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Impact Spoilers

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Here are tonight's spoilers, per PWI:


Richard Trionfo called in the following spoilers for the next three episodes of TNA Impact, taped tonight in Orlando, Florida:


Impact for Thursday April 27


Abyss, holding the NWA championship belt, and James Mitchell did an interview in the ring. Mitchell said that Christian Cage may be the official holder of the title but possession is 9/10ths of the law. Mitchell dared anyone to challenge Abyss for the belt and Rhino came out.


*Abyss pinned Rhino after Bobby Roode interfered. After the match. Christian Cage came out and attacked Abyss. Jim Mitchell grabbed the belt and ran off with it. Cage got on the mic and challenged Abyss to a Full Metal Mayhem (Tables, Ladders, Chairs, Chains Match) match at the Sacrifice PPV.


*Backstage, Jeremy Borash interviewed Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner. They said they want another shot at Sting. Larry Zbyszko came out and said that Sting wants to meet them in the ring later tonight regarding that challenge. Zbyszko then asked Borash if Raven was in the building.


*World X Cup Tournament bout: Team USA's Sonjay Dutt & Alex Shelley defeated Team Japan's Minoru Tanaka and Hirooki Goto. Scott D'Amore and Petey Williams come out during the match.


*Jeremy Borash interviewed AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels. Styles said that the Lethal Lockdown match opened his eyes and announced they would be challenging America's Most Wanted next week.


*In the ring, Larry Zbyszko and Jeremy Borash were in the ring. Raven appeared and chased Zbyszko away. No idea why they were in the ring in the first place.


*TNA X-Division champion Samoa Joe defeated Jay Lethal with a Muscle Buster. After the match, as Joe was leaving, Steiner and Jarrett came out. Joe and Steiner had a staredown as they passed each other in the aisle.


*Jarrett and Steiner called out Sting to the ring. In a segment where they made a number of game show references, Sting said Jarrett could pick his partner from the person in tunnel #1, tunnel #2, or refuse and wait for next week. Christy Hemme was out there acting like a game show hostess. Jarrett refused to pick anyone. #1 was Buff Bagwell and #2 was Lex Luger. Bagwell got a nice reaction, Luger not so much.


Impact May 4 for Thursday


*NWA Tag Team champions America's Most Wanted defeated AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels after Storm pinned Styles. Gail Kim interfered and Styles sets her up for the Styles Clash, which gave Storm the chance to hit his superkick.


*Team Mexico's Shocker and Magna defeated Team Canada's Johnny Devine (returning) and Eric Young. Alex Shelley came out to ringside during the match. Shocker rolled up Devine for the pin. Shelley and Team Canada had words after the match.


*Larry Zbyszko comes out to the announce table, but was chased away by Raven.


*Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner come out and again they do a similar game show style segment. Jarrett rejects the choice again, who is then revealed as Rick Steiner, who got a big pop.


*NWA champion Christian Cage pinned Alex Shelley with the Unprettier in a non-title match. After the match, Cage cut a promo about his PPV match at Sacrifice.


Impact for Thursday May 11


*Team 3D's Brother Ray and Brother Devon come to the ring. They mention their win at Lockdown and say they will take on anyone. They wonder why Styles and Daniels got a title match last week. James Gang comes out and they have a back and forth argument about which team is better, mentioning WWE and ECW. They will be wrestling at Sacrifice PPV.


*Chris Sabin pinned Puma. Jerry Lynn, Jay Lethal, and Sonjay Dutt came out to watch from the ramp. Team Japan also came out to watch the match.


*Abyss pinned Chase Stevens after a chokeslam through a table. Jim Mitchell, on the video screen, said it would be a preview of the Full Metal Mayhem match. Christian came out and hit Abyss with a ladder. As security held Abyss, Cage hit a crossbody off the ladder onto Abyss.


*Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner came out. Buff Bagwell, Lex Luger, and Rick Steiner were all on the stage. Jeff Jarrett ran down names of people that Sting couldn't call, insulting them, including Randy Savage, Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, and Scott Hall. Sting runs down the biography of the person he picked to be his partner, and it's revealed to be Samoa Joe. It's Samoa Joe & Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner at Sacrifice. Jarrett said that Joe is going to learn what it's like to be out of the X-Division.


*Rhino & Christopher Daniels & AJ Styles defeated America's Most Wanted & Bobby Roode. Jackie Gayda threw a cup of coffee in Storm's face, allowing Rhino to hit the gore for the pin.




*A1 pinned Ron Killings with a modified Dominator. Scott D'Amore got on the mic and said that Raven's return would be short-lived at Sacrifice. Raven and A1 brawled.


*TNA X-Division champion Samoa Joe defeated Chase Stevens in a non-title match with a choke.


*Chris Sabin & Jay Lethal & Sonjay Dutt defeated Eric Young & Bobby Roode & Tyson Dux.



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Hey, if this ends in Joe pinning Jarrett, I'm down. If it ends in the opposite, fuck TNA.

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they have no clue what to do with samoa joe.

So putting Samoa Joe in a Main Event angle with Sting, Jarrett, and Steiner is a bad idea?


Personally, it all looks pretty good to me, so I'll watch it.

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Yeah, hotshotting Joe into the world title scene might not be a bad idea, but I still dont get why he needs to have the X title to do it in the first place. But having Joe turn on Sting at the next ppv, setting up Sting putting Joe over onto a world title match with Christian (or whomever) would work for me, just as long as they dont book Joe joining up in a Jarrett-led faction. Joe. v Jarrett has no redeeming quality either so I hope they dont go down that path.

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So far Sacrifice has a nice card:


Cage v Abyss in Full Metal Mayhem (TLC)

Sting and Joe vs. Steiner and Jarrett

ECW vs. WWE - Team 3D vs. James Gang

World X-Cup?


Don't know where Bagwell, Steiner and Luger come in but it doesn't bother me

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Guest Princess Leena
they have no clue what to do with samoa joe.




He still has the X-title. He's face now, basically because Jarrett says so. This won't be good.


Ugh... I've been dreading Joe's eventual rise to the ME. Either you keep him undefeated over everyone, en route to the title... making him THE face of TNA. Which I'm obviously not high on. Or, he eventually starts these losses to the Jarrett, Steiner, etc... types, and smarks cry bloody murder.

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More detailed report, from WO:


These are the notes from the three TNA Wrestling shows which will air before the May 14th Sacrifice/Global Turmoil PPV. Dave Penzer informed us tonight we would see the beginning matches in the World X Cup tournament. Except for the first hour there were no backstage vignettes shown to the fans. The following people were still MIA from TNA: Matt Bentley, Andy Douglas, Roderick Strong, Austin Aries, Monty Brown, Jeff Hardy, Sean Waltman, Lance Hoyt, Traci Brooks, Low Ki, the Latin American Exchange, the Diamonds in the Rough and Frankie “the Future” Kazarian.




Hour one to air April 27th:




Father James Mitchell and Abyss made their way to the ring. Abyss was still carrying the NWA World Heavyweight championship belt he stole from Christian Cage. Mitchell told the fans Cage didn’t survive and walked with the title firmly in his grasp. Mitchell said technically Cage was the champion and anyone that thinks they could take the belt, come on down. Rhino hit the ring followed by Rudy Charles.




(1) Abyss defeated “War Machine” Rhino.


Shockingly this was a brawl from the moment Charles rang the bell. The crowd was firmly behind Rhino and he would need them as Abyss was wrestling like the champion, with some help from the Sinister Minister. Rhino fought back but each time it looked like he would take control of the match, Abyss sent him to the canvas. Rhino went for a corner GORE but Abyss chokslammed him to the mat for two. Abyss missed a corner splash and Rhino hit a shoulder tackle and a belly to belly suplex. Just as it looked like the GORE was coming, bobby Roode hit the Northern Lights Lariat as Mitchell occupied Charles. All Abyss needed to do was hit the Black Hole Slam to win and “retain” the title. Christian Cage hit the ring and the fighting began all over again. Things settled down and Cage grabbed the house mic and said no one wants to see Shrek as the world champion. Cage said at Sacrifice we have a TLC/Full Metal Mayhem match for the belt.




