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Good shows gone bad...

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Curb Your Enthusiasm peaked in season two, slowly declined in season three, then plunged in seasons 4 and 5. Became real bad.

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Corey too. He was the smarter of the two - between him and Sean - and then became the buffoon that Sean once was. I didn't understand that at all.


I saw it as Sean developing a "harder edge" due to his father dying, being poor, dealing with his new brother, etc. Corey had it easy and thus was still an idealistic kid.

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Curb Your Enthusiasm peaked in season two, slowly declined in season three, then plunged in seasons 4 and 5. Became real bad.


Blasphemy. Or at least I still loved season 4.


King of the Hill has always been the worst fucking show in the world.

Texans LOVE it though.


And the OC was so terrible that I couldn't even watch through the first episode on DVD. That is the most faggoty emo show I have ever seen.


*Looks at ground* *Looks at girl* *Looks at ground* *Looks at girl, tentative half-smile* KEANE or DASHBOARD CONFESSIONAL or SOME TERRIBLE BAND BLARES through the WHOLE fucking scene.

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My Dad watched the OC in season 1 and 2. By season 3, he was calling for the head of Mischa Barton and every other character on the show.


Apparently the show swerved way off course in season 3 and he hated it. He watched the whole season on tape and decided that the season needed to end with a gunman killing the whole cast.


I watched a few episodes with him and agreed. I thought that show was bad before but last season was unbearable. It became Melrose Place without the good acting. And Melrose Place didn't have that good of acting to begin with.

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Curb Your Enthusiasm peaked in season two, slowly declined in season three, then plunged in seasons 4 and 5. Became real bad.


you're a complete and utter moron.


thank you


you obviously just posted for the sake of positing without actually using your intelligence. unless you really are that stupid.

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Season 4: The Weatherman, The Survivor, The Blind Date ect. Only good episode was the car pool lane


Season 5 was awful. The Christ Nail? Kamikaze Bingo? Just a horrible season. The real life factor was being lost since season 2 and it just became an absurd over-the-top sitcom. I'm surprised I'm getting shit for this as this is the general concensus among Curb fans.

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Season Four was still brilliant. Haven't seen 5 yet.


Just saw a latter-day Drew Carey with Cynthia Watros as his out-of-his-league-gf du jour.


Which one of Drew's too hot for him TVGFs would you rather?

Watros or Miller?

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I second Married...With Children. Most Fox shows get worse the longer they go on, I think. I disagree with the last season of The Wonder Years. That was...the greatest show ever. I think Boy Meets World went downhill when it tried to make every show meaningful and heart-tugging. The last couple years of it was all either goofy stuff that didn't make any sense...which was hit-or-miss funny and melodramatic, trying too hard stuff.


One show that never went downhill was The Cosby Show...I love Bill Cosby.

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I thought Boy Meets World got kind of genius towards the end. They realized that ABC didn't give a shit about the show anymore, so they just got all tripped out with certain things (such as Eric). If they hadn't gone completely all the way with the weirdness, it would have sucked. But, they took the ball and ran.

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Oz never really went bad, but it definitely took a big drop when Adebisi died. It eliminated one of the three most important plotlines,



Adebisi v Said

Beecher v Schillinger v Keller

Ryan O' Reilly


and they didn't really have much else with which to fill it up.

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I thought Season 3 of Curb Your Enthusiasm was the best one, however I still love Season 4 & 5. In fact, I'd say season 1 was the weakest, at least the first half of season 1.

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Season three is the best, but Season 4 was still funny as hell. Must admit I haven't seen 5 yet.


Crayzee Eyez Killa and the one with the nativity scene are probably tops with me.


"How could you eat the baby Jesus?"

"I thought he was a monkey!"

"Our Lord and savior is not a monkey, Larry."

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I'm glad nobody mentioned the post-Sorkin "West Wing". While not great after year 4, the show never actually could be considered "bad."

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Im still waiting for Mole to explain 24.


I cant really think of a show off the top of my head that hasn't been mentioned.

Because of the Rush Limbaugh love scene?

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Blasphemy I say!


Wait 'til Mole tells you why the show's bad now.

Because they are doing the same thing every season.

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The Simpsons peaked around seasons 4-5.


The West Wing has always sucked, so who cares?


Seinfeld did start to die down as the plots got more absurd. Which is the same thing that happened with The Simpsons, and Curb as well from the sound of it.


A lot of the appeal of those sorts of shows is they are crazy spins on stuff everyone can relate to. After a while they get more random and lose that factor.

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Guest FileCabinet

Curb Your Enthusiasm season 4 wasn't bad except for the awful season premiere and finale. I hated "Opening Night". With the exception of a couple of scenes, most of the episode came off as a bad rehash of plots from the first three seasons. Season 5 was ok though a bit weak at times (Larry David in heaven comes to mind). The Richard Lewis storyline was enjoyable and I remember "The Ski Lift" being a really good episode.


I think Aqua Teen Hunger Force got pretty bad in the last season, which includes the show's worst episode in "Hypnogerm". I think I heard somewhere that the lower quality is due to the writers concentrating on the movie more than the show. I hope it's good but these last few episodes have really lowered my expectations.

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I second Married...With Children. Most Fox shows get worse the longer they go on, I think. I disagree with the last season of The Wonder Years. That was...the greatest show ever. I think Boy Meets World went downhill when it tried to make every show meaningful and heart-tugging. The last couple years of it was all either goofy stuff that didn't make any sense...which was hit-or-miss funny and melodramatic, trying too hard stuff.


One show that never went downhill was The Cosby Show...I love Bill Cosby.



I hated the revisionist history on that show. Corey and Topanga didn't even like each other during the early episodes. Later they tell us how they've been inseparable since the first grade.

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I really enjoyed the show Wings, but the show started to gown down the tubes when Joe and Helen got together. The show really sucked when Lowell left the show for Ned & Stacy.

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I second Married...With Children. Most Fox shows get worse the longer they go on, I think. I disagree with the last season of The Wonder Years. That was...the greatest show ever. I think Boy Meets World went downhill when it tried to make every show meaningful and heart-tugging. The last couple years of it was all either goofy stuff that didn't make any sense...which was hit-or-miss funny and melodramatic, trying too hard stuff.


One show that never went downhill was The Cosby Show...I love Bill Cosby.



I hated the revisionist history on that show. Corey and Topanga didn't even like each other during the early episodes. Later they tell us how they've been inseparable since the first grade.


They were always together. Topanga, followed Corey for years. I never thought they implied they were a couple since early grade school.


I never thought this show fell down, it just suffered from shifting from the show it was to being a Eric Matthews vehicle. It was all about Eric the final 3 seasons, I agree that I never got the character change there with him. In High school, he's popular and the girls love him but in college he is a loser who can't get any girls and has a sick obsession with Feeny.

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Guest Oneironaut

Twin Peaks. The first season (which was only 7 episodes) was incredible. The momentum continued into season 2, with the first 10 or 11 episodes being some of the best Twin Peaks ever. After this David Lynch left the show and it went downhill fast. Lots of silly subplots were introduced and the show moved away from it's original story of who killed Laura Palmer. Lynch returned for the last couple of episodes however and brought it back to form. The last 20 minutes or so of the final episode is still probably the most disturbing television ever in my opinion.


I think that if season 2 had been shorter like the first - maybe around 12 episodes, then it would have been so much better. ABC however, on the success of season 1 ordered a 23 episode second season and it just bombed after the main story was wrapped up 11 or 12 episodes in. Lynch at least returned to Twin Peaks with the movie. A lot of people didn't like it, but I thought it was great.

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