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Randy Orton suspended by WWE for 60 days

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Eh. I understand the NBA and MLB enforcing such a rule, but not wrestling. That's just ridiculous to me.


For wrestling, I could see a dress code for Main Eventers and Champions. Guys who have ME'd in the last several years. You figure WWE pushes you on television as a star, the least you could do is present yourself as such.


As for low/midcard guys, it shouldn't really matter. My perception of Joey Mercury doesn't change if he's in public in a suit or t-shirt. However, if you are the champ, you should play the part and dress it as well. You don't want to be like Christian over at TNA dressing like some guy in the front row of the show. That really hurts him. Being champ should give off the aura that you make more money and are now a top dog and big deal.


Even though that makes sense to me, I still don't like the idea of a dress code. I don't like being told what to wear, so I know those men and women don't either. Let's just agree to disagree.

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How exactly did Orton deserve the title? From what I've heard, the plan wasn't even to give it to him. The day Eddie died he was going to get the strap. With all of Angle's hard work, he was the most deserving guy in the company.


Orton, figured by process of elimination (Eddie=dead, Batista=injured) that he was the only guy left standing. WWE remembered that Angle was still there and dragged him out of the #4 heel spot on Raw to be the #1 face on Smackdown.


Orton, has probably been given the "you are going to get a run" many times over the last 2 years and it hasn't happened aside from his cup of coffee in 2004. He, got frustrated and acted like a spoiled kid again.



This same thing is going to happen to Edge, just you watch.


No question, the only difference is? Edge, will be able to get heat off of it. He'll work it into his watered down Brian Pillman character. Unlike Orton, Edge wasn't instantly pushed into that spot. Edge, knows the business. Orton, always expects to get his way.

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If they were actually enforcing a dress code, Joey Mercury should have been suspended for wearing a damn t-shirt at the Hall of Fame thing Sat Night. Melina and Nitro were dressed up..and he's sitting right next to them wearing a t-shirt.

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Orton expects to get his way because his last name is Orton.


You know, if you add this to the little episode they had with his dad late last year, the family isn't in WWE's good graces at all right now.

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If were enforcing a dress code than Joey Mercury should have been suspended for wearing a damn t-shirt at the Hall of Fame thing Sat Night.


Mysterio, should be suspended for that suit he wore.

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That's true, and I don't have a problem with it at all, but it still doesn't change the fact that it looks very, very weird and cheesy.

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Guest Tuxedo Mask

"--According to WWE sources, Randy Orton's suspension starts on April 12th"


Meltzer's Wednesday update.

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For as much shit as Orton takes for "constantly being pushed", WWE definitely has not gone completely forward in making him a true strong title holder.


Considering he's been pushed strongly forever and STILL isn't over, what more can they do? Even if he got the HHH treatment people still wouldn't give a shit about him. It's Randy's fault that only gays and women don't fall asleep when he's out there busting out the chinlock or the same promo he's been cutting for the last few years.

When was he last pushed "strongly"? When he was the scared heel in his feud with the Undertaker? When he lost match after match in that feud? You know that "hilarious" oh-no picture that's been thrown around in this thread? He wasn't making that face during that feud because he was really scared of the Undertaker, he was making it because he was booked to be a weak, chickenshit heel afraid of an old man.


He hasn't been pushed "strongly" in a long-ass time.

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For as much shit as Orton takes for "constantly being pushed", WWE definitely has not gone completely forward in making him a true strong title holder.


Considering he's been pushed strongly forever and STILL isn't over, what more can they do? Even if he got the HHH treatment people still wouldn't give a shit about him. It's Randy's fault that only gays and women don't fall asleep when he's out there busting out the chinlock or the same promo he's been cutting for the last few years.

When was he last pushed "strongly"? When he was the scared heel in his feud with the Undertaker? When he lost match after match in that feud? You know that "hilarious" oh-no picture that's been thrown around in this thread? He wasn't making that face during that feud because he was really scared of the Undertaker, he was making it because he was booked to be a weak, chickenshit heel afraid of an old man.


He hasn't been pushed "strongly" in a long-ass time.


The last time that he was pushed strongly and it worked, someone got paranoid and cut the legs off it.

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exactly...Orton is the product of horrible horrible booking...the fact that the two top guys in the WWE both buried him within the same year is asinine...oh I also hated the fact that Orton was booked at the Rumble and at SNME to basically throw his fued with HHH aside...the man concussed him (kayfabe-wise), bloodied him up, etc. so they TEAM UP???

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees


For as much shit as Orton takes for "constantly being pushed", WWE definitely has not gone completely forward in making him a true strong title holder.