Jeremy Borash spoke to Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett about Sting and the booked match at Sacrifice. Larry Zbyszko crashed the party asking Steiner and Jarrett to meet Sting in the ring. He asked Borash if he had seen Raven.




(2) In a World X Cup match, Team USA/TNA’s Alex Shelley & Sonjay Dutt vs. New Japan's Hiroki Goto and Minoru Tanaka.


Before the match even began Team Canada captain Petey Williams and Scott D’amore joined Mike Tenay and Don West. Dutt and Shelley took turns working over Tanaka with stiff moves. Tanaka countered a Shelley corner move into an ankle lock. Goto tagged in and locked Shelley in a modified half crab. Team New Japan drew a bullseye on Shelley’s left knee and didn’t stop the attack for minutes. It was weird to hear the fans chant for Shelley. Shelley stopped both men from hitting a top rope move and tagged in Dutt. Shelley hit the Emeral Frosion and dropped Tanaka on top of Goto. Goto hit Dutt with a top rope double leg dropkick but got two. Things sped up from there and Dutt scored the pin on Goto with a standing shooting star press.




Jeremy Borash spoke to AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels about their match next week against America’s Most Wanted for the championships. Back from commercial Jeremy Borash and Larry Zbyszko were in the ring when they were joined by the NWA World X Division champion Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal. Before Borash could introduce the match, Raven hopped guard rail and chased Zbyszko out of the ringside area.




(3) NWA World X Division champion Samoa Joe vs. Jay Lethal.


Having wrestled each other in another promotion, someone was going to have a major tactical error. Lethal got on the attack early on but Joe took him to the mat. Lethal fought to his feet, only to be powerslammed to the mat and locked in a cross armbreaker. The offense got brutal from there including the facewash and the Ole Kick. But nothing Joe did beat Lethal as the fans got behind the challenger. Lethal got a second wind hitting the floatover into a dropkick to Joe’s face but got two. Lethal went for a springboard move but got hit with a standing STO. Joe hit the Musclebuster to end the match and remain undefeated.




Before Joe could even exit the ring, Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett hit the ring. Both men got in Joe’s face but no blows were traded. Eric Draven, sorry Sting joined them wearing a new jacket. Jarrett and Steiner demanded to know who Sting’s partner will be at Sacrifice. Sting said why would he tell them who his partner is, when he waited until the last minute to announce the team for Lockdown. Sting offered two people for Jarrett and Steiner to choose. I suddenly felt like I was at a Monday Nitro taping in 1999. Sting brought out Christy Hemme to be the game show hostess of sorts. Jarrett told Steiner they should leave but Sting goaded them into sticking around. Behind curtain number one apparently was a former member of the NWO (he should have limited the list a bit) and on probation from Cobb County, GA. Marcus “Buff” Bagwell. Behind curtain number two was a University of Miami football player and another man on probation, “the Total Package” Lex Luger. This made Jarrett and Steiner hit the bricks, probably looking for the time machine door back to 2006. I have to confess I was surprised to see both men.




Hour two to air May 4th:




(1) NWA World Tag Team champions America’s Most Wanted (“Tennessee Cowboy” James Storm and “”Wildcat” Chris Harris w/Gail Kim and Jackie Gayda) vs. “Phenomenal” AJ Styles and “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels.


This match began when AMW jumped their opponents and sent Daniels to the floor. Daniels got on the top rope and hit a double clothesline sending AMW to the floor and the show to a commercial break. The match finally became a tag team match as Styles and Daniels went to work on Storm’s injured ribs. Too bad for Daniels he got too close to the AMW side of the ring and paid for it with a beatdown that lasted several minutes. Somehow a cut opened on Storm’s forehead. Daniels was one step ahead of AMW and was able to tag in the well rested Styles. At one point he hit Harris with the Human Torture Rack into a Blue Thunder Driver but the referee ended up on the floor. Kim used this chance to try and hit Styles with a top rope huricurana. Styles caught her and was going to hit the Styles Clash when Storm hit a superkick and Kim hit a Code Red. Storm scored the pin.




