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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO ECW TV Week 3 Thread - June/27th/2006.

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I rather liked tonight's show, but like everyone else said it felt recycled. Last week's show wasn't bad by any stretch, but I don't want to see it every single week.


And I don't know why, but I have a feeling CM Punk will debut next week. I got no evidence to back that up, but who knows? It may happen.


It is in Philadelphia and if they want him to look like a superstar, that's the trigger release show for Punk.

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Could it be that Punk already debuted at the ECW Arena house show this past weekend?


I do agree that this Kelly stuff needs to actually do something or go somewhere. I have to wonder what they are thinking when they refuse to show any of Kelly, yet we have guys showing their asses on every Raw.


Honestly, this show is quite a bit like Heyman's OVW stuff. It really is.

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So how was the show? No spoilers please.


You'd get basically the same effect by rewatching last weeks episode.


Nothing wrong with that. Thats good know.

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To anyone wanting to know how the show was, feel free to watch the opening match and the main event. I loved both, both for quality as well as the booking.


The middle of the show could be deleted and I wouldn't really care.


The fans were trying to get into everything a little more this week at times, so hopefully the normal WWE fans will catch on as time goes by. They still need ECW only tapings though.

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Awful show. The opener was ok for a spotfest but the rest was terrible. The main event was blah (just because it was 20 minutes doesn't mean it was good) and felt like a Smackdown 2001 match. Rope breaks? Awesome. The rest was so bad I won't even acknowledge it.


Thumbs down.

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Awful show. The opener was ok for a spotfest but the rest was terrible. The main event was blah (just because it was 20 minutes doesn't mean it was good) and felt like a Smackdown 2001 match. Rope breaks? Awesome. The rest was so bad I won't even acknowledge it.


Thumbs down.


Yeah that main event was horrible. :huh: That was one of the best free TV matches they have had in a while. I can't see how anyone would say this episode of ECW was bad. It was the best one out of the 3.

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Guest Princess Leena

Who is this Kelly bitch anyway? And what does she have to do with ECW? At least if she was attractive, I could somewhat understand... but, she's a rougher version of Torrie Wilson. That ain't good.

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Who is this Kelly bitch anyway? And what does she have to do with ECW? At least if she was attractive, I could somewhat understand... but, she's a rougher version of Torrie Wilson. That ain't good.


I thought she was one of those model chicks they hired that got Batts fired.


I wouldn't call her rough, just generic.

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Awful show. The opener was ok for a spotfest but the rest was terrible. The main event was blah (just because it was 20 minutes doesn't mean it was good) and felt like a Smackdown 2001 match. Rope breaks? Awesome. The rest was so bad I won't even acknowledge it.


Thumbs down.


Yeah that main event was horrible. :huh: That was one of the best free TV matches they have had in a while. I can't see how anyone would say this episode of ECW was bad. It was the best one out of the 3.

It was the best out of three horrible shows. RVD/Cena was better than the RVD/Angle match tonight. And I'm an Angle mark.


Can't see how anyone would say this was bad? Kelly striptease repeat segment, big show/dreamer repeat segment, Sandman repeat segment, Vampire repeat segment, Test return promo, fat naked WWE creative team member, "We Want Cena" chants by a Smackdown crowd when Cena isn't in ECW or Smackdown, HORRIBLE HORRIBLE announcing (can they say "Extreme" again? Taz is the worst). And all of that is in a ONE HOUR SHOW. How anyone can say this show was good is beyond me.

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Yeah I know but the fact that Punk was on a house show at least points to him being on TV before long.


The main event was a serious reason for ECW only tapings. I cannot believe some of those morons started chanting "We want Cena." What the fuck? It's not like he is even on SD anymore so they saw him earlier in the night....unlike the first week he wasn't really advertised tonight.


Angle jobbing tonight doesn't really mean anything in the long run. As I said, if this is anything like Heyman's OVW booking Angle losing just means it is round 1 of a long feud. Like CM Punk vs. Brent Albright on OVW. Punk lost clean a few times to ole Gunner Scott, but then finally got wins of his own.

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Guest Princess Leena

Mindless thoughts:


Sabu/Roadkill. Decent garbage match, I guess. Not my cup o' tea, but I can see how people would like it.


Dreamer/Show, waste of time.


Mike whatever squashed Doring... I have to 2nd iggy's thoughts here, what's up with just making it look like a few ECW guys are worth a crap. Nothing match here.


Kelly crap, no reason for this to be on TV.


Sandman's apparent gimmick of beating lame characters is ok, I guess... but, with only one hour shows, I'd like if they used Sandman smarter than this. Unless he's unable to wrestle, or something.


RVD/Angle... WAY too early to have this match. I understand that WWE needs to pull out the stops to get fans to watch ECW, especially since it's blown so far. But, this is a money match they could have built up in the future, and it still gives ECW that "RAW Jr." feel at this point.


It's improved from the first week... but, this show still sucks, and needs to get better and fast. Plus, ECW really needs direction. It quickly needs an identity that makes it different from WWE programming.

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Okay, so look here.


The main event and the opener were good.


At least there is a new wrestler in Knox, although the Kelly segment went on for way too long, but at least there is an actual angle in it now.


The Dremer/Show feud I think could go somewhere and be interesting.


The still need to move the show to other arenas though because if the Main Event had taken place in a smaller venue with just ECW fans, the crowd would have added a lot to the match. This is still a step in the right direction though, and hopefully things really get swinging once SNME is over.

