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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO "WWE .VS. ECW Special" Thread - June/7th/06.

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This is the greatest Raw in the history of Raw!


And the weird thing is that it's not even a RAW! OMGWTFx2~!


Yeah, those looked like some stiff shots, awesome.

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Yeah two things.



1. Lawler and Tazz CANNOT work together.........that looked way too real, because, um, IT WAS. Sunday should be fun.


2. Styles flipping off Ross's hat was classic. Wish they wouldn't have cut off that girly fight.

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How funny was that when Tazz went to swing Styles yells 'JR' like 'mommy protect me'. And then when they were getting broken up, Joey just slaps JR's hat off his head

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I still don't buy his promos anymore. Sorry, don't buy it and I still wish he'd just go and never come back.

Emotional wreck Foley is the best thing in the business. To bad Foley gets misused so much in WWE by having to put over midcard nobodys when he should be working the main event.

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It's funny that the guy whose reputation was for being a legit hardass killer got owned by a 55 year old pedophile wearing a crown.


You realize that wrestling is fake, right?

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...I'm not going to say I told you so...



...but with Joey / JR trading blows, we could see an addition to the Taz / Lawler match...

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Guest Skironox

Lawler pretty much made up for getting owned in commentary tonight.


Man, you could hear that punch through the whole arena.

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The best thing about Foleys promo was him saying "you've seen all this from me, but you haven't seen nothin yet" in regards to the "sell". It's a shame they couldn't have done this from the beginning where they could have done big promos from Funk, Dreamer, Edge, and Foley, rather than waiting until the 11th hour to, you know, not totally suck. Not the best promo ever, by any means, because I thought it was really scattered, but it certainly helped this feud and if they officially nnounce Tanaka vs. Ballz, I may actually not regret thinking about seeing this at a theatre.

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I still don't buy his promos anymore. Sorry, don't buy it and I still wish he'd just go and never come back.

Emotional wreck Foley is the best thing in the business. To bad Foley gets misused so much in WWE by having to put over midcard nobodys when he should be working the main event.


I still don't buy it, his promo just aren't good to me anymore. He's just the old man who won't go away trying to put over the other old man who doesn't know when to quit.

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It's funny that the guy whose reputation was for being a legit hardass killer got owned by a 55 year old pedophile wearing a crown.


You realize that wrestling is fake, right?


You do realized that Taz's reputation as well as his background were legitimate right? That punch was stiff and Lawler delivered it.

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Poor Heyman. He spent 5 years building Taz as the Mike Tyson of wrestling. The baddest man alive, the human wrecking machine and now he's a fat slob who got owned by Lawler and is bawling on national tv.

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