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Guest Princess Leena

Stevie Wonder song night? Oh, this will be painful. Not because of the songs, but the attempts to sing them.


I'm guessing only 2 people are voted off tomorrow, then.

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Stevie Wonder song night? Oh, this will be painful. Not because of the songs, but the attempts to sing them.


I'm guessing only 2 people are voted off tomorrow, then.


It's 1 per week from here to the end. I think tonight's show will suck save for Katharine, Mandisa, Elliott & Taylor. Lisa and Paris will come off as old again and the rest won't do very well with the theme. Ben Savage has GOT to go.

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Guest The Satanic Angel

Stevie Wonder theme? Yikes. Given the performances of past songs, I may have to find something else to watch. :(

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Stevie Wonder theme? Yikes. Given the performances of past songs, I may have to find something else to watch. :(


you really don't want to miss Bucky destroy a Stevie Wonder song...really, you don't.

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Ben Savage has GOT to go.

Savage was let go last week. You're thinking of Chicken Little...


you really don't want to miss Bucky destroy a Stevie Wonder song...really, you don't.

That's not just a car crash waiting to happen, that's a 20 car pileup...

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AI really needs to expand their catalog of available songs for the contestants to sing...get multiple bands if need be. This specific genre shit is starting to get real old.

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Guest The Satanic Angel
you really don't want to miss Bucky destroy a Stevie Wonder song...really, you don't.

That's not just a car crash waiting to happen, that's a 20 car pileup...


In the middle of a blizzard on the bleakest stretch of I-80 ... no relief in sight.

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Ben Savage has GOT to go.

Savage was let go last week. You're thinking of Chicken Little...


you really don't want to miss Bucky destroy a Stevie Wonder song...really, you don't.

That's not just a car crash waiting to happen, that's a 20 car pileup...


Will was Wonder Years era Fred Savage, Kevin is his little brother when Corey finally trimmed the brillo pad down from an afro on Boy Meet's World. Calling him Chicken Little is insulting to Chicken Little.

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Guest Princess Leena

Only 1 voted off from now on? Ugh, the part I like most is guessing who gets eliminated. With at least half the field having no chance of winning... that's like 6 weeks of filler then. Argh.

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Ben Savage has GOT to go.

Savage was let go last week. You're thinking of Chicken Little...


you really don't want to miss Bucky destroy a Stevie Wonder song...really, you don't.

That's not just a car crash waiting to happen, that's a 20 car pileup...


Will was Wonder Years era Fred Savage, Kevin is his little brother when Corey finally trimmed the brillo pad down from an afro on Boy Meet's World. Calling him Chicken Little is insulting to Chicken Little.

I read FRED Savage for some reason. No idea why, exactly. We should call him Weasel Wyzell...l

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Ugh, Stevie Wonder night? I hate American Idol contestants singing Stevie Wonder. They always pick his syrupy ballads and butcher them to the point where they all sound exactly the same. If people break out stuff like "Living for the City," "Higher Ground," or "Signed Sealed Delivered" then it could be ok.

I can actually see Ace pulling off "Signed Sealed Delivered" pretty well. At Live8 they had the lead singer of Maroon 5 (a band which I absolutely despise) singing it with Stevie, and he absolutely nailed it. And Ace can sing kind of like that.

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Hilarious, only one person so far has been able to pull off a Stevie Wonder song, and it was Elliot. Singing Wonder, usually gets someone voted off. This should be entertaining, and if Kevin Covais were to sing "Boogie On Reggae Woman", I would like him again.


Taylor needs to bust out "Superstition" tonight.

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Guest Princess Leena

I just want to see Katharine show more of her body. And more shots of that ass, too. Before she gets popular, and is forced to look like an anorexic stick like everyone else.

