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Sadly I've seen maybe three Urusei Yatsura episodes. I want to see more, but whoever has the license right now won't deal out the cheaper thinpak sets. I don't really feel like plunking down the major cash for an older series.

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Guest wildpegasus

Things are starting to rock and roll with Bleach now. New things are being discovered and the suspense is building. Make sure to check out the latest episode as the show quality is still in high gear.

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Guest wildpegasus

Here's the opening and closing to the original Tiger Mask Tv Show that aired from 1969 to 1972






This is footage of a show that is not even fansubbed in English to my knowledge so make sure to check it out. It was never released in North America but was shown in Italy where I believe it had a big following. And of course Japan!


Also make sure to keep an eye out for a german suplex!!!! during the starting. This is such an awesome TV show. They don't make 'em like this anymore.

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How is that not out subbed or had a remake? It looks good, wp.


Just curious, but is anyone going to be watching the remake of Kanon by Kyoto Animation? KyoAni, is the same guys who did The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and since I'm a fan of what they did with Haruhi, I'm definitely picking this one up.


And yes, I haven't watched the original Kanon, so I know next to nothing about this. ^_^ But I'm hoping its just as good as Haruhi.

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Guest wildpegasus
How is that not out subbed or had a remake? It looks good, wp.


Just curious, but is anyone going to be watching the remake of Kanon by Kyoto Animation? KyoAni, is the same guys who did The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, and since I'm a fan of what they did with Haruhi, I'm definitely picking this one up.


And yes, I haven't watched the original Kanon, so I know next to nothing about this. ^_^ But I'm hoping its just as good as Haruhi.


They did have a remake in the early 80s.


I think it was subbed in Italian. I know it was dubbed for sure because they had it on TV over there. They have commercial DVDs of the show as well. I have seen the last 30 episodes or so of the show thanks to a wrestling tape dealer.


It is great though the show may have been trying to waste time at the end of it. The wrestling matches are put together extremely well. In fact, the greatest fight I may have ever seen came from this show. The show also featured real life (Baba, NWA, Inoki) mixed up in the show's fantasy world which IMO worked very well. I wish there was another wrestling show that would use the same base ideas. Granted, it wouldn't work as well today.


Tons of information about the show including episode summaries as well



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First, I'd like to say that the Love Hina theme is probably one of the catchier themes I've heard. Although I can see how Abu Gharib could use it as an "interrogation tool" if it's played too frequently.


Second, I think I'd like to check out Trigun. I like the apparant mix of action and comedy, and Vash seems like a good character. However, the only DVD I could find at Best Buy was Trigun Remixed which appears to be a 6 episode primer (including what I believe is the first episode). Is Remixed worth getting, or should I just wait until I can find a paycheck (or 2, or 3) somewhere and buy the whole set?


Finally, Oh My Goddess was good but awfully short. I guess I'll break down and get the movie soon. Also read there's another 24 episode TV anime that follows the manga. I'll see if it comes out on DVD anytime soon.

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Yeah, Love Hina's theme is a pretty catchy, but definitely do not put it on repeat. It will cause your ears to bleed. Sentimential Generation of Sakuran Ni Gakki (School Rumble: Second Term) is just as catchy with less ear bleeding.


Buy the whole set for Trigun its more than worth it. I don't own it, but I've seen it and it is worth it. Although it differs greatly from the manga considering the anime ends it and I believe Trigun is still running (but as Trigun: Maximum). Although, the ending doesn't disappoint.


Oh My Goddess anime series that is still currently running. First season is 24, and so will be the second season from the looks. There's also two episodes that are on OVA (episodes 25, 26). However, you better be prepared because its nearly like the anime. Not that that's bad, but just letting you know. Oh and for all you Peorth fans, she doesn't show up till the second season.

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Has Haruhi Suzumiya been picked up for US release yet? I got my first look of it and I'm quite intrigued. I really like the ending theme and the animation that accompanies it.

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Has Haruhi Suzumiya been picked up for US release yet? I got my first look of it and I'm quite intrigued. I really like the ending theme and the animation that accompanies it.


Nope, it's not licensed. It really should be, though, because it's very fun. I'm nine episodes in and I'm enjoying it very much (plus it's really short, even by anime standards).

