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WON News and Notes, 8/5

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Joey Styles' promo on Raw was all his own work, and he was even told by Vince to "go for the jugular".


WWE are attempting to position ECW as the small group that hates WWE, and are trying to create an atmosphere where ECW fans would come back to wrestling and watch the different product.


WWE.com showed the promo, but took out all the negative things said about Vince, possibly to give the impression that it really was a shoot, or it could also be that they didn't like what he said.


Vince wants to turn ECW into a third touring brand, with a different product.


Some people involved are very excited, while others think that if the idea as it is currently structured will start off hot because of the name but cool off fast.


ECW as a brand will be launched on thge 6/7 live special on USA. WWE isn't confident ECW on its own can draw a rating, but thinks top names from Raw and Smackdown appearing together, along with ECW, will make it special enough to draw a good number.


The only two matches apparently decided upon are Cena vs. Van Dam for the title, and Dean Malenko vs. Chris Benoit as a tribute to Eddie Guerrero. Both asked for the match, and as of now they will not be part of ECW.


It's thought likely that a few major names from Raw and/or SD will be part of ONS, that have no ECW background.


The first house show will be on 6/24 at the old ECW Arena. one of five in that building in the month of June, with follow up events being set up in other arenas ECW used to hold events in, as well as a return house show at the Hammerstein Ballroom. The idea is for a relatively full-time house show schedule in July.


ECW Television will be taped prior to Smackdown, with Joey Styles the lead announcer.


Tazz may be part of the ECW brand, either as color guy or as a "MMA Trainer" type character to get over a new wrestler who would be doing a shootfighter gimmick, which could be a role played by John Carelli, who is doing the gimmick in OVW, or, as a longshot, Daniel Puder. There is no movement to bring Carelli in, as Heyman is the only one who likes him, and Puder is someone the company won't even talk about bringing in, as he is felt to have priced himself too high.


The show will air in the international timeslots Velocity had, but there will be no domestic TV show at first, though they will air on the ECW site, and maybe the WWE site as well, but that won't help from a authenticity standpoint, though that has never been a main WWE concern.


WWE are hoping to get the ECW show in the AM Raw timeslot, but put forward a few hours. USA are strong on the idea, but it's not been approved, and it won't happen until mid-July at least.


A lot of people are still pushing for the show to be taped on a third day, with many people pushing for a schedule of taping every other week.


Even though Vince has always shot down the idea of a third day of taping, it's felt he'll have to make the call eventually, because ECW and Smackdown can't get over by being different when they have to be taped together.


Vince is gung-ho about making this work as it's a pet project.


The plan is for ECW to tour Europe, where it would air in the old Velocity slot, as well as the Northeastern cities it used to tour in.


There is talk of adding a few agents to the ECW brand, but that could be a problem given that the typical agents WWE hire, good traditional workers, would be fishes out of water.


All ECW talent would be subject to the same drug testing policy and procedure as WWE talent, though the procedure might not all that good considering it appears nobody was sent to rehab for pain pill issues after the first test, and there has been no second test.


Apart from Van Dam, virtually the entire roster is being signed to basic one-year, $75,000 downside contracts, with WWE being able to extend them by one or two years, or cancel them at any time with 90 day cycles.


Sabu was only offered the same $75,000 deal as everyone else, which TNA almost matched.


Danny Doring has been offered a deal, but Dreamer has pitched him as a utility man or referee. Masato Tanaka has been offered a full-time contract. Heyman is interested in bringing in Ikuto Hidak and Minoru Fujita coming in as a team, with Steve Corino being the liason with Zero-One. Mike Awesome hasn't been talked about, and isn't on the PPV, due to injuries. Roadkill might not be part of it, as he and Kasey James were teamed up in ECW specifically to be a team on Smackdown.


Most of the aforementioned talent will be used for authenticity though not major players.


Nothing has been finalized about future faces of the company, other than Heyman is high on CM Punk and Kevin Fertig,


Some think the roster is good enough to open with, while others think the roster, as it is now, would "be a disaster".


Heyman and Dreamer have differing ideas about the project, with Dreamer wanting to relive ECW as it was, while Heyman feels the nostalgia act will have too short a shelf-life, pointing to TNA as an example of failing to build brand loyalty by using retreads on top (Jeff Jarrett, Christian, Dudley's, Nash, Steiner and Sting) and doing nothing in four years to differentiate themselves from being just a secondary wrestling promotion, as well as missing the boat by not putting Samoa Joe, AJ Styles and Abyss as the top three stars.


All of they key players in TNA are under multi-year deals, except Rhino, who could get himself a good deal out of playing both sides against each other.


Heyman knows who is and isn't good in ROH, and with nobody under contract there, anybody there is open to being taken.


Austin Aries and Roderick Strong have limited time left on their TNA deals, so may be possibilities, but not strong ones, as Aries was considered too small, and Strong wasn't considered at all.


