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Kurt Angle Mark

And of course it had to get worse

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They can't have Orton win this match now, not with Eddie's family at ringside. There has to be some attack of sanity here. You can take Orton and have him work with Booker T. at WM, or do whatever at WM. Considering Angle is going to play heel vs. UT soon he can simply stay in that mode vs. Rey for WM.


Let's say Orton wins...what then? You have "most revolting heel" vs. "possible heel/tweener" at WM. You've pissed off all the fans, pissed off the wrestlers in the back, shit all over Eddie's memory...and for what? To try and get fucking RANDY ORTON over (which is a move that can't possibly work anyway)?

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They can't have Orton win this match now, not with Eddie's family at ringside. There has to be some attack of sanity here. You can take Orton and have him work with Booker T. at WM, or do whatever at WM. Considering Angle is going to play heel vs. UT soon he can simply stay in that mode vs. Rey for WM.


Let's say Orton wins...what then? You have "most revolting heel" vs. "possible heel/tweener" at WM. You've pissed off all the fans, pissed off the wrestlers in the back, shit all over Eddie's memory...and for what? To try and get fucking RANDY ORTON over (which is a move that can't possibly work anyway)?


Think like Vince and it all makes perfect sense.

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You can't have Rey win the WHC at WM and have the crowd chant Eddie for 10 minutes either. They're screwed no matter what they do now.

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They can't have Orton win this match now, not with Eddie's family at ringside. There has to be some attack of sanity here. You can take Orton and have him work with Booker T. at WM, or do whatever at WM. Considering Angle is going to play heel vs. UT soon he can simply stay in that mode vs. Rey for WM.


Let's say Orton wins...what then? You have "most revolting heel" vs. "possible heel/tweener" at WM. You've pissed off all the fans, pissed off the wrestlers in the back, shit all over Eddie's memory...and for what? To try and get fucking RANDY ORTON over (which is a move that can't possibly work anyway)?


Lets hope sanity hit the company after the backlash of late with the whole Guerrero thing. Otherwise this will hit new PR lows for the company, even worse than what they did/didnt do during the whole Owen Hart death and the months after it. Horrible state of affairs too, just leading to Mania with one of the most ridiculous builds to a horrible possible Angle/Orton match for the title.


At worst, you have Rey go over at NWO "to honor Eddy" but doesnt win the title at Mania - that could go to Angle again or even if they are insistant on it, Orton at Mania if they did a three way. But at least they don't fuck up the build to at least HAVE HIM in the title match at Mania - I'm talking about Rey there..


Maybe they have decided to go with Rey/Angle and Taker/Orton or a three/four way at Mania with a combo of those workers is my only hope to salvage this shit.

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They can't have Orton win this match now, not with Eddie's family at ringside. There has to be some attack of sanity here. You can take Orton and have him work with Booker T. at WM, or do whatever at WM. Considering Angle is going to play heel vs. UT soon he can simply stay in that mode vs. Rey for WM.


Let's say Orton wins...what then? You have "most revolting heel" vs. "possible heel/tweener" at WM. You've pissed off all the fans, pissed off the wrestlers in the back, shit all over Eddie's memory...and for what? To try and get fucking RANDY ORTON over (which is a move that can't possibly work anyway)?


Lets hope sanity hit the company after the backlash of late with the whole Guerrero thing. Otherwise this will hit new PR lows for the company, even worse than what they did/didnt do during the whole Owen Hart death and the months after it. Horrible state of affairs too, just leading to Mania with one of the most ridiculous builds to a horrible possible Angle/Orton match for the title.



Guess what, the press stopped giving a shit about WWE after Billy and Chuck. It's partially because of this, we are force fed this shit.

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You can't have Rey win the WHC at WM and have the crowd chant Eddie for 10 minutes either. They're screwed no matter what they do now.






They ruined the WM moment and Rey's potential title win, whenever it happens. Rey winning the title at WM being the company's smallest man other than a midget is a story written by itself. Rey doesn't need the Eddie bit to get over. If they were doing Rey chasing and winning at WM and at the very moment he has the title, he does tribute to Eddie, then the moment would be special and magical.


It's now rotten if and when it goes down because of the way they've done this storyline.

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They can't have Orton win this match now, not with Eddie's family at ringside. There has to be some attack of sanity here. You can take Orton and have him work with Booker T. at WM, or do whatever at WM. Considering Angle is going to play heel vs. UT soon he can simply stay in that mode vs. Rey for WM.


Let's say Orton wins...what then? You have "most revolting heel" vs. "possible heel/tweener" at WM. You've pissed off all the fans, pissed off the wrestlers in the back, shit all over Eddie's memory...and for what? To try and get fucking RANDY ORTON over (which is a move that can't possibly work anyway)?


Think like Vince and it all makes perfect sense.


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You can't have Rey win the WHC at WM and have the crowd chant Eddie for 10 minutes either. They're screwed no matter what they do now.






