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OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

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All you guys who are like "this makes me want to stop watching wrestling forever" - just watch Smackdown. Raw is crap and ECW is crap as well. Smackdown is good.


It's clear that there is no vision for ECW at all, it's just another Raw and Raw sucks ass.


I'll never understand why Smackdown threads are 2 pages while ECW and Raw get 10+ pages. Are you guys all lemmings who watch the "A show" just because they are told it's the A show?


Yeah the timeslot sucks and it gets pre-empted, but it's worth watching. Raw and ECW aren't even worth recording.

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It's not just about the fact that a "brand" is better than the others, it's due to the fact that those of us that don't watch anymore are so fed up with the guy running everything that it's nearly destroyed all of our interest. Rehash after rehash, shitty gimmick after shitty gimmick. What's the use?


Yeah, you can go watch TNA if you want, and I did that for a while. Jarrett killed my enthusiasm that I had for the promotion, and that's it. I don't have to watch shit, I can change the channel and easily find a program that caters to my likings and lets me watch what I want to see.


I watched Smackdown a few weeks ago with the people that I watched this with. It was alright, but I was just so fed up in general with the idea that I couldn't wait for the chance to change the channel.

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Smackdown! has the worst booking ever.


See: the MIA tag champions, unover feuding Mexicools, leprechauns, Divas ripping off Raw gimmicks, the main event of the upcoming PPV, the horrendous joke of a champion, the constant pushing of Mark Henry, the terrible U.S. champion, undefeated talentless gym twins, and mic skill-less non-athletic unstoppable giant they squashed taker to.


Though I'll admit, it's still better than ECW or Raw, despite having little to offer but solid yet slow Finlay/Regal tags and Booker T backstage funny humor.


Plus to me watching Smackdown! is like reading a comic called "The X-Men's second cousins' friends down the street". It might be good, but you know damn well it's meaningless in the long run and there's more important things happening elsewhere.

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1: Roadkill d. Tony Mamaluke by a top rope splash (5:55)


2: C.M. Punk d. C.W. Anderson by submission with I guess what's his regular submission. (5:58)


3: Sabu d. Stevie Richards in Extreme Rules via Arabian Skullcrusher through a table. (6:32)


4: Tommy Dreamer d. Justin Credible by pin-fall via Dreamer DDT (didn't time this one properly)


Replace Credible with RVD and make it for the ECW belt and that would have been a better show than what we got.

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Someone pointed out earlier that Big Show was the first person to have held the WWE, WCW, and ECW belts at least once. When you think about it, that's a pretty significant feat. Although ECW is owned by WWE (similar to when Rock won the WCW title in WWE during the Invasion period), it still goes in the books as Show being ECW champ. Who would have thought that Show would be the first and likely only one to do it?

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All right, let me preface this by saying that I've been a WWF (and later WWE) fan since I started watching wrestling in 1998. All I ever saw of the old ECW was about five minutes of a crappy promo airing on some obscure channel. I became a huge fan of RVD after his 2001 work in the WWF, started to cool on him when he got jobbed out and lost his motivation, and got really into him again when he started working hard again the last few weeks and putting on really great matches. I've also loved everything I've seen from Sabu thus far (only seeing his WWE work), but most of my connection to ECW is being an RVD mark.


With that said, I didn't think this show was that bad. After Raw, I went in expecting to see RVD get jobbed out, and expecting this to be the death knell for the new ECW. Actually, RVD was put over really strong as he kicked out of the chokeslam (when's the last time you saw someone do that), and had Show pinned cleanly before he got screwed by Heyman. All throughout the show, he was put over as the "real champion of ECW", and the short promo he cut on Big Show was the best I've seen since the one he cut on Jericho in December of 2001. (I know at least a couple of you know what I'm talking about here.)


I think this still has some potential. We all kind of agreed that the next logical place to go for ECW was to have a WWE guy screw RVD out of the title, and now we have it. It's a little bit premature, but it's also got a lot more heat with the real-life background. Big Show doesn't have X-Pac heat, he has heel heat and more heel heat than anyone in five years at that. The fans weren't bored with the Big Show, they were pissed the fuck off that he was carrying the ECW title.


