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ECW Coming Back Full Time in Sept

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Which nWo angle? The "poison" or the WCW kill/restart/kill/restart?


I believe it was in reference to 1996, when it was cool.


That's right.


As bad as the WCW nWo ended up being, I don't think it's even worth mentioning the WWE "poison" version of the nWo. It did lead to the awesome Rock/Hogan match, and a few solid moments on TV, but overall it was a mess, especially near the end when it all just totally fell apart.


The entire nWo angle was fantastic, one of if not the best angle ever. They just didn't want to ever end it or ever take it to another level. Sure they went somewhere with it, but it was shit. The different groups, just about everyone joining it, blah blah blah.


The ECW angle could be done where the ECW guys demand that they get a time slot or something. When Vince doesn't just hand it over, the WWE vs. ECW war begins. ECW gets their shots in, but WWE gets their shots in also. It leads to a group of ECW guys defeating WWE guys, with something like a TV time slot on the line, etc... ECW can start shows right away, and they can promote them, but build it up to where they want the TV slot badly for a few months, and they finally win that right at a PPV like Summerslam or something.


Then, once they get what they want, by force, they start off and do their "own thing".

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That sounds great in a perfect world. However, that would entail the WWE guys and Vince putting over ECW and that I'm afraid, isn't going to happen. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind it happening, but you just know it won't. I don't think Vince can ever get over the thought of having another brand name look remotely competitive against him.

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It's nice and all to see WWE booking a show at ECW Arena, but I just hope Vince doesn't do something drastic like make the building's owners sign some exclusive agreement to only host "wwe-ECW" show, and in the process dump all the other indy federations from the place.

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All this effort they plan to put into "ECW" (w/fingerquotes) could easily go into making Raw and Smackdown better. It's just a cheap way to draw buys from people who'd happily purchase dogshit if it had a picture of Kronus and an ECW logo on it.


I stand by my opinion here.


"ECW" signing Danielson, Cabana and any other name mentioned here is such a horrible prospect it doesn't bare thinking about. The indipendent wrestling scene would be comatose and all for some half-assed marketing ploy for the WWE to have even MORE T.V time, as if the product isn't over-exposed enough already. It'll be WWE with a different, money friendly name. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a) kidding themselves or b) too blinded by ECW fandom to realise it.


I'd take 80% of the indy feds who run the Alhambra now over this new "ECW".

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That sounds great in a perfect world. However, that would entail the WWE guys and Vince putting over ECW and that I'm afraid, isn't going to happen. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind it happening, but you just know it won't. I don't think Vince can ever get over the thought of having another brand name look remotely competitive against him.

See I can easily see Vince doing to ECW with what he did with the WCW vs WWE angle. It starts out nice and exciting then a few weeks later Vince's ego along with Stephanie's ego takes over and they decide to fuck over the new ECW like Vince's ego fucked up the WCW angle.

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All this effort they plan to put into "ECW" (w/fingerquotes) could easily go into making Raw and Smackdown better. It's just a cheap way to draw buys from people who'd happily purchase dogshit if it had a picture of Kronus and an ECW logo on it.


I stand by my opinion here.


"ECW" signing Danielson, Cabana and any other name mentioned here is such a horrible prospect it doesn't bare thinking about. The indipendent wrestling scene would be comatose and all for some half-assed marketing ploy for the WWE to have even MORE T.V time, as if the product isn't over-exposed enough already. It'll be WWE with a different, money friendly name. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a) kidding themselves or b) too blinded by ECW fandom to realise it.


I'd take 80% of the indy feds who run the Alhambra now over this new "ECW".


You also have to remember tht WWE would actually try and kill off the independant scene to get their product really out there. So even through it would fuck up the independant scene, WWE would have no problem doing that. Espically on the East Coast where the indy scene is the biggest in the US.

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All this effort they plan to put into "ECW" (w/fingerquotes) could easily go into making Raw and Smackdown better. It's just a cheap way to draw buys from people who'd happily purchase dogshit if it had a picture of Kronus and an ECW logo on it.


I stand by my opinion here.