(2) In a World X Cup match, Team Mexico’s “1000% Guapo” Shocker and Magma (damn Penzer for mumbling the name) defeated Team Canada’s “Showtime” Eric Young and “Hotshot” Johnny Devine (welcome back Johnny).


Team TNA’s Alex Shelley and the Paparazzi Cam were at ringside during the match that the Mexican’s had control of for several minutes including some aerial moves to the floor. Their control ended when Devine and Young got Shocker isolated but Shelley was on the apron filming and Devine collided with him. This allowed Shocker to pin Devine. D’amore and his buddy Shelley had words about what transpired.




Larry Zbyszko joined Tenay and West at their table and talked to the home audience when Raven hit the ringside area once more.




Back from commercial we were treated to the “Sting’s Partner” game show as Sting, Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner came back to the ring. Sting cut right to the chase and said there was only one choice this round. Jarrett said he already had a partner and Sting needed to stop playing games right now. As the thirty seconds elapsed Steiner and Jarrett argued about how bad Howie Mandel looked on his game show. Sting offered a deal again and Jarrett offered the choice to the fans. The fans said accept the deal and of course Jarrett declined. The person was made null and void, top Atlanta real estate agent, Rick Steiner!! Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett once again retreated to the safety of their locker room until next week when Sting would make the choice for them.




(3) In a non-title match, NWA World Heavyweight champion “Captain Charisma” Christian Cage defeated Alex Shelley.


Thanks to a lock up of my laptop, I get to tell you Cage won by hitting the Unprettier. He took the house mic and told Abyss at Sacrifice he would reclaim the title belt.




Team 3D hit the ring. Ray thanked the American fans for the support they gave at Lockdown. They took offense to AJ Styles and Christopher Daniels receiving an NWA World Tag Team title shot before them. They were interrupted by the James Gang. They took offense to Team 3D calling themselves the most decorated tag team champions in history since they never beat the James Gang. Ray reminded them they dropped the WWE tag titles to them. Kip said they used a 5 foot long red pipe to do it. Ray said it didn’t matter what kind of pipe it was, even if it belonged to BG. BG went to jar the memory, saying they sold out MSG 47 times in a row when Team 3D was playing a bingo hall. 3D fired back by saying they couldn’t have gotten over in the bingo hall. It seemed the trash talking would lead us to a match at Sacrifice.






Hour three to air may 11th:




(1) In a World X Cup match, Team TNA/USA’s “the Future” Chris Sabin defeated Team Mexico’s Puma (w/“1000% Guapo” Shocker).


During the match Team TNA members Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal were on the rampway with Jerry Lynn.


In the opening minutes Sabin and Puma traded high flying moves. Sabin hit a dropkick to Puma’s face. Puma took Sabin to the mat with an armbar into a modified Cloverleaf. When he didn’t get a submission Puma released the hold and went for a pin of two. Puma kept on the attack but couldn’t keep Sabin pinned for the win. Puma locked Sabin in what looked like half abdominal stretch, half chinlock. Sabin escaped as Team New Japan looked on. But Sabin got caught in another leglock, this time making it to the ropes. Sabin put Puma in the Tree of Woe and delivered a dropkick to Puma’s face. Sabin hit the Cradle Shock to gain a victory for Team TNA/USA.




(2) Abyss defeated Chase Stevens of the Naturals.


Father Mitchell spoke on screen saying he was backstage holding the title belt for the PPV. I hope Andy Douglas comes back soon because this wasn’t fair to Stevens, who is a tag team wrestler. Stevens fought for his life as Abyss practiced for Full Metal Mayhem. Abyss brought the proper items: a table, a ladder and a chair. To make a short match even shorter, Abyss chokeslammed Stevens into a table and won. This brought out Christian Cage who attacked Abyss with the ladder. As TNA security held back Abyss, Cage took full advantage and climbed the ladder and jumped off onto Abyss.




