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ECW One Night Stand II-It's Official

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Well this one sold out real quick yesterday.


Hey, I was just wondering, for anyone who went to the show last year, how much does parking cost in the lot near the Manhattan Center?

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"ECW: Sloppy Seconds" just doesn't have the same ring, though it is probably more apt.


I think this one should be called either ECW Sloppy Seconds or The Booty Call because whenever you need it, you can go back to it.


- Tommy Dreamer




Full Interview:



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I hope to God they don't start the hype for ONS II with Michael Cole saying something like he did last year...


Cole: I remember watching ECW back in the day....



WTF? No you didn't. From there on in, I decided I can never like or respect Michael Cole ever again. It sounded like the fakest thing he ever said in his entire career.

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I said it when WWF bought WCW and ECW, and I'll say it now.


Vince should have kept them as their own separate 'companies' with him still owning them, that way we would have a choice as to what to watch.


Basically, I just miss ECW.

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It really wouldn't have been that hard to do either. Just keep ECW on the Friday Night timeslot on Spike. Hell, as we know Vince was paying Heyman under the table for a long time anyway.

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I said it when WWF bought WCW and ECW, and I'll say it now.


Vince should have kept them as their own separate 'companies' with him still owning them, that way we would have a choice as to what to watch.


Basically, I just miss ECW.


That's not unfair of you, and you raise a good point that most would semi-agree with.


However, I think of it sometimes. It seems inevotable that somehow HHH or Kane would be a "new" ECW mainstay. And fuck that. Even if they gave Heyman the ball to run with, they'd find a way to intrude somehow and fuck it up.


Plus would we really want a "Steph vs Russo Let's See Who Can Write Worse TV" angle?

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On paper it looks amazing.


Hell, if they would have let ECW stick around with Heyman with creative control, you know, kinda use it as a WWE farm league, but only televised, I bet ECW would still be around. I mean, Vince has mass amounts of money right? It's not like it would be that hard to sell out 3,000 seat arenas across the US.


I guess I just miss how in ECW, no matter who you were, you were part of the show in a big way. You actually had a chance to make a name for yourself. That's something that is absent in the E.

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I really hope WWE is on good terms with 2 Cold Scorpio, because he is the 1 ECW wrestler I want to see on the card.


Very underrated wrestler.


I think the main event will RVD Vs. HHH for the World Title, and Cactus Jack Vs. Terry Funk.

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Guest Tuxedo Mask

With tears welling up in his eyes, Joey Styles went back to his seat at the helm of the ECW announce table last June at the One Night Stand pay-per-view. With this year's ECW One Night Stand right around the corner, ECW.com caught up with Styles for his thoughts on last year's event, what he's looking forward to this year, how ECW fans would treat John Cena, his thoughts on Terry Funk returning to ECW and much more.


ECW.com: What are your thoughts on One Night Stand returning in June?

Joey Styles: I'm absolutely thrilled One Night Stand is coming back. In fact, I believe I saw the press release that it will be coming back in 2007 as well. As we get closer and closer, and as I hear both the confidential information I cant' talk about here and the public information on ECW.com, I am getting the WrestleMania-type goosebumps.


ECW.com: After last year's event took place, did you think One Night Stand would come back?

Joey Styles: I had a feeling it would be. Last year I was not a full-time employee of WWE. I signed a two-year contract to be a part-timer, and the thought process behind that was that there would be two ECW events if the first one was well-received. I knew it would be well-received. There's certainly enough ECW fans to support a pay-per-view.


ECW.com: How did you think last year's event went?

Joey Styles: What really struck me was the fact that the Hammerstein Ballroom looked exactly as it did for ECW's last pay-per-view - Guilty as Charged from January 2001. WWE did a masterful job recreating the ECW ring, the ECW entrance, the ECW logos and banners, even recreating the announce position. It was simply a card table with two monitors and one metal folding chair. We didn't have the fancy, custom wooden announce table with recessed monitors that WWE uses or the big, leather, padded captain's chairs. It was authentic. It was a little surreal to be doing ECW and yet that same day meeting Mr. McMahon for the first time. I just blocked out all of the nervousness from meeting everyone from WWE and imagined it was simply ECW.


ECW.com: What was your favorite part of last year's event?

Joey Styles: Everything was my favorite part. Seeing people I haven't seen in five years - all of it was wonderful for me. I almost broke down in tears. Part of me was afraid the fans wouldn't remember me. Getting introduced, and getting the standing ovation and hearing the fans chant my name really made me break down because this is what I love to do. There's nothing else I'd rather be doing with my life.


ECW.com: What was it like doing commentary with Mick Foley?

Joey Styles: If it's only a one-hour post-produced television show, which really means you have 45 minutes of programming and probably 35 minutes of actual in-ring action, I can do it by myself. For a three-hour live broadcast, I prefer to work with one color man. Mick was fun to work with. He was a completely different style than anyone I've worked with. He was very conversational, very atypical of any color man I've ever worked with, and we had a good time.


