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Guest Desperate Housewife

Could a double turn be on the cards?

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

HHH will soon beat up Maria (as well as being a wink to the fans who know about him putting down CM Punk), hire Daivari as his manager, state that he does not like the USA or it's troops, put down black people, and will say that he wants to defeat Jesus Christ.


Turning Cena heel would not reek of desperate booking anymore than everything else that they've done to try and keep him a face.


I don't want to see the double turn anymore because I want to see the Cena experiment explode on the biggest stage of the year. It would be worth of Wrestlemania to me just to see him get booed out of the building unlike ever before, while the fans go crazy for the stuff that HHH does to him.


I dunno, from what I've seen/remember Chicago crowds are generally pretty hot & less smarky. There's a chance they might not boo Cena.



Oh please. This has been more or less constant for the last six months, almost every single week. It has nothing to do with smark crowds if every city is doing it. They've cheered terrorists, primadonnas, anti-Americans and sleazbags over him all around the horn. They had to cut to a phony crowd shot for his title win at Rumble. They had to keep him off the show all night last night because of it. And when he finally showed up, he got booed out of the building, against yet another top heel. This has nothing to do with smark crowds. John Cena is a monumental bust as top face and world champion, and you, and the WWE can blame Angle and Jericho and smart crowds and Vanilla Ice for doing the gimmick ten years earlier and whomeber else you want to blame it on, but it the end, Cena has failed and they should have moved on a long time ago.

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HHH will soon beat up Maria (as well as being a wink to the fans who know about him putting down CM Punk), hire Daivari as his manager, state that he does not like the USA or it's troops, put down black people, and will say that he wants to defeat Jesus Christ.


Turning Cena heel would not reek of desperate booking anymore than everything else that they've done to try and keep him a face.


I don't want to see the double turn anymore because I want to see the Cena experiment explode on the biggest stage of the year. It would be worth of Wrestlemania to me just to see him get booed out of the building unlike ever before, while the fans go crazy for the stuff that HHH does to him.


I dunno, from what I've seen/remember Chicago crowds are generally pretty hot & less smarky. There's a chance they might not boo Cena.



Oh please. This has been more or less constant for the last six months, almost every single week. It has nothing to do with smark crowds if every city is doing it. They've cheered terrorists, primadonnas, anti-Americans and sleazbags over him all around the horn. They had to cut to a phony crowd shot for his title win at Rumble. They had to keep him off the show all night last night because of it. And when he finally showed up, he got booed out of the building, against yet another top heel. This has nothing to do with smark crowds. John Cena is a monumental bust as top face and world champion, and you, and the WWE can blame Angle and Jericho and smart crowds and Vanilla Ice for doing the gimmick ten years earlier and whomeber else you want to blame it on, but it the end, Cena has failed and they should have moved on a long time ago.



I wouldn't call it completely constant. The boos calmed down those few weeks after Cena lost the title to Edge at NYR. Now it seems as if the boos are slowly starting to come back for him. It's still inconsistent. I think part of the reason is that Cena is more entertaining when he DOESN'T have the title as opposed to when he does have the title. I'm not blaming Cena personally for anything as it's obvious that the company doesn't know what the fuck to do with him & is shoving him down everybody's throats.

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And I nominate that aq more over face is the one who can get him over.


HHH is NOT a strong enough enemy anymore. He is boring and regular, and we've seen this play out with so many other faces in the past.


Whoever the most over face in the company is, he needs to team with Cena, and I'm talking vignettes, matches, everything. They both need to display the kind of charisma that has been missing from Cena for years. Because Cena isn't being boo'd because he's white and rapping, he's being boo'd because he's fucking boring.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
As bad as Cena is getting booed latley, there is no way in hell anyone is gonna cheer Triple fucking H over him.

HHH gets pops to begin with. Insert the babyface that everyone hates and I can hear LOUD "Lets Go Hunter" chants at Mania.


And I'm sorry, but Cena has to shoulder some of the blame here too. It can't be a total coincidence that this all started when he started to phone it in and half ass it both in the ring and on the mic last Summer.

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Man, this years Wrestlemania has the potential to be a real trainwreck. I'd love to see the crowd shit all over it. That would be worth the money.

That's what I've been saying. :D

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As bad as Cena is getting booed latley, there is no way in hell anyone is gonna cheer Triple fucking H over him.

