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OAO Vengeance 2006 Thread

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When was the last time a 2/3 fall match ended up with someone winning two straight?


IIRC, Steve Austin beat Dustin Rhodes for the US Title in 2 straight at StarrCade 1993.


I want to say Angle beat Benoit 2 straight at one of the UK ppvs, but I'm not sure.


I remember the Angle Benoit one except I think Benoit won

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When was the last time a 2/3 fall match ended up with someone winning two straight?


IIRC, Steve Austin beat Dustin Rhodes for the US Title in 2 straight at StarrCade 1993.


I want to say Angle beat Benoit 2 straight at one of the UK ppvs, but I'm not sure.


I remember the Angle Benoit one except I think Benoit won

Insurrextion 2001, Benoit pinned Angle two straight falls.

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Looks like RVD is dropping the title to that wigger Cena tommorrow night.

Does Cena blow Vince on a nightly basis or something?


dude is a draw, regardless of the booes and cheers...so the assumption is he's blowing Vince?

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Looks like RVD is dropping the title to that wigger Cena tommorrow night.

Does Cena blow Vince on a nightly basis or something?


dude is a draw, regardless of the booes and cheers...so the assumption is he's blowing Vince?

He revieved 0 reaction from the crowd tonight

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It looked like it when they did the close up shot just before the timeout

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Has this been as bad as it sounds?


I doubt I'll be watching Raw tomorrow night, judging by this PPV.

The 3- way for the IC title and Edge- RVD matches were great with new and intresting moves / spots.

The crowd is just really dead tonight, and the other matches sucked!!

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Is HHH wearing the long tights?

He's wearing his usual trunks with the cross on them and a DX spraypaint logo over the top.

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I actually went to the sports bar and watched this tonight, but I left after the RVD/Cena confrontation. I just have no desire to see the fucking Spirit Squad main event a PPV. I mean, enough is enough already.


As for what I watched, RVD/Edge was pretty good, and I was glad to see RVD retain, at least until I found out he's got Cena tomorrow night. The last thing they need to do is give that fag the title back already.


Cena/Sabu just buried the ECW brand even worse. The turning point of the match was when Viscera beat the shit out of Sandman so that Cena could grab the cane and hit Sabu with it. I'll watch Raw tomorrow night, just on the off chance that RVD retains, but after that, I'm through with this brand for a while.


Oh, and Foley/Flair was a total joke, and the IC Title and Kane/Kane matches were both quite dull. I ended up looking at the other TV to watch Canadian football during both of them.

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Well the IC title triple threat was good, and so was Edge vs RVD except for the result. The last match was alright, but nothing that couldn't have been on Raw. The rest was forgettable or garbage. The crowd was dead too which didn't help things.

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Here is a picture for you all to caption:




From PWInsider:



by Mike Johnson @ 11:00:00 PM on 6/25/2006


After Vengeance went off the air, DX continued to celebrate. They got several women to flash them and tried to get Lillian Garcia to do the same. Garcia didn't, so Triple H mooned her.


Here is Dave Meltzer's report of the show:


WWE Vengeance match-by-match coverage


by Dave Meltzer


[email protected]


Welcome to our live coverage of tonight's Vengeance PPV from the Bobcats Arena in Charlotte. We're looking for your thoughts on this show as well as last night's UFN show. We're looking for a thumbs up, thumbs down or thumbs in the middle on both shows along with a best and worst match from each show to [email protected]


Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton will be opening the show. Orton won the opener clean with an RKO after Angle's throat hit the unpadded turnbuckle. I expected this result, but it was the wrong result because if you give a guy a shooter gimmick, he can't lose clean two weeks later. Good opener, but not the level of match you'd expect from these two.


Vince was going nuts spilling his guts to a kid in a wheelchair. Vince supposedly threw the kid down the stairs. Now Coachman arrived holding a penis pump. Coachman told him the kid in a wheelchair was brought by him. The attempt at humor here missed badly.


Umaga vs. Eugene was next. Jim Duggan, Doink the Clown and Kamala are all in Eugene's corner. Umaga won quickly with the Samoan Spike. He then laid out Duggan and Doink. He wanted to lay out Kamala but Armando pulled Umaga away. Can't wait.


Mick Foley was reading the stuff in Flair's book about him.


Flair vs. Foley in 2/3 falls is up now. Flair won the first fall with an inside cradle. Foley was DQ'd in the second fall for using a garbage can. Post-match saw Foley pull out a barbed wire bat and destroyed Flair with it. Flair bled a genuine gusher. It was more an angle to keep the program going like at Arena Mexico as opposed too trying to do any kind of a good match. Match was nothing special but the angle was strong and got legit heat.


Carlito vs. Johnny Nitro vs. Shelton Benjamin for the IC title. Torrie Wilson showed up in a bikini. Torrie asked Carlito to hold her puppies, of course Wilson pulled out 2 tiny dogs. Wilson and Maria were putting baby oil all over each other. Carlito was mad because his music played and he had to stop watching.


Nitro won the title when Carlito used the back cracker on Benjamin, but Nitro pulled Carlito out of the ring and jumped on Benjamin and got the pin. This was like a bad TNA X Division match in that a lot of the wrestling was badly timed and didn't look good, but there were a few great athletic spots. The big pop was Nitro German suplexing Benjamin, who was standing on the top rope and suplexing Carlito all in the same move. Carlito did more flying than he's ever done since leaving Puerto Rico. Because WWE fans haven't seen the TNA tower of doom spot, it came off as a much better match on this show than it would have on a TNA show.


Vince is waiting for everyone to leave so he can try out the penis pump. But it was a trick, as when Vince opened it, it sprayed Muta green mist in his eyes.