"ECW" signing Danielson, Cabana and any other name mentioned here is such a horrible prospect it doesn't bare thinking about. The indipendent wrestling scene would be comatose and all for some half-assed marketing ploy for the WWE to have even MORE T.V time, as if the product isn't over-exposed enough already. It'll be WWE with a different, money friendly name. Anyone who thinks otherwise is a) kidding themselves or b) too blinded by ECW fandom to realise it.


I'd take 80% of the indy feds who run the Alhambra now over this new "ECW".


You also have to remember tht WWE would actually try and kill off the independant scene to get their product really out there. So even through it would fuck up the independant scene, WWE would have no problem doing that. Espically on the East Coast where the indy scene is the biggest in the US.


Which is why I suggested at least having a working agreement with ROH which would allow talent used for WWECW to at least work work ROH dates if not conflicting with an ECW date. Of course, if WWE would do such a thing I'm sure they'd request some sort of clause that would prohibit TNA names from being used in ROH which may not be beneficial to ROH at all. I personally believe TNA could screw with ROH more than WWECW because they can easily just pull the plug on their contracted talent working ROH dates - when ROH in fact made most of TNA's talent.


I'm sure you could put a Danielson or Cabana into an ECW mix but I also don't think raiding the indies is really necessary. There are enough free agents, young guys like Harry Smith or Teddy Hart, OVW talent, ex ECW names and underused WWE names to make a recreation of ECW work. But I do believe that they will be carefully watching the indies and make an attempt to get talent signed before TNA grabs them. There will always be young talent out there in need of exposure however and ROH and indies know this. If you lose someone to one of the major companies - there will be someone else working a local indie promotion that could be plugged into ROH and make a name for themselves.

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Guest burth179
That sounds great in a perfect world. However, that would entail the WWE guys and Vince putting over ECW and that I'm afraid, isn't going to happen. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind it happening, but you just know it won't. I don't think Vince can ever get over the thought of having another brand name look remotely competitive against him.



Yeah I hear that, Vince will definitely never allow ECW to overshadow him. But, Vince also likes to make money. And from that perspective the way to make the most money is to make ECW at least appear competitive with WWE. It's not gonna work otherwise. They can still ultimately use it as a feeder type fed for the new up and comers to get some TV time, but it has to APPEAR STRONG at the same time or else it will bomb.


I'm sure many have already stated this, but if this thing is a half-assed/watered down version of ECW it's gonna bomb (although as I've posted I would tone down some of the "blood & guts", but as far as the actual wrestling is concerned it has to be ALL OUT). It the emphasis is too much on the old has beens, it's gonna bomb (with the exception of the Funker, who I hope is part of it. I am partial to that crazy son of a bitch!).


I know people have become disenchanted with what is shown on TV (I actually don't feel this way because I guess I'm easily amused/entertained. LOL!), and for the sake of the business this could be exactly what the doctor ordered if done right.


From WWE's perspective, I see no hurt in at least trying it out, if it bombs, who really cares? It's not gonna cost Vince THAT much money (relatively speaking of course) to start up ECW again. He already has the ring leader on his payroll, he's got the ring (for ONS II), he has a decent portion of the proposed talent already on his payroll, etc. The startup costs and costs of running the progamming has to be small compared to the potential profit it could make.


Like if you play poker, gamble on sports (which I do a lot of), or play the stock market, or go into a business venture of any kind, you are looking for something that the reward outweighs the risk.


(By the way, I think it is bull shit that successfuly stock brokers are glorified Americans and gamblers are seen as seedy, shady, or generally dishonest people. In all seriousness, what the fuck is the difference? Instead of trying to predict how much oil Exxon is going to sell, I try to predict whether or not Chicago can cover the number at home against Miami tonight. And the juice you pay on a bet when you lose is just like the fee you would pay your stock broker. No difference).


