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X-Men 3

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I can barely deal with people saying it was a passble film but to call it the best of the 3...........wow. You wanted this series to fail miserably if you think that was the best of the 3. Nightcrawler storming the White House in X2 smokes anything and everything we saw in X3.

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What more do you want from a summer popcorn flick?

You left yourself wide open on this one.


I disapproved with many of the movie's plots and subplots as a fan of the movie series, not the comics.


As for your question, I suppose there are many things we could want. Let's see... plot, direction, foresight, planning, effective script-writing, depth, and, ultimately, the humanity you come to expect with the X-Men franchise.


But really, it's an X-Man movie, who goes in expecting fine cinema? Apparently, you do not.


Visually, it was jaw-droppingly gorgeous; the one satisfying part of this whole affair. There were points, though, that the onslaught of special effects became so heavy that they lost their "special" aspect, and things that normally would have been wonderful, were just another explosion in the midst of many.


The stinging loss of potential is what ultimaty hurts the most. There was possibility for so much more -- for Bobby, Rogue, and Kitty's love triangle, for Angel's relationship with his father, for Leech's thoughts on having been used (Was he willing? Unfortunately, we never know) to devastate members of his own species, for the tension between the ideals of Iceman and Pyro, between Beast and humanity. Insted, we are left with flashes and bangs, hints towards possible layers of interest and humanity, only to be turned away in favour of more flashes and bangs.

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Batman should take note when they (re)do the Joker, there's no need to get rid of your best villian after one film.

And by all accounts (at the moment at least), Joker will be in the third Batman to fuck up Harvey Dent.

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As for your question, I suppose there are many things we could want. Let's see... plot, direction, foresight, planning, effective script-writing, depth, and, ultimately, the humanity you come to expect with the X-Men franchise.


From Brett Ratner? My dear, that would be asking for wayyy too much. ;)

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I liked it more than 2. Like nothing happens in X2. It's not very fun to watch now. There's no threat.


Scott is definetly dead. You can even see his skin start to disentagrate before it cuts.



I don't like how the two big deaths don't even have anything to do with the cure. People are going on about how it's a war but it's a team member who does the killing and one of them is on accident.

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What more do you want from a summer popcorn flick?

You left yourself wide open on this one.


I disapproved with many of the movie's plots and subplots as a fan of the movie series, not the comics.


As for your question, I suppose there are many things we could want. Let's see... plot, direction, foresight, planning, effective script-writing, depth, and, ultimately, the humanity you come to expect with the X-Men franchise.


But really, it's an X-Man movie, who goes in expecting fine cinema? Apparently, you do not.


Visually, it was jaw-droppingly gorgeous; the one satisfying part of this whole affair. There were points, though, that the onslaught of special effects became so heavy that they lost their "special" aspect, and things that normally would have been wonderful, were just another explosion in the midst of many.


The stinging loss of potential is what ultimaty hurts the most. There was possibility for so much more -- for Bobby, Rogue, and Kitty's love triangle, for Angel's relationship with his father, for Leech's thoughts on having been used (Was he willing? Unfortunately, we never know) to devastate members of his own species, for the tension between the ideals of Iceman and Pyro, between Beast and humanity. Insted, we are left with flashes and bangs, hints towards possible layers of interest and humanity, only to be turned away in favour of more flashes and bangs.


And where was the Nightcrawler/Beast gay sex we expected?

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I'll say again that I loved this movie, and I have no problem with the Phoenix's backstory not being 100% faithful to the comics. It was still interesting to hear about Phoenix being the power-hungry alter ego of Jean Grey that was blocked out by Professor X. I just hope that if an X-Men 4 is produced, we get some involvement from someone on the lines of Apocalypse or Mr. Sinister, or maybe a spin on Age of Apocalypse or Onslaught.

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I liked it more than 2. Like nothing happens in X2. It's not very fun to watch now. There's no threat.


Funny I found it to be the exact opposite way. In X-2 the X-Men need to succeed because it's actually their lives at stake. If they don't stop Striker's plan then all the mutants will die. Whereas in this one (and in the first movie) it's mostly "the X-Men protect the humans from Magneto" although this time there was the Phoenix aspect added in. X-2 felt a lot more dramatic to me than either of the others.

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Batman should take note when they (re)do the Joker, there's no need to get rid of your best villian after one film.


