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Scary Movie 4

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I'm pretty jaded towards films in general, likely from having worked in the theater industry for the past 4 years now, but after seeing this fourth installment, all I have to say is wow this one was bad. I can't even imagine a room full of writers trying to pen the script for this film, because it was just so totally incoherent for the entirety of it's barely 80 minutes in length. I laughed maybe once in the opening scene with Shaq and Dr Phil, but that was it. David Zucker is the Vince Mcmahon of comedies, his early stuff was gold, but he slowly progressed towards a steady stream of fart jokes and outdated references which aren't funny. There was no redeeming quality to this film at all, it was just a complete and utter waste of 80 minutes of my life. I laughed more at the Clerks 2 trailer then at anything else in the whole film combined. Please, to those of you that have not seen this abomination of cinema yet, save your money. You can sit and home and listen to some Weird Al CDs and fart in front your own home for free.

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My fiancee absolutely loved it. I loved the first two minutes and nearly fell asleep during the next 45. If you saw War of the Worlds, you saw the main plot of the movie, and it was more impressively done.

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The good news is it wont be the #1 movie with the Disney Madagascar ripoff out this weekend..but you know it will make just enough to ensure Scary Movie 5.


No, Scary Movie 4 will easily be #1 this week.


I went to a screening last week. It had its moments, but for the most part was pretty unfunny.


Anna Faris deserves better

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The good news is it wont be the #1 movie with the Disney Madagascar ripoff out this weekend..but you know it will make just enough to ensure Scary Movie 5.


No, Scary Movie 4 will easily be #1 this week.


I went to a screening last week. It had its moments, but for the most part was pretty unfunny.


Anna Faris deserves better


Disney Movie + Holiday Weekend = #1


and Anna Faris (and David Zucker on later as well)was on Opie and Anthony the other day..she was a pretty cool guest...

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It was a good Friday for The Weinstein Co. as its comedy sequel Scary Movie 4 debuted powerfully to an estimated $18.8M in its first day of release. The figure got a boost from the Good Friday holiday which saw most students getting a day off from school. The Easter holiday weekend often sees films grossing about 40% of its three-day tally on Friday. Scary Movie 4 should follow suit and take in about $43-47M this weekend.


Disney opened its animated film The Wild to an estimated $4.2M on Friday. A weekend take of $10-12M could result.

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It was a good Friday for The Weinstein Co. as its comedy sequel Scary Movie 4 debuted powerfully to an estimated $18.8M in its first day of release. The figure got a boost from the Good Friday holiday which saw most students getting a day off from school. The Easter holiday weekend often sees films grossing about 40% of its three-day tally on Friday. Scary Movie 4 should follow suit and take in about $43-47M this weekend.


Disney opened its animated film The Wild to an estimated $4.2M on Friday. A weekend take of $10-12M could result.




I guess its at least good news..Disney deserves a bomb for ripping off Madagascar.

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I think they were making the Wild before Madagascar.


Whether they knew DreamWorks was doing a film and tried to copy it before it came out, well that wouldn't suprise me.

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Oddly enough, I actually liked Scary Movie 4 better than 3. SM3 had a lot of stuff I thought misfired, like the Oracle/Morpheus stuff, the Architect (basically all the Matrix references).



The thing I truly don't get with this series is this: Is there any sort of character consistency? In one film Cindy Campbell is a TV reporter, in this she is now an RN specializing in home nursing for the elderly. In one Brenda is a teacher, now she's the TV reporter (and suddenly a huge slut).


It's all very odd. Charlie Sheen appears in the opening scene, so I wondered if he was the same guy from #3. He wasn't, since it's hard to imagine his priest character in bed with three hot chicks. They never really explained who he was though, not to any satisfaction.



These sort of parodies have become bankrupt in terms of creativity, merely ripping off entire plots and scenes from well known films. The best Zucker stuff is like The Naked Gun, which is a spoof in general of cop movies but there's very little that is just ripped right out of another movie. It's mainly original humor. Or even with stuff like Airplane, yes there are some spoofs of From Here to Eternity and Saturday Night Fever, and in general the airline disaster genre. Amusingly, Airplane is in fact almost a scene for scene remake of Zero Hour, just played for laughs. Thing is, Zero Hour is such an obscure film that nobody ever noticed.


Top Secret is a another example. It's a bizarre mix of Elvis musical and WW2 actioner, but aside from a lengthy riff on The Conspirators there isn't flat out stealing from a movie. Again, aside from old movie buffs who would notice?