Honestly, if you had me list the things I would most like to see in wrestling right now, #1 wouldn't be The Rock's return, and it certainly wouldn't have anything to do with Hogan or anyone on Raw or Smackdown. It would be for RVD to come back and cleanly beat the Big Show for the ECW World Title.


Yeah, it sucks that RVD's suspended for 30 days, and it's going to be even worse since Sabu will probably be gone for just as long, but I think ECW can fade this. Are you telling me that you'd be "bored" watching Heyman shoot on RVD next week and explain why he wasn't the kind of guy he needed to be ECW champion? Are you telling me you'd be "bored" watching Dreamer feud with Show for the honor of ECW, or watching a Sandman/Show feud for the next two weeks when that wears thin? Would you be "bored" when RVD comes back, cuts a great promo, and kicks Show in his fat fuck, no talent face? What if he wins back the title on a televised special two months from now once this whole arrest thing blows over.


Yeah, I know the midcard could use some work, and the whole show could still easily fall apart, but right now, I think ECW would be a hell of a lot easier to fix than boring-ass Raw and Smackdown, or even worse, TNA. As a wrestling fan, I'm still excited to see what happens next.

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All right, let me preface this by saying that I've been a WWF (and later WWE) fan since I started watching wrestling in 1998. All I ever saw of the old ECW was about five minutes of a crappy promo airing on some obscure channel. I became a huge fan of RVD after his 2001 work in the WWF, started to cool on him when he got jobbed out and lost his motivation, and got really into him again when he started working hard again the last few weeks and putting on really great matches. I've also loved everything I've seen from Sabu thus far (only seeing his WWE work), but most of my connection to ECW is being an RVD mark.


With that said, I didn't think this show was that bad. After Raw, I went in expecting to see RVD get jobbed out, and expecting this to be the death knell for the new ECW. Actually, RVD was put over really strong as he kicked out of the chokeslam (when's the last time you saw someone do that), and had Show pinned cleanly before he got screwed by Heyman. All throughout the show, he was put over as the "real champion of ECW", and the short promo he cut on Big Show was the best I've seen since the one he cut on Jericho in December of 2001. (I know at least a couple of you know what I'm talking about here.)


I think this still has some potential. We all kind of agreed that the next logical place to go for ECW was to have a WWE guy screw RVD out of the title, and now we have it. It's a little bit premature, but it's also got a lot more heat with the real-life background. Big Show doesn't have X-Pac heat, he has heel heat and more heel heat than anyone in five years at that. The fans weren't bored with the Big Show, they were pissed the fuck off that he was carrying the ECW title.


Honestly, if you had me list the things I would most like to see in wrestling right now, #1 wouldn't be The Rock's return, and it certainly wouldn't have anything to do with Hogan or anyone on Raw or Smackdown. It would be for RVD to come back and cleanly beat the Big Show for the ECW World Title.


Yeah, it sucks that RVD's suspended for 30 days, and it's going to be even worse since Sabu will probably be gone for just as long, but I think ECW can fade this. Are you telling me that you'd be "bored" watching Heyman shoot on RVD next week and explain why he wasn't the kind of guy he needed to be ECW champion? Are you telling me you'd be "bored" watching Dreamer feud with Show for the honor of ECW, or watching a Sandman/Show feud for the next two weeks when that wears thin? Would you be "bored" when RVD comes back, cuts a great promo, and kicks Show in his fat fuck, no talent face? What if he wins back the title on a televised special two months from now once this whole arrest thing blows over.


Yeah, I know the midcard could use some work, and the whole show could still easily fall apart, but right now, I think ECW would be a hell of a lot easier to fix than boring-ass Raw and Smackdown, or even worse, TNA. As a wrestling fan, I'm still excited to see what happens next.


I agree mostly with this post; however, this would be agreat time to really put CM PUNK on TV and elevate himthe sooner the better (given RVD's and Sabu's current troubles).

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I think tonight made it obvious that WWE hit the panic button and everything involving ECW and RVD was last minute booking. As much as I don't like the idea of Big Show being the ECW champion I understand why WWE went with it. My reasons are as follows.


1. Only four people in the past few weeks have made to look strong since the ECW shows started airing. Those people are RVD, Sabu, Big Show, and Angle. No one else has been booked to even look like a threat to the ECW champion except Angle, Sabu, and Show.


