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Hunter's Torn Quad

OAO ECW Week 4 on Sci-Fi, July 4th

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Fuck! I sat through half an hour of utter garbage and then missed the Punk promo. Someone's gotta put that shit on Youtube.


Sadly it was a by the numbers WWE promo.

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It sucked ass. Calling it a "promo" is very generous. It was "I'm C...M...Punk!" That was it. Color me impressed.


It was also about thirty seconds long. What exactly are you looking for here?

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did they just call back to 'Joey Numbers'?


Indeed. Weren't they actually going to introduce someone as "Joey Numbers" back in the day on WWE TV? I seem to remember reading something about that back after Tazz first became an announcer.

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It sucked ass. Calling it a "promo" is very generous. It was "I'm C...M...Punk!" That was it. Color me impressed.


What do you expect when it's written by the worst writers in existance? He's not supposed to cut a CM PUNK promo. He has to cut WWE Superstar promo.

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Fuck! I sat through half an hour of utter garbage and then missed the Punk promo. Someone's gotta put that shit on Youtube.

Extreme closeup of the Pepsi tatoo with "I'm CM Punk I'm sXe and addited to wrestling"

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Guest Skironox

I must be getting old. I don't remember these Girls gone Wild commercials airing before midnight.

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It sucked ass. Calling it a "promo" is very generous. It was "I'm C...M...Punk!" That was it. Color me impressed.


He was given sixty seconds to introduce himself to a fanbase that mostly has absolutely no clue who he was. It wasn't a 15 minute HHH rambler. People shouldn't immediately say "That's it?!" when referencing his promo skills. Not saying you are, but there are some.

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It sucked ass. Calling it a "promo" is very generous. It was "I'm C...M...Punk!" That was it. Color me impressed.


It was also about thirty seconds long. What exactly are you looking for here?

I don't think he was looking for anything..


But for some people to say it was as great as they are saying...well that's a little farfetched, when as you said, it was merely 30 seconds.

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It sucked ass. Calling it a "promo" is very generous. It was "I'm C...M...Punk!" That was it. Color me impressed.


It was also about thirty seconds long. What exactly are you looking for here?

I don't think he was looking for anything..


But for some people to say it was as great as they are saying...well that's a little farfetched, when as you said, it was merely 30 seconds.


Where has anyone claimed it was great? Most people are saying "Hey, Punk's on tv" or "Punk's already been used wrong" or "That wasn't remotely close to Punk's skills"

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They keep talking about RVDs schedule. I don't like it. I have a bad feeling RVD drops the belt and then "takes some time off" to "rest up".


And someone calling Show a "Fat son of a bitch" is both funny and a bit scary. Someone is a bit too secure in Show's ability to keep his temper in check.


Sounds like someone else is with *airhorn* in this Civil War thing that's going around.

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One guy here said it was a better promo than anyone in WWE has given in ages. No, it wasn't. It was short and totally generic and boring.


I'm not saying that's CM Punk's fault. It was just a crappy promo.

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