Well, Burton wasn't really a Batman fan. I doubt Joker will be killed in the next Batman movie, likely just jailed. Although the more people Joker kills, the more Batman thinks that he should finish him off the next time he has the chance.


Yeah, while Batman '89 was good for what it was, time (and more exposure to the Batman mythos) hasn't been kind to it. That and not wanting to give power to the Goth lemmings who think Burton's a genius who shits gold and pisses tinsel every time ;-)


Since Begins follows the comics canon, yes, Bats will not kill the Joker on purpose (I know, there's debate as to whether the death in the '89 movie was directly done by Batman or not) and is more likely to be satisfied with bringing him to justice. On a related note, that is ONE thing Schumacher did right...made Batman about sending villains to Arkham.

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I liked this movie. Some screwed up shit with all those people dying, and really Cyclops was so misused in the whole series. Anyway, I enjoyed the movie, just didn't like some of the stuff already mentioned, but I'm looking forward to an X-Men 4 (although I really think it's over), with the introduction of Apocalypse, Mr. Sinister, and Gambit, although that ain't happening. Alteast Apocalypse would make Angel stronger.

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X2 was on today (yeah, it's been on TV a million times...but...).


Anyone catch Ian's little hype clips on some of the new characters? The one on Angel is hilarious. He makes him sound like he's going to be some sort of badass in it.

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And where was the Nightcrawler/Beast gay sex we expected?

.....Ew. Ewewewewewewew. :bonk:


If Kurt was going to be gay for anybody, it would be Wolverine. Or Toad. (there is, in fact, two very popular communities on LJ for both).


Hey, you asked.


From Brett Ratner? My dear, that would be asking for wayyy too much.

A lot of folks seem to blame Brett by default, but I think the writers and producers could easily share in the blame (particuraly the latter, who seemed to say 'Hey! Let's see if we mesh two scripts into one giant blob!').


(and in the first movie) it's mostly "the X-Men protect the humans from Magneto" although this time there was the Phoenix aspect added in. X-2 felt a lot more dramatic to me than either of the others.

'Tis interesting to compare X-3 to X-3; like apples and oranges. While I do find X-2's initial slow pacing (following Kurt's opening attack of course - I mean, holy shit, that one is still an eye opener) somewhat tedious, once it starts to get going, there's just nothing better. It has a great sense of urgency, yet never seems to rush anything; we learn of the new characters presented fully, or at least enough to understand them. Miles ahead of X-3.


X-2 handled it's story and CG evenly, in my opinion, whereas this one seemed more intent on as minimal exposition as possible just to get to the next big bang.


Anyone catch Ian's little hype clips on some of the new characters? The one on Angel is hilarious. He makes him sound like he's going to be some sort of badass in it.

That man could make fuckin' Quill sound badass. By the by, is Quill from the comics at all? Just curious.

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The "final battle" of X2 is so lame. There is no threat or intensity. I liked a human like Stryker as the main villain but the generic soldiers as his henchmen wasn't enough. They go to his lair and it's just a power exhibition. Like Magneto pulling the pins out of the grenades. That's clever but it doesn't make for an exciting climax. Then there's evil Scott for like 10 seconds. Only good thing is Wolverine fighting Deathstrike.


X2 kind of feels like 2 hours of setup and exposition. Magneto escapes...but then just kinda hangs around until leaving. Pyro is fleshed out, joins the darkside but just goes with Magneto. It hints at Jean evolving into Phoenix. X2 is a better written movie than 3 but I think I'd rather watch 3 again over it. Only time I'd have fun watching X2 is along side the others.



Quill was horrible. It's funny he gets to hang out with Magneto when the "pawns" have cool powers like breathing fire and regenerating arms. Quill's power is that he can hug you to death. Maybe if the spikes could like shoot out at you and were poison he could be useful. The way he is in the movie I'd rather have a human cop with a gun on my side.

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There is no threat or intensity.

I can see what you mean. If only they had not centered so much on Wolvie, it might've been better. While he fights Deathstrike, Magneto gets to toy a bit more with Xavier's head and the rest, save for the requisite lover's quarrel, worry about the captured kiddies. When browsing the trivia section at imdb, I did come across an interesting snippet - apparently, there was a room created in Stryker's lab for Nightcrawler and Toad to fight in. Which would've been great if it had happened as we could Kurt being all badass once again and it would've been another fight to intercut with Wolvie vs Deathstrike, Scott vs Jean, Magneto vs ... um, Jason was it? Much more cgness, though... probably too expensive.