2. With the trouble Sabu is in and since Angle is taking a vacation who else do you have left? As sad as it is....Big Show.


3. If anything, at least Big show and Heyman have a long backstory, so the pairing of the two makes sense.


Vince or Heyman or whoever is booking for that week needs to start using the old ECW formula and instead of letting people (mainly the guys who were actually in ECW) get squshed or beat week after week just let two wrestlers go for 5 to 10 minutes so that ways more people have a better chance of getting over.


A good example of this: Roadkill vs Sabu from last week

A bad example: Mike Knox vs Danny Doring or Little Guido.


At least in the Roadkill vs Sabu match, Roadkill looked strong and actually looked like he had a chance of winning the match. While Doring and Guido wasn't made to look strong at all.


One other thing I don't like is that Heyman is becoming the "evil owner" (or GM whichever you prefer) of ECW. Why they're doing that is beyond me, espically since we already get a dose of that on Raw.....but then again (please correct me if I'm wrong) isn't that what Heyman was doing when he was the manager of Sabu and Taz and had 911 in the group as well? Was he being booked as that as well?


I'm sorta intrested in how ECW will be booked in the next coming of weeks. With only Big Show as the top talent right now, I want to see how ECW will pan out for the next month? Will we see Tommy Dreamer vs Big Show for the ECW title feud? Will we actually see talent STOP be squashed and booked in matches where either person could look strong? (thats a long shot I know) And damnit when will CM Punk get a tv match!?

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Anybody see those two signs during the RVD/Big Show match?


One sign:"RVD" Sign beside it:"4:20"


They zoomed in on them both, then hurried up and zoomed to the RVD sign only.


Mar-I-Jauna chants. 18 Grams. Jesus, the crowd sure were helping out their hero there.


If RVD doesn't hit the Main Event as soon as he returns, that's fucked.


They had a big re-debut for a guy who obviously got jacked to the fuckin' gills while he was fired, squashing an ECW vet.


Then they had a dude who got caught with a small amount of weed, and I'm pretty fuckin' sure RVD has a prescription to Vicodens since he just had surgery.


Plus, I'd say Sabu is prescribed as many pain pills as Angle, easily.


They should have done an injury angle with RVD, re-enjuring his knee, or somethin'. Have Show, Cena and Edge go at it for the number one contender ship to RVD when he returned.


Fuck, man. RVD was crying on Raw after he lost. Dude fucked up, but damn.


And RVD is suspended. What's up with Sabu?


He had that WWE-ized promo tonight, so I'm assuming he's staying on TV.


And yeah, congratulations to 'Show for being the first WCWWFECW World Heavyweight Champion.


And the "You're not Andre" chants were ill.

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So, not only did they do the Heyman/Lesnar "you don't listen to me so I'm going to cost you the title", which I thought might happen based on Monday, they use the SAME OPPONENT and the SAME MATCH FINISH (well, a slight variation). That's extreme.


All told I thought the last few minutes of the match were pretty good. Glad they introduced Punk, hopefully he'll be at the Detroit tapings.

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Guest The Z Man Tom Zenk
I actually fell asleep after Test's match. In a seat. I saw the Phillies play earlier in a terrible game and stayed awake for THAT. Not during his match, after all it was only like 40 seconds. But afterwards I dosed off, during a predictable backstage promo, I believe, between RVD and Heyman, or RVD/Show. Something was on the screen, anyways.



wait wait wait......you thought the Phillies game was terrible?! They won in the 9th, baby! But if you're saying how they gave up a 5-2 lead...I'm with you.

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Sandman has to be getting the best deal of anyone involved in ECW. He gets paid to walk through the crowd, cane someone, and leave.


Seriously, and he's probably in the best shape out of all the "old-ECW-guard" that was rehired and hasn't had to work a full match yet (that I know of).

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If RVD was seriously going to be buried he would have just jobbed clean last night and been fired by Heyman on the spot. THAT is a burial. As it is he got robbed and had his longtime friend, mentor, and boss turn on him.