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Guest fanofcoils
My prediction of the top 12:


1. Taylor (should easily beat Chris in the finale)

2. Chris (has potential, unlikable, only 1 great performance, the rest sucked)

3. Kellie (too much charisma)

4. Kevin (the new Scott Savol in longetivity with the help of votefortheworst.com just like his "big bro" Scott)

5. Ace (will coast on his "looks")

6. Paris (lots of charisma though Gideon like hate will prevent her from reaching the top 4/5)

7. Katherine (lack of personality won't get her further)

8. Mandisa (has some charisma but not enough)

9. Elliot (very good voice, ear problem may hinder his "potential", I don't think he has as many fans as the ppl I listed above)

10. Bucky (has charisma but should showcase it each show to help him advance each week)

11. Melissa (decent but probably has more fans than Lisa)

12. Lisa (most likely the fewest amount of fans)


What do you think of my list? I change my ranking to now of Bucky over Elliot because I think they are about the same in popularity but Bucky upsetting Elliot would be more fun than Elliot moving on past Bucky.

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This will likely change, but I'll go with this being the order of the top 12.


1 - Chris wins (60% to 40%, to give AI another male winner, and the first "rock" winner)

2 - Katharine (will do the J.O.B. because women will vote for Chris)

3 - Elliott (runs out of steam after "upsetting" Taylor to escape last week)

4 - Taylor (2nd straight "stunner")

5 - Ace (the pretty boy gets "stunned" when Elliott knocks him off)

6 - Kellie (Aww Shucks Barbie goes farther than her talent dictates)

7 - Mandisa (she doesn't have a fanbase to carry her any further)

8 - Paris (ding dong the bitch is dead, I bet she cries A LOT)

9 - Lisa (gets snuffed out by Paris when their age finally starts to work against them)

10 - Kevin (after getting embarassed for 3 weeks in a row by the judges, he finally gets sent home via "producers decision" as they don't want to risk any more criticism

11 - Melissa (Tits McGhee takes home her hot body when she easily becomes the least popular person left)

12 - Bucky (Redneck + Stevie Wonder week = a quick trip home back to ma and pa)

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Guest Princess Leena

I'll play too, despite not remembering a few of them :P


1. Katharine (too pretty, and I don't think any of the guys are good enough to pass her...)

2. Chris (probably his to lose, but he managed to do a fine job starting that last week with a horrible performance)

3. Kellie (I don't see the cuteness in her... but, she plays the dumb bimbo blonde role perfectly. Lots of fans. But, her mediocre singing will eventually kill her.)

4. Mandisa (Also a great singer, but look kills her. I only think she lasts this long because she's the only decent black person left this late.)

5. Taylor (His looks and general goofiness are going to kill him eventually. Shame because he probably has the best voice in the competition)

6. Elliott (Quite a good singer, but I don't think he has the charisma or fanbase to stay for long.)

7. Lisa (Just lasts this long because it seems like AI is pushing her for some reason... like I give a damn if she's a 16 year old that sounds 35.)

8. Ace (This WAS his to win, but by being so fagtasticly gay he's managed to lose many of the female votes already.)

9. Melissa (Outside of a nice body, she's just blah. Expect her gone around here.)

10. Paris (Bitch. Horrible singer. I don't think she'll get enough of the black vote to keep her around long)

11. Kevin (He HAS to leave eventually... if AI doesn't fix their shows already, they need to here, to stop teasing the poor kid along)

12. Bucky (Redneck is finished if he can't sing the songs he wants)

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I personally think that Bucky made it on the strength of the Kellie contingent going "hey, he's from North Carolina - let's vote for him too!". And seriously, why isn't Bucky the focal point of votefortheworst.com?




1. Chris (not the best of the bunch, but the guy I think the judges will choose to push as the one who should win)

2. Katherine (best tits+ass combination in a singing competition since Jamie Foss on Superstar USA)

3. Elliott (going further than he really should)

4. Paris (the act will have worn thin a long time ago, but the judges will protect her for a while)

5. Mandisa (which would be pretty good, seeing as only big guys get over on these types of shows)

6. Taylor (victim of the "yeah, he's safe so I"m not voting for him" non-vote)

7. Kevin (who sadly doesn't have a "point to the sky, thanks <Father, Son or Holy Ghost>" moment to make me hate him more.

8. Ace (gets farther than he should)

9. Kellie (first person to get truly buried by the judges)

10. Lisa (first "shocker")

11. Melissa (winning the Jessica Sierra Award for best boobs gone way too soon)

12. Bucky

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Top 6: Chris, Taylor, Ace, Katharine, Paris, Kellie — undetermined order

7. Mandisa — obese

8. Lisa — no personality

9. Elliott — bland

10. Kevin — annoying

11. Bucky — nasty

12. Melissa — no face

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Guest fanofcoils

But Kevin has the support of votefortheworst.com just like "big Bro" Scott. Therefore Kevin should last a long time on the show.

