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New X3: The Last Stand Trailer

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Its on youtube now. All i have to say is wow, maybe just maybe he might be able to pull it off.

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This gives me even more hope

It's a small article from the Scifi wire


X3 Stirs Cast Emotions


The cast of the upcoming X-Men: The Last Stand said that the film raised issues that struck close to home, so much so that actors Ian McKellen, Halle Berry and Hugh Jackman ended up arguing about the film's central dilemma during a roundtable interview from the Vancouver, Canada, set last December.


The third film in the X-Men franchise takes the series' underlying theme of alienation to its logical conclusion with a story centered on a "cure" for mutations. Both McKellen and Jackman said separately that they think the new script is the best of the series. McKellen called it "a script that we all agree is superior from the start to the previous two."


The introduction of a cure presents each mutant character with a choice whether to accept themselves as they are or take the chance at becoming "normal." It was clearly a dilemma to which the actors responded emotionally.


"There are people who think gay people can be cured," said McKellen (Magneto), who has spoken publicly about his own homosexuality. "My reaction to the idea that I can be cured as a mutant is as contemptuous as my view of people who say I need curing of my sexuality. The idea that black people could take a pill that would cure them of being black is abhorrent to me."


Halle Berry, who plays Storm, echoed McKellen's sentiment. "Being a black woman, a woman of color, I think that's been an issue I've struggled with my whole life," she said. "Feeling like, somehow when I was a child, if I could change myself somehow, my life would be inevitably better. As I've gotten older, I think I've come to terms with what nonsense that is, and this movie adds light to that dark subject."


Hugh Jackman, who plays Wolverine, took the other side, pointing out that there are other characters for whom the cure is more attractive. "Rogue [Anna Paquin], as amazingly powerful as she is, lives a potentially very lonely life," said Jackman. "Never being able to touch anyone, never being able to have a physical relationship, never able to have children. Now, as politically abhorrent as something like the cure is, it's also humanely, socially, incredibly understandable that a character like that would take it."


"It isn't necessarily her mutancy that's the problem," McKellen shot back. "It's other people's reaction to it. Maybe it's society that's wrong, not her."


The cast then seemed to realize that they were getting emotional about the topic and backed off to more conventional interview subjects.


"It'll get you worked up, this script," McKellen said at one point. "And so it should, because I don't think people should be cured of their God-given nature." X-Men: The Last Stand opens May 26. —John Sullivan

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For those interested, there's quite a few X3 images here, here, and here. Spoilerish and non-spoilerish are in abundance. Of note on the first are the interesting 'Take a Stand' moody promo shots - very nice - and Colussu's metal make-up - which is...not so nice. Then again, its difficult to judge such a thing from an image alone...


On the second, the Wolvie make-out pics are 'meh' -- the black colors with Storm's hair seem a good match.


For the third---Pyro~! Meow. Interesting wrist-band-thingy he's wearing; certainly a lil touch from X2.


Now, if I could only get the trailer to work... [Must be the morning-ness - or the positive comments - because, for some odd reason, I'm feeling a touch optimistic.]

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It's called Quicktime 7. Download it.


This trailer does nothing for me. I learned a long long time ago not to let a nicely edited and well put together trailer convince me that a movie isn't going to suck.


We shall see.

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the fact that Colossus has a role in this makes me weep with joy.


Sounds like McKellan was channeling Magneto in that interview.


Those spoiler pics are great...I was going to see this anyway, even though early spoilers made it seem like a shitty flick, but the trailer and pics definently ice it.


EDIT: response to viv, since he posted the same time I did...you do have a point with the trailers, vivi...I mean after all, I thought Van Helsing was going to be a kickass movie based ont he trailers...boy was I mistaken!

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response to viv, since he posted the same time I did...you do have a point with the trailers, vivi...I mean after all, I thought Van Helsing was going to be a kickass movie based ont he trailers...boy was I mistaken!


I feel your pain. B-)

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response to viv, since he posted the same time I did...you do have a point with the trailers, vivi...I mean after all, I thought Van Helsing was going to be a kickass movie based ont he trailers...boy was I mistaken!


I feel your pain. B-)

Well...if you take out the overly-grotesque CGI, Wolfman, Anna, Frankenstein -- and just focus on the sets, Gabriel and Vladislaus then ya have a decent movie. Well, -silent- moive anyway, as most of the dialogue is crap. Except for chapter 11. ;) Chapter 11 being, of course, when Vlad and Gabe have their one and -only- scene which doesn't rely and shitty CGI.


It's called Quicktime 7. Download it.

Is there any possible way to get it without iTunes? Opening up the installer from the site, it seems entirely geared towards that damn music program -- which I neither need nor want.

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Well...if you take out the overly-grotesque CGI, Wolfman, Anna, Frankenstein -- and just focus on the sets, Gabriel and Vladislaus then ya have a decent movie. Well, -silent- moive anyway, as most of the dialogue is crap. Except for chapter 11. ;) Chapter 11 being, of course, when Vlad and Gabe have their one and -only- scene which doesn't rely and shitty CGI.


The actor who played Vlad was god awful. He was the worst Dracula in recent memory. The entire movie was shit from CGI to acting to plot and writing, man. :P


Is there any possible way to get it without iTunes? Opening up the installer from the site, it seems entirely geared towards that damn music program -- which I neither need nor want.


