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Good shows gone bad...

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-I have to say, the Lost Episodes of "Chapelles Show" (Well, the first one I saw) are underwellming.


-I agree with "Family Guy" sucking since it's return.


-In the kids Cartoon block, "Doug" turned bad once it was bought by Disney. Oh, and "Teen Titans" went bad at season four.

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Damn, was I the only one who liked season three of the O.C. more then season two? I thought they tried too hard during the second season.


That 70's Show, I thought it went down hill the season before Topher left. The last year was really bad. No Eric, No Kelso, Randy sucked and Jackie hooking up with Fez killed the last 7/8 seasons of story-lines. Also, (whatever his name is that plays Fez) after years of drinking and cocaine he couldn't pull off the voice of his character any longer.

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Family Guy - We get it. Peter is an idiot, Chris is borderlining on retarded, Stewie wants to kill Lois, everyone in the family hates Meg. The same jokes get run into the ground in nearly every episode.


South Park - With the exception of ManBearPig, this past season has been without a doubt, the worst ever. The cartoon wars episode was awful, and the Towelie episode is easily the worst in the show's history. Matt and Trey seem to be letting their personal feuds and little jokes that only they find to be funny, control the show a bit too much.


Power Rangers - Once they became "Turbo" the show took a severe plunge.

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Family Guy - We get it. Peter is an idiot, Chris is borderlining on retarded, Stewie wants to kill Lois, everyone in the family hates Meg. The same jokes get run into the ground in nearly every episode.


You forgot "This reminds me of the time...[cut to random and often unfunny cut-away joke]" that gets shoe-horned into every other scene.


The James Woods episode of "Family Guy" was hilarious, but that's the only one since their return that immediately comes to mind.

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It's not exactly hard, it lampoons itself. Here's the new eps/movie of Family Guy in a nutshell:


Hey: GI Joe! Thundercats! Transformers! Show tunes! Super Friends! A bunch of nostalgic shit from the 80's! No we're not going to deign to make a joke. You should be laughing already. GI Joe!

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The christ Nail? Kamikaze Bingo? fucking hilarious.


Yeah, when that old japanese guy drove his wheelchair into Larry...real smart humor there. The next logical step would be for them to put in a laugh track.

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The first few new episodes of Family Guy were funny, but it went sown the tubes quickly. Now it's boarderline braindamaging.


Also, the new season of The Venture Brothers is fucking tits.

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Blasphemy I say!


Wait 'til Mole tells you why the show's bad now.

Because they are doing the same thing every season.


By that definition, then every fucking procedural crime drama falls into the bad category because its the same thing every episode of every season.


I thought you were going to use the "Its not plausible for Jack Bauer to get around LA as fast as he does" or "When does Jack sleep/eat/piss/shower/etc?" or even "its not plausible for all the bad stuff to happen in 24 hours"..

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Highlander sucked as soon as Richie was killed off, in pathetic fashion I might add.

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I always thought Malcolm In The Middle was pretty good for the first season or so but then some point, midway through the 2nd season, I realized every god damn episode was the same. I don't think it was the matter of the show getting worse (though it certainly did from the later episodes I've seen), it was a matter of the show following the same formula every fucking episode.

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The people saying South Park in this thread are retarded.


I agree. With the exception of the lice episode, this past season has been incredible.


That was last season.

No, it was in the first half of the current season.

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It's not exactly hard, it lampoons itself. Here's the new eps/movie of Family Guy in a nutshell:


Hey: GI Joe! Thundercats! Transformers! Show tunes! Super Friends! A bunch of nostalgic shit from the 80's! No we're not going to deign to make a joke. You should be laughing already. GI Joe!


Umm.. wasn't that the show since the beginning? I've never understood why people find it funny. It has always been pure shit.


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Guest Shylock

South Park's 10th season is getting WAY undercut in here. The first half wasn't bad. Cartoon Wars Part 2 was good as was Tsst. The rest I liked, but I can see how some wouldn't dig it. But the second half of the season really blew away the first. I don't think there was a single miss in that batch of episodes at all.

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I don't know where along the line NYPD Blue took a dive, since I only started watching with Rick Schroder, but it was definitely a shadow of its former self by the end. (Schroder's entry may have been the beginning of the end, for that matter.) I watched it to the end for the sake of Sipowicz, but it wasn't especially good by any means.


I watched ER until last year's premiere. It also wasn't especially good for several seasons, but that episode was so thoroughly over-the-top dopey. John Wells seems to have a habit of blowing things up on his shows just for the sake of doing it. Sometimes it ends up being memorable, though more often than not, it comes across as cheap drama.

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Guest Tsukuyomi

Frankly, I think South Park has drastically improved as time has gone on. It got stuck after the first few seasons, but it's gotten better and better. I'd rank it up there with one of my favorites of all-time. And Cartoon Wars was a great episode.