They ruined the WM moment and Rey's potential title win, whenever it happens. Rey winning the title at WM being the company's smallest man other than a midget is a story written by itself. Rey doesn't need the Eddie bit to get over. If they were doing Rey chasing and winning at WM and at the very moment he has the title, he does tribute to Eddie, then the moment would be special and magical.


It's now rotten if and when it goes down because of the way they've done this storyline.


Maybe they can do an Angels at the Ringside and have Eddie appear in the mirror on Smackdown and tell Rey, "Titles got to be won on your own Essa! I told you I would help you win at Mania...but I liiied!"


Then we never talk about Eddie again. Other than everyone in the crowd standing up like the wave and doing the Eddie dance to get a tired and nearly defeated Rey the courage to continue on.


And Mania can end with him adopting his own child.

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If they have Eddie's family there then they HAVE to be putting Rey over! Do you really think Vickie and the kids are going to sit there and actively be part of an angle that shits all over the memory of their husband and father?

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If they have Eddie's family there then they HAVE to be putting Rey over! Do you really think Vickie and the kids are going to sit there and actively be part of an angle that shits all over the memory of their husband and father?




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If they have Eddie's family there then they HAVE to be putting Rey over! Do you really think Vickie and the kids are going to sit there and actively be part of an angle that shits all over the memory of their husband and father?





If they are coming to be there, then yes I do. His friends haven't had a problem with it.

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I don't know what else Vince could to get Randy over at this point. He'd have to pyshically to go Eddie's grave and piss on it, or RKO Eddie's wife, or some-ah you're right, there are more distasteful things RKO could do.


Yeah like rape Eddie's wife AND both of his girls in the middle of the ring while he sets fire to Eddie's corpse that he dug up earlier in the day.


We called it. :)

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Considering these were the individuals who participated in the horrid storyline with Reys son, it does not surprise me at all that they'd be willing to do this. They're whores. Which again doesn't surprise me because this is wrestling and Eddie and Rey are wrestlers. It's not like they'd attract the highest quality of women.

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Considering these were the individuals who participated in the horrid storyline with Reys son, it does not surprise me at all that they'd be willing to do this. They're whores. Which again doesn't surprise me because this is wrestling and Eddie and Rey are wrestlers. It's not like they'd attract the highest quality of women.


Which is why you usually see wrestlers get involved with others already in the business. The only wrestler's wife that fits the "high quality" of life, as far as I can see is most likely The Rock's wife.

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According to the standard WWE contract sample showed here a while back...Vince isnt liable to pay Eddie's family shit...so they are prolly doing this to stay on payroll

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My question isn't just about who wins, but really whoever loses it seems like will be headed to a pointless match at WM.


I see this match, not as "winner goes to wm title match" but rather, "loser goes over Benoit @ Mania".

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Considering these were the individuals who participated in the horrid storyline with Reys son, it does not surprise me at all that they'd be willing to do this. They're whores. Which again doesn't surprise me because this is wrestling and Eddie and Rey are wrestlers. It's not like they'd attract the highest quality of women.




Dominic's gonna turn on Rey and it'll be revealed Eddie's family have been brainwashed by Orton. Dominic will then come out on the next Smackdown in a badly fitting suit and hit the Orton Pose of Doom. "Quote The Legend Killer, Nevermore!"

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I am not only disgusted by the WWE and this storyline, but also with the Guerrero family for not being outraged by it. Not only have they not complained, but now there also gonna be at NWO! I've lost respect for them.


On a related note,I read on Wrestleview.com that despite some disagreement within the creative team over this storyline, as usual Vince is pushing for it. He also is pushing for that stupid Tim white storyline and was the driving force behind the dumb Kerwin White character.

All this makes me hope Vince will retire soonner rather than later!!


Of course theres no chance of that happening, but one can only dream!!

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I am not only disgusted by the WWE and this storyline, but also with the Guerrero family for not being outraged by it. Not only have they not complained, but now there also gonna be at NWO! I've lost respect for them.


On a related note,I read on Wrestleview.com that despite some disagreement within the creative team over this storyline, as usual Vince is pushing for it. He also is pushing for that stupid Tim white storyline and was the driving force behind the dumb Kerwin White character.

All this makes me hope Vince will retire soonner rather than later!!


Of course theres no chance of that happening, but one can only dream!!

Then you might end up with Steph and H running creative all by their lonesome. *sigh* There's no end in sight.

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Guest J0bber

Intesting column from Cawthon's site written by Jack McDonald:


“I’m so offended by the way Vince has used the death of Eddie Guerrero that I’m going to tune in to WWE each week as a way of showing my disapproval”


Sound familiar? Well if you’re one of those people ‘sickened’ by how Eddie’s death has been used to further angles and characters yet still intend to watch Raw this week then the above statement pretty much sums up how you feel.