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I haven't seen it yet, but I probably will. I know at least it won't be Date Movie. That has to be the most unoriginal, unfunny comedy I've seen in a long time. Outside of a puppet cat, there was nothing worth watching. I had more amusment laughing with my friends at how shit it is. It's the worst movie i've seen this year so far.

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I think they were making the Wild before Madagascar.


Whether they knew DreamWorks was doing a film and tried to copy it before it came out, well that wouldn't suprise me.

Jeffery Katzenberg HATES Disney with a passion because they kicked him out and he an Michael Eisner had a pissing match and still hate each other.


Katzenberg tries to hit Disney's business whenever he can. The Wild was being made before Madagascar, but Katz made and released Madagascar to make people think The Wild was a rip-off. Since that stupid Siegfried & Roy tiger cartoon on NBC failed, they had a LOT of computer animated bushes and trees and jungle sets from that show to make the movie with, which is part of how it got done so quickly.


Dreamworks has also released Shrek 2 on DVD the same day The Incredibles hit shelves, and made Shark Tale as part of Katzenberg's continuing War on Disney. The Antz/Bug's Life thing is supposedly just a coincidence and not part of his vendetta.


Amusingly, Airplane is in fact almost a scene for scene remake of Zero Hour, just played for laughs. Thing is, Zero Hour is such an obscure film that nobody ever noticed.

Airplane is actually supposed to be a wrap-up of all those 70s disaster flicks. Airport, Towering Inferno, Earthquake, etc. Universal put out a TON of lousy disaster movies for a few years.

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Guest DaSkiDude

I thought that the movie was pretty funny and I enjoyed it. Needless to say, I dont play on buying it when it comes out on dvd, once was enough



oh and I can't wait for Clerks 2

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Universal didn't do Towering Inferno I don't think...wasn't it a Fox/Paramount co-production. I know Fox also did Poseidon Adventure.


Sure, Airplane is an in general spoof of that disaster genre but at its core it is flat out scene for scene the same as Zero Hour (with the parodies added like From Here to Eternity, Sat. Night Fever). Zero Hour is well worth seeing, I mean it's literally the same thing. Ted Stryker is a disgraced former air force pilot, wife is leaving him, poisonous fish for dinner, the deadpan doctor, the pilots. Airplane just adds in the jokes and plays some lines for laughs like "We have to find someone who not only can fly this plane, but who didn't have fish for dinner."

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Universal didn't do Towering Inferno I don't think...wasn't it a Fox/Paramount co-production. I know Fox also did Poseidon Adventure.


Sure, Airplane is an in general spoof of that disaster genre but at its core it is flat out scene for scene the same as Zero Hour (with the parodies added like From Here to Eternity, Sat. Night Fever). Zero Hour is well worth seeing, I mean it's literally the same thing. Ted Stryker is a disgraced former air force pilot, wife is leaving him, poisonous fish for dinner, the deadpan doctor, the pilots. Airplane just adds in the jokes and plays some lines for laughs like "We have to find someone who not only can fly this plane, but who didn't have fish for dinner."


And if you listen to the commentary on "AIRPLANE" they basically tell you they took Zero Hour and spoofed it scene for scene cause they loved it. This is back when the Zuckers didn't go completely over the top and make horribly unfunny spoof movies.

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Dreamworks has also released Shrek 2 on DVD the same day The Incredibles hit shelves, and made Shark Tale as part of Katzenberg's continuing War on Disney. The Antz/Bug's Life thing is supposedly just a coincidence and not part of his vendetta.


Bug's Life - Antz

Finding Nemo - Shark Tale

Madagascar - The Wild


Not listed in order of what came first, or in terms of preference.


SO MUCH WORK goes into these CG films, it's simply amazing what they're able to do now. I've taken a modelling course at school - 3ds Max - and the difficulties with creating characters, adding proper light sources/shadows, etc... it's insane. It's a friggin' shame such advancements and talent are being used for many unfunny and unoriginal scenarios.


Completely random: When looking up films Dreamworks has made to add to my list, I noticed this title - The Heartbreak Kid - and my first thought was 'They're making a movie about Shawn Michaels?!'


They're also doing a side title to Shrek, with Puss in Boots.


So..what was the topic starter again? Ohh, right, Scary Movie 4. Don't wanna see it. :P

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Im sorry for de-railing the thread..bleh.


Im guessing Scary Movie 5 is being drawn up now..