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Has Haruhi Suzumiya been picked up for US release yet? I got my first look of it and I'm quite intrigued. I really like the ending theme and the animation that accompanies it.


In a discussion I had with someone who went to Otacon, Haruhi is being courted by everyone, but apparently there was a group (I forgot who, fuck), who said they had 3 series they were going to show off but didn't get to finish the contract till the day of the con, so couldn't introduce it the final. Probably likely this group got Haruhi (since they stated it was a big time anime).


I'll get the name on the group and get back to you onto who. Only one last huge convention left that will likely be when Haruhi is announced. Probably gonna see a release by Winter for first DVD.


And the animation is done by Kyoto Animation, or KyoAni. Same guys who are gonna be doing the remake to Kanon. Although, Kanon is based on a hentai game if I'm not mistaken, so expect that to be a romance/drama one. Also, word's going around that KyoAni has picked up a second season of Haruhi (which wouldn't surprise me).


Have you noticed I'm pimping up Kanon? I wonder why. Can't be because a fansub group I know of has already stated they are doing it. Nah...


Nope, it's not licensed. It really should be, though, because it's very fun. I'm nine episodes in and I'm enjoying it very much (plus it's really short, even by anime standards).

Actually, considering how many series go for 24-26 lately and just blow a wheel somewhere inbetween, I think 13 was just right for Haruhi. Besides considering how Haruhi really is, they can get away with 13 episodes per season.

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Hey Flik, you have any recommendations as to where I could buy mangas online? Curious as to how the animes differ from the source material.


Also, is a working knowledge of Japanese needed for mangas? I can imagine they're in Japanese, but there's gotta be American versions somwhere for us less worldly sorts.

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A second season of Haruhi was inevitible once it took off. There's a lot of material in the novels to play around with and they left things wide open enough to where they can squeeze things in chronologically. Everyone involved would be fools not to capitalize sooner rather than later.


The most specific or at least the most speculated upon names I've read as far as licensing goes are ADV and Funimation. I would be fine with either.

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Hey Flik, you have any recommendations as to where I could buy mangas online? Curious as to how the animes differ from the source material.


Also, is a working knowledge of Japanese needed for mangas? I can imagine they're in Japanese, but there's gotta be American versions somwhere for us less worldly sorts.


Personally, I go with buying my manga online through Indigo, but that's because they own the bookstore franchise in Canada known as Chapters. That and Chapters (the actual store) will order my books for me and deliver them to my home. Although, I need to go over like $50 worth, but it still is worth it. Its standard price, but the people I know at my Chapters store are the greatest of people so I always buy from there.


Working knowledge is needed for basic terminology, but much will be explained at the back and front of the manga. Front of the manga contains the honorifics (-sama, -san, -kun, -chan), while the back explains things like White Day, Osaka, and stuff like that. However, you should at least know what the honorifics me (more -san, -kun, and -chan) because quite a few mangas use them (although, the older series don't really because it wasn't seen as needed).


And don't worry about having to see any Japanese symbols and trying to figure them out. Most are only included because they'll be sfx, and even then there's a word on top like "pon" which is what the sound makes.


Oh, and depending on the series, the anime may not diverse to greatly from the manga. Love Hina doesn't really diverse much from the manga, whereas Negima (original series) does.


Speaking of Negima, the new series is called Negima!?. Its going to be based on the manga, but most likely not following it. However, the Spring and Winter OVAs that are coming out are supposed to be following along the storyline of Negima. Spring OVA has it preview released and will likely be out soon. The new series Negima!? is being done by the guys who did Poni Poni Dash!, while the OVAs are being done by SHAFT. Just in case anyone knows the animation groups.


Also everyone who was there for the original series, will be back for Negima!? and the OVAs, sans Chao Lingshen's VA. She retired after getting married. So Chao's the only character who has a new VA for the OVAs and Negima!?.


A second season of Haruhi was inevitible once it took off. There's a lot of material in the novels to play around with and they left things wide open enough to where they can squeeze things in chronologically. Everyone involved would be fools not to capitalize sooner rather than later.


The most specific or at least the most speculated upon names I've read as far as licensing goes are ADV and Funimation. I would be fine with either.

