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Guest wildpegasus

The only time I ever got caught cheating in school

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Guest wildpegasus

Anyone ever get caught cheating on school tests?


I will admit it. I cheated a fair bit on tests throughout my years in school. In fact, I take a little bit of pride in that 99% of the time I never got caught. I've seen a lot of cheating too and even had fun teasing people while they were cheating. In fact, the last exam I ever took in highschool (chemistry? I think) the buddy sitting with me got caught cheating with the good old fashioned write stuff on your hand bit. So that's my lasting memory from my last day of school. I never did take any more schooling after that due to being late for applications combined with a bunch of other factors.


However, there was one time I got caught cheating. It was the only time I ever got caught cheating. It was in Grade 6 (same as grade 7 for a lot of other folks) when I was writing an English test. Going in, I didn't have any plans to cheat at all. However, sitting beside me was a childhood friend who I was developing a crush on as well. I think she was the one who started the conversaton that fateful day but I'm only 99% sure of that anymore. Eventually our hushed whisper conversation ended up with her asking what problem I was having trouble on with the test. I without thinking as I also do around crushes told her what question number I was having trouble with so she gave me the answer. Of course, now knowing the answer I wrote it down. Now, if I remember correctly I didn't want to cheat beforehand but now that she had given me the answer to my question I had to help her with her question. Morally, in my opinion it was the right thing to do plus she was a friend who I had had fun playing with in the past. I gave her the answer and than everyone was happy.


Or maybe not. Would I really be writing this story if that was the conclusion of it? Some day afterwards my friend and I were told to get out of her desks and meet the teacher outside. Of course this drew lots of the typical sitcom "OOO" sound you always hear. Well, apparantly somebody in the class had ratted us out and told the teacher we were cheating. I met my teacher and my criminal accomplice outside in the hallway. I'm not sure anymore how much time had elapsed before I met both of them. Teacher brings up the cheating thing right away. I immediatly deny it because there was no way I was going to get my friend in trouble. He cuts me off at about 5 seconds in or so and says that my friend already confessed. Of course that was that and the ball game was up but thinking back I don't know if he was lying or not. I never got in trouble for it and was just told to not tell anyone else what happened. And that is how I got caught cheating.


And for a nice climax to this story last year my friend asked my other friend how I was doing. When I was told this I immediatly blushed and blushed bad or should I say good.


So anyone else have any stories?

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Guest Felonies!

wildpegasus then got the fateful call that he had been voted out of student council, after being tormented by the floating head of his teacher.

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Guest wildpegasus
wildpegasus then got the fateful call that he had been voted out of student council, after being tormented by the floating head of his teacher.


I was never in student council.

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When I was fifteen and had just got the internet, teachers weren't very savvy into how to use search engines to find plagirists, so you could basically rip entire reports from the net, print them out and turn them in. I did it once for a book report. Worked like a charm.

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wildpegasus then got the fateful call that he had been voted out of student council, after being tormented by the floating head of his teacher.


He would have found out earlier, but his lanky friend insisted he not be at the meeting, since it was about him.

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I would never dream of cheating in a test.


If I did I would appear better then I am thus screwing myself over for the rest of my life.

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I did once, using the inner side of my fingers to hide some chemistry math equations on a quiz. Chemistry is cool as hell until they make it as tedious as possible. Sorta like how school tends to annhilate the interesting qualities of anything.


And I got the joke, Czechers. It's all good.

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I was going to say "Not that I can remember, really." I was sure I had, but didn't remember any specific examples.


Until I saw Czech's avatar.


Lori Farnsworth wouldn't let me copy from her English test in grade four. She was appalled by my leering eyes. I cant believe I recalled that, as I remember maybe three names from that year.

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I let pepole cheat off of me all the team. I got caught when my sociology class had a totally clueless sub and have the class blatantly cheated off of my test. No of them had the common sense to change a single answer, and after the real teacher made everyone who had the exact same answeres take the test over, I was the only one who passed. I was still able to get the answere to our only good basketball player who was on border line acedemically to play, so that was my contrabution to my high school's athletics.


