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Guest NYankees


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This will be a trip to the bar for me and my friends. It's the least interest I've had for a WrestleMania since I started watching wrestling. Only alcohol can make it bearable to watch at this point.

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This will be a trip to the bar for me and my friends. It's the least interest I've had for a WrestleMania since I started watching wrestling. Only alcohol can make it bearable to watch at this point.



I concur. What a waste this year has been. We were gonna splurge for tickets since we are so close, but they are so fucked this year, it wasn't worth spending money on. To the bar we go.

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I will order Mania. The main draw for me this year is MITB. I know the build-up for this match hasn't been great, but since it was one of the the four good matches on last year's card, the likelyhood is that it'll be good.


At least I hope it will.

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Wrestlemania, Are you going to order/watch it this year live?


No. Probably not. I don't want to spend the money for it, and the card doesn't invoke very much interest in me at all.

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Guest bigm350

I'll wait till it comes out on DVD. There's not a chance in hell I'm gonna throw away $50 on this card, when I can get it for around $20, and have it in DVD quality.


Also, I'll get the dvd so I'll have every WM on tape and/or dvd.

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Guest burth179

If comparing to last year's Mania, although the buildup may not be great, I think the matches will be better. At least the 2 title matches. HHH vs. Cena will be better than JBL vs. Cena, and Angle vs. Mystrerio vs. Orton will be better than HHH vs. Batista was..


Trish vs. Mickie, JBL vs. Benoit, MIB II should all be good. MIB probably won't be as good as last year's but still should deliver..


Mick vs. Edge could be really good as well, and even the tag title match not too bad...


Michaels vs. Vince should at least have a lot of bumps, however that match may resemble the Edge vs. Mick too much if it goes that route... Should still be entertaining at least...


I don't care to see Taker put Henry's fat ass in casket or the Boogeyman vs. Booker T and Sharmell crap (It sucks Booker has to be in the ring with no talent Boogeyman)


With the exception of MIB and Michaels vs. Angle, this year's Mania could easily be better than last year's overall...

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Here is the difference between JBL/Cena and Cena/HHH.


The build-up was better for XXI as JBL was a complete heel and they basically set it up that Cena would march in and take that title from him. JBL, was the dick heel and Cena, was the cool babyface who wanted to stop his reign of terror. Easy set up and they delivered on that with a quick virtual squash.


Triple H, has not been a good heel in this program and Cena, instead of looking like the confident babyface, even put over Triple H in promo fashion. The match will not be a short squash match, it won't be the 12-15 minute match it needs to be. It will probably go 20-25 minutes because of Triple H's fixation on longer matches because he believes that makes it a better match.


HHH/Batista, had a MUCH better build then the idiotic Mysterio/Orton/The other guy who happens to have the title.


Really, they should have just done Mysterio/Orton straight up without Angle involved. Angle, shouldn't be the third wheel in this match considering he is the champion. It's all built so that Rey pins Orton to win the title.


So what does Angle get? A transition reign to another babyface when he doesn't get pinned and wasn't even involved in the main story of the match. HHH/Batista wasn't a horrible match, but like I said eariler...Triple H's infatuation with longer matches damaged the quality. The triple threat might be good but it won't be incredible.


WM21 had a better cast for the MITB match (Benoit, Edge, Jericho, Benjamin, Kane and Christian) because MITB2 only has 2 realistic winners, Flair and RVD.


Mickie/Trish, easily trumps Trish/Christy in both value and potential quality. Not to mention a much better storyline.


WM22 doesn't have a match that shouts "WM Classic". This show might have to depend on specific moments or hope something goes right. It might be WM11 levels, where the best match is a average performence and has zero special moments.


It's best hopes is for a WM13 duplication, where one match truly makes it a worthy event.

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Really, they should have just done Mysterio/Orton straight up without Angle involved.

It reminds me of Summerslam 2000. The main event was bulit around the Triple H/Angle/Steph angle and Rock was in the match simply because he was the WWF Champion.


However, people actually cared about that match and it pretty much became another Rock/Triple H match after Angle was knocked silly.

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Really, they should have just done Mysterio/Orton straight up without Angle involved.