Actually, considering they didn't use all the material from novel 1, and did start with a little of novel 2; I could easily see season two be mostly novel 2 (specifically the Christmas part, and for those who read, know what I'm talking about, those who are clueless, go spoil yourselves if you wish), with a hint of one, and some of 3. And actually I bet you could put Haruhi on hiatus and still make a killing, considering it went from being a series that was "why do I even wanna bother" to cult phenom in Japan (and for everyone who watched it online).


I would be alright with ADV, I'd personally prefer Geneon, but I'll kill someone if Funimation gets ahold of it. I hate Funimation.

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Trigun is an excellent series. It takes a little while to pick up (ONce the Gung Ho guns show up it really intensifies)


It has, along with Tylor, probably my favorite climax in an anime series. Sort of odd, seeing as Tylor and Vash are very similar characters.


That being the final scene between Legato and Vash, not Knives and Vash


Anyone else read Blade of the Immortal? It has maybe my favorite art in a manga, and it's very brutal and intense. Check it out in image search, the arts very nice, with a sketchy, rough look in general. All hand-drawn backgrounds too, none of that cut and paste stuff.


fight scenes are beautiful, and you can actually tell what's going on!


You seem to get a lot per volume in terms of content as well. Just read Blood of a Thousand (Volume 1) there's a ton of story there. Plus one of the sickest villains ever. There's a lot of incredibly sick villains in BotI.

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I liked Trigun, I thought Vash was a great character i was just extremely dissapointed on how it ended. I have heard great things about Blade Of The Immortal I have to pick it up. The last episode of Naruto was great it almost didnt feel like filler, there wasnt much action but the lil that did take place was great, also Blood+ and Bleach are both picking up :)

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I happened to see the English adaptation of the 12th DBZ movie. I have to admit I really enjoyed the joke they gave Hitler ("The Dictator" as the credits call him) where he says "Blond hair? Blue eyes? Super strength? I should be recruting these guys!".

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Latest word regarding Naruto fillers, from narutofan.com...


Naruto Part 2 to begin Episode 200

Reported by: Tazmo on Monday, Aug. 14th, 2006 at 02:05PM

If we are to believe recent reports coming out today, the Naruto anime fillers will come to an end with Episode 199 of the Japanese Naruto anime series, and the much awaited Kakashi Gaiden will air starting on Episode 200 and go through to Episode 204, and Part 2 of the Naruto series that has been over a year in the making will air with Episode 205. The episode titles for the following are: Konoha's Yellow Flash Appears!, Kakashi Gaiden Starts!!!!!, Kakashi Break Down! The Sharingan Awakens, and finally End of Kakashi Gaiden! 205 Begins the Next Generation! - whether this is true or not we will have to wait and see, but it sure sounds convincing and Naruto fans around the world will rejoice! It should be noted that this is not 100% confirmed, and may or may not be correct. So, please don't get your hopes up until such time there is confirmation.


This is coming from the same site that said fillers would end like twenty weeks ago, so take this with a grain of salt.

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Actually, considering they didn't use all the material from novel 1, and did start with a little of novel 2; I could easily see season two be mostly novel 2 (specifically the Christmas part, and for those who read, know what I'm talking about, those who are clueless, go spoil yourselves if you wish), with a hint of one, and some of 3. And actually I bet you could put Haruhi on hiatus and still make a killing, considering it went from being a series that was "why do I even wanna bother" to cult phenom in Japan (and for everyone who watched it online).


I would be alright with ADV, I'd personally prefer Geneon, but I'll kill someone if Funimation gets ahold of it. I hate Funimation.


For sure, but I'm talking about continuing after Kanon, which should provide enough of a break away from it. It's just my own preference anyway. I have little interest in Kanon when it's a remake of a five year old show that from all accounts wasn't even botched like Negima, Hellsing, etc., shows that actually warrant a new version, though I'll probably give it a chance since it's Kyoto behind it.


Ah, Funi isn't so bad anymore, I believe I prefer them even to ADV these days, the excellent and superior to everything Cromartie dub notwithstanding. It could be moot anyway, as they move toward splitting duties and sharing actors on shows like Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid. Geneon is preferable, I just hadn't heard much in the way of them as far as Haruhi goes.


Latest word regarding Naruto fillers, from narutofan.com...