Back to my point. In all of these ventures, you are looking for positive equity on your investment. Good ROI (return on investment). And I think the potential reward certainly outweights the risk at this point. What I"m saying is, if it bombs 8/10 times, but the 2/10 times it does suceed you make 15 times your investment back and then some, then it's still well worth the shot... If you lose 1 million dollars 8 times, and make 15 million twice, you have positive equity and it's well worth the risk (even if you know it will fail 80% of the time). In this scenario, you would expect to make 2.2 million on your investment. (15*.2)-(1*.8)= 3-.8= 2.2 million

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That sounds great in a perfect world. However, that would entail the WWE guys and Vince putting over ECW and that I'm afraid, isn't going to happen. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind it happening, but you just know it won't. I don't think Vince can ever get over the thought of having another brand name look remotely competitive against him.


Yeah I hear that, Vince will definitely never allow ECW to overshadow him. But, Vince also likes to make money. And from that perspective the way to make the most money is to make ECW at least appear competitive with WWE. It's not gonna work otherwise. They can still ultimately use it as a feeder type fed for the new up and comers to get some TV time, but it has to APPEAR STRONG at the same time or else it will bomb.


I'm sure many have already stated this, but if this thing is a half-assed/watered down version of ECW it's gonna bomb (although as I've posted I would tone down some of the "blood & guts", but as far as the actual wrestling is concerned it has to be ALL OUT). It the emphasis is too much on the old has beens, it's gonna bomb (with the exception of the Funker, who I hope is part of it. I am partial to that crazy son of a bitch!).


I know people have become disenchanted with what is shown on TV (I actually don't feel this way because I guess I'm easily amused/entertained. LOL!), and for the sake of the business this could be exactly what the doctor ordered if done right.


From WWE's perspective, I see no hurt in at least trying it out, if it bombs, who really cares? It's not gonna cost Vince THAT much money (relatively speaking of course) to start up ECW again. He already has the ring leader on his payroll, he's got the ring (for ONS II), he has a decent portion of the proposed talent already on his payroll, etc. The startup costs and costs of running the progamming has to be small compared to the potential profit it could make.


I agree with this. It may or may not happen, but if Vince allows Heyman freedom to present the product he wants then I see this as nothing but a positive thing. People complaining about this not being the true ECW because there won't be any Dudleys or Ravens or the like need to see that they aren't indispensable. Of course, this new venture needs all the help it can get from former ECW mainstays to get it going, but we can't possibly expect all of them to remain forever, or else ECW would stand for Elderly Championship Wrestling. They absolutely need to create new stars that represent the ECW spirit more than anything else. Violence, blood, etc. is all fine from a controlled standpoint but that's not what ECW should stand for. It should stand for exciting wrestling (not WWE style) with people that are allowed to go all out with their abilities but perhaps toning down the garbage style just a little bit for it to be mostly accepted by the mainstream. In other words, ECW needs to evolve somewhat in order for it to be successful.


And as far as complaints on this new ECW becoming a feeding fed for WWE I see no problem in that, since this has always been true back years ago. Why wouldn't some ECW breakout star be allowed the opportunity to shine in WWE? There are some exceptions but I think most guys that went from ECW to WCW or WWE/F achieved greater stardom (and financial success) on the bigger leagues.

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And as far as complaints on this new ECW becoming a feeding fed for WWE I see no problem in that, since this has always been true back years ago. Why wouldn't some ECW breakout star be allowed the opportunity to shine in WWE? There are some exceptions but I think most guys that went from ECW to WCW or WWE/F achieved greater stardom (and financial success) on the bigger leagues.


And this would be good for the company and business in general. We all know that there are plenty of talents that WWE creative have absolutely no idea how to sell. Take guys like Jamie Noble, Super Crazy, Paul London, Brian Kendrick, Charlie Haas or even someone like Lance Cade for instance. Or guys that have been buried beyond the point of return like William Regal, Val Venis, Eugene or Matt Hardy. Short stints in ECW, working within a different creative environment with Heyman and Dreamer, could totally enable these guys to reinvent themselves and respark their careers, possibly even becoming money players for WWE. There is nothing wrong with ECW being a feeder promotion to WWE, in fact, it should be expected given that they are under the same umbrella.

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Well, rumor is that ECW might take over the late night "AM RAW" spot...hopefully USA would move that to a little bit better spot than 2 AM.

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I'm amazed at how many people are already referring to this...thing as "ECW." In my eyes, ECW died a long time ago and this is going to be pretty far from it.