Dave feels ECW will be competition to TNA as the "non-WWE" competition on television, if it gets on television, and will be direct competition to ROH due to running in similar markets in similar sized buildings.


Backlash notes:


Kentucky has a blood ban, and if someone bleeds accidentially then you have to go straight to the finish. There were many letters back and forth between the Kentucky Boxing and Wrestling Authority and a lead WWE attorney, Rich Hering, including specifically asking if it was ok to not go to the finish due to bleeding as it was a live PPV, with the request being turned down. Three sources close to the situation say the commission will be filing claims of violation of state law over the main event and the Shawn Michaels match, due to the blood involved. The commission was said to be furious over this, as they had already gone over the issue with WWE, and there is a paper trail of WWE being told exactly what they could and could not do. WWE has contacted the commssion over this, and feels the commission as no right to cite them for violations. The claims are believed to be requesting fines of around $20,000 or more. Violating the blood law means a $5,000 fine if the match is not ended right away, and is grounds for revoking the licence of the promoter. One source said all the participants, that being Cena, HHH, Edge, Shawn, Shane and Vince, would all be fined, and two other sources say the commision would file a claim to ban WWE from promoting in Kentucky. One source, speaking on anonymity, said WWE brings in so much tax money they might not end up banned, but the commission would then be put in a position of having to explain that. A third source said that, because of the paper trail, any lack of significant ruling by the commission would make them look terrible when this all comes out.


The PPV drew 14,000 fans.


Dave called Big Show vs. Kane "one of the year's worst matches, featuring a finish that was beyond any storyline logic".


Shawn Michaels suffered a broken nose, and HHH bladed so deep he was expected to need stitches. Mickie James suffered a minor elbow injury, but the big injury was to Trish Stratus, who dislocated her elbow, and it meant her match had to go home right away.


Carlito vs. Masters: ***

Umaga vs. Flair: *1/4

Stratus vs. James: *1/2

Van Dam vs. Benjamin: ***3/4

Kane vs. Big Show: -*

Vince and Shane vs. Shawn: ***1/4

Cena vs. Edge vs. Hunter: ****1/4


Rest of the news:


Jim Ross is considered as having more power than he has had in a long time.


Coachman has been removed from commentary, and will be a heel manager, possibly of Benjamin and Masters in the end, but more likely just Benjamin for now.


Tod Gordon's claim of ownership of the early years of ECW tapes was thrown out.


Michael Cole is the new managing editor of the WWE website. The previous guy, Chris Chambers, was replaced after getting into trouble for, amongst other things, putting up that Hunter and Stephanie were expecting (seemingly because the company don't think fans know they are married), as well as not having an understanding of knowing what and what not to put up, such as showing 'injured' wrestlers being all ok, or wrestlers out of character. Cole got the nod because it's felt he'll have a better understanding of what to put up and what not to put up. The site will have more worked storyline news up.


Great Khali was pulled from matches on the European tour. He had one match against Matt Hardy, where Hardy bounced around for him, but was immediately pulled from wrestling, and was instead limited to run-ins, where he destroyed cruiserweights. Khali being pulled is telling, as it shows WWE were afraid of putting him in front of what would have been easy audiences.


Deep South may be shut down in July, but no official decision has been made.

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It's weird that there has been almost no word on the titles in regards to the new ECW. I'd assume they would go back to having World, TV, and Tag titles, yet I haven't seen this mentioned anywhere.

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ROFL @ Khali.


I'm getting pretty excited about this ECW deal, but I'm not too fond of the taping before Smackdown! idea.

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I feel a little bit better about ECW now, after reading that Vince is seemingly putting an awful lot of effort into it. I'm begging for Heyman's concept to go forward instead of Dreamer's, since I could just pop in an old tape if I wanted to see a nostalgia trip.

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It seems like Vince actually wants this to work, but in order for it to happen he may have to give up more control then he wants to. Also, I still would like to eventually see the new "ECW" get the smaller ring/tighter ropes for their shows.

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Wouldn't it be better to have the old ECW camera crew film all of the house show events throughout the week. Then, at the end of the week compile the best matches, add a few interviews, add Joey Styles on commentary, and simply present that as the ECW show? An ECW show in a Smackdown arena just wouldn't seem right and would really ruin the experience for everyone watching the show.

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Wouldn't it be better to have the old ECW camera crew film all of the house show events throughout the week. Then, at the end of the week compile the best matches, add a few interviews, add Joey Styles on commentary, and simply present that as the ECW show?

WWE and USA, but WWE moreso, wouldn't be happy with ECW-level production values, which is about what you'd get at house shows. WWE want that super slick look to all their programming.

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ECW's low production value was kind of a part of what made them what they were though. I mean their PPV Production value was a lot better then their tv taping value so if you wanted a compromise, you could go with that.

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But that would mean adding that "value" to the cost of every House show.


Is that feaseable?


I doubt the shows cost that much to put on in the first place, atleast not much in terms of what WWE can afford.