Naruto Part 2 to begin Episode 200

Reported by: Tazmo on Monday, Aug. 14th, 2006 at 02:05PM

If we are to believe recent reports coming out today, the Naruto anime fillers will come to an end with Episode 199 of the Japanese Naruto anime series, and the much awaited Kakashi Gaiden will air starting on Episode 200 and go through to Episode 204, and Part 2 of the Naruto series that has been over a year in the making will air with Episode 205. The episode titles for the following are: Konoha's Yellow Flash Appears!, Kakashi Gaiden Starts!!!!!, Kakashi Break Down! The Sharingan Awakens, and finally End of Kakashi Gaiden! 205 Begins the Next Generation! - whether this is true or not we will have to wait and see, but it sure sounds convincing and Naruto fans around the world will rejoice! It should be noted that this is not 100% confirmed, and may or may not be correct. So, please don't get your hopes up until such time there is confirmation.


This is coming from the same site that said fillers would end like twenty weeks ago, so take this with a grain of salt.


At the least, it makes more sense to end at this juncture than at any other. It's a big milestone, they've gotten the third and final pre-skip movie out of the way, and they're sqeezing in everyone they can in recent episodes, not to mention some very ambiguous titles leading up to 200.

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For sure, but I'm talking about continuing after Kanon, which should provide enough of a break away from it. It's just my own preference anyway. I have little interest in Kanon when it's a remake of a five year old show that from all accounts wasn't even botched like Negima, Hellsing, etc., shows that actually warrant a new version, though I'll probably give it a chance since it's Kyoto behind it.


Ah, Funi isn't so bad anymore, I believe I prefer them even to ADV these days, the excellent and superior to everything Cromartie dub notwithstanding. It could be moot anyway, as they move toward splitting duties and sharing actors on shows like Full Metal Panic: The Second Raid. Geneon is preferable, I just hadn't heard much in the way of them as far as Haruhi goes.

That's probably what's going to happen is that it'll be after Kanon. I'm thinking. Means half a year without it though, as Kanon's supposed to go quite long and do the whole storylines thoroughly.


^_^ Can't wait to typeset Kanon. ...uh... <_< Ignore that.


I don't know about Funi, I have't bought anything done by Funi in a long time, but I really don't like what I've seen before from them. I'd prefer ADV if they didn't take eons to release stuff.


Yeah, I know what you mean concerning Haruhi though. I'm hoping that whoever does Haruhi doesn't kill it. Cause its a huge money maker, I'm quite sure. it appeals to everyone. As long as you give it a chance.


BTW, I hate how they change the names of things when bringing them over to the States. The manga of Karin is known as Chibi Vampire. And frankly while she is a chibi, why change it from Karin? Seems silly.

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Or maybe they'll go from Kanon to more FMP which I wouldn't mind either.


I'm liking Higurashi no Naku Koro ni. A murder mystery, blood, violence, multiple story angles, all taking place in a rural village. Awesome.

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Guest wildpegasus

Episode 93 of Bleach was terrific folks. Make sure to give it a watch.


Great settings, suspense and imagination. One of the better fight scenes as well.

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Newb to the thread. w00t.


In an effort to further procrastinate my college work, I've watched a lot of anime recently (listed in order of viewing): Pet Shop of Horrors, DearS, Chobits, and I'm nearly finished with Elfen Lied.


So far, Chobits is the only one that I could consider fluffy/romantic; DearS was to some extent, but I consider it now more or less a more sexual version of Chobits. Kinda like Elfen Lied is a more violent one; I read a review where it was termed "Chobits gone Guro". :lol:


I enjoy these types of fantasy/sci-fi mature series, or any mature series in general -- any recommendations? And by 'mature', I don't mean hentai. I was thinking of Gatz, but the reviews for it don't seem to be good.

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Gantz is interesting to say the least, it has a lot of fan service but is not very good.... Give Blood+ and if you havent seen it Paranoia Agent a try.


WP I agree episode 93 was sweet, anybody else watching Blood+

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Higurashi no Naku Koro ni, Paranoia Agent, Boogiepop Phantom, Serial Experiments Lain. Texhnolyze. I've been meaning to check out Jigoku Shoujo, which is supposed to be similar. Kakurenbo is a fun thirty minute OVA.


There was a bunch of recommendations on mature horror/sci-fi and psychological stuff some pages back, I just can't remember them all right now.


I did some checking and that was basically it, actually, with the addition of the Perfect Blue movie.

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I agree with Perfect Blue is great. You can always try Hellsing too.

