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Guest Vitamin X

My eventful trip to the local McDonald's drive-thru.

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Guest Vitamin X

This has more to do with the particular incident that happened at the drive-thru rather than McDonald's itself so I put it in here instead of the Food folder.


So anyways, it's 3:30am and I'm hungry so I decide to go to McDonald's. As I get to the drive-thru I have one of THOSE assholes who tries to see if the menu has anything he's interested in, and then he asks me, the unlucky guy sitting behind him, to back alll the way out of the drive-thru (it's surrounded by a curb and bushes on both sides so there's this annoying little passageway you have to get out through). I get in, kind of annoyed but not really pissed, and order my Double Quarter Pounder with cheese (fuck you, I was high) and in front of me are these two immigrant types (typical Cuban refugee types, really) surrounding this car in front of me, apparently because the car in front of me hit them. Some conversation was said, and it was raining, but damn if I was going to miss a word of the dinner show I was now getting in front of me. The screechy girl in front of me yells, "FUCK YOU!" get out of the car, and is obviously drunk. She looked Latin or half-black or something, but spoke perfectly fine English- just really, really drunk. Some more arguing, and another idiot drunk chick hops out and starts confronting the two refs (short for refugee, it's what we call latin immigrants too accustomed to their ways and not even trying to adjust here) and this bitch goes on a racial spiel about this being AMERICA, and that we speak ENGLISH here, and then the guys in front of her drive off with her yelling a final "FUCK YOU!" and then taking a near spill on the way back to her car. Her friend and her then keep cracking more racial slurs/statements, most of which were just so drunkenly stupid (one of which was saying that she could sing the "American Anthem" and started singing "AMEEEEEEEEERICCCAAA THE BEAAAAUUUTIFUL", for example) that they're not even worth mentioning. Then she drove forward finally, and her license plate? Well it was from Connecticutt and had a Kerry/Edwards sticker and a John Kerry 2004 stick on both sides of the license plate.


I had never been more ashamed to be in the same fucking group in 2004 as before I saw that.


When I pull up to the window, the ladies working (who didn't speak ANY English whatsoever, so I wonder what that conversation must have been like) mentioned that the ref guys pulled some kind of slick manuever saying that the girls were going to pay for their food, and obviously that didn't happen, so it was nice to see the girls get ripped off, sorta. Or at least get even more pissed.


Typical Friday night in Miami, I guess.

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The most impressive thing about that story is the fact that McD's is open at 3:30 a.m. down there. Up in Cincy they all close at about 1 a.m.


Maybe Will Smith was correct in his assessment of Miami after all.

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Eh, there are Golden Arches in Shittsburgh open all night, too.


I don't do the drive-thru late at night, partly because of situations like this, although the better half wanted to go to McDonald's yesterday before heading to her second job, and we spent at least 15 minutes in the drive-thru with only 3 CARS IN FRONT OF US. This McDonald's is run like shit, and I don't go there anymore after that "when are you going to die" incident I talked about in another thread. The better half does though, and each time she bitches about the food/service and says she's never coming back.

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I worked in a drive thru late at night, once. Taco Bell. Drunks would order peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and shit. We'd make them a soft taco and tell them it cost $15, then pocket their money.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

Guy I went to high school with sold LSD out of the Taco Bell drive through. The code was 6,000 bean burritos.

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Guest InuYasha
I worked in a drive thru late at night, once. Taco Bell. Drunks would order peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and shit. We'd make them a soft taco and tell them it cost $15, then pocket their money.

My sister used to be a shift manager at a local burger chain called Whataburger. Unless you live in Texas, Southern New Mexico, or Arizona, you probably haven't heard of it. When she first got promoted, it was right after high school for her, and she had to "do her time," which means she had to manage the graveyard shift. In this place, the whole restaurant is open 24/7, kind of like Wal-Mart. They'd get drunks all the time, between the hours of 2 and 4 am, when all the bars closed.


They'd frequently have drunks come in, order the food, pay for it, and when the food was ready, find the guy/girl passed out at a table. One really slow nights, they'd take bets on how many drunks would come in and fall asleep.

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Guest InuYasha
Whataburger. FUCK that sounds good.



It's a damn good place. A little on the expensive side, but no place is perfect. Also, they opened in 1950, five years before McDonald's, which claimed it was the first burger joint to exist.

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When I worked at MickeyD's, two bitches that worked there started fighting in the lobby. One was on duty, the other came in to confront her. Fists started flying, one was dipped over a table. A Male customer shouted at me and a coworker to call 911, and we kind of laughed at that. Ahh the Good ol' Days.

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I worked in a drive thru late at night, once. Taco Bell. Drunks would order peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and shit. We'd make them a soft taco and tell them it cost $15, then pocket their money.


There are times when I think I have a crush on you. This is one of them.

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