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I wish they'd get everything organized before pushing ahead with ECW. They should get their TV slot, their own tapings (If that's happening), and their roster signed etc. FIRST, instead of rushing into ECW, having a few weeks only broadcast over the internet, and just seeming like they don't know what they're doing. It's great that they're excited about it, but get all the kinks worked out before going ahead with it, or it will more likely fail.

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WWE are attempting to position ECW as the small group that hates WWE, and are trying to create an atmosphere where ECW fans would come back to wrestling and watch the different product.


WWE isn't confident ECW on its own can draw a rating, but thinks top names from Raw and Smackdown appearing together, along with ECW, will make it special enough to draw a good number.


So they want to catch all the ex-ECW fans, but they don't want to risk not getting all the WWE fans too? WTF?

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If they're trying this ECW thing for the ratings, they're going to be heavily disappointed.


I've warmed up to the idea.

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The ratings really depend on how this is done. There has to be a hot secession angle to justify ECW. It can't just be them breaking off...just because. I mean there has to be some explanation as to why these ECW guys are taping a show before SD.


I think this should be a stip to the RVD/Cena match. Make it something like if RVD wins, then ECW gets to come back full time. If Cena wins, then ECW is never heard from again.

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The ratings really depend on how this is done. There has to be a hot secession angle to justify ECW. It can't just be them breaking off...just because. I mean there has to be some explanation as to why these ECW guys are taping a show before SD.


I think this should be a stip to the RVD/Cena match. Make it something like if RVD wins, then ECW gets to come back full time. If Cena wins, then ECW is never heard from again.



Well it sounds like they are going towards RVD getting screwed at ONS out of the title somehow, and that leading to "ECW" being pissed off and breaking off into their own faction.

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Or just have a bunch of the ECW guys get together, a la Raw Is ECW (the one time in the InVasion that was amazingly enjoyable), and cut some violent anti-WWE promo's about how they bled for over a decade to get noticed and when they finally did their feet were cut out from under them due to the jealousy of Vinnie Mac.


BAM! You turn ECW vs. WWE into a version of Austin vs. McMahon with the working-class wrestlers (the ECW wrestlers) vs. the posh, stylized, pampered wrestlers (the WWE wrestlers). The initial response will be pro-WWE, I have little doubt, but give the ECW guys time to shine? And voila: new moneymaker.

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If they want the ECW brand to be succesful, they have to introduce newer wrestlers to the brand, and just not live on the past. Possibly even put up and comers like Paul Burchill, Ken Kennedy, or even Matt Hardy. They got to have new stars in the brand. Yes keep some of the old stars, but add in new stars as well.


Coach becoming Shelton Benjamin's manger is the smartest thing they could do right now.

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If they want the ECW brand to be succesful, they have to introduce newer wrestlers to the brand, and just not live on the past. Possibly even put up and comers like Paul Burchill, Ken Kennedy, or even Matt Hardy. They got to have new stars in the brand. Yes keep some of the old stars, but add in new stars as well.


Coach becoming Shelton Benjamin's manger is the smartest thing they could do right now.


If the rumors about Jeff Hardy's return are true, I think the Hardy Boyz could fit right in with the new ECW.

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Guest nokia

Danny Doring as a referee?? Not tagging with Roadkill??


That's insane....

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If they want the ECW brand to be succesful, they have to introduce newer wrestlers to the brand, and just not live on the past. Possibly even put up and comers like Paul Burchill, Ken Kennedy, or even Matt Hardy. They got to have new stars in the brand. Yes keep some of the old stars, but add in new stars as well.


Coach becoming Shelton Benjamin's manger is the smartest thing they could do right now.


If the rumors about Jeff Hardy's return are true, I think the Hardy Boyz could fit right in with the new ECW.


I thought the WWE are strict about drug testing?

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Or just have a bunch of the ECW guys get together, a la Raw Is ECW (the one time in the InVasion that was amazingly enjoyable), and cut some violent anti-WWE promo's about how they bled for over a decade to get noticed and when they finally did their feet were cut out from under them due to the jealousy of Vinnie Mac.


BAM! You turn ECW vs. WWE into a version of Austin vs. McMahon with the working-class wrestlers (the ECW wrestlers) vs. the posh, stylized, pampered wrestlers (the WWE wrestlers). The initial response will be pro-WWE, I have little doubt, but give the ECW guys time to shine? And voila: new moneymaker.



I think ECW will get more cheers just because it's seen as more rebellious. Plus, they have RVD.

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Danny Doring as a referee?? Not tagging with Roadkill??


That's insane....

Yeah fuck that man. Doring and Roadkill are very enjoyable to watch.

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Thank God they're making Coach a manager. He's perfect, especially for Benjamin who obviously isn't the greatest guy on the mic. Does this mean that Mama Benjamin is officially done?

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Thank God they're making Coach a manager. He's perfect, especially for Benjamin who obviously isn't the greatest guy on the mic. Does this mean that Mama Benjamin is officially done?

I think that someone said she was in another thread. Not sure though.

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