It reminds me of Summerslam 2000. The main event was bulit around the Triple H/Angle/Steph angle and Rock was in the match simply because he was the WWF Champion.


However, people actually cared about that match and it pretty much became another Rock/Triple H match after Angle was knocked silly.


Well, Rock still had beef with Triple H during the time. They just so happened to have Angle/HHH as the main focus.


Angle, has no issue with either man. He really isn't needed for the whole thing, the champion shouldn't be a third wheel or the afterthought. They should have just slapped the title on Orton instead once Batista dropped it. Then, have Orton start the Eddy mockery (which WWE was going to do no matter what) and then have Rey win the rumble, only eliminating Angle instead of Orton.


Angle, with a nastier streak then ever could have challenged Undertaker and they could have done Angle/Taker for Mania. Instead, we get Angle stuck in match as a third wheel and a idiotic casket match (the casket match, almost kills any upside that Henry/Taker had).

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and a idiotic casket match (the casket match, almost kills any upside that Henry/Taker had).


There was an upside?

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Really, they should have just done Mysterio/Orton straight up without Angle involved.

It reminds me of Summerslam 2000. The main event was bulit around the Triple H/Angle/Steph angle and Rock was in the match simply because he was the WWF Champion.


However, people actually cared about that match and it pretty much became another Rock/Triple H match after Angle was knocked silly.


Well, Rock still had beef with Triple H during the time. They just so happened to have Angle/HHH as the main focus.


Angle, has no issue with either man. He really isn't needed for the whole thing, the champion shouldn't be a third wheel or the afterthought. They should have just slapped the title on Orton instead once Batista dropped it. Then, have Orton start the Eddy mockery (which WWE was going to do no matter what) and then have Rey win the rumble, only eliminating Angle instead of Orton.


Angle, with a nastier streak then ever could have challenged Undertaker and they could have done Angle/Taker for Mania. Instead, we get Angle stuck in match as a third wheel and a idiotic casket match (the casket match, almost kills any upside that Henry/Taker had).


Politically, I wonder if this could have gotten done. Taker is very protective of himself and his WM streak. While it would've fulfilled Taker's wish to have a memorable, kick ass match at Mania, I'm not sure Angle would've been down to job the title to Taker and I'm not sure Vince and Co. would want the belt on Taker, post Mania.


Still, that said I'd much rather have seen Taker/Angle and Rey/Orton than what they've booked now.

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Really, they should have just done Mysterio/Orton straight up without Angle involved.

It reminds me of Summerslam 2000. The main event was bulit around the Triple H/Angle/Steph angle and Rock was in the match simply because he was the WWF Champion.


However, people actually cared about that match and it pretty much became another Rock/Triple H match after Angle was knocked silly.


Well, Rock still had beef with Triple H during the time. They just so happened to have Angle/HHH as the main focus.


Angle, has no issue with either man. He really isn't needed for the whole thing, the champion shouldn't be a third wheel or the afterthought. They should have just slapped the title on Orton instead once Batista dropped it. Then, have Orton start the Eddy mockery (which WWE was going to do no matter what) and then have Rey win the rumble, only eliminating Angle instead of Orton.


Angle, with a nastier streak then ever could have challenged Undertaker and they could have done Angle/Taker for Mania. Instead, we get Angle stuck in match as a third wheel and a idiotic casket match (the casket match, almost kills any upside that Henry/Taker had).


Politically, I wonder if this could have gotten done. Taker is very protective of himself and his WM streak. While it would've fulfilled Taker's wish to have a memorable, kick ass match at Mania, I'm not sure Angle would've been down to job the title to Taker and I'm not sure Vince and Co. would want the belt on Taker, post Mania.


Still, that said I'd much rather have seen Taker/Angle and Rey/Orton than what they've booked now.



No, I was just saying put the title on Orton and let Rey win it at Mania. It wouldn't be any different from what we have now. In my made up thing, Angle never had the title because Orton won the title instead. Angle just challenges 'Taker to prove himself or whatever. Angle, would job to Undertaker no problems asked because if it went like NWO did, with with Taker winning instead, Angle still looks even.

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I wanted to send word to all of the out-of-town wrestling fans coming into Chicago for Wrestlemania weekend that there will be a lot of road construction in Chicagoland beginning that same weekend.