Sting, Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner came out for the final rendition of “Who’s Sting Partner at Sacrifice.”


Sting came out with Marcus Bagwell, Lex Luger and Rick Steiner. So Sting told Jarrett he could make the choice, even though he said he was going to make the decision. Jarrett claimed Sting was out of choices since Hulk Hogan, Kevin Nash, Randy Savage and Scott Hall were all occupied with personal problems. Sting’s choice was a performer in the 1984 Olympics, was a former mortgage broker and is the undefeated SAMOA JOE!!!! Jarrett and Steiner left the ring in total shock as were the fans except me(read my interview with Samoa Joe from early 2005.)




(3) “Fallen Angel” Christopher Daniels, “War Machine” Rhino and “Phenomenal” AJ Styles defeated “Canadian Destroyer” Bobby Roode (w/Scott D’amore) and NWA World Tag Team champions America’s Most Wanted (“Tennessee Cowboy” James Storm and “Wildcat” Chris Harris).


AMW and Roode used some tomfoolery to get control over Rhino. Rhino tagged out to Daniels who went to work on Harris with help from Styles. Styles got too close to the ropes and Storm grabbed him. Styles stomped on Storm’s hand (hopefully not the drinking one) and when he turned around got hit with a full nelson slam. Styles survived the beating he received and the match turned into a six person brawl. Jackie Gayda came out to ringside with a cup of coffee and argued with Kim. Storm superkicked Styles and Rhino and went to tell Gayda to get lost. She tossed the coffee in Storm’s face and he washout by Rhino and the GORE!!!




Matches taped to air on Xplosion:




(1) Team Canada member A1 (w/Scott D’amore) defeated Ron “the Truth” Killings when D’amore distracted Killings long enough for A1 to hit a power finishing move. D’amore took the mic and demanded acknowledgment for A1’s power. Raven was called out by D’amore for Sacrifice. So of course Raven came out to confront A1.




(2) NWA World X Division champion Samoa Joe defeated Chase Stevens of the Naturals when Joe countered out of a rollup into the Kokina Clutch which made Stevens tap out.




(3) Team TNA/USA member “the Future” Chris Sabin, Jay Lethal and Sonjay Dutt defeated Team Canada members “Canadian Enforcer” Booby Roode, “Showtime” Eric Young and Tyson Dux when Dutt hit Dux with the standing shooting star press.




The fans that stuck around were treated to an autograph session with most of the TNA roster.


Announced for Sacrifice/Global Turmoil PPV:


***In a Full Metal Mayhem/TLC Match, NWA World Heavyweight champion “Captain Charisma” Christian Cage vs. Abyss (w/Father James Mitchell)


***“Big Poppa Pump” Scott Steiner and Jeff Jarrett vs Sting and NWA World X Division champion Samoa Joe


***Raven vs. Team Canada’s A1 (w/Scott D’amore)


***Team 3D (Ray and Devon) vs. the James Gang (Kip and BG James)


***Matches involving the World X Cup teams that will probably be revealed on Impact.

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Guest Doombiscuit

I don't know, seems what they're doing with Joe is pretty good. The staredown between him and Stiener sounds good, I'm just surprised they pulled the trigger on it so soon. Be interesting to see what happens now. I can't really see any alternatives to making him a main eventer other than pushing him against the big guys.


The point about the why he has the X title makes a little more sense. I think it may have to do with the lack of credible champions. Outside of Joe, Styles and Daniels there's no one else who's really ready for a run. Its a shame they undid the good booking of the Ultimate X match (where Joe lost the belt without being pinned) by putting the belt back on Joe. Daniels would have been the better man to build up some new X division stars - it certainly doesn't make much sense him teaming with Styles now.


I just hope they bring back Aries soon or push Homocide hard and give one of them a go with the belt. Though how they'll get it on them I don't know.

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From the sounds of things, it should be good.


Christian vs Abyss:

After Lockdown, this should be a good match, although Rando did make the excellent point that tables are made of wood.