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First time I've caught the show. I thought it was pretty good, but could have been better.


The mainevent was a quality free match, and it ended cleanly.


I do agree that they have to get this show away from Smackdown crowds.


But had I missed it, would I felt I had missed something important? Nah.

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I don't remember if he did one or not...but he did do a finisher that was pretty cool, kind of like a SpinDoctor or a Roll the Dice type movie. It was pretty cool looking.

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The biggest problem I see right now is that "ECW" hasn't established any feuds or storylines of their own. The only storyline going right now involves RVD, which is because he is the ECW/WWE champ, so his story is REALLY a WWE storyline. Sabu, even with his crossover matches, really has no storyline developed.


Why not have Doring/Roadkill vs. FBI next week or something to kickstart the tag division. You could say it is for the vacant ECW Tag Titles, that match would not only be title match, but it would get a feud going. Then after one of the teams wins, have another Tag Team run in and destroy the champs.....


Bottomline is, ECW needs it's own feuds and storylines. We are 3 weeks in and thus far besides the main event, all we are getting are random matches, which isn't the WORST thing ever, but it won't appeal to the masses for very long.

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I enjoyed the show. Was it good or groundbreaking in any way? Hell no. It was the same formula as last week but quite frankly I don't understand what else are they supposed to do? They need a roster of at least ten or twelve more guys so they can have some fresh faces/matchups each week, mix things up with tag team matches, etc. Let Heyman do something like the Pulp Fiction video packages or the vignettes he would do in OVW where talent who aren't actually wrestling on the show can get some face and mic time, maybe building to their appearance on next week's show.


I enjoy Sabu spotfests but they make me cringe. I like that they didn't completely bury Roadkill because I refuse to believe a crazy big Amish guy can't get over.


Something like Big Show-Tommy Dreamer needs to have a slow build and they could be doing something good here. Show is kind of reestablishing himself as a legit threat Still, this was a repeat of last weeks segment. It could have benefitted from just a promo this week and another in-ring confrontation next week. Tommy needs to be yelling at Show to abuse him more because people in the arena and watchingo on tv don't know the point of this beat down. They think Dreamer is just getting his ass beat in a match until Show just stops, turns around and leaves.


Glad to see them introduce the Mike Knox character. I was worried that there would be nothing special in him based on what I thought was a generic presence but I liked the brief work from him in the ring. I really wish they would realize that Kelly is just not ready to pull this type of character off on tv? She can't dance. Please save her next week by not doing the Kelly expose for the Philly crowd? There was no reason they couldn't have just left it at Mike Knox having problems controlling her exhibitionist tendencies at ringside.


Sandman. I know the whole thing with the theme is just being overdone but WWE really need to just cut some deal with Metallica to get him his theme. Start a writing campaign on the website. Promise Metallica guaranteed free advertising on their site and WWE TV. I laughed a little at the segment. Sandman not smoking and not drinking a beer en route to the ring was annoying however.


I'd have no problem with Edge and Lita being full-time on the ECW roster. Not sure how Edge's neck would feel about it though. They just fit in with ECW and I think Edge has more fun on the mic with maybe more freedom?


RVD and Kurt Angle started slow. It takes some time to get used to Kurt's new style. I was having a difficult time hearing Joey and Tazz during this match. The Cena chant was disturbing but people warmed up to the match and it at least had a hot ending sequence. I'm guessing Angle is going heel because he's bitter about not wearing gold? Not sure why this match was given away for free like it was. They could have just had an RVD-Edge rematch. RVD has had two good match two nights in a row.


I feel like I'm watching an alternative product. There is still enough WWE in it to piss me off but I'm really hoping they go full circle, let Heyman do his thing and bring in some wasted SD and Raw talent. Are the Pitbulls and Super Crazy really needed on SD? Do you really need Val Venis on Raw?

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Did Knox do a Yakuza kick?

This is the WWE so let's call it the move #3 of the 5 moves learned from OVW.

But he's from DSW.

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Are the Pitbulls and Super Crazy really needed on SD?

Crazy maybe not, but with the tag division on Smackdown, yeah it actually does need the Pitbulls.

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Lita is one fugly bitch! What a mug! I cant believe so many guys use to find her attractive

Lita brings the trashy slutty hotness like nobody else. It's a good change from huge-titted blonde cheerleader looking women like Torrie and Trish.

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The fat stripper was lame, but I loved Sandman's reaction when he took the suit off. Just looking all weirded out and downing the beer like "Shit, I need to be really fucking drunk, like NOW!"

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I'm confused as to why I'm supposed to boo Mike Knox. Because he doesn't want his girlfriend to do her horrible dance each week and show off her breasts? Seriously, the only reason that guy is a heel is he is allowing her to do that thing she calls a strip tease at all. She's horrible at it and when that is all you are supposed to be able to do and can't do it, it's time to cut the character.


I was fine with the main event but enough with establishing Edge already. He's not going to be the heel of ECW, he's not going to have a damn thing to do with ECW and everytime he has been on, he has gotten the best of ECW. It's getting old really quickly.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Knox is the guy who Cornette kept beating up that lost him the OVW job, I believe.

No, he's not. You're thinking of John Carelli (OVW's Boris Alexiev), who Heyman likes too. Mike Knox was in DSW, in Atlanta.

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