ECW.com: At Survivor Series there seemed to be some jabs coming your way from both Tazz and Michael Cole when both the RAW and SmackDown announce teams called the inter-brand match. Will that have an effect on how you two work together?

Joey Styles: Most of the jabs at Survivor Series were really directed towards Coach and King and SmackDown vs. RAW. I don't remember any jabs being sent my way personally, and if they were, I'm just used to Tazz being that way. We're both a couple of ball-breakers anyways. Maybe it's just a New York, Italian thing. That's just what we do.


ECW.com: Will it be a hard transition to go back to calling ECW action?

Joey Styles: I will watch last year's ECW One Night Stand the night before the show to get in the ECW mindset and to get back into the ECW pro wrestling mode from the WWE sports-entertainment mode.


ECW.com: Do you have one moment that stands out as your favorite during your time in ECW?

Joey Styles: Barely Legal. It was the first time I had ever done live television. There were questions, I think, within the industry as to what my abilities were. Paul Heyman went to bat for me and insisted I call the broadcast solo, which had never been done before in wrestling or any event on pay-per-view. I think Barely Legal was validation that I was for real as a pro wrestling play-by-play man. I was so emotional that at the end of the show I broke down in tears. And I was thrilled that my fiancee, who is now my wife and mother of my baby boy Joseph, was there to share that moment with me.


ECW.com: What will it be like to see Terry Funk back in ECW?

Joey Styles: I love working with Terry Funk. He is so entertaining to watch. Right before I signed my full-time employment contract with WWE, I was doing a small independent show in Florida. Jimmy Hart and I were doing the announcing from ringside at an outdoor rodeo arena, so we were looking at monitors. The main event was Dusty Rhodes vs. Terry Funk with Mick Foley as the referee. Terry, being unpredictable, comes down to ringside and cuts a promo - first on Dusty Rhodes for being a sell-out because it had become public he signed with WWE in a creative role. Then he cut a promo on Mick Foley because he had just signed his exclusive WWE contract. And then he realized I was under a part-time contract with WWE and threw - not swung - a chair at my face. Unfortunately, because I was working off a monitor, by the time I realized what was happening and turned, I turned right into the chair, which hit my face, which knocked me out of my seat, sent my feet over my head, and I landed face-down in the dirt of the outdoor rodeo arena. Dusty, Mick and Terry all stopped to make sure I was ok. And that is a microcosm of what it's like to work with Terry Funk.


ECW.com: Right now, the WWE Champion is John Cena. His crowd reactions from WWE fans as of late have been well-publicized. How do you think the ECW fans would take to seeing Cena face RVD if that ever did come to pass?

Joey Styles: John Cena would get booed out of an ECW show. We would have to have ECW's security team (Atlas Security), WWE's in-house security team and New York's finest to keep the crowd from hopping over the rail and lynching John Cena.


ECW.com: Triple H and Edge are challenging Cena at Backlash for the WWE Championship. What would happen if one of them were to face RVD at One Night Stand?

Joey Styles: ECW fans would be more receptive to Triple H or Edge because of their traditional wrestling styles. However, anyone who is standing in between Rob Van Dam and a World Championship will be vilified at an ECW show. And as the play-by-play announcer that evening, I will not be objective either.


ECW.com: If there was one dream match you could call at ECW One Night Stand what would it be?

Joey Styles: At this point in my career, now that I've hosted RAW for almost six months, and that I've called, for all intents and purposes, an ECW match at WrestleMania, I think the only left that I really want to call is Rob Van Dam's victory to win the WWE or World Heavyweight Championship.


ECW.com: Are there any specific matches you'd like to see this year?

Joey Styles: The biggest story coming out of last year's One Night Stand was what JBL did to The Blue Meanie. The last time we saw them in the same ring was on SmackDown. Blue Meanie won that match because Stevie Richards cracked open JBL's head with a steel chair - put some staples in his head. I would like to see Stevie Richards vs. JBL at ECW One Night Stand. I think Stevie Richards has the ability to beat anybody on any given night if he lands his Stevie Kick. I think a victory over JBL at ECW One Night Stand would finally launch Stevie Richards' career here in WWE.

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ECW.com: Will it be a hard transition to go back to calling ECW action?

Joey Styles: I will watch last year's ECW One Night Stand the night before the show to get in the ECW mindset and to get back into the ECW pro wrestling mode from the WWE sports-entertainment mode.

I think that's really sad.

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I think that's really sad.



I know, right?


Every since Vince re-programmed Joey, I've felt sorry for him. Like, really sorry for him.


What they're doing to him is worde then the shit they put JR through.


It was nice to hear Joey at WrestleMania, you could tell dude was hyped as hell. He was having a lot of fun out there.

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Joey Styles is another reason why I liked ECW over WCW or WWF. He just has true emotion when he calls his matches.


