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Hunter's Torn Quad

OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

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This show is terrible.


What was the point of making this "extreme rules"? They've done nothing to warrant that.


It will only come into play for the actual finish more than likely.


I guess this is ECW on SciFi without any sort of RAW crossover stuff.

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RVD isn't getting any offense, this match blows.


Yeah, pretty much. If they had to have a 20 minute Big Show match, have RVD pinball off him for the entire time or something. This match has killed what was a good crowd.

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Jesus I have to write some proposal for work after this and now I'm falling asleep. This match is the cure for insomnia.


We've seen this exact match as Rey vs Show but that was 5 times better.


Ok now that was interesting...ha ha...this match just got at least slightly redeemed.

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Paul Heyman betraying RVD? Get the fuck outta here. I mean I never saw that one coming.

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