I have a url somewhere for the standalone installer. I will PM it to you when I find it. :P

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Well, I didn't say he had to be taken seriously, ja? Given all the stuff I've already deducted from the movie, that leaves ya with about... twenty minutes, if that, left to view.


I hated the movie. Tore it up to hell and back in my LJ from the first viewing. Then, I don't know why, I...watched again. I think I had it from the library, thus, a week free, so... yeah, watched it again. Fast-forward through all the crap...


Only thing good -at all- about the movie was the subtle, barely-touched-upon/squint-and-you'll-miss-'em references to a 'past'* between Vlad and Gabe -- one thing mentioned in the book (which I rec if you're, like, flying-off-your-tits-drunk; a pre-schooler could do better) was triangular scars on Gabe's back -- supposedly where he used to have wings. Something about the archangel comes into play...


"You used to be my friend! My partner! A lover in my arms!" -- as Vlad so eloquently put it. Oh, wait, that's not what he said? Well, a lil improv never hurt. Hell, in a movie like VH, it could only help.



Concerning QT, I installed the package from the site, then found QT7 on OldVersion.com -- saved that to a folder, uninstalled iTunes, then restarted as required. ...QT still seems to be here, with no sign of iTunes, so...I suppose that solves the problem well enough.


Now, onto the trailer ^_^

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the chemistry (or lack thereof) between Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale is one of the things that totally killed the movie for me. That and the wacky plot that went all over the damn place...CGI doesn't bother me as much as it does others (hardcore Star Wars fans in particular, Lucas would have used nothing but CGI in 1977 if he had it available, dumb fucks).

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Goddamn, this trailer is good.


Man, I got chills.


Great emotion and great parallel of the "cure to supress the x-gene permenantly" to Logan's quote, "Sometimes when you cage the beast for too long, the beast fights back" -- either that or "the beast gets angry". Can't recall exactly.


I do have some drawbacks, though -- Juggs' ubermuscles is laughable to me; the spiky mutant looks a bit too over-CG'ed; didn't they already do the use-mutant-power-against-other-mutant? ---Er, to clarify, the source of the x-gene "cure" (mentioned in the trailer; not a spoiler) is from a mutant--eerily similar to Jason in X2.

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I thought it looked pretty cool... until I realized I recognized tons of scenes from the spoilers I read, which got me down on it again.

I would be interested to read such spoilers.


the chemistry (or lack thereof) between Hugh Jackman and Kate Beckinsale is one of the things that totally killed the movie for me. That and the wacky plot that went all over the damn place

Yeah, the plot was so -- well, not only was it trying to be a gazillion things at once, but it had more to do with Stephen Sommers in a complete frenzied state of orgasmic crazyness. Heck, just listen to the commentary. Every other minute he's all "Look at that? See that? That is ALL DIGITAL!" even going so far as to point out the digital breath after VH and Anna come through the ice-mirror-thingamajigger. As always is the case, the cast commentary - with Richard Roxbourg[Drac], Will Kemp[Wolfy], and Shuler Hensley[Frankenstein] is a lot more entertaining. See the first chapter... I think Shuler was discussing his makeup and Will commented, with a boyish grin so evident in his words, "Wow. A four-hour head job...."


The problem with Hugh and Kate is not so much chemistry but rather the over-serious material they had to work with. Both seem to have a good sense of humor [from the bloopers] yet the movie essentially forced them into being really dramatic and over-the-top. There were jokes and such, of course, but it completely lacked inspiration or soul, in comparison to the similar [yet drastically more entertaining] The Mummy.

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Man, a great trailer. Almost gives me hope for this movie. Except then I remember the following:

1)Bret Ratner's a shitty director

2)This film is INSANELY rushed due to Fox's fucking dumbass edict that it MUST come out before Bryan Singer's Superman Returns. And this isn't a comic property vs comic property thing, this is a Fox vs Bryan Singer thing. The film is apparently so rushed that they're not even having time to fix the things that Ratner wanted to fix in post.

3)From the trailer's we've seen, it looks like the major plot points (and pointless developments regarding some main characters) from the leaked script are still there.

4)"Halle Berry's Storm will have a much bigger role this time out." 'Nuff said


Having said that, the 2 trailers thus far have kicked ass, so maybe they'll pull it together. Oh yeah, and Kelsey Grammar as Beast is like the best casting of all time.

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I think by now we should've learned that a trailer is no indication of how good a movie will be. For example, the Sith trailer was far more exciting than the one for Batman Begins, but we all know which one was the better movie.

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I think by now we should've learned that a trailer is no indication of how good a movie will be. For example, the Sith trailer was far more exciting than the one for Batman Begins, but we all know which one was the better movie.

Depending on your point of view, of course.


But since I'm a fan of comic book movies, this has already got my $8 and has had it for awhile now.


Although everytime I watch Juggernaut chase Shadowcat, I imagine him yelling "Come back here! I'm the Juggernaut, bitch!"

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oh man.


I want this movie to be AWESOME. Hearing that several cast members think it is is cool, and everything. But...


are those rumors of random people hooking up and dying gonna be true? This is bullshit if they are!

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