People complain about Hollywood putting out crap for movies, but if movies like this can make $40+ million in a weekend then why the hell wouldn't they keep putting them out?

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SO MUCH WORK goes into these CG films, it's simply amazing what they're able to do now. I've taken a modelling course at school - 3ds Max - and the difficulties with creating characters, adding proper light sources/shadows, etc... it's insane. It's a friggin' shame such advancements and talent are being used for many unfunny and unoriginal scenarios.


No it doesn't. Studio animators have it fucking easy. Don't let the fact that you have been polygon modeling, vertex pulling and Nurb surface creating fool you. They have all this kick ass equipment that takes out alot of the modeling, animation, lighting, camera control and such. They just sit there all day and try to make hair bounce and make cool water.


Oh yeah...Scary Movie 4 sucked a large amount.


The first two kicked ass. I didn't see 3, but if this was a indication of where the pg-13 outings went...goddamn.


Apparently people getting hit in the head with something is the funniest thing on earth. Because that was the joke 10,000 times.


Oh...Carmen Electra is hot....

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Guest nokia

Best part was in the begining with Shaq & Dr Phil;


* Shaq; Where am I?

* Dr Phil; You're being held in a dark room against your will


* Shaq; KOBE ????



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I don't see how anyone could enjoy Scary Movie 2. What an awful movie, except for the Ray fucked me bit.


Scary Movie 3 had its moments, but was still pretty eh.


I really only liked the first one

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Guest Smues
Best part was in the begining with Shaq & Dr Phil;


* Shaq; Where am I?

* Dr Phil; You're being held in a dark room against your will


* Shaq; KOBE ????




I saw that part in the trailer and laughed, and I'm 100% sure if I saw the movie it'd be the only laugh I'd get.

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I watched the first 3 over the weekend and 1 is still by far the funniest. Hell, I laughed more the first 20 mins. than I have the for last two movies combined.


I am still wondering when Brenda became this huge slut? In the first two she is Ray's put upon beard of a girlfriend, in the 3rd just a smallish role as a foul mouthed schoolteacher...and in the 4th she's suddenly a complete whore? Seems more like Gail Hailstorm.


SM2 has a lot of funny stuff in it, but there are a lot of dated jokes (which is saying something since it was just 5 years ago). The basketball commercial spoof...who cares now? The parrot with the Missing Link line...no one cares now.


I don't think the series misses the Wayans' behind the camera, but it seriously misses Shawn and Marlon as performers. Hell, Ray and Shorty account for the majority of the laughs in the first two. How could they think of doing a Brokeback Mountain parody without Ray??

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I don't see how anyone could enjoy Scary Movie 2. What an awful movie, except for the Ray fucked me bit.


Scary Movie 3 had its moments, but was still pretty eh.


I really only liked the first one



Chris Elliot and David Cross were a good reason to like the second one.


And I know people want to hate, but Torrie Spelling was funny in that movie. The sex scene had me laughing.

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a Brokeback Mountain parody

That right there is why the series has failed. The first one had an actual, squint-and-you'll-see-it kind of plot. It spoofed just what the title says, and it was great poking fun at the cliches. The second was nothing but gross-out humor; I had the misfortune to see such a thing in theaters as I was a Tim Curry fan. I don't think I laughed once.


The third...I actually enjoyed. The style of humor was VASTLY different from the second, and it had a lot of great actors just having a good time. Would've like to see more of Eddie Griffin and Queen Latifah, and less of the horrid, 'What the fuck am I doing here?!' Leslie Neilson, though...


The point of Scary Movie now seems to be a pure spoof of random things clumped together. Dr. Phil and Shaq?? Lame attempt at being clever. Brokeback Mountain? Oh, right, like THAT hasn't been done to death already. Unless Jack is going after Ennis with a butcher knife goin' "I don't know how to quit you!!", BBM ain't a scary movie.


Edit: Going on to Rotten Tomatoes to see how the movie does in the ratings - it has a rotten rating of 41% - and I notice the poster. With each new movie, the posters get more and more cluttered...which fits each movie, actually, as each movie gets more and more overdone and pointless.


As to the Brenda*slut debate, well, she was a bit of a slut in SM 3.

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The thing that's always been curious about the first one though is that Scream itself was a semi spoof of slasher flicks.


Gotta disagree on Nielsen in the 3rd one however, I thought he had easily the best scenes. I loved the line "These men died for their country....send flowers to their bitches and ho's."

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