You really don’t have to be a genius to gather that by doing this you are playing exactly into WWE’s hands. It’s the oldest trick in the book yet we fall for it every single time. There’s nothing like generating a ratings bump than mock outrage and McMahon knows it and is the quintessential proficient at it. What people have to realize is that what Randy Orton said this week on Smackdown was no different to Lita exposing her breast or Edge standing behind her in his tighty-blacks simulation sex in the middle of a wrestling ring.


Ask anybody at the time and you would think that WWE were embarking on the first live broadcast genocide. Everybody knew that the actual prospect of ‘Live Sex’ was ultimately unlikely but that did not stop the outrage. Up and down the country and across the world you had people watching through the gaps in-between their fingers as they wished to underline to others their exasperation with what was going on. But the key thing is - they still watched. Not only did they watch but they watched in bigger numbers than at any other time in recent history. Sure everyone said they were ‘offended’ by it but guess what? Everyone watched.


Vince knows exactly what he is doing by making Eddie’s death part of storylines on his television shows and like it or not it’s YOUR fault that he’s doing it. He knows what buttons to press because you’ve allowed him to push them. If live sex stunk up the ratings then there would be a moral case for wrestling fans to argue against him when it comes to this. But the morality case has already been lost because we have proven ourselves to be suckers for controversy. What we say we like and what we actually watch are clearly two different things. None of us LIKE seeing dead bodies covered in blood hanging out of the front windscreen of a car but we’ll all turn our heads to look if we drive past such thing.


Until we progress past this love of being offended and desire to be shocked then network executives will just continue to feed us with what we really want. Every time Eddie’s name is mentioned I can guarantee the first thing that you think of is rushing onto the internet to express you displeasure at it. But what you’re feeling isn’t displeasure, it’s excitement. It’s excitement because you know that for the next couple of days at least you can go on the internet to talk to friends and others about something that you find interesting. Because being offended is interesting to us. We do not take offence to things we don’t find interesting we just ignore them.


We are faced with two choices. Either we stop watching or we stop complaining. I’ve already made mine.


Utter Brilliance

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According to the standard WWE contract sample showed here a while back...Vince isnt liable to pay Eddie's family shit...so they are prolly doing this to stay on payroll


Remember when Eddie died and Vince said his family would get royalties for life, I think this is what he invisioned.


Maybe Eddie's wife will wrestle Orton or Mando and Chavo Sr will interfere in the match.

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According to the standard WWE contract sample showed here a while back...Vince isnt liable to pay Eddie's family shit...so they are prolly doing this to stay on payroll


Remember when Eddie died and Vince said his family would get royalties for life, I think this is what he invisioned.


Maybe Eddie's wife will wrestle Orton or Mando and Chavo Sr will interfere in the match.


I know it was generally frowned-upon back in '04 when Chavo Classic won the Cruiserweight Title, but if he interfered and helped Rey win the match, I would mark the fuck out! Knowing WWE, though, if one of Eddy's brothers were to interfere, it would be to help ORTON win.

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If this is true, then everyone needs to shut up about how EVIL WWE is.


All of Eddie's family and best friends are going along with this. It doesn't matter why they are.

Quoting this because it's the most sensible thing said in this thread.


Vince & company have no real reason to give a fuck about Eddie or his name or his legacy or what he would have wanted. In the end, he was just an employee that died. He wasn't family to them, he wasn't a lifelong friend, he was only a guy that worked for them for a half-dozen years or so.


If people want to bitch & moan about how heartless or callous someone is, complain about Guerrero's widow. If someone wants to say how fucked up it is that people are pissing on Guerrero's name or legacy, say it's Rey.

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Does anyone seriously think that this means Rey is going over Orton? I mean, REALLY? Does anyone honestly believe that?


I'm surprised it's taken this long, but I think there's a strong case to make that Vince is about as bad as Fritz Von Erich now. And he's getting worse as the years go by.

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For those who are wondering, Meltzer just said on the LAW that as of two days ago, Orton is going to be put over Rey "very strong" at the PPV.

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For those who are wondering, Meltzer just said on the LAW that as of two days ago, Orton is going to be put over Rey "very strong" at the PPV.


That's the best news I've heard about Rey's push since it started. Let's hope Meltzer's right.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

For those who are wondering, Meltzer just said on the LAW that as of two days ago, Orton is going to be put over Rey "very strong" at the PPV.


That's the best news I've heard about Rey's push since it started. Let's hope Meltzer's right.

Yes, I can't wait for CHINLOCK-MANIA~! with a build up of long, boring Orton promos where he gets flustered and fucks up his lines. And hell, maybe if we're EXTRA lucky, we can get a brand new version of the Randy Orton face in the place of realistic selling and/or reactions. Oh, and it gives the fans a chance to buy some popcorn.

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Guest Dr Stupid

Maybe, instead of having Orton go over Rey looking really strong, Orton could have gone over Taker at Armaggedon, not look like Booker's substitute bitch and maybe win a match against Mark Henry. Then Orton draws/DQ against Rey, giving us a triple threat with face/heel/tweener.


Just a thought, but i know i could never attain the genius of WWE writers or their amazing assistants.

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