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Can someone explain Votefortheworst and why they have any impact on the results? I am looking at their site and they have a lil over 400 people on their board and a lil over 300 on Myspace. Let's be generous and say they have 500 people participating and that's not a lot of people, I can't see them making a dent. And if Scott Savols success on the show is the only proof, I don't necessarily buy it.


Top 3:


Hicks - I think Taylors style can make pretty much anything sound good which I think will do him well when the genres change - the benefit of being unique. Thus far Taylor has played to his strengths in regards to song selection and he, more than anyone else in this competition, knows what he can do and make sound good, and what he can't do. He is probably the most experienced in playing in front of a live audience, which is be a huge plus for him when the venue changes and the audience gets bigger. A big part of the success of idols, I have found, is that they are able to make use of, and generate, this huge atmosphere around them. Taylor plays from his heart, he can hit the big power notes better than the vast majority of the group which is key to any idols success when they have to fill a huge room with their voice. It also doesn't hurt that the judges love him and will try to push him to the final 6 before they really start to get critical.


Chris - Chris benefits from a watered-down rock style, which is always popular, and which will certainly sound better in the larger venue.


McPhee - McPhee has the potential to steal this competition from Taylor if she makes the right choices - she's likable, hot, and has a nice ass that looks good in jeans which benefitted Clarkson and Underwood. She'll get the girl vote because shes silly, and she'll get the guy vote cause shes hot. She can sing older and younger stuff well, so she can get all age groups. The issue, as I said, is picking the right song, because voice-for-voice, shes one of the better ones in the competition. Also, being able to belt out songs is a big factor - Chris and Taylor can belt them. Carrie and Fantastia could belt them. That's what McPhee needs to do - generate a buzz, hit the big notes, get the standing ovation from the crowd.




Elliot - Good to great voice, the judges love him, but he doesn't have the personality to bring him to the final 3.


Pickler - the judges are pushing for her, so I can't see her getting eliminated early, and she knows -perhaps more than anyone else- how to play it up and get across her personality and endear herself to the public. She also has a very rare quality in being hot, but not knowing that she's hot (or, at least, not coming off like she knows shes hot). This is a very powerful quality. She appeals to many audiences, she knows how to pick her songs, and she *can* sing. It will take her far.


Mandisa - like Elliot, a great voice and talent can take you far, but other factors will push her out.








These three above will make it on the basis of the judges pushing them (Paris and Lisa) and appearance. They are all not strong enough voices to make it above the top 6.








These three are just niche votes. Melissa is getting through on hard work and a nice body alone, but the judges won't push her above Lisa and Paris so even if Melissa performs well, Simon will be there to spin it and make the lasting impression be "that was awful". Bucky and Kevin shouldn't even be there - my man Patrick got shafted.

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Guest fanofcoils

Votefortheworst.com gets like a hundred thousands hits per day or week, I think per day. I would think their impact is huge considering Scott made it to the final 5, or else how would he get there? People love the fat guy with no charisma and a good but not great voice?

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Guest fanofcoils

Okay, even if Scott got the "sympathy vote" or the "he's just an average guy" vote, than it should happen with Kevin too I would think but who knows..

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If they get hundreds of thousands of hits per day, they've been up for 12 days? They said they've been up since 2004, and if their counter says 12 million visitors, it's very possible that means 12 million visitors over a year + period of time, and those are not unique visitors, which means it could very well have a small, but loyal, following who access the site daily for over a year which inflates the number of visitors.

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Guest fanofcoils

The counter might have been resetted at one point and the website may or may not have much more or much less visitors than one would think.

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That is certainly a possibility as well, however judging from their myspace friends and messageboard members, I don't think they have the voting power to really effect the majority of the voting results - there are millions of voters, so I can't see a small % pushing someone ahead on their own. However, 500 votes could mean the difference when it gets close, so it's not like they don't have an effect, I just don't think it's as big as some people are alluding to.

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