It'd be confusing/annoying typing "WWECW".

What about using dub-E-C-dub?

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That sounds great in a perfect world. However, that would entail the WWE guys and Vince putting over ECW and that I'm afraid, isn't going to happen. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't mind it happening, but you just know it won't. I don't think Vince can ever get over the thought of having another brand name look remotely competitive against him.


Yeah I hear that, Vince will definitely never allow ECW to overshadow him. But, Vince also likes to make money. And from that perspective the way to make the most money is to make ECW at least appear competitive with WWE. It's not gonna work otherwise. They can still ultimately use it as a feeder type fed for the new up and comers to get some TV time, but it has to APPEAR STRONG at the same time or else it will bomb.


I'm sure many have already stated this, but if this thing is a half-assed/watered down version of ECW it's gonna bomb (although as I've posted I would tone down some of the "blood & guts", but as far as the actual wrestling is concerned it has to be ALL OUT). It the emphasis is too much on the old has beens, it's gonna bomb (with the exception of the Funker, who I hope is part of it. I am partial to that crazy son of a bitch!).


I know people have become disenchanted with what is shown on TV (I actually don't feel this way because I guess I'm easily amused/entertained. LOL!), and for the sake of the business this could be exactly what the doctor ordered if done right.


From WWE's perspective, I see no hurt in at least trying it out, if it bombs, who really cares? It's not gonna cost Vince THAT much money (relatively speaking of course) to start up ECW again. He already has the ring leader on his payroll, he's got the ring (for ONS II), he has a decent portion of the proposed talent already on his payroll, etc. The startup costs and costs of running the progamming has to be small compared to the potential profit it could make.


I agree with this. It may or may not happen, but if Vince allows Heyman freedom to present the product he wants then I see this as nothing but a positive thing. People complaining about this not being the true ECW because there won't be any Dudleys or Ravens or the like need to see that they aren't indispensable. Of course, this new venture needs all the help it can get from former ECW mainstays to get it going, but we can't possibly expect all of them to remain forever, or else ECW would stand for Elderly Championship Wrestling. They absolutely need to create new stars that represent the ECW spirit more than anything else. Violence, blood, etc. is all fine from a controlled standpoint but that's not what ECW should stand for. It should stand for exciting wrestling (not WWE style) with people that are allowed to go all out with their abilities but perhaps toning down the garbage style just a little bit for it to be mostly accepted by the mainstream. In other words, ECW needs to evolve somewhat in order for it to be successful.


And as far as complaints on this new ECW becoming a feeding fed for WWE I see no problem in that, since this has always been true back years ago. Why wouldn't some ECW breakout star be allowed the opportunity to shine in WWE? There are some exceptions but I think most guys that went from ECW to WCW or WWE/F achieved greater stardom (and financial success) on the bigger leagues.


The Extreme can be cutting edge wrestling style, not necessarily hardcore style. I agree that some hybrid of stellar matwork with a little of the Southern Brawling that ECW did so well is what is needed. ECW being a feeder would work well for creative purposes, JBL goes off on the newest call-up saying ECW "Is, was, and will always be trash, and you come from trash. You're not in my league, get out of my ring."


The ECW guy smiles, and takes it to JBL sparking a feud. I could really see this with Brent Albright slapping the Crowbar on JBL out of nowhere.


Going the other way, an ECW guy could taunt someone who got "sent down." It's good for business all around. ECW is the E's Triple A team. Plus if a roster gets wiped from injuries the WWE doesn't need as much time hyping up people to replace them. Just bring up a hot star from ECW.

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ECW news update


by Dave Meltzer


[email protected]


As of the end of meetings today, Vince McMahon decided that ECW would take the place of Velocity.


In other words, the show would be taped prior to Smackdown every Tuesday and until a new time slot is secured in the U.S., would remain an internet property show. Velocity, at least for the present, would cease to exist. Negotiations are going on to attempt to get it on U.S. television.

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ECW news update


by Dave Meltzer


[email protected]


As of the end of meetings today, Vince McMahon decided that ECW would take the place of Velocity.