The Illinois Department of Transportation will begin their much-dreaded construction of the Dan Ryan Expressway (I-90-94) on March 31st at 10 p.m. At that time, the state will close the express lanes of the Ryan and cut the highway from 14 lanes to six. Some parts of the Ryan will even go down to three lanes. This will affect a lot of people who are planning on driving in from the south for all of the weekend events.


IDOT is advising EVERYBODY with a car to avoid the Dan Ryan and use alternate routes. Some are predicting that those drivers will be using the I-294 toll road as an alternate, which is one of the routes used to get to Rosemont and Chicago Ridge, the locations for Mania and both Ring Of Honor events, respectively. Also, fans coming from the north to see IWA Mid-South's 4/1 event in Midlothian that take the Ryan will also be affected. IDOT has set up a site (http://danryanexpressway.com/) for travelers who need info on the project.


If fans are flying in from out of town and plan on staying around the Rosemont/O'Hare airport area, they likely won't experience any trouble. Still, it doesn't hurt to plan ahead, allow yourself extra time, and/or use public transportation. The RTA web site (http://www.rtachicago.org/) has links to train and bus transportation agencies in Chicago and the suburbs. The Allstate Arena (http://www.allstatearena.com/) site also gives directions.


Thanks for spreading the word. It's going to be bad enough for the locals to deal with this traffic mess. There's no sense in making the out-of-town fans suffer.


Someone sent this to the Observer site. Looks like anyone going to see WM in person will need to adjust their plans a little.

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You know I was actually looking forward to Angle / Orton, but that was before they decided to fuck Orton's characterat Rumble and afterwards and being stuck in shitty feud with Mysterio, who got involved in the main event.

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Politically, I wonder if this could have gotten done. Taker is very protective of himself and his WM streak. While it would've fulfilled Taker's wish to have a memorable, kick ass match at Mania, I'm not sure Angle would've been down to job the title to Taker and I'm not sure Vince and Co. would want the belt on Taker, post Mania.


Still, that said I'd much rather have seen Taker/Angle and Rey/Orton than what they've booked now.


I think the commentators could play it up considering the Undertaker won the belt in that building in 1997. He could have worn his costume with the grey gloves and grey socks like at WM 13.

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It's probably because I've been home with nothing to do so I've been online a lot, but I'm starting to look forward to WM. I'm still not expecting a great show, but I'm getting it regardless.


I'm going in with my uncle and brother so it really isn't that much.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees
You know I was actually looking forward to Angle / Orton, but that was before they decided to fuck Orton's characterat Rumble and afterwards and being stuck in shitty feud with Mysterio, who got involved in the main event.

You know, I really don't think Angle/Orton will be a very good match if they eventually do it. Angle's not Benoit.

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I've been doing the usual WM marathon the last two weeks or so. I'm getting excited despite not having the greatest card. I figure it'll still be good, at least better than say XVI or X8.


I'll be watching with friends, so it'll be fun regardless.

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I've been doing the usual WM marathon the last two weeks or so. I'm getting excited despite not having the greatest card. I figure it'll still be good, at least better than say XVI or X8.


I'll be watching with friends, so it'll be fun regardless.


XVI, had Jericho/Benoit/Angle, a super-hot main event program and a three-way ladder match. There's no way XXII will be as good.

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I've been doing the usual WM marathon the last two weeks or so. I'm getting excited despite not having the greatest card. I figure it'll still be good, at least better than say XVI or X8.


I'll be watching with friends, so it'll be fun regardless.


XVI, had Jericho/Benoit/Angle, a super-hot main event program and a three-way ladder match. There's no way XXII will be as good.


The 3-way is overrated and way too short... 13 minutes for two falls? I wouldn't call the main event program super hot given all the McMahon hype. I always felt that that took away from it a little. But good storyline or not, the match wasn't that good. Don't forget that the rest of the card is filled with meaningless tag matches. I think WM 22 can blow it away.

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I'll head over to the theatre and watch it. I always go to see the Rumble and WrestleMania (and sometimes SummerSlam too, depending on whether or not I feel like it on the specific day it occurs).

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