help out Rey because he's in hell dumbass. I would say that's his biggest problem at the moment

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You know, with Eddie being dead and all, it's hard to imagine him having a problem with this. I think his number 1 problem would be being dead.


What are you talking about? He helped out Rey in the Rumble, remember?

That was only to make up for him causing Rey to draw number two.

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Maybe it's just me but I don't think Orton would have a problem doing anything they ask because he knows he can't go anywhere, and probably realizes it's WWE or bust. It's the guys like Rey, Chavo & Benoit that I'm slowly losing respect for. All three have been in the business for a while, were THISclose with Eddie and still suck Vince's dick for a paycheck. All three could easily work elsewhere, and I guess the only thing stopping them from quitting is fear that they could end up getting Brock'd. Then again, if Lesnar wins his judgment that might be the first major thing that causes a backlash. If Benoit re-signed recently and starts whining about Eddie being exploited someone should kindly tell him to shut the fuck up because I'm sure TNA & Japan would have paid him a similar rate with less dates, and wouldn't push him as a midcarder either.

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Like I said in another thread, Rey is done. Finito. His gimmick/style from here on out isn't cruiserweight star, underdog, little Mexican that could or any of that shit.


It's the one-man Eddy Guerrero tribute show.

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Guest Timmer

It's all about cheap heat and I guarantee you that if the "leaders" in the locker room got together and voiced their displeasure, I don't think we would be having this thread.

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Like I said in another thread, Rey is done. Finito. His gimmick/style from here on out isn't cruiserweight star, underdog, little Mexican that could or any of that shit.


It's the one-man Eddy Guerrero tribute show.


And when he keeps losing, it's not going to be much of a tribute show.

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You know what gets me? Rey's color-coordinated "EG" armbands. The Mexicools are still wearing the original ones (by all appearances) and that's one thing, but Rey has worked it into his outfits. There's a line between tribute and fashion accessory.


And I'm sure Eddie, wherever he is, doesn't mind his name being used to help keep Rey over. It still seems somewhat distasteful, though.

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I wouldn't be surprised if the first eight Ultimate Warriors were behind this downward spiral for the WWE. This is payback for what Vince did to #9.


There were dozens of Warrior Warriors. I mustve heard the newz of one dying every other week for the entire span of 1991-1996. Its been the same guy since then though...John Hedgewik.

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Hoff nailed it. I noticed it at the PPV since the Boogeyman keeps me from watching Smackdown (although it's really more it being on friggin' Friday nights). I wondered aloud "why isn't the EG armband black anymore? Are we out of the mourning phase and into the party phase or what?"

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The thing that bugs me is, everything they've done is textbook feud building for Eddie/Orton or Eddie/HHH or even Eddie and Rey/Orton and HHH. They can build a feud properly for a dead guy, but not the 50 odd people they have on the active roster. Says it all really.

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There are many reasons why people don't respect the WWE and this is one of them, and Randy Orton just gave everyone a reason to not respect him. I'm not surprised that this happen through, WWE did the same thing with Hawk when Animal first came back. Remember when MNM did that little line, yeah that made me loose respect for both of them and the WWE. I just hope WWE puts Randy Orton in a ring with someone who was a friend's of Eddie's, I'd love to see someone just stiff the hell out of him. Fuck at this point I really want to see Randy Orton vs Hardcore Holly.

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You do realise that this is all WWE's idea, and Orton probably doesn't want to end up like Matt Hardy right?


And that Hawk line was funny.


So you think it's okay to disrespect the dead?!

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this is nothing new, its well known that WWE does distasteful shit and Vince is sick in lots of ways. I'm just amused that every time they do an awful angle thre are still people that buy into it and defend it.


Totally agree!!

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You do realise that this is all WWE's idea, and Orton probably doesn't want to end up like Matt Hardy right?


And that Hawk line was funny.


So you think it's okay to disrespect the dead?!


The stuff with Eddy is distasteful, and I don't think it's cool. But to act like Orton is more to blame then WWE is stupid.


And the Hawk thing was one line and I laughed

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It's funny how Vince wants to blur the lines one minute and then turn fantasy the next. They're trying to use realism for some things and then go out do nonsense like Undertaker making the ring collapse. It just comes off like they are desperate trying to make SOMETHING stick with the mainstream. I guess using Eddie's name isn't enough or even trying to be subtle about it. Let's just hope that it doesn't get even worse.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

Honestly, I think the only way to make this stop is to just give in. Go to the shows and pretend to care about Randy Orton. Boo him when he comes out, react to his chinlocks, make them think we see him as a main event star. Maybe then they won't feel so desperate and will drop this Eddie stuff.

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Or they'll say "Orton was THAT over from just saying Eddy's going to hell. Imagine how over he'd be if he tried to hit on Eddy's daughters or took a dump on his grave!"


Speaking of which, considering how attractive Eddie's oldest daughter is, don't dismiss the idea of Vince trying to use her in that sort of angle, even if she is under-age.


Vince: You know, a little plastic surgery never hurts

Eddie's daughter: I'm 14.

Vince: and?

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