In other words, the show would be taped prior to Smackdown every Tuesday and until a new time slot is secured in the U.S., would remain an internet property show. Velocity, at least for the present, would cease to exist. Negotiations are going on to attempt to get it on U.S. television.


Vince really needs to convince USA to give ECW a show. Screw it have it go up against TNA. Might not be the smartest move but it would be intresting.

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ECW news update


by Dave Meltzer


[email protected]


As of the end of meetings today, Vince McMahon decided that ECW would take the place of Velocity.


In other words, the show would be taped prior to Smackdown every Tuesday and until a new time slot is secured in the U.S., would remain an internet property show. Velocity, at least for the present, would cease to exist. Negotiations are going on to attempt to get it on U.S. television.


So, ECW is just going to be Velocity with a different name? Is it wrong of me to laugh right now?



Sorry, but there's profit to be had.

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My question is, why couldn't they have dumped Heat instead? At least Velocity is a good show. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed Heat.

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Guest Kobe24KGold

LOL, Vince does exactly the opposite of what he should be doing if he REALLY wanted ECW to succeed. He makes Velocity the new ECW, intends to tape it before Smackdown (can you imagine Sabu coming out with that gay ass fist behind him?), and wants to put it on the Internet.


This shit is gonna die faster than you can say KimonaWanalaya

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My question is, why couldn't they have dumped Heat instead? At least Velocity is a good show. I can't remember the last time I enjoyed Heat.



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From WWE.com


WWE and ECW to go head-to-head


The USA Network will get extreme on Wednesday night, June 7, when it brings to you WWE vs. ECW Head to Head. This two-hour special will feature Superstars from RAW, SmackDown and ECW and will originate from the Nutter Center in Dayton, OH. To charge tickets by phone, call (937) 228-2323.

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Guest burth179

Hold on a second. Just because it is replacing something, doesn't mean that they don't have bigger plans for the future, or that the "ECW" will be a glorified verison of Velocity. It is just replacing it in that time slot. Perhaps they will get a TV deal for this eventually, I don't see any other way for it to succeed.

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I think the big picture here is that this is going to lead to a full scale SD vs. ECW feud, and dare I say in the future we might see ECW do a takeover of SD? What do they have to lose? Smackdown's ratings are declining all to hell, there's no real main concept or angle on the show, so why not do an ECW angle?

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As much as I'd prefer to see them do a seperate taping, once or twice a month, at a small venue like Hammerstein Ballroom, to capture the original ECW vibe, without a tv slot, I can see them just taping at Smackdown tapings.


There are several problems with this however. A lot of these have already been mentioned by the guys at pwinsider.com. They have an ECW-sized ring already. They can't very well switch rings in the middle of a tv taping so it's going to suck to see ECW guys in a WWE ring. Second, I really doubt that the main guys on the WWE roster are going to like following up a more aggressive and non-restrictive ECW ring style and it's only a matter of time before the main roster is telling management that the ECW guys are making them look inferior because they have to work a safer style and request that the ECW ring-style be altered.


I also think that if they allow the ECW guys to go all out in the opening matches and then WWE guys are locking on rest holds or people have to sit through a Boogieman match - the audiences are going to crap on WWE's product.


I still stand by my original theory. End the Smackdown brand. Send some talent to ECW and the others can just be WWE talent period, working Raw or Smackdown any given week. Cut Smackdown to an hour. The network can use the SD lead-in to strengthen new shows in their lineup. Tape SD prior to Raw with guys not booked for Raw, pretty much making it what Heat was before Smackdown debuted. They can promote SD matches every Monday on Raw. Do the seperate ECW taping at smaller venues once or twice a month. Try to convince either CW or USA for a one hour late night slot for ECW. Hell, they'd actually be saving money this way. If they are going to treat the SD brand as second-rate, just kill it already, why have waste production costs for a show that they don't care about anyway?

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As much as I'd prefer to see them do a seperate taping, once or twice a month, at a small venue like Hammerstein Ballroom, to capture the original ECW vibe, without a tv slot, I can see them just taping at Smackdown tapings.


