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Lei Tong

TUF 3: The Thread

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Me and MSIA, being the anal retentive bastards we are, read up on some spoilers early in the season, and basically figured out the entire season from there.


1) Ken being dissapointed in the lack of heart shown by a guy he thinks can go far (Kristian).


2) Matt Hamill gets subbed by a tall guy (Mike Nichels).


3) Ross fights in both weight classes.


So, after Noah beat Jesse...


- Tito's best MW fight is Kendall v. Pointon, which Kendall probably wins.


- Tito wants to get rid of one of Matt's biggest threats on Team Shamrock, and so sends Bisping to kill either Kristian or Nichels. Tito hates Kristian, so he picks him.


- Rory & Solomon is a natural match-up, and something of a toss-up. However, either Ken wins and sets up Nichels/Hamill to demoralize Tito by taking out his golden boy, or Tito sets up Haynes/Fletcher to buy Matt time and still possibly get a win, since both Haynes & Tait suck.


- Haynes & Fletcher fight. Toss-up fight, with the winner likely to face Bisping in the semifinals. Tait likely wins, having never loss to Scary Jerry.

- Ed Herman kills Danny Abbadi.


- Mike Nichels submits Matt Hamill.


- With Ross back in the fold, and semi-repping Team Punishment, he and Michael don't fight, instead Ross going up against Mike Nichels, and Bisping agaisnt Tait. Bisping vs. Nichels in the finals.


- With the Team vs. Team semifinal theme, Herman & Kalib destroy Tito's MW's. HOWEVER, if the commercial is a spoiler, Kendall manages to upset Kalib and the final is Kendall vs. Herman.

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HOWEVER, if the commercial is a spoiler, Kendall manages to upset Kalib and the final is Kendall vs. Herman.


What commercial is that?


Nevermind. I somehow managed to forget Rory's bad analogy about Royce's BJJ. So, likely finals is Starnes vs. Herman or Groves.

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Who cares who wins the contest the best part of TUF3 is watching the burial of Ken Shamrock as the worst coach in the history of MMA!


Team Dagger, the british guy, and the redhead will probably be UFN regulars

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I don't think it's much of a spoiler, raz


You can generally tell who's gonna get some sort of contract whether they win or not.


Matt will get some matches because it's good PR. Other than him:


Bisping and Nickels, maybe. Bisping looks like he'd drop down to MW though.


Herman, Solomon and Kalib look to be good MW/WW prospects. Kendall Groves I'm not so sure, but he could probably put asses in the seats for Rumble on the Rock.

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Actually, at least one of the things I and several other people have mentioned is a spoiler (

Hamill losing to Nichels

), so don't refer to it without tags.

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Actually, at least one of the things I and several other people have mentioned is a spoiler (

Hamill losing to Nichels

), so don't refer to it without tags.


Well after watching the recent episode, that isn't suprising


Hamil is a bitch and needs to grow some balls.

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Dana: I'm not a dickhead!

The one time (this season) he doesn't actually need to say this and he says it. The dickery was warranted this time.


Oh yeah, I totally agree. Just as a casual UFC fan, I just found that line coming out of his mouth to be hilarious. Noah should have lied and said his parents were bombed into smithereens or something.

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It's no exaggeration to say Koscheck was twice the striker these guys are at the same point in the show, and that's just with an overhand right and low kicks.

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Yeah, I'm still fairly new to the MMA world but these two look to me like they'd get their asses kicked by the season 1 LHWs. Tait hasn't done a whole lot and Haynes just tries to outslug his opponent, which won't work all the time.

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This looks like the kind of fight I broke up when I was a bouncer. A couple of drunk-looking white guys rolling around swinging for the fences and not connecting much.


Please watch some Class A SHOOTO and forget this fight ever happened.




Will do. Of course, I think part of my apathy towards this fight is that I don't like Tait. He just seems to me like the cocky asshole who's never done anything to earn it. I'm sure he can fight and all, but the dude looks a little lost out there.

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