Sting/Joe vs Jarrett/Steiner

Glad to see Joe get his push, again should be a good solid match, I can see Joe turning on Sting for Jarret to get the win.


Raven vs A1

could have thought of a better oppenent for him, but at least there doing something with A1.


Team 3D vs The James Gang

Just glad to see both teams away from their fueds.


That dont sound to bad to me. Ill be checking them out.

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Seems like TNA was trying to tease fans with all old guys, but put Samoa Joe in the spot instead. Guess they aren't WCW. I like the direction they're going for.

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Excellent point, they could have easily put Bagwell or Luger in the match, but there pushing the future talent.

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BG went to jar the memory, saying they sold out MSG 47 times in a row when Team 3D was playing a bingo hall.


I think it's funny, because if you've ever heard an interview with BG, you know he really believes this stuff. He actually believes that he was this big draw and that he sold out arenas. Sure, he was over during the boom period, but he was over like Al Snow or the Godfather. He was never a draw.

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It's Samoa Joe & Sting vs. Jeff Jarrett & Scott Steiner at Sacrifice


I want to see this, badly, and I don't care if I look like a mark for wanting it.


I'll mark hard if they let Samoa Joe brutalize Steiner.

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What TNA should basically do in that match is have Steiner and Jarrett pretty much get their asses handed to them - so you can blowoff Jarrett/Sting, then move Jarrett and Steiner over to something else (involved Monte Brown back in the mix as a face to combat them), and then the big kicker is having Joe turn on Sting after they win. I will give TNA credit if they let Joe pretty much be unstoppable in this match, as having Jarrett and Steiner give him a rub will make a world of difference.

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What TNA should basically do in that match is have Steiner and Jarrett pretty much get their asses handed to them - so you can blowoff Jarrett/Sting, then move Jarrett and Steiner over to something else (involved Monte Brown back in the mix as a face to combat them), and then the big kicker is having Joe turn on Sting after they win. I will give TNA credit if they let Joe pretty much be unstoppable in this match, as having Jarrett and Steiner give him a rub will make a world of difference.


i'm pretty sure Jarrett and Sting's feud won't be blown off in a tag team match. I have a feeling Joe and Sting take the loss here so that Sting's got a reason to ask for the one-on-one match at Slammiversary (and Joe's got a reason to kill Steiner). I'm hoping they don't let either Jarrett or Steiner pin Joe, because neither needs that rub, so it would seem to look like Sting's going to take the pin somehow (which he hasn't done since coming in). It only makes sense to have the faces (and I use that term loosely until they explain Joe's turn) lose here, because if Sting keeps beating Jarrett in tag matches, why do they need a one-on-one match?


I like your scenario of making Joe a monster heel by destroying Sting. But I'd hold off at least one month on it. I'd like to see Sting, being the veteran that he is, be leery of Joe, given his history of turning on partners. I'd even like to see Daniels warning him about Joe, playing up the concussion Joe gave him. Have Sting admit that he picked Joe to be his partner because he's a beast and he wanted to destroy Jarrett and Steiner. Then have Sting slowly begin to trust Joe, because he gets results and doesn't back down from the thugs in Jarrett's army, but don't have Joe working to earn Sting trust. Joe can continue responding like a vicious mechanary....he's only teaming with Sting because Jarrett and Steiner pissed him off by suggesting he couldn't hang with the big boys. Anywho, after Sting pins Jarrett at Slammiversary, Joe destroys him during the celebration, a la Daniels at Genesis. I'd have Joe puts Sting on the shelf and then do a slow build to Joe/Sting as your BFG II main event (Joe can take out Christian along the way, who's defending Sting's honor, say in July or August). Then, after Joe's World Champ, Sting gets his revenge match and go for the belt, and in the process, makes Joe the way Flair made him.