There are several problems with this however. A lot of these have already been mentioned by the guys at pwinsider.com. They have an ECW-sized ring already. They can't very well switch rings in the middle of a tv taping so it's going to suck to see ECW guys in a WWE ring. Second, I really doubt that the main guys on the WWE roster are going to like following up a more aggressive and non-restrictive ECW ring style and it's only a matter of time before the main roster is telling management that the ECW guys are making them look inferior because they have to work a safer style and request that the ECW ring-style be altered.


I also think that if they allow the ECW guys to go all out in the opening matches and then WWE guys are locking on rest holds or people have to sit through a Boogieman match - the audiences are going to crap on WWE's product.


I still stand by my original theory. End the Smackdown brand. Send some talent to ECW and the others can just be WWE talent period, working Raw or Smackdown any given week. Cut Smackdown to an hour. The network can use the SD lead-in to strengthen new shows in their lineup. Tape SD prior to Raw with guys not booked for Raw, pretty much making it what Heat was before Smackdown debuted. They can promote SD matches every Monday on Raw. Do the seperate ECW taping at smaller venues once or twice a month. Try to convince either CW or USA for a one hour late night slot for ECW. Hell, they'd actually be saving money this way. If they are going to treat the SD brand as second-rate, just kill it already, why have waste production costs for a show that they don't care about anyway?

This is some very good insight here.


On another point, let's not forget why Vince is doing this: to cash in once again on the past. That's all he's been doing for the past year or so. "Remember all our great moments? Watch our show because of the nostalgia!" In that vein, to have anyone but old, broken down former ECW wrestlers is not going to draw in Vince's mind.

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Guest burth179

I'm amazed at how many people are already referring to this...thing as "ECW." In my eyes, ECW died a long time ago and this is going to be pretty far from it.


It'd be confusing/annoying typing "WWECW".

What about using dub-E-C-dub?


LOL! That is great!


Or how about, dub-dub-E-E-C-dub? LOL!


How come we never hear dub-dub-E, dub-dub-E chants, or in the days of WCW, dub-C-dub, dub-C-dub?

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Good points about Smackdown being given consideration to being taped before or after Raw every week. I actually think that would cut a great number of costs in production, likely overall jump up attendance to those dual brand tapings, and then that would open up Tuesdays for taping ECW, and you wouldnt even have to tape ECW every week, you could do two tapings a month only. The only thing you really lose is the look of Smackdown cosmetically.


Instead according to Observer, the move has been dictated by Vince to eliminate Velocity completely and tape ECW before Smackdown every week, then finding a market to put it on, whether thats just syndication and/or cable is up in the air. But as of right now, all ECW will be, until they find TV clearance, is another internet show. Here is the actual report...


"As of the end of meetings today, Vince McMahon decided that ECW would take the place of Velocity.


In other words, the show would be taped prior to Smackdown every Tuesday and until a new time slot is secured in the U.S., would remain an internet property show. Velocity, at least for the present, would cease to exist. Negotiations are going on to attempt to get it on U.S. television."


So far not feeling this whole idea after I was intially very pumped about it.

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On another point, let's not forget why Vince is doing this: to cash in once again on the past. That's all he's been doing for the past year or so. "Remember all our great moments? Watch our show because of the nostalgia!" In that vein, to have anyone but old, broken down former ECW wrestlers is not going to draw in Vince's mind.



While that is a good point and I agree to a certain extent, I think Vince's intentions are a little more sinister: He's trying to kill off smaller groups like ROH, IWA-MS, and the new TNA house shows by creating his own little startup promotion and labeling it ECW. They have the power of WWE TV and the WWE website behind them. With ECW doing their house shows in smaller venues, it could start to take money out of small venue promotions like ROH.


Although territories are dead, I think Vince wants to now kill indy promotions and this is how he plans on doing it. [/oliver stone]

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How come we never hear dub-dub-E, dub-dub-E chants, or in the days of WCW, dub-C-dub, dub-C-dub?

I was at the Raw in July 2001 in Atlanta when they did the WCW/ECW merger thing. There were tons of ECW chants in the Philips Arena lobby. Funny thing is, this group of little kids tried starting a WWF chant. It was really sad and put it all into perspective, I thought.

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