Family Guy is definitely up there. Yeah, they are doing the same stuff they always did, but if you watch older episodes, they aren't nearly as blatant with it. Hell, they actually have jokes that are not referential, but from the actual plot! Just watch an episode from an earlier season and a newer episode, and you can tell that they just aren't trying or they've just completely lost what they used to have.


The Simpsons isn't as bad as Family Guy because, frankly, it happened over a far longer time. I love the Simpsons, but it just ran for way too long, and used up all the good material. That, and they just aren't as good with mocking current events as South Park is.


SNL is another one. I used to watch them rerun the great early 90s run on Comedy Central all the time, and I loved that cast so much. For me, SNL really died when Norm MacDonald started doing Weekend Update. Not to say that was the big killer, but every time I see Norm do the Weekend Update, that episode is rarely a good one.


I'll also agree on Malcolm in the Middle. That show had a cute, quirky sort of feel, but ran out of steam really quick.

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While it didn't get really bad, the second season of "Masters of Horror" was pretty disappointing compared to the first season. Even most of the episodes I liked pailed in comparison to the episodes of the previous season, and the bad episodes ("Washingtonians", "Dream Cruise", "Pro Life") are unwatchable, and actually make me glad that there won't be a third season.


"Dinosaurs" really started to lose it by the final season.



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Are You Afraid of The Dark? became unwatchable when Gary's little brother Tucker put together a new Midnight Society, even if it included Elisha Cuthbert.

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Damn, was I the only one who liked season three of the O.C. more then season two? I thought they tried too hard during the second season.


That 70's Show, I thought it went down hill the season before Topher left. The last year was really bad. No Eric, No Kelso, Randy sucked and Jackie hooking up with Fez killed the last 7/8 seasons of story-lines. Also, (whatever his name is that plays Fez) after years of drinking and cocaine he couldn't pull off the voice of his character any longer.





I stopped watching the show a few seasons from the end... the show went on WITHOUT ERIC FOREMAN!? Omg. No Kelso either!? NO ERIC OR KELSO!? WTF how did the show even exist??? The show WAS eric, hyde, and kelso.

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Damn, was I the only one who liked season three of the O.C. more then season two? I thought they tried too hard during the second season.


That 70's Show, I thought it went down hill the season before Topher left. The last year was really bad. No Eric, No Kelso, Randy sucked and Jackie hooking up with Fez killed the last 7/8 seasons of story-lines. Also, (whatever his name is that plays Fez) after years of drinking and cocaine he couldn't pull off the voice of his character any longer.





I stopped watching the show a few seasons from the end... the show went on WITHOUT ERIC FOREMAN!? Omg. No Kelso either!? NO ERIC OR KELSO!? WTF how did the show even exist??? The show WAS eric, hyde, and kelso.

and add blonde Donna to the downfall of the show...Red haired Donna FTW!

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The Real World.


The Hawaii season changed everything. Say what you want about it now(and I probably wouldn't disagree) but, every season before the Hawaii season was actually about a social experiment consisting of seven unique people living in a house together. Once Hawaii raked in the ratings because of the quasi-relationship between the Amaya and Colin, every season since then has been a mission to find seven very attractive people, who all like to get drunk and hook up. Every season the people are a carbon copy of the people in the previous season. Everyone has a significant other at home that they are sure if they should break up with, within 36 hours of being in the house they have drunk to much or partied to much and cheated....que the "uncomfortable phone call home" Oh and they usually throw in a random gay person who has nothing interesting to say or do besides say "I'm Gay"

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Damn, was I the only one who liked season three of the O.C. more then season two? I thought they tried too hard during the second season.


That 70's Show, I thought it went down hill the season before Topher left. The last year was really bad. No Eric, No Kelso, Randy sucked and Jackie hooking up with Fez killed the last 7/8 seasons of story-lines. Also, (whatever his name is that plays Fez) after years of drinking and cocaine he couldn't pull off the voice of his character any longer.





I stopped watching the show a few seasons from the end... the show went on WITHOUT ERIC FOREMAN!? Omg. No Kelso either!? NO ERIC OR KELSO!? WTF how did the show even exist??? The show WAS eric, hyde, and kelso.

and add blonde Donna to the downfall of the show...Red haired Donna FTW!


The main problem was that they were adults but they still hung out in the Foreman's basement and acted like they were still teens. If that show had any good writers they could have figured out a way to have them in college without breaking up the cast. Also Donna was a total Mary Sue. Jackie was hotter than her anyway.


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I think Masters of Horror is coming back for a third season, but yes the second season was not very good overall.


The show has always been hit or miss but the second season was a lot more miss than hit.


Edit: Ugh never mind, it's being renamed and is going to run on NBC. LOL.

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