Joe's turn would almost be like the Rock in 98....TNA can let the fans cheer the guy, but don't have him encourage it. Just let him do more of what got them behind the guy in the first place (Rock - being a smart ass, Joe - killing people) and he'll be a de facto face until he brutalizes Sting. Then during his "Why Joe Why?" promo, he can call the fans for stupidly cheering for him when he did nothing to deserve their admiration. I think Joe's heel turn will get over better if its on a pure face like Sting than it did on Daniels, because that was a poorly executed double turn. Fans were given not reason to care that Daniels got mauled because he'd been a giant pick to AJ for the past year.


Anyway, I think Joe/Sting is a perfect match-up to headline BFG, they can play it up as the stage on which stars are made (hence the name...) and Joe gets the big rub.

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Don't know where Bagwell, Steiner and Luger come in but it doesn't bother me

One, or all, of them interfere & cost Sting & Joe the match.


How can they call it "Full Metal" when tables are made of wood? They should have just stuck with Ladders, Chairs, and Chains...and maybe just had tables come into play just cause.
And it's off the subject, but I'm surprised the WWE hasn't done an RVD-ized TLC, with something that starts with 'H' in place of the ladder, just to make the obvious THC joke. Threadjack over.

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While that's all well and good, I feel I have to be the voice of cynicism here. NO ONE in the history of this company has ever gotten the rub from working with Jarrett in any way. Not that that's entirely his fault, as the booking is usually utter crap (JJ always has some small say in the booking, but I digress). Big names are treated equal to Jarrett, but creating new stars? He's done nothing but knock each hopeful back down to where he came from.


Joe working with the main eventers is the start of TNA's fumble with what could've been their big star. Everyone who's worked the ME with Jarrett only served as a notch on his belt. Guys like Styles, Daniels, Killings, Rhino, and Raven have all been made to look like shit when they stand next to Jeff, and I can't believe that Samoa Joe will be any different. I'm not saying Jarrett's going to blatantly squash Joe at this PPV, but by no means is Joe getting over on him, and that's gonna make Joe look like he's not in the ME league.


I know we'd all love to see Joe's meteoric rise to the top, but it's not gonna happen, kids. Wake up.

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I know we'd all love to see Joe's meteoric rise to the top, but it's not gonna happen, kids. Wake up.


I don't want to see that at all. Joe needs to lose at least a few matches, and cleanly before becoming NWA Champion. If they hotshot the World Title onto him before he loses it'll just be a Goldberg situation with JJJ playing the role of Kevin Nash. Let Joe take some lumps and earn the belt instead of having him steamroll the entire promotion because I'm already bored of "JOE ANGRY! JOE SMASH! JOE CHOKE! JOE WIN!!!"

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Guest hasbeen

I believe if he turns on Sting he'll still be cheered, just because the crowd wants to be "cool." I hate that damn crowd.

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I know we'd all love to see Joe's meteoric rise to the top, but it's not gonna happen, kids. Wake up.


I don't want to see that at all. Joe needs to lose at least a few matches, and cleanly before becoming NWA Champion. If they hotshot the World Title onto him before he loses it'll just be a Goldberg situation with JJJ playing the role of Kevin Nash. Let Joe take some lumps and earn the belt instead of having him steamroll the entire promotion because I'm already bored of "JOE ANGRY! JOE SMASH! JOE CHOKE! JOE WIN!!!"


Agreed, but what's important about that is WHO Joe loses to. He dominated the X Division, and then there was that clusterfuck of a title change. If he moves into the Heavyweight division and starts losing matches, it will look like he can't hang with those guys. They should've kept him in the X Division, let him lose once or twice to put over other X wrestlers, and then move him into the Heavyweights, where he could dominate most of the time and lose now and then to worthy opponents. As it is, he'll be taking shit from Jarrett and Co., and that's going to hurt his cred.

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I prey he doesnt loose to JJ or Steinier, otherwise his whole push since last september will have been a gigantic waste of time.

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Sounds mediocre.

iMPACT > RAW = X Cup matches > RVD matches + Christian > Cena

and the fact that Sting still has it


All TNA backstage announcers making stupid fucking faces (Borash) = Maria......DRAW

and the fact that very few if any backstage segments are worth watching


Coach & King < Tenay and West

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