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Matt Young

Britney Spears is pregnant- AGAIN

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This reminds me of the parody on Family Guy.


"Hey, knock it off. I'm trying to watch the Britney Spears comeback special."




"I have five kids now, and have lost a leg to diabetes, but thank you to all my fans that have supported me throughout my caree".

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Matt, there are plenty of women out there that have 2, 3, 4 kids and you would never know until you saw them all.


That is true. I've seen women with near perfect bodies who have kids. But how is Britney going to drop the weight when she's constantly pregnant?

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Matt, there are plenty of women out there that have 2, 3, 4 kids and you would never know until you saw them all.


I have an aunt who's given birth to 9 kids, and lost two others. She is a certifiable twig.

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Matt, there are plenty of women out there that have 2, 3, 4 kids and you would never know until you saw them all.


I have an aunt who's given birth to 9 kids, and lost two others. She is a certifiable twig.


9 kids? Your Aunt is a MACHINE Dogbert.


I remember a few months back after she had the first kid, that Britney said she and Kevin were gonna get straight to work on having another. No surprises here.

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makes sense, get it all done and out of the way, make a comeback later down the line...I mean her popularity was dropping anyway, so what does she have to lose...for god's sake, Madonna had two kids and looks like she hasn't eaten in months! take the time off, that way people will be excitied for your comeback later.

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Well, with Britney the veneer came off, and everyone knows now that she's really just an average looking girl who had a great big set of fake tits, something I've been contending for forever. Once that fantasy's been destroyed, I think it's over.


Those are going to be some fucking stupid kids.

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Well, with Britney the veneer came off, and everyone knows now that she's really just an average looking girl who had a great big set of fake tits, something I've been contending for forever. Once that fantasy's been destroyed, I think it's over.


Those are going to be some fucking stupid kids.


well you're probably right, I was just looking at it from her perspective, her manager's perspective, agent's whatever.


but yeah, you're probably right.

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Am I the only one who found the girl beautiful when she first busted onto the scene so many years ago? I'm not even talking body; I just think she's extremely pretty.


As far as the kids go, Matt made me laugh with the idea of just a perpetually pregnant Britney. Pop one out, pop the next one in. Be a lot of stress on the body. Anyway, if this is true, good for her, but you'd think it would just be that much harder for her to get back into MTV shape.

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Maybe she doesn't even really care about making a comeback. She's probably made so much money in the last eight years that she'll never have to work again...so long as her hubby doesn't blow all her money (which seems entirely possible).

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Maybe she doesn't even really care about making a comeback. She's probably made so much money in the last eight years that she'll never have to work again...so long as her hubby doesn't blow all her money (which seems entirely possible).

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Guest Vitamin X

I agree with Hoff. I always thought Britney was pretty, and besides, there's always her cloned sister Jamie Lynn who looks just like Britney used to.

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Am I the only one who found the girl beautiful when she first busted onto the scene so many years ago? I'm not even talking body; I just think she's extremely pretty.


As far as the kids go, Matt made me laugh with the idea of just a perpetually pregnant Britney. Pop one out, pop the next one in. Be a lot of stress on the body. Anyway, if this is true, good for her, but you'd think it would just be that much harder for her to get back into MTV shape.


Britney was never that good looking. Maybe living in NYC I'm spoiled, but on any given day there are many girls her age that I could see that would have put Britney to shame even before she became a fat, chain smoking slob.

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She used to look better than Ashley Simpson.


Well about 75% of the female population in the US does, so that's not saying much.

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Regardless of her appearance, she's too old to make a comeback as what she was. She'll need a reinvention. Her idol Madonna did that repeatedly and failed as often as she succeeded. And much as I like Britney Spears... she's no Madonna.

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Some of you are sayin that she isn't that hot compared to the women in your area. Would you mind telling me where you live, cause in North Dakota we have some damn ugly women up here.

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NYC. Aside from maybe Miami and LA, I'd say we've got one of the highest hot chicks per square mile in the country. I've dated some women that were hotter than Britney and I'm pretty average and don't have a lot of money.

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Knowing who the father is (Federline), the kid they have right now probably wishes he had hung himself with his umbilical chord while in the womb.

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Federline is such a fucking smart guy. he's living off of his wife.




Not only that but thanks to her, he might get to release his shitty album. I'd say he's a smart motherfucker. I mean, he's not the one who was driving around with his baby in his lap.

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