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Lei Tong

TUF 3: The Thread

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I actually think that third and fourth punch to the head is what put Solomon completely out. The kick/knee just rocked him.

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I'm not arguing againest the stoppage. Herb Dean made the right call of course. But I still feel that he was way too tired, and likely anything would've put him down.


When I got knocked out(Which was in a fight in Gr. 10, againest a guy who was MUCH bigger then me, I was winning the fight at 1st until getting a punch from him at the side of the back of my head), I was out for like a miniute, I didn't know what the fuck was going on. I tried to get back to my feet, I stumbled back down, and went back up and tried to fight again. But even then I still was dazed and didn't know what the fuck was going on.


That didn't look like Solomon to me, it just looked like a guy who's fatigued(spelling?) set in.

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So him going "What happened?" and others telling him he got knocked out and him being surprised was fatigue as well?


(basically what naiwf said)


Didn't see that part. I was wrong. But I do think the main reason he lost was fatigue, because he was dominating Rory in the 1st round.

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The funny thing is that the picture makes it look like the knee was intentional




But this, of course, shows us that the knee was in the right place at the right time. Not that it matters. I'm thinking that if this were the leg instead of a knee, then Solomon gets rocked, and then the punches finish.

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Interesting thing being that they aren't allowed to recieve mail so whoever it is at UFC that allowed this one to make it through either


A) Wanted to test Noah to see if he'd make it


B) Wanted to stir some shit up and see how everybody reacts


C) Didn't like Noah and wanted him to quit

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It's a LHW, and I thought it was Kristian, since Tito was pissed to see him and Tito never wanted him on his team. Then again, that guy might not be medically cleared, so the only other option for Tito's team is Jesse. We'll see.


I liked Dana White's "I don't give a fuck".

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- Jesse seemed to have his arm messed up a bit by Noah's armbar.


- Kristian still has a vagina on his head.


- Solomon was arguably concussed.


- Stine sucked shit.

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Noah's Thoughts on leaving the show !


By: Noah Inhofer (27) - Ignore user

On: May 11, 2006 | 8:16 PM


First, thanks to all the people who believe in me, and thanks again for sticking by me. The show was a great experience!! You are asked to hand over your life to perfect strangers. It is important to keep in mind that these strangers are producers, and it is their job to make the most exciting and entertaining TV show possible. UFC or no UFC, they have to make the most out of “Reality” even if that means pushing the word “Reality” to new depths. Their job is to create conflict within the house; It’s not their fault no one wants to see everyone happy and getting along, that’s just the way it is. I got along with everyone, so they used an outside source to get a reaction out of me. They got, perhaps, a little more than they bargained for. I would never choose anything above the people in my life that make me happy. And there is one in particular that I happen to be madly in love with. There are a lot of people who use the word love and don’t know what it meant. They say they would give up anything for that for that person. But how many would??? Well we know what decision I made. It was humbling to know that you love someone so much that anything else seems dull if you can’t share it with them. The show made it seem like my girl wrote me a letter saying she wanted me to come home???? That is not what happened. She wrote me a letter telling me how much she was hurting because of what she had heard, how much she loved me, and that she was so proud of me. Being the person I am, I could not sit and let her go through hard times without me by her side.

Watching the episode was tough, but I asked myself, would I do it again??? Yes, I would, but the only thing I would change, is I would have punched Jesse in the face a lot more, and that is THE ONLY thing I would change. I am a fighter, and I will keep fighting, and it is because of your support I will keep going. Things are fine with me and the girl. Every time I look at her I feel blessed. Sorry if I let you down. Keep your eyes open, because this won’t be the last you here of Noah “The Professor” Inhofer

Thanks and post …. I will read them all.

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Noah's Thoughts on leaving the show !


By: Noah Inhofer (27) - Ignore user

On: May 11, 2006 | 8:16 PM


First, thanks to all the people who believe in me, and thanks again for sticking by me. The show was a great experience!! You are asked to hand over your life to perfect strangers. It is important to keep in mind that these strangers are producers, and it is their job to make the most exciting and entertaining TV show possible. UFC or no UFC, they have to make the most out of “Reality” even if that means pushing the word “Reality” to new depths. Their job is to create conflict within the house; It’s not their fault no one wants to see everyone happy and getting along, that’s just the way it is. I got along with everyone, so they used an outside source to get a reaction out of me. They got, perhaps, a little more than they bargained for. I would never choose anything above the people in my life that make me happy. And there is one in particular that I happen to be madly in love with. There are a lot of people who use the word love and don’t know what it meant. They say they would give up anything for that for that person. But how many would??? Well we know what decision I made. It was humbling to know that you love someone so much that anything else seems dull if you can’t share it with them. The show made it seem like my girl wrote me a letter saying she wanted me to come home???? That is not what happened. She wrote me a letter telling me how much she was hurting because of what she had heard, how much she loved me, and that she was so proud of me. Being the person I am, I could not sit and let her go through hard times without me by her side.

Watching the episode was tough, but I asked myself, would I do it again??? Yes, I would, but the only thing I would change, is I would have punched Jesse in the face a lot more, and that is THE ONLY thing I would change. I am a fighter, and I will keep fighting, and it is because of your support I will keep going. Things are fine with me and the girl. Every time I look at her I feel blessed. Sorry if I let you down. Keep your eyes open, because this won’t be the last you here of Noah “The Professor” Inhofer

Thanks and post …. I will read them all.


Where did he post this?


I think it's going to be Jesse that replaces him. I didn't hear anything of him getting his arm broken. Espically after reading this I think it's Jesse. I think the fighter goes back to team Shamrock, because Team Shamrock was cheering in the previews.


I thought the parts with Matt were funny. Espically Kalib's comments. I hope he wins the whole thing.

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I think it's going to be Jesse that replaces him. I didn't hear anything of him getting his arm broken. Espically after reading this I think it's Jesse. I think the fighter goes back to team Shamrock, because Team Shamrock was cheering in the previews.


I thought the parts with Matt were funny. Espically Kalib's comments. I hope he wins the whole thing.

Gotta be Jesse. I don't think Tito would be particularly pissed if Ross came back and moved up to 205, and as LT noted, Kristian has a gash that resembles Qwest Field (which also looks like a vagina).


As for the other MW moving up, Stine coming back would be about as wise as having Ross back, and Solomon is probably a bit too heavy at MW as it is.


Dana: I'm not a dickhead!

The one time (this season) he doesn't actually need to say this and he says it. The dickery was warranted this time.

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I'm not sure if this was cleared up or not, but is the replacement getting Noah's spot in the SF? If so, that's pretty weak. If I'd been in charge, I would have brought back two losers and let them fight for the vacated spot just to make it fair.

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Frankly, considering Noah's chances in the semis, all they really need is a live body in there to get squashed by someone else.

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I really liked how they edited the first half of the show around Matt getting fucked up in practice and the subsequent 2 day depression he went into after it. Good way of hiding the Noah situation and making us think Matt would be quitting because he wasn't tough enough. Speaking of Matt.........


I can't really confirm any legitimacy of this rumour but it's something to keep in mind. Apparently Matt gets RNC'd the fuck out in his fight. Just sayin'.

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I can't really confirm any legitimacy of this rumour but it's something to keep in mind. Apparently Matt gets RNC'd the fuck out in his fight. Just sayin'.


Look at this picture from the first episode.


Replace the x in the front with an h




Also, Matt Hamill (almost no submission training) is fighting Mike Nickels (BJJ is his strength) next.


It's pretty clear that Matt loses. It will probably take less than a minute too.


Bisping vs Nickels in the finals.

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