HHH gets pops to begin with. Insert the babyface that everyone hates and I can hear LOUD "Lets Go Hunter" chants at Mania.


And I'm sorry, but Cena has to shoulder some of the blame here too. It can't be a total coincidence that this all started when he started to phone it in and half ass it both in the ring and on the mic last Summer.


Actually, he was phoning it in & half assing it in the ring before last summer. How do you know WWE isn't telling him to wrestle a certain way? I just don't see a logical explanation for how he can be so good in the ring at his debut & turn to shit so quickly. I don't believe that wrestlers can FORGET skills.

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As bad as Cena is getting booed latley, there is no way in hell anyone is gonna cheer Triple fucking H over him.

HHH gets pops to begin with. Insert the babyface that everyone hates and I can hear LOUD "Lets Go Hunter" chants at Mania.


And I'm sorry, but Cena has to shoulder some of the blame here too. It can't be a total coincidence that this all started when he started to phone it in and half ass it both in the ring and on the mic last Summer.


Actually, he was phoning it in & half assing it in the ring before last summer. How do you know WWE isn't telling him to wrestle a certain way? I just don't see a logical explanation for how he can be so good in the ring at his debut & turn to shit so quickly. I don't believe that wrestlers can FORGET skills.


Extensive carry jobs, followed by getting into a routine of doing the same moves over and over once those moves became his trademark.

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The double turn idea is the only way to save this match from being unwatchable if you ask me. This was my first thought about Cena-HHH when it was obvious this was the plan for them to work against each other at Mania. I think it could be borderline entertaining if done right, as crazy as that may sound, but I seem to be in the minority here. Cena is still at some "over" point here where he could and SHOULD be turned. HHH always gets cheers here and there, and seems to want to stay a heel, yet act like a face in most cases (and be booked as one). They might as well at least try the double turn (and treat is as almost deja vu since Austin/Hart was at the same location) and see how it goes. If worse comes to worse you can turn HHH back as a heel post-Mania and Cena can just stay as a heel as well.

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The second that HHH gets on the mic to cut one of his long promos, that's it for Cena. HHH won't hesitate to bury him, and it won't be tough.

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Guest lousms

Hey, the whole heel/face thing can be solved VERY easily.




I know it sounds crazy, but look at the history: CENA can NOT function as a face champion. He's a great face as long as he's CHASING the belt. (Kurt Angle had it right.) HHH is a GREAT bad guy and a terrible face.


So, give the belt to HHH, preferably in some sort of screw job deal. HHH gloats how he cheated Cena out of it and Cena looks for revenge, never really getting it until Mania.


While I'd prefer Cena to lose, he can win here legitimately and look good. (but they shouldn't EVER keep the belt on him too long.)


This way, the face is CHEERED and you can have the big face/WM win.

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I don't want to see the double turn anymore because I want to see the Cena experiment explode on the biggest stage of the year. It would be worth of Wrestlemania to me just to see him get booed out of the building unlike ever before, while the fans go crazy for the stuff that HHH does to him.

This is exactly how I feel. Which is why as much as I want them to change, this is why I want things to stay the same.

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Guest Flockmember37

If they aren't going to switch roles, then HHH should form a stable.


I know it's 2006 and Stables are gone, but listen to what I am saying for a second here....


HHH wins the title at MANIA, CENA gets a rematch on RAW, but during the RAW rematch HHH gets help from someone, maybe 2 guys. Those 2 guys become a tag-team win the titles, ah...crap.....4 Horseman/Evolution all over again. CRAP CRAP CRAP.


You know what?


There still should be a heel stable. Make Cena face each heel until Summerslam where he gets HHH alone in a CAGE.


It's worked so many times before.

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A double turn won't work in this situation because although for certain HHH is getting cheered that night of Wrestlemania, that's it. He won't get good face reactions against anyone other than Cena. HHH as a face makes Cena look like Hogan in his prime.

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Guest Flockmember37
A double turn won't work in this situation because although for certain HHH is getting cheered that night of Wrestlemania, that's it. He won't get good face reactions against anyone other than Cena. HHH as a face makes Cena look like Hogan in his prime.


At Wrestlemania XXI HHH got the loudest pops. As soon as He appeared on the stage with motorhead the place erupted. Not sine Hogan at WMVII (which i was also at) did I hear such great ovation.


That might not be the case for other events, but HHH doesn't have to play the "FACE" like CENA does.


