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Art Sandusky

4 years?!?!

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Count me in on the four years crowd. Also, now that Inc mentioned it, what the hell was that girl-board a bunch of us went after a few years back? Cherry something or other?

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Count me in on the four years crowd. Also, now that Inc mentioned it, what the hell was that girl-board a bunch of us went after a few years back? Cherry something or other?

Are you sure it wasn't a Mario Lopez board? You fuckin' closet case. Get the fuck out of my folder. Mole, you better turn your ass around and follow right behind him. Don't worry; he LOVES it.

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Count me in on the four years crowd. Also, now that Inc mentioned it, what the hell was that girl-board a bunch of us went after a few years back? Cherry something or other?

Are you sure it wasn't a Mario Lopez board? You fuckin' closet case. Get the fuck out of my folder. Mole, you better turn your ass around and follow right behind him. Don't worry; he LOVES it.




I swear, if I didn't also like CSI, Hoff...or could think of a good joke in relation to it...::shakes fist::

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Guest CWMwasmurdered

anything with AIDSMONSTER was great, but that was more a WDI thing.


It's been almost 5 years for me.

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We'd masterbate more.


Or less, in some cases.


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Damn I've been coming here a long time. Which is pretty much what everyone's saying. (except fanofcoils, check that guy out in Movies, he's hysterical)


::whittles stick::

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Count me as another 4+ year veteran.


But I've only really liked it here for the last few months, so I consider myself relatively pure, and not all grizzled and gross like most of you.

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Four years of membership for me also. Damn i was 15 when i joined.


Can it be that it was all so simple then

Or has time rewritten every line

And if we had the chance to do it all again

Tell me

Would we?

Could we?


Memories like the corners of my mind


Misty watercolor memories

Of the way we were

Scattered pictures of the smiles we left behind

Smiles we gave to one another

For the way we were

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