I said it last night, long term this angle has some potential. I don't know if it could last until the ECW PPV in December, but the angle could work. The main problem is that Big Show with the belt is likely going to piss ECW fans off to no end, but the jury is out on how this will work. Will it be a "That is fucking horrible I am never watching this again" kind of heat, or is it a "I can't believe this shit, I want RVD to come back and beat his ass!" kind of heat?


I'm sure once RVD returns Heyman will deny him a rematch for a long time, which goes along with him being punished. But it also plays into the angle itself, and once he finally does get the rematch and kills the Big Show he'll be more over than ever.

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Guest Princess Leena

What's the right path?


I really have no idea where you go with "ECW" from here, except for turning it into a Shotgun Saturday Night type show.

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The right path, to me, is trying to bring in the ECW stalwarts, cater to them in the Northwest, get the crowd loud and exciting, so the rest of the country can see that, and a portion of the entire country can get that kind of excitement.


THEN they can run shows across the country, small ones but yeah.

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I think I could get into the new ECW if they put some effort into it. Right now, it just feels like a going through the motions program.


I could get into it with Punk and Damaja if they let them come in and be themselves without some horribly poorly written story. But they need to start establishing people. They have established no one other than Sabu which isn't going to help with him now basically in the same boat as RVD. They have established Dreamer as a guy who just gets beat up, which would be good if he won a match every now and then.


They spent more time establishing Edge and Cena on ECW then they did of establishing ECW.

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Anyone else but me thin that the fact Raven isn't in the company, on screen or backstage is affecting the new ECW. I mean, he came up with most of the ideas that made ECW great.


It might just be me.


But ive been watching this ECW thing for 4 weeks now and all its done is made me wish they hadn't bothered. I go back and watch my old ECW tapes and just wish they hadn't raped the corpse of something that was at one time the best thing in wrestling.

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We need to name this kid.


I suggest...


OH NOZE!!! Kid or Mackauly Jr.

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Plus to me watching Smackdown! is like reading a comic called "The X-Men's second cousins' friends down the street". It might be good, but you know damn well it's meaningless in the long run and there's more important things happening elsewhere.


To me that's a very silly attitude. You won't watch best wrestling on TV because it isn't "important."? What the hell is important on RAW? It's wrestling, nothing is important anyway. You think the return of DX is some sort of historic event.


Someone name the last important thing that happened on RAW...yeah...

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"Anyone else but me thin that the fact Raven isn't in the company, on screen or backstage is affecting the new ECW. I mean, he came up with most of the ideas that made ECW great.


It might just be me.


But ive been watching this ECW thing for 4 weeks now and all its done is made me wish they hadn't bothered. I go back and watch my old ECW tapes and just wish they hadn't raped the corpse of something that was at one time the best thing in wrestling." - luke-o





Raven's presence is mos def missing from the show, homey


If they could have gotten Ryhno, Raven, Jerry Lynn, New Jack, 911, Lance Storm, Al Snow and tomm Dreamer not being the job squad to WWE guys, Have Edge and Lita on the show regularly, Had Sandman do something different one week, drop the Kelly bitch, and bring up some of Heyman's projects from OVW to put over, this whole ECW thing could have been great.


If Raven and Heyman and Dreamer were straight booking the shows, it'd be closer to the real ECW then this WWECW.

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1: Roadkill d. Tony Mamaluke by a top rope splash (5:55)


2: C.M. Punk d. C.W. Anderson by submission with I guess what's his regular submission. (5:58)


3: Sabu d. Stevie Richards in Extreme Rules via Arabian Skullcrusher through a table. (6:32)


4: Tommy Dreamer d. Justin Credible by pin-fall via Dreamer DDT (didn't time this one properly)


Replace Credible with RVD and make it for the ECW belt and that would have been a better show than what we got.


It would have been, but the Big Show is a much better wrestler than Tommy Dreamer.


Here's the CM Punk interview: http://requiempsalm.com/videos/punkecw.wmv


You are a wonderful man. And this was a decent promo. Quite generic indeed, but I don't know what people were expecting. He hasn't even been in the ring yet.

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I don't give a fuck if he just says I'm..C...M...Punk... and snarls every week, as long as he brings it in the ring like he can, and I get to see those ill ass COBRA, Pepsi, Ghostrider and other dope tats every week.

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