RVD vs. Edge is next up. They can't even pretend they are the main event. This breaks the unwritten company rule that even when the main event isn't the title match, you still put the title match last. Well, everyone knows the real main event on this show is DX. Edge went to spear Van Dam into a chair, but Van Dam moved and Edge crashed into the chair held by Lita. Van Dam did the frog splash to retain the title. ECW had to win at least one of the three matches, although I was surprised it was this one. Best match so far tonight.


Heyman did a promo with the ECW guys announcing that there will be an equal number of WWE job guys as lumberjacks in the Cena match.


Glen Kane vs. Drew Kane is up now. Drew won clean with a choke slam. The match wasn't awful, but this angle is so not over. Crowd ws dead the entire match and just wanted it over.


John Cena vs. Sabu in a lumberjack match is up next. Pretty wild scene. Cena gave Sabu an FU over the top rope through a table. Sabu had a bad landing. Viscera and Snitsky threw Sabu in and Cena put the STFU on him and Sabu tapped out. They put over that few people had ever made Sabu tap. The Raw job crew were put over the ECW biggest star screw on the outside. It was kept short and it worked.


RVD put over Cena and said he admired him. RVD said he'd put the belt up against Cena tomorrow night on Raw. They shook hands on it.


DX vs. Spirit Squad 2 on 5 is the main event. Exact match you'd expect. Very entertaining overall. HHH used the pedigree on Kenny and Michaels superkicked Mikey. They laid everyone else out, rolled them out of the ring and left Mitch in. They finsihed by shoving Mitch's face into HHH's ass. Yes, if you thought you'd seen enough male ass to last a lifetime, we're just beginning the summer of Male Asses on Raw. At least they've got the gay male demo covered for the next two months.

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Disappointing, this card could have made some really fantastic matches.

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Sounds like a train wreck really.
Like it has been said the 3-way and rvd -edge were great matches, dx-spirit squad was above average, the rest sucked really bad, and the crowd was asleep the entire PPV

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The 3-way had some nice spots, but overall, it was kinda dull, I'd give it something like **1/4.


RVD/Edge was fun because RVD won, and the psychology was pretty decent, but Edge did way too much stalling just standing around that really hurt the match. There weren't any suspenseful near-falls or anything either, and I'd probably only give it like ***1/4. Nowhere near as good as the tag match last Tuesday.

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I hope they don't put the WWE title back on Cena on Raw after putting RVD over Edge. Raw needs its title back but a heel should hold it so Cena can chase.

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The PPV really only had 2 bad matches, being Eugene's and the Kane/Kane match. Other than that everything was decent to good. The 3 way was awesome, angle vs orton was good, and edge vs rvd was great.


I see RVD losing tomorrow in some fishy way. But at least he won tonight.

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The PPV really only had 2 bad matches, being Eugene's and the Kane/Kane match. Other than that everything was decent to good.

Foley vs Flair was pretty bad.

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The PPV really only had 2 bad matches, being Eugene's and the Kane/Kane match. Other than that everything was decent to good.

Foley vs Flair was pretty bad.


Well true, but Foley did say that he was going to have a stinker or a match. :-p

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I enjoyed some aspects of this show tonight, especially the RVD win. Thing is, I am going to be sick tomorrow night if they just job him to Cena the way everyone assumes they will. It's almost so lame and blatant that they can't actually just DO that. I'm assuming Edge will just run in tomorrow or perhaps be added in a 3 way. Then they can do the "Cena and RVD both pin Edge" spot and everyone is happy and has a belt.


Why exactly did they job Angle to Orton tonight? Was there any purpose to this? We all know Orton will end up jobbing to HHH, so it's not like this matters or anything. And it hurts Angle's lethal shooter gimmick out of the gate by jobbing to a guy who 1. Has no heat, 2. Is obviously beneath him and has been proven to be beneath him previously.


It's like they want ECW to succeed in theory but then once it comes time to put up or shut up they won't actually job some people out in order to get people to take ECW seriously. Shit, they actually job the Raw guys out to SD most of the time to make people take SD seriously (not that it works). They really need to end this cross promotional crap if they want ECW to succeed, because having them all job out to Cena and Orton is really, really horrible. Those two guys are some of the least credible wrestlers on earth to ECW fans.


Lastly, that crowd sucked tonight. I mean they wouldn't even pop for a good match. I'd recommend the PPV mostly for the world title and IC matches, but the other stuff was forgettable.

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Why exactly did they job Angle to Orton tonight? Was there any purpose to this? We all know Orton will end up jobbing to HHH, so it's not like this matters or anything. And it hurts Angle's lethal shooter gimmick out of the gate by jobbing to a guy who 1. Has no heat, 2. Is obviously beneath him and has been proven to be beneath him previously.


An ECW guy's not allowed to go over a WWE guy twice in a row. It's pretty much as simple as that. I could have told you this was going to happen.

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Yeah but you know what that Orton/Angle match reminded me of? That crappy Orlando Jordan vs. Benoit match from the GAB last year, right down to the tedious "take the turnbuckle off" spot. Except with this match I half expected this lame result. I mean honestly, what is with this Orton shit? I can at least on some level grasp Cena's Moses push (hey, JR called him Moses tonight), but Orton? He has no heat, no mic skills, he's been jobbed out to the point no one could ever care about him, and his matches are sleep inducing borefests with 80% headlocks.


The reason it's stupid is that it's not like Orton is going to do something with this win. With him on Raw they won't put him over HHH. They won't put him over Cena, or if they do it'd be a one match thing with Cena getting the blowoff. So why job anyone of consequence out to Orton at this point?

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