Magneto escapes...but then just kinda hangs around until leaving.

In the context of the story, there's really not much for him to do until the end, save for seducing Pyro to the side of evil. If there's one illogicality I must question, it's the idea of a simple helmet being able to block the supposed most powerful telepath or, in fact, any form of mental manipulation.


Quill's power is that he can hug you to death.

He's kinda like Rogue, in a way; any form of phsyical contact could be deadly, even so much as a simple handshake. The hugging scene scared my older sister -- or at least made her jump when it happened. Quite amusing, actually. Then again, she missed much of the beginning, so that's her fault.

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They should have given Stryker another mutant henchman. There's no reason they couldn't have used someone like Juggernaught in X2. People complain about characters like Deathstrike not being developed but not every character needs a big role or backstory. Random soldiers are not any better than a mutant henchman.

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The "final battle" of X2 is so lame. There is no threat or intensity. I liked a human like Stryker as the main villain but the generic soldiers as his henchmen wasn't enough. They go to his lair and it's just a power exhibition. Like Magneto pulling the pins out of the grenades. That's clever but it doesn't make for an exciting climax. Then there's evil Scott for like 10 seconds. Only good thing is Wolverine fighting Deathstrike.


I somewhat agree but don't totally agree with this. Anya and I both can appreciate a good bad movie, so even if your acting and writing blows, if you do something crazy, unique, or over-the-top funny we can find redeeming value in it.


However, Deathstrike/Wolvie was a damn fun fight that beat any single fight in X3. The final showdown in X3 was too much of a jumbled mess to really enjoy to the same degree. However, X2 totally deviated from the comics as well. Face it, Singer was going to make Phoenix an alternate personality too. It's right there. Wolvie never met Deathstrike prior to X2--so she's a brainwashed science project of Stryker's, not a former flame who became a cyborg. That's okay with me, really, since it wasn't going to fit in with the triangle they were going for in X2, nor did it fit the movie's tone.

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I saw it today, great on the action sequences but the story was lacking and I got the feeling that the Brody Bruces of the world will be lining up to exact a violent revenge on the screenwriters. I agree this should have been separated into several movies. I would have focused on the begining of the mutant war in this one. The one fucking thing that pissed me off was that they alluded to the sentinels in the Danger Room yet, the government having a undercurrent plan to destroy the mutants and the president saying stop Magneto by all means in the war room should have activated the sentinels.

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I agree Wolverine vs. Deathstrike is better than any fight in X3. The problem is it's the only good fight in the whole climax. The rest is just the mutants making easy work of the generic soldiers.


X3 final battle is kind of disappointing. It starts off well and then it just kinda ends. Before you know it all of the bad mutants are just gone. Still, overall it's more fun than X2's.



In X2 it seemed like Magneto's mutant machine in X1 had caused Jean to evolve. Scott mentions she hasn't been the same since X1. I don't know why they dropped that for X3. It made sense and would be easy to explain. I don't like the split personality and mental block stuff. It feels wrong that they had never mentioned it before. It just kind of came out of no where.

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Just saw it. Fun action scenes, but way too much jammed into 104 minutes. Absolutely no character development. I think they knew they had script issues, so they just put as much fanboy stuff in as possible. (fastball special, Juggernaut bitch, Iceman finally going icy, tons of cameos)

Halle Berry sucks, so many characters were underused and she just sucked up screen time after originally turning down the role completely. Colossus had, what? One line?


Jamie Madrox is the shit. His power always bothered me, though. If you kill one of eight of him, what happens?


Wow, Cyclops, the longest running character in X-Men, was in about 10 minutes of X2 & 3 combined.


And lastly, two X-statix cameos, and no Mr. Sensitive, Anarchist or U-Go Girl? Heresy!

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In X2 it seemed like Magneto's mutant machine in X1 had caused Jean to evolve. Scott mentions she hasn't been the same since X1. I don't know why they dropped that for X3.


Because it was never the actual explanation????

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You'd think that one of the biggest no-brainers for the writers and producers in terms of showdowns in the big final battle would be Collosus vs Juggernaut.


Nope. We needed Calisto vs Storm II.

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Fuck a history. If they cared about history we wouldn't get the bullshit Pheonix reasoning. If they wanted to give the fans something to mark out for then I can't think of a better showdown in that movie then Collosus vs Juggernaut.

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