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Hunter's Torn Quad

OAO Raw - 7/17

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Umaga beats Cena pillar to post, Cena no sells a headbutt, five knuckle shuffle, FU, and the STF finishes and destroys all of Umaga's potential. Book it.....NOT.


Realistically, I bet we get the Edge interference but remember, this IS Cena we're talking about being booked here.

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Umaga beats Cena pillar to post, Cena no sells a headbutt, five knuckle shuffle, FU, and the STF finishes and destroys all of Umaga's potential. Book it.....NOT.

No No....Sadly your most likely right.

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Either Umaga wins due to a Edge run in.....




A DQ or non finish due to a Edge run in




Cena goes over clean with the STFU or FU




Edge runs in, but Cena overcomes all of the odds and goes over clean with the STFU or FU.


I can see either of the last two happening. As soon as I saw that the match was made, I immediately thought, "Pissed off Cena goes over clean to look even stronger". We'll see.

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Guest Princess Leena

I think this is probably the spot where Umaga loses the "undefeated" gimmick, and moves into the IC title section where he can lose and it doesn't mean much.

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What angle?


I dunno either.


Yeah there was no Umaga-Cena angle at SNME at all that I saw. There has been no build or even hint at a Umaga-Cena match on Raw either, so not sure what Dave is talking about. Since Cena put Edge through a table, we automatically get Umaga in replacement?!

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Guest J0bber

This may be the beginning of the end of the Umaga character. I liked it, but the majority of the crowd could give too shits about it because Umaga was never placed in a meaningful match outside of his matches with Flair and Shawn Michaels. Most of his matches were squashes, which are way outdated these days anyway.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Saturday Night's Main Event fallout.


Tonight in San Antonio, Texas, Raw will be left to sort through the fallout of Saturday Night's Main Event.


In the main event of SNME, John Cena defeated Edge by DQ when Lita smacked the referee. Cena had Edge in the STFU at the time, and thought that the bell signified the tap out. When he found out it was a DQ instead, Cena snapped, putting Edge through the announcers' table with an FU. While the "Rated-R Superstar" is still the champion, this war is far from over. Tonight on Raw, John Cena will go one on one with Umaga. Lately, the "Samoan Bulldozer" has been tearing through his opponents. Can Cena stop him? Or will Cena become yet another victim? Find out tonight.


Moving from champions to "The Chairman", can Mr. McMahon finally get one over on D-Generation X? The last few weeks on Raw, "The Chairman" has been the BUTT of DX's pranks, and at SNME, DX locked him in a holding cell at ringside after dominating the Spirit Squad. Will this be the week the McMahons get back in the driver's seat?


Also, one of the finalists in the 2006 $250,000 Diva Search Contest will be eliminated. The fans have voted, and someone will be sent packing. Who will be the first contestant to depart?


Tune into Monday night Raw at 9pm/8pm CT on the USA Network to find out all the answers.

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They should have Edge Vs. Cena Vs. Umaga at SummerSlam since Edge/Cena alone is stale as hell.


And then they can have the ONLY SAMOAN WORLD CHAMPION TO NOT BE PINNED OR SUBMIT. They can keep saying that for months until the wrestling world gets sick of hearing the phrase.


Don't think Vince would do that to wipe out TNA's lone hope? I do. Might as well, as everything else has failed.

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They're going to have Umaga jobbed out and squashed to Cena like they did with Hassan.

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*Sigh* more McMahon/DX stuff *sigh* more diva crap


Cena / Umaga may turn out to be entertaining. . . well it could. . . right? I'll just go now

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match ends in a DQ win for Cena, the heels work together to beat him down.


it would be better if Umaga ended up beating down Edge as well afterwards, if they really are trying to go the Samoa Joe route.

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I expect Lita to do the usual botch the belt as a weapon spot with UMAGA no selling it and headbutting her then Edge does the Spear for the win.

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Jesus Titty Fucking Christ, I called it! YES!



Why are they wasting this $4 million dollar money match on free tv? This should be the main event for the next Raw theme PPV!


Its not Edge vs Umaga though.

Don't worry about that the show won't be fully booked until 7:59 local time.

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They'll do the exact same thing with Umaga as Hassan. Umaga hasn't done anything on Raw, so they'll job him clean to Cena in 5 minutes, Umaga will answer Batista's open challenge at the Bash and move to Smackdown with his foreign manager to feud with Khali and Davari or something.

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Nah, Khali has to die at the Bash. It's ritual.



Umaga loses to Batista, and the Davari buys the services of AAE & Umaga... then, with total originality, Davari, AAE, and Umaga wrestle Taker 3-on-1 at Summerslam and he beats them all with one hand tied behind his back.

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I just don't understand why you put Umaga over every week only to have him get squashed by the Marine wannabe John Cena. I don't dispute the fact that a lot of people don't care for him because he has beaten a shell of Ric Flair at Unforgiven, tons of jobbers, Hacksaw Jim Duggan, and Eugene but give the guy at least one decent profile program before throwing him to the wolves.


I'm surprised they haven't gotten another Umaga-type character and created Headshrinkers 3.0 but it's WWE so we can't have more than two tag teams on one show. In fact, when was the last time the RAW tag belts were defended?

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Guest Princess Leena

Almost every newcomer starts out with a winning streak, though. He's gonna have to lose to someone, and it will likely be a main eventer so he's built up more for important matches and Umaga doesn't look weak coming out of it.

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I'm surprised they haven't gotten another Umaga-type character and created Headshrinkers 3.0 but it's WWE so we can't have more than two tag teams on one show. In fact, when was the last time the RAW tag belts were defended?

The cheerleaders are too busy getting slimed and shit dump on them to worry about defending the belts against teams like Val/Vis or Eugene/Duggan or Striker/Haas.

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