Considering he's been pushed strongly forever and STILL isn't over, what more can they do? Even if he got the HHH treatment people still wouldn't give a shit about him. It's Randy's fault that only gays and women don't fall asleep when he's out there busting out the chinlock or the same promo he's been cutting for the last few years.

When was he last pushed "strongly"? When he was the scared heel in his feud with the Undertaker? When he lost match after match in that feud? You know that "hilarious" oh-no picture that's been thrown around in this thread? He wasn't making that face during that feud because he was really scared of the Undertaker, he was making it because he was booked to be a weak, chickenshit heel afraid of an old man.


He hasn't been pushed "strongly" in a long-ass time.

I thought he was making that face because he was a horrendous actor.

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Guest InuYasha
Aren't John Cena & The Undertaker exempt from the dress code due to their gimmicks?

Taker gets exempt from it for the same reason he's 14-0 at WM; "He's not feeling it." :P


As for Cena; yeah, I can see wearing a suit and tie clashing with the character he's supposed to be portraying on air.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

Aren't John Cena & The Undertaker exempt from the dress code due to their gimmicks?



As for Cena; yeah, I can see wearing a suit and tie clashing with the character he's supposed to be portraying on air.


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I seem to remember Hogan, Hall, & Nash getting heat right when the WWF's nWo era started when they showed up to a Raw in a limosuine and already in their nWo gear.

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I seem to remember Hogan, Hall, & Nash getting heat right when the WWF's nWo era started when they showed up to a Raw in a limosuine and already in their nWo gear.

that's baller. i miss the nWo.

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As mentioned previously, the dress code is bullshit for a number of reasons.


a) They aren't "employees" but independent contractors. They aren't legally bound to do a damn thing for Vince that isn't in their contract.

b) It's something that they're expected to follow when they're not actually working. Actually going to the show? Silly. Autograph signings? That's directly job-related and they're getting paid for it, so sure why not?


However, WWE treats their workers as employees when it benefits them, but doesn't treat them as employees for things that could inconvenience them.


Probably new contracts have stuff like that in there, though, regardless of whether it's stupid as hell or not.

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Guest Dam(o)nYankees

This I do agree with. If you expect them to adhere to company policies, at the very least they should have benefits.

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I seem to remember Hogan, Hall, & Nash getting heat right when the WWF's nWo era started when they showed up to a Raw in a limosuine and already in their nWo gear.


I'd been more shocked they showed up on time.

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Guest Tuxedo Mask
I'm blown away that this thread made 7 pages without any actual info being reported. It's like watching CNN after 9/11.


Woah woah woah... hold the phone, evil doer! Are you suggesting a forum where discussions are held has - *gasp* - a DISCUSSION in it instead of a bunch of facts? How dare it!

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Guest Arnold_OldSchool

All this dress code talk reminds me of the Casual Dress Clothes Brawl we got on RAW last summer with Angle, HHH, Micheals and someone else


Scott keith harped on it for weeks

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I'm blown away that this thread made 7 pages without any actual info being reported. It's like watching CNN after 9/11.


Woah woah woah... hold the phone, evil doer! Are you suggesting a forum where discussions are held has - *gasp* - a DISCUSSION in it instead of a bunch of facts? How dare it!


You're either new or ignorant.


Discussion left town a long time ago 'round here.

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All this dress code talk reminds me of the Casual Dress Clothes Brawl we got on RAW last summer with Angle, HHH, Micheals and someone else


Scott keith harped on it for weeks

IIRC Batista was in on the fun too.

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I've said it before, but Orton is the definition of a guy who would have gotten released 10 years ago (might have even wanted his release). The way he got buried in early 2005 was similar to Kevin Nash in early 1996, but the thing is Nash was leaving for WCW.


For all of the Orton talk, he really only had a brief period where he was ever even slightly over. And that was with Foley killing himself to get Orton over and Benoit jobbing clean to him. People talk about HHH and UT burying Orton, but what exactly was the alternative in either case? Orton's initial title reign was lousy, his face turn ill conceived, so they jobbed him to HHH. I don't see how Orton's title reign would have worked in any case, unless HHH had agreed to turn face himself and let Orton lead Evolution (as if that would happen).


Orton though? At this point he just needs to be released. There's nowhere you can really go with the guy. He has now jobbed twice to Rey in clean fashion, jobbed to UT a bunch of times, he'll likely get waxed by Angle next week. Hell, Benoit even beat his ass a few times around the Rumble.


Also, since his return around SS time last year Orton has gotten much worse in the ring. It's almost like he's too afraid of getting hurt again, so he just does nothing but boring headlock spots for 10 mins.


Let's say they reinsert him into the main event once he returns from the suspension. Why? There's no interest in it. He's been jobbed out too much.

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