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RVD on Byte This

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Highlights so far:


-Feels better now than he's felt the past few years wrestling

-One Night Stand 2 is likely to happen, but in the past year alot of talent has been signed with TNA. He'd like to face Jerry Lynn or Rhyno, but Rhyno doesn't look like a possibility

-He'd like to see the Hardcore Title brought back

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-He'd like to see the Hardcore Title brought back

So he has something to do.

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Holy shit, this is my first time ever watching Byte This all the way through. I can't believe I've never seen this before, it's comedy gold. A bunch of 12 year olds calling up asking Todd Grisham questions like.."Hey you know at Royal Rumble when JBL faced Boogeyman? well....ummm..uhhhh....wha...what would you do if you were facing JBL?"


Then Todd has to and give some ridiculously corny answer to the kid. This is awesome.

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Some quite notes from PWInsider:


On Byte This, to sell the storyline, Todd said that after RAW on Monday, Edge and Lita left separately. So probably they might bring that up on RAW next week.


Also, when asked about outside ventures for WWE besides WWE Films, Todd said great things are happening with WWE.com and he would put the site up against any other website out there..... Have you stopped rolling off the floor laughing?? Anyways, Todd said they will be debuting two new shows exclusively for the internet next week but didn't go into much details.


When Rob Van Dam was asked who he would like to have a dream match with at WM22, he said "Sabu, but that's obviously not going to happen."


When he was asked who he would like to wrestle at the next ECW PPV, he said he does not know if there will be another PPV, but he has reason to believe that there will be. He said most of the ECW personalities not with the company anymore is signed up with TNA. But he would like to wrestle Jerry Lynn or Rhino at the ECW PPV.


When asked about Paul Heyman, one of the things he said was that he would like to have Heyman as his agent for his matches, but "going to Louisville at this point is not worth it."


When asked about being on the cover of RAW magazine, he said that he feels the company is behind him now and ready for him seeing how they showed videos for his comeback etc. Previously, he had to be after them to sell his merchandise in whatever town they were in. They would tell him "you're not popular in this town." RVD would say "But I've wrestled in this town a 1000 times." They would hit back "But not with us."


When asked who is the best wrestler currently in WWE, he said Triple H.


Next week, they will be giving away the ECW PPV, and LIVE in the studio will be..... Paul Heyman? No. Tommy Dreamer? No. Joey Styles? No. None other than...... The Heart Throbs!


We'll have a full recap of Rob Van Dam's appearance on Byte This later this week.


Someone is kissing ass. :lol:

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When asked who is the best wrestler currently in WWE, he said Triple H.


"It's all about the game, and how you play it."

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Triple H was behind him with a gun to his head. He's finally taking a more hands on approach to working with the talent, showing them the ropes.

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Previously, he had to be after them to sell his merchandise in whatever town they were in. They would tell him "you're not popular in this town." RVD would say "But I've wrestled in this town a 1000 times." They would hit back "But not with us."


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Guest Princess Leena

In WWE land, HHH is the best wrestler. Stop being so damn smarky, kids.


Also, judging by RVD's tone about Kurt Angle... I sense they're still not the best of buddies.

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RVD is always a great interview in these type of instances. I too was shocked when he said HHH was the best wrestler in WWE today. Anyone get the feeling that he's fed up with being buried and if it takes a bit of insincere asskissing then so be it? It almost reminds me of late 2001 when Jericho started kissing up to the bookers to get the unified title.


What's up with Jerry Lynn anyway? I thought he was still with TNA as an agent, so you could probably toss him out of the ONS mix.

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I think the reason HHH buried RVD was because Rob wouldn't share his stash with H and Steph. Cause you know how Rob got the hook up to the good shit. But, I bet when Rob starts sharing with them we'll see RVD as world champ in no time.

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Guest gazgolf1

RVD is a lame ass...just watched him vs Snitsky,seriously that rolling thunder thing he does is embaressing.Did'nt miss him,wish he would go away again

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1. To the guy ahead of me...no one really cares about your opinion. Try throwing in some points or facts or anything other than "I like this and not that". Dude...you have 3 posts and it takes more than a cup of coffee to "contribute" to a thread.


2. RVD sounded fairly sincere in his statement that HHH was the best. He phrased it as "the guy who knows what he's doing out there...I'd probably have to give it up to Trips."


3. Even with dropping HHH as the best...there's no way he's angling for HHH's backing when he name drops TNA TWICE after they've spent weeks editing their mentions out of the show.


4. Jerry Lynn is under contract to TNA.

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Guest gazgolf1
1. To the guy ahead of me...no one really cares about your opinion. Try throwing in some points or facts or anything other than "I like this and not that". Dude...you have 3 posts and it takes more than a cup of coffee to "contribute" to a thread.


Ok fair enough....I'm a wrestling fan that like a lot of others on this forum continues to be disappointed by the way this business is going lately.

As far as RVD goes I suppose I don't get what people see in him.


I like wrestlers that can throw a punch,HHH and the Undertaker are the best at this in my opinion,RVD sucks at it.


He's been off the scene for a year so you'd think he would come back with something new....nuh uh, same finishing splash where he hurts his guts,same spinning kick thing and the rolling thunder move nuff said.


The guy's got size,speed,he can fly but his act is stale.He needs to think outside the box instead of trotting out the same crap.


I watch Raw and SD now hoping to see something new and exciting but I get Flairs man boobs,the Boogeyman eating worms, Benoit chopping someone across the chest for the 1000th time and Shelton Benjamin's mother.


Anyway I may not have many posts but I read this forum regularly and really appreciate the insight that the posters have here.

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Now that was a good response.


RVD doesn't do the things that the top level WWE stars do. His punches are about the worst in the business (and I think he should just stick to forearms since they look OKish.)


The point with RVD is that he is over BECAUSE he is so different from everyone else on a top level.


Love him or Hate him...no one can deny that fans (who buy tickets and merchandise and ppvs) have been trying to make this guy a top level star since he arrived in 2001.


WWE's insistance of pushing whoever they want down your throat (Cena, Batista, HHH...boy that Edge guy sure was over...sorry...HHH main events Wrestlemania) gets a little old after a while.


Let's look at Mania's top matches this year.


Orton/Angle. HHH/Cena.


Rey Rey is the fans choice on SD!. But he's assed out.


Edge is the top heel on Raw...but he's assed out too. Cena isn't even a top 3 face on Raw at this point...but it's his turn.



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