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Yeah. There's also Hellsing Ultimate which sticks closer to the manga, but it's new and the releases have been slow going.


Ergo Proxy comes to mind. I've heard good things about it, but it's apparently riddled with Ghost in the Shell-like technobabble and information overload, in subtitles no less, although dub releases begin later this year.

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Newb to the thread. w00t.


In an effort to further procrastinate my college work, I've watched a lot of anime recently (listed in order of viewing): Pet Shop of Horrors, DearS, Chobits, and I'm nearly finished with Elfen Lied.


So far, Chobits is the only one that I could consider fluffy/romantic; DearS was to some extent, but I consider it now more or less a more sexual version of Chobits. Kinda like Elfen Lied is a more violent one; I read a review where it was termed "Chobits gone Guro". :lol:


I enjoy these types of fantasy/sci-fi mature series, or any mature series in general -- any recommendations? And by 'mature', I don't mean hentai. I was thinking of Gatz, but the reviews for it don't seem to be good.

Damn, I didn't see this post. ^_^;; Wow, I feel stupid now.


Chobits is probably one of the better AI romance stories I've had the joy of watching. And considering it was done by CLAMP (or the manga at least), who did Cardcaptors (also Tsubasa and xxxHOLiC), the fluffiness is just apart of the groups style. As for the other two, I can see similarities, but that's all they are.


If by Gatz, you are refering to Gantz, its well, alright. Its one of those "love/hate ones". Either you'll like it, or you won't. I recommended it to HarleyQuinn and he liked it apparently. But he's more into the whole "violence is awesome" kind of category. Been so long since I've seen it, I don't even remember what it was about.


If you like the fantasy nature, I recommend picking up (fansub, or when it finally is released Stateside, your choice), The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya. Sure, its comedy based near the beginning of the series, but it gets pretty slanted towards full out series near the end (still has funnies) and it is quite enjoyable. There are at least 3 things I'm warning you of:


1) The episodes are not in proper order (like 12 I think is the only one that IS 12). So please, if you watch episode 1 first-and you should watch them in the exact order for full maximum greatness-be sure to go "wtf?" and enjoy the ride. After you get farther along, you'll understand what episode one is, and you'll enjoy your "wtf" better. Then again, Haruhi is basically a wtf series.


2) Don't get down on Haruhi for the way she is. There is a perfect explanation as to why she is the way she is (besides her character is that of tsundere) so if she is annoying, let it slide. It'll all make sense the further you progress.


3) ^_^ Episode 9 is the best "filler" episode ever. And its not even filler! ... <_< I can't properly explain because you'll need to watch it.


So there you have it. The 3 warnings. I'm also suggesting this, because if there IS a second season, it ain't gonna be full of funnies. Or at least so I've heard from someone who's read the novels that the anime is based on.


As for serious series, although I haven't watched the following I'd recommend them: Blood+, Hellsing, and Trigun (ok I've watched this one at least). atomsk covered the base for those psychological ones.

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blood+ is awesome like I've said before plus they have all the episode on youtube, is almost over in Japan i think it needs like 7-10 more episodes.

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I'm up to episode 6 in Gantz, and while I enjoy the ideas presented and the visual style, the rest is just... confusing. The structure and pacing of the episodes, especially with flashbacks-within-flashbacks, is just headachey. What I've gathered so far is that people die, get sent to this room, participate in some cosplay-esque dress-up, kill savagely random aliens, get awarded points, and then they're sent back to life with the knowledge of what happened, whilst the rest of the world continues as if nothing happened.


I've read from reviews that there's apparently some limit as to how far they can travel during their hunt - explaining the senator's head going pop-goes-the-weasel - and yet it seemed like Kei and 'Big Tits' (:lol: ..that part of the scoring was great) could run for miles on end with no problems.


I felt sorry for the small alien they were hunting; sure, he was gross, but he just wanted to eat onions! Sheesh...


I'll check out the other titles mentioned. Paranoia Agent didn't seem too interesting, though. A kid on rollerblades and a gold bat? Er... okay, then.

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Paranoia Agent isn't so much about Slugger as it is the victims involved and themes explored anyway. What makes Slugger interesting is the bizarre description... this kid on rollerblades with a golden bat actually doing these kinds of things... and over time finding out exactly what his role is.

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