I also got bitched out by my Global teacher for letting everyone copy my homework. She made it sound like the let the popular kids expoit me, the truth was I didn't really give a fuck. I just did it to be nice, less work for them and could fart out the homework in 5 minutes.


I got yelled at in science class during a test were we had to draw a cell or something. My friend next to me was going physco with his pen when he was drawing it and I was woundering wft he was doing, so I blatantly stared directly at his test and got bitched out.

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If you get caught cheating, or assisting someone in the efforts of cheating you are worthless. They call it cheating for a reason, it's easy. If you fail at cheating, what good are you?

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wildpegasus then got the fateful call that he had been voted out of student council, after being tormented by the floating head of his teacher.


"Mother Teresa called, she hates you!"


I got caught cheating a couple of times myself.


In the second grade, we were given a test to show that we've memorized our address and home phone number, which we had been learning all week. The teacher had also made a bunch of house-shaped name cards with our names and information, handed them out, and then said "Put them in your desks!"


During the quiz, I had forgotten my zip code at the time (62401), so I casually pulled out the name card from my desk, looked, and...


Uh-oh, busted!


Half the class failed this test for one reason or another, but no one else had "cheated". The funniest example was the kid who just put his first name (Brandon) on the paper, and nothing else.


The scary thing is, at the time, I didn't think I had done anything wrong.

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Guest Brian

I was a master when it came to cheating, so much so that I ended up spending most of my post-fifth grade working on better way to cheat rather than actually relying on my academic ability, until I started taking my high school classes at the local community college. I knew all the tricks. Hiding vocab lists under the basket of the desk two rows in front of you and to the side. Taping answers to the back of chairs. Morse code. Getting answers from other people who hadtaken the class in previous periods. TA'ing for the match teacher so I could edit my grade. The circle of graders. I think success had come relatively easy for me most of my acadsemic career, and I wanted it to always be easy, so that the more difficult things got, the easier it became to cheat. And whatever Marvin said.

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And for a nice climax to this story last year my friend asked my other friend how I was doing.


That isn't a good climax at all!

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Guest wildpegasus

And for a nice climax to this story last year my friend asked my other friend how I was doing.


That isn't a good climax at all!


It is for me.

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I forged my high school transcripts when I switched to different schools in 11th grade. I gave myself decent grades from 9th to 10th grade and pretty much breezed through 12th grade because of it. I have no regrets and I never got caught.

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Guest Felonies!
Lori Farnsworth wouldn't let me copy from her English test in grade four.

Probably for the better, since Farnsworth blows it when it really matters.

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Guest Princess Leena

Cheating was a lot tougher in my smaller catholic high school. Most teachers would have different tests for every class, and the classes were small enough that you couldn't copy others' papers.


But, I was lucky enough to be able to use my scientific calculator for at least half of my tests... for whatever reason. I guess teachers just didn't know what it was. I usually played Tetris and other games on it, but it was also an easy way to copy info for tests.


Plagiarizing reports, and such, was ridiculously easy back then, as the internet was still in its infancy stages, and most teachers didn't even use it.


Never cheated in grammar school. Shit was so easy then, that there wasn't much need to.

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Guest Felonies!

I never plagiarized on essays, because that's a serious transgression. But if you count the biology TA leaking the chapter review answers and twenty of us copying them, I cheated on that. No harm, no foul there, as those chapter reviews were just really tedious textbook questions.

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In 9th grade, I was taking a geometry test and I was looking at the paper next to mine. My teacher comes up to me and says "Can you please stop cheating?"


And I didn't.

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I had a TI-89, and that came in really handy all the way through college. In math classes, they usually knew not to let you use them, but anything like Physics, Chemistry, or Astronomy, you usually had all the information you could type in.


I didn't really need to cheat all that much though, so I never got caught. I always did quite well in school until I just got sick of it altogether junior year and quit.

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Guest Princess Leena

I'm also usually against plagiarism. On essays and such, I feel it's wrong.


But, when it was 10+ page reports on some bullshit topic that you have no knowledge of, and can only find any info on in libraries... fuck that shit. Plagiarize til I die.

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