Now that he is in the E, he's lacking that spark, but I'm sure at ONS it will be back.

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That Styles interview indicates to me that we're bound to see Cena/RVD at that PPV. To some degree I thought his comments were worked, though I have to say that the bit about "the only thing I haven't called that I want to is Rob Van Dam's victory for the WWE or world title" was interesting.

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ECW.com: Triple H and Edge are challenging Cena at Backlash for the WWE Championship. What would happen if one of them were to face RVD at One Night Stand?

Joey Styles: ECW fans would be more receptive to Triple H or Edge because of their traditional wrestling styles. However, anyone who is standing in between Rob Van Dam and a World Championship will be vilified at an ECW show. And as the play-by-play announcer that evening, I will not be objective either.


Is Joey Styles trying to be another JR wannabe with his "traditional wrestling" bullshit?


We all know damn well HHH would get booed much worse then Cena, and it has nothing to do with the "traditional wrestling" style or his current character.

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ECW.com: Triple H and Edge are challenging Cena at Backlash for the WWE Championship. What would happen if one of them were to face RVD at One Night Stand?

Joey Styles: ECW fans would be more receptive to Triple H or Edge because of their traditional wrestling styles. However, anyone who is standing in between Rob Van Dam and a World Championship will be vilified at an ECW show. And as the play-by-play announcer that evening, I will not be objective either.


Is Joey Styles trying to be another JR wannabe with his "traditional wrestling" bullshit?


We all know damn well HHH would get booed much worse then Cena, and it has nothing to do with the "traditional wrestling" style or his current character.


Are you retarded? If he said the truth that "Cena is the only one of the three that can't wrestle and has an awful gimmick", then he would get fired.

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ECW.com: Triple H and Edge are challenging Cena at Backlash for the WWE Championship. What would happen if one of them were to face RVD at One Night Stand?

Joey Styles: ECW fans would be more receptive to Triple H or Edge because of their traditional wrestling styles. However, anyone who is standing in between Rob Van Dam and a World Championship will be vilified at an ECW show. And as the play-by-play announcer that evening, I will not be objective either.


Is Joey Styles trying to be another JR wannabe with his "traditional wrestling" bullshit?


We all know damn well HHH would get booed much worse then Cena, and it has nothing to do with the "traditional wrestling" style or his current character.


Are you retarded? If he said the truth that "Cena is the only one of the three that can't wrestle and has an awful gimmick", then he would get fired.


No, are you retarded?


Honestly, I'd rather be fired then be the WWE's Yes Man. Styles for the most part has always been an honest person. He could've avoided saying that, and still be honest.


What he could've said is "Based on past history and the type of fans who enjoy ECW the most, HHH will likely be booed." Instead he completely tells this bullshit, that he and many ECW fans knows is lies.


Styles sold out hard.

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Guest Human Highlight Reel

The traditional wrestling crap isn't Joey or Ross' idea, it's Vince's explanation as to why Cena's being booed that they have to push on the fans, you can't blame the announcers.


ECW.com: Will it be a hard transition to go back to calling ECW action?

Joey Styles: I will watch last year's ECW One Night Stand the night before the show to get in the ECW mindset and to get back into the ECW pro wrestling mode from the WWE sports-entertainment mode.

Let's hope he can.

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The traditional wrestling crap isn't Joey or Ross' idea, it's Vince's explanation as to why Cena's being booed that they have to push on the fans, you can't blame the announcers.



Yeah I understand that, but it just pathetic to see Styles lower himself to be Vince bitch boy, because Styles all of his career as been a very honest announcer. Now he is resorted to making lies to explain things. It really saddens me.

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Ok wait up. How exactly have ECW fans become this traditionalist group? Isn't that the exact opposite of what ECW was all about?


Great point.

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BTW, heard some radio ads running promoting the event's ticket sales on the radio, no mention of WWE!


Just "ECW's One Night Stand"




Kind of adds credence to the thread elsewhere about a return as a seperate enity of ECW

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Good Lord, Styles has a family to take care of, advancing the company's line is the job of the voice of the company to a certain extent. God forbid the guy do the logical thing and keep his job even though some nerds on the net are going to complain about his "selling out."

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On paper it looks amazing.


Hell, if they would have let ECW stick around with Heyman with creative control, you know, kinda use it as a WWE farm league, but only televised, I bet ECW would still be around. I mean, Vince has mass amounts of money right? It's not like it would be that hard to sell out 3,000 seat arenas across the US.


I guess I just miss how in ECW, no matter who you were, you were part of the show in a big way. You actually had a chance to make a name for yourself. That's something that is absent in the E.




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Good Lord, Styles has a family to take care of, advancing the company's line is the job of the voice of the company to a certain extent. God forbid the guy do the logical thing and keep his job even though some nerds on the net are going to complain about his "selling out."


Styles reportedly was making good/better money with his marketing job. So you can't really use the "he's trying to feed his kids" line. He had options. He's a whore.

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