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TSM 2006 NBA Playoffs thread

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NBA suspends bell to ensure they get their hallway series.



Never mind that Reggie Evans didn't get suspended for a ball grab...

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That got me cracking up irl. Good one :)

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If anyone doesn't think Bell deserves a suspension that's just idiotic. If Posey got one for a should block to the side, there's no fucking way Bell doesn't. At least Raja got the street cred he's been looking for since he's been chippy this whole series.

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If anyone doesn't think Bell deserves a suspension that's just idiotic. If Posey got one for a should block to the side, there's no fucking way Bell doesn't. At least Raja got the street cred he's been looking for since he's been chippy this whole series.




I just want to know why kobe didn't get a technical for his blatant elbow, just a regular foul. Which would mean Kobe would have been thrown out of the game, and Bell never would have been in a position to give him a clothesline. That's a question that needs answered. The refs are ALWAYS too reluctant to throw stars out of the game, Kobe knew he could get away with an elbow there, and that's not right.



EDIT: And I do agree Bell deserves a suspension. But Kobe shouldn't have been in the game, and that's something that's hard to argue against.

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Guest Princess Leena

If you're gonna get suspended, at least make sure you hurt the asshole. Oy.

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SO NOW they throw him out for bitching at a ref.


But not for the elbow.


Talk about REALLY fishy.

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This game is getting stupid right now. It's over, but someone looks like they're going to try and start a fight in the last 2 minutes.


Phoenix won the game tonight, but Bell's idiocy likely cost them the war.

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Bell's going to get suspended, and he deserves it. Completely ignorant move on his part.

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Nash's vaginitis won't even allow him to accept the idea that a fucking CLOTHESLINE is a suspension worthy offense. I hope the league fines him for complaining about the officiating when they announce Bell's suspension.


D'Antoni's caught the inflammation of his pussy from Nash. How can you honestly think that he doesn't deserve a suspension because there's been hard fouls. Bell flopped twice, especially on "the elbow" which you can see didn't even touch him. Bell should get two games just for being a bitch.

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Nash's vaginitis won't even allow him to accept the idea that a fucking CLOTHESLINE is a suspension worthy offense. I hope the league fines him for complaining about the officiating when they announce Bell's suspension.




Oh gosh, i don't think he complained. He just did a smart thing and lobbied for why Bell ought not to be suspended. Smart.


Just like D'Antoni mentioned Kobes elbow in his press conference, gotta make your case, cus they need Bell.

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Nash's vaginitis won't even allow him to accept the idea that a fucking CLOTHESLINE is a suspension worthy offense. I hope the league fines him for complaining about the officiating when they announce Bell's suspension.


What did you expect him to say? "Yeah, Raja Bell is an idiot, suspend him, fuck that guy."?

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A leader is suppose to lobby for his team-mate to not get suspended. (no matter how unlikely his words would alter anything). Jordan would go "c'mon, Rodman's just being Rodman"

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Nash's vaginitis won't even allow him to accept the idea that a fucking CLOTHESLINE is a suspension worthy offense. I hope the league fines him for complaining about the officiating when they announce Bell's suspension.


What did you expect him to say? "Yeah, Raja Bell is an idiot, suspend him, fuck that guy."?


How about, "I hope he doesn't get suspended, but we'll go out and (try to) win the game with or without him"? Saying that he shouldn't get suspended because you got a bad break or two just makes Nash look like a whiner.


Bell didn't get hit with an elbow by the way, so how can you toss Kobe for not making contact with him? He flopped like a soccer player. It doesn't matter though since there's no chance the league allows him to play on Thursday.


If Bell doesn't get suspended, Phil should put someone disposable like JJ into the starting lineup and just let him unload on Nash with the intent to hurt him in the opening minutes of the game. That's the natural progression and why Phoenix saying he doesn't deserve to be penalized is just ridiculous.

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He did get hit with one elbow, but yeah, most of those plays were flops. Still, it was stupid what he did, and he should and will get suspended.

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Oh, and of course his peers aren't going to admit he should be suspended. Quit being stupid.

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Phil Jackson just said he shouldn't be suspended, too.


He was being sarcastic. Quit being stupid :)

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If I ran the NBA, and I was in charge of determining what was a flagrant foul, and what was suspension-worthy, then no Raja Bell wouldn't have gotten a suspension.


With that being said, his clothesline against Kobe was much more blatant than any of the other fouls that people have gotten suspended for throughout the playoffs, and for the sake of consistency, I can't imagine that the league would let him skate by on this one.


Also, Nash and D'Antoni's arguments that the Suns have been getting bad call so it's only fair are whiny as hell. If anything, it just hurts their cause, as their admitting that Bell cheap-shotted Kobe, and then complaining about the refs as if the league office ever looks kindly on that.

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If I ran the NBA, and I was in charge of determining what was a flagrant foul, and what was suspension-worthy, then no Raja Bell wouldn't have gotten a suspension.


With that being said, his clothesline against Kobe was much more blatant than any of the other fouls that people have gotten suspended for throughout the playoffs, and for the sake of consistency, I can't imagine that the league would let him skate by on this one.


Also, Nash and D'Antoni's arguments that the Suns have been getting bad call so it's only fair are whiny as hell. If anything, it just hurts their cause, as their admitting that Bell cheap-shotted Kobe, and then complaining about the refs as if the league office ever looks kindly on that.


Exactly. If the league is going to be consistent, Bell gets the gate, Nash and D'Antoni get hit with a fine, just like J.O. got for bitching about the officiating. Bell even admitted that he did it because he got hit in the face which shows intent. He knew he was hitting Kobe and that's why he clotheslined him and then tried to shove him to the ground afterwards.

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I can't wait for someone to plead that Kobe should be suspended for the elbow.


Kobe could whip out his dick, piss right on Steve Nash, Kwame his ass and pull out a pistol and shoot him point blank. He'd get a 10,000 fine.

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If I ran the NBA, and I was in charge of determining what was a flagrant foul, and what was suspension-worthy, then no Raja Bell wouldn't have gotten a suspension.


With that being said, his clothesline against Kobe was much more blatant than any of the other fouls that people have gotten suspended for throughout the playoffs, and for the sake of consistency, I can't imagine that the league would let him skate by on this one.


Also, Nash and D'Antoni's arguments that the Suns have been getting bad call so it's only fair are whiny as hell. If anything, it just hurts their cause, as their admitting that Bell cheap-shotted Kobe, and then complaining about the refs as if the league office ever looks kindly on that.


He did cheap shot Kobe, that's a fact. What's to admit?


Kobe says it's just physical Basketball. He hopes Bell isn't suspended.

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