Look at AUSTIN he was never a "face" in the traditional sense. He was always the anti-hero. HHH can do the same and be effective.

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And I nominate that aq more over face is the one who can get him over.


HHH is NOT a strong enough enemy anymore. He is boring and regular, and we've seen this play out with so many other faces in the past.


Whoever the most over face in the company is, he needs to team with Cena, and I'm talking vignettes, matches, everything. They both need to display the kind of charisma that has been missing from Cena for years. Because Cena isn't being boo'd because he's white and rapping, he's being boo'd because he's fucking boring.



DING! DING! DING! We got a winner!

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Rey and Angle double teaming Orton as soon as the bell rings and continues to do so for about five or ten minutes, climaxing with them doing a huge move. With Orton out of the picture, Rey and Angle look at one another, shake hands, and start going at it like we know that they can do. Let's say they continue at it, just those two, for about twenty minutes or so.


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HHH wins the title at MANIA, CENA gets a rematch on RAW, but during the RAW rematch HHH gets help from someone, maybe 2 guys. Those 2 guys become a tag-team win the titles, ah...crap.....4 Horseman/Evolution all over again. CRAP CRAP CRAP.

What you are reading right now should have been edited in the final version. My apologies.

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Rey and Angle double teaming Orton as soon as the bell rings and continues to do so for about five or ten minutes, climaxing with them doing a huge move. With Orton out of the picture, Rey and Angle look at one another, shake hands, and start going at it like we know that they can do. Let's say they continue at it, just those two, for about twenty minutes or so.




DING! DING! DING! We got a winner!

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Honestly I think what Cena needs is to just get the hell out of the title scene for a decent amount of time. Job the belt to HHH at WM (and get booed to shit), job one more time in Rupp Arena at Backlash, and then feud with someone, ANYONE else.


As far as Cena teaming with someone, I suggested on the Raw thread that he should team with RVD. It would accomplish 2 things: 1. It would give Cena a bit more cred with the older male fans, the hardcore fans. 2. It would get RVD a little more over with the kids and teenage girls (though he's already reasonably popular there anyway).


This wouldn't be a cheesy teaming or the typical "Throw two faces together in the upper card" crap like when Orton turned face and they threw him with guys like Benoit and Shawn. Make them friends who will look out for each other, REALLY have each other's backs. Film backstage segments, have them congratulate the other on a big win.


Anyway, I don't think HHH will want to turn face. If anything he'll use his own inability to get Cena over as a face in this feud as a way to bury Cena in the back. Right now HHH said stuff like "Oh, Angle just didn't know how to play heel vs. Cena. Watch me do it." When he does all he can and Cena still can't get over as a face, HHH will be like "Vince, this guy just doesn't have it."

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Anyway, I don't think HHH will want to turn face. If anything he'll use his own inability to get Cena over as a face in this feud as a way to bury Cena in the back. Right now HHH said stuff like "Oh, Angle just didn't know how to play heel vs. Cena. Watch me do it." When he does all he can and Cena still can't get over as a face, HHH will be like "Vince, this guy just doesn't have it."


The smark conspiracy theorist in me also thinks that HHH will not only get cheered over Cena, HHH will run the match in such a way to expose Cena's style, a la Scott Steiner. Making sure Cena is good and buried.

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I'd love to see Cena as a heel again. I really enjoyed his character while he was a heel on SD some years ago.


HHH as a face would blow though. If I remember Cenas heel-run with joy I remember HHH's facerun with the opposite. He was awful. Sure, give HHH the title (Cena wont work as a champ) but make the Cena turn the day after on RAW when he is pissed he lost the title or something.

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Cena should just go back to Smackdown since HHH won't leave. It is the only saving grace to this situation.


However I expect


Wrestlemania - Cena retains since I don't see two heels leaving Mania with both world titles.


Backlash - HHH wins title number 11 in the Wrestlemania rematch


Vengeance - Cena / HHH HIAC with HHH retaining.

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I can see the whole WM match playing out last night. HHH doesn't take Cena seriously and just beats on him during their match at Mania. Being all cocky and thinking Cena is nothing, Cena explodes and pins HHH who's in shock.

I'm a Cena fan so last night was tough to watch. I rather watch Cena as champ than Pimptista any day.

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By all rights, the build-up to the match SHOULD be similar to Cena / Layfield from last year, but it won't be.

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