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Lei Tong

TUF 3: The Thread

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The "new" Tito is closer to what most people see when they meet him in person (list me as one who says he's by far the friendliest and down to earth fighter I've met), as opposed to what he's shown in public in the past. He probably realized his controversial, shit-talking persona wasn't cutting it anymore, and is now just concentrating more on turning the babyface'ness up to 11, while still taking time to make Ken miserable with juvenile remarks.

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Since probably only YPOV knows this story...



Some kid was there and he walked off. I sat down at his chair and Forrest came up and sat beside me and just looked at me. I looked back and he looked down at the order of onion rings. It was a long uncomfortable silence before I was like "What?"

Forrest: Whose food is that?

Me: I dunno, some kid.

Forrest: Are you going to eat it?

Me: Well, I mean, it's not my foo....

Forrest (interrupting): SO?!? (long pause) Hey mon, I'll eat one if you eat one.


I pick up one and eat it and look at Forrest who then gets them ALL, like when Napoleon got Pedro's tots, wads them up in a big ball, and starts like cramming them in.



Later, the kid whose food we had just eaten comes up with a napkin and a pen and asks Forrest for his autograph. Forrest, looks at the kid and smiles and is like ME?!?! Nah..... all shy and shit. the kid is like please Mister Griffin, I'm a fan of yours, I watch you every week! (The kid is like 13 I think) FOrrest is like, "oh, thanks little guy" Takes the pen, presses it against the napkin, then just says "Nah" Drops the pen, and turns his back to the kid and asks me if I have anything else to eat. The fucking kid just stands there looking at the blank napkin and taps Forrest and says something else to him and Forrest is like, "No, seriously, I'm not signing your autograph. Take your pen and go back over there with your mom."



fucking PWN#DF(DFD The kid just hung his head and walked off slowly.

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I remember that, fucking awesome.


I think Tito is genuinely that nice a guy. Everybody that has met has had the same nice things to say about him. He talked shit about fighters because that's what sold tickets at the time. A few fighters have said they learned how to properly deal with fans based off of what Tito did.


Bisping does need to shut up a little, but I'm fervently behind Tito so I'm biased. The funniest was how Herman, after joining Ken's team dismissed Tito and didn't care about the fact that he was slighted. Now, he sees how much of a moron Ken is and has gone back to hating on Tito.


Sidenote: How many fucking middleweights does Team Quest have?

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Guest Heel Heat

I really believe that Titos class comes from his desire to really want to see these guys excel, hes a team player, and a damn good one, he also knows how to market his fights, which has shown an ugly side of him in the past, but he does take training and being a fighter seriously, and this season has really shown this. On the other hand, Ken seems to have lost a grip on reality (i guess pro wrestling could do that to a man), the dissension and shitty attitude that his teammates posses are a product of his training and lack of leadership. A good example was the attitude that Jesse and his teammates, including Ken, had before and after the fight. Before the fight they were so sure that they were going to win over the reserved and sort of socially awkward Noah that they harassed and bullied him. Then after Jesse was defeated in the first round by an armbar that he show zero defense skills against, he proclaimed that he was still an all around better fighter than Noah, and Ken reiterated by stating that 9 out of 10 times Jesse would have won that fight, really?

My prediction is that Tait, based on his attitude thus far, is going to be the next Team Shamrock member to be decisively humiliated in the Octagon, or at least thats what im hoping.

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Guest Retro Rob

Anyone think there is any meaning behind the fact that Tait was the only guy from TUF 3 that they showed in the crowd at Fight Night Live last week? At least from what I saw he was the only one, there may have been others.

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Anyone think there is any meaning behind the fact that Tait was the only guy from TUF 3 that they showed in the crowd at Fight Night Live last week? At least from what I saw he was the only one, there may have been others.


He's Joe Rogan's bodyguard.

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He's Joe Rogan's bodyguard.



Why does Joe Rogan need a bodyguard?


Is he that famous? I mean, I could see Tom Cruise needing a bodyguard, but Joe freaking Rogan?!?

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Guest Heel Heat

Anyone think there is any meaning behind the fact that Tait was the only guy from TUF 3 that they showed in the crowd at Fight Night Live last week? At least from what I saw he was the only one, there may have been others.


He's Joe Rogan's bodyguard.


Im already sick of Tait because he seems to be the one guy that has the shittiest attitude about being there, he's been in movies and commercials and is trying to make a career for himself in hollywood, and his shitty attitude makes it obvious that hes there for the wrong reasons.

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Newsradio fans. Obsessive, celebrity-stalking, fans. Maybe fans that do SNL show reviews. Those kinda fans.


But Rogan isn't a girl or under 18, so what's he got to worry about?

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Guest Brian

It's probably just one of his friends he trains with and hangs out with that he rewards more than out of a need for one.

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Tait sounds like an ass, and I too hope he gets his handed to him when he finally fights.


Tito's face turn is working for me, but I don't think it happened fast enough for him to get cheered tonight.

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Guest Retro Rob

Tito was being booed and acknowlegded it. I wouldn't say thats a heel turn. It wasn't like he forced the crowd into booing him, they just sided with Forrest since he was in the underdog role.

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Plus, wasn't TUF taped months ago? In which case, Tito probably acted like a face all through the series.

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I'm kinda amazed at that low number, a .7 drop-off after what I thought was an excellent episode is very surprising and disheartening. I contend if they announce the matches before hand ("next week Noah takes on Jesse") would be better than what they are doing now ("next week two fighters fight"). That within the first 10 minutes they decide who is fighting who, I don't really see the point in not advertising it before hand.

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But that might have the effect of people saying "Ok, I know who's fighting, so I just have to watch the last 15 minutes or so" and then forgetting to watch the show altogether.

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Guest Brian

It's hard to sorta figure out why it's down that much. We'll have to see this week; maybe it's the format of the show, maybe people don't want to watch a show where Tito is the lovable father figure and winning.

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Maybe after episode 1 people thought it was going to be all Shamrock vs Tito and hardly any focus on the fighters. I don't know, I see no reason for the rating to drop that far in a week. Hopefully it picks up again.

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