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OAO ECW TV Week 9 Thread - August/8th/2006

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An extreme first

By Louie Dee

August 7, 2006



Tuesday night on ECW on Sci Fi, Kurt Angle and Sabu will go one on one for the first time ever. But this won’t be any ordinary match; the winner will become the No. 1 Contender to the ECW World Title.


This is an opportunity that Sabu has been coveting for quite some time. For the past two weeks, Paul Heyman has been denying him a match against Big Show…and two weeks in a row, Sabu has attacked the champion to make a statement and try to get what he wants. Last week, Big Show was sent crashing through a table courtesy of a flying chair to the head.


On the other hand, this opportunity is also something Angle has been looking forward to since being drafted to ECW. He has already held both the WWE and WCW Championships, and would become only the second man (other than current ECW Champion Big Show) to hold all three championships.


Angle looked dominant last week in his return to Hammerstein Ballroom, where he destroyed the Brooklyn Brawler in short order. He looked more intense than ever, but will need to keep that intensity turned up a notch in order to overcome the Suicidal, Homicidal, Genocidal, Death-Defying Maniac.


So on Tuesday night, one man will walk out of Nashville as the No. 1 Contender. Will Sabu finally get the opportunity he’s been looking for, or will the Wrestling Machine have a chance to make history?


Forget about HHH vs. Umaga, Orton vs. Lawler Mickie vs. Trish, Diva Search, Rey/Chavo/Eddie, RAW or SD this week. My attention is focused on ECW, with Sabu vs. Angle, CM Punk, and so on.

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It won't be extreme rules, so Sabu wins, somehow. If it were under ECW rules, then you know there'd just be some schmoz to get Sabu to lose. Maybe Angle's gonna be part of the "new ECW" group.

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Unless Angle cuts a heel promo I don't see how this could help Sabu with the crowd seeing as this will be a WWE crowd.

Well, Sabu plays a heel doesn't he? He doesn't pose for the crowd, he shrugs it off when the people in the crowd reach out to him when he passes. Of course, he booked as a face, so he is a face. The one thing that distinguishes these two guys from everyone else in the WWE is the one thing they have in common. They're always booked as legit badasses -- heel or face.


Incedently, how will the crowd booing Sabu hurt him? You can't tell me they (and you) don't mark out when he busts out an Arabian Face Crusher.

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Damn this is a weird match. Who would've thought we would be seeing this match a months back?


Does anyone in Canada know if the Xtreme channel will be playing the new episode of ECW on Tuesday? Because they've been showing old ones to catch us up this past week.

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Unless Angle cuts a heel promo I don't see how this could help Sabu with the crowd seeing as this will be a WWE crowd.

Well, Sabu plays a heel doesn't he? He doesn't pose for the crowd, he shrugs it off when the people in the crowd reach out to him when he passes. Of course, he booked as a face, so he is a face. The one thing that distinguishes these two guys from everyone else in the WWE is the one thing they have in common. They're always booked as legit badasses -- heel or face.


Incedently, how will the crowd booing Sabu hurt him? You can't tell me they (and you) don't mark out when he busts out an Arabian Face Crusher.


Sabu is more a face that doesn't pander to the fans. As some places call them Face with an Edge.

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How the hell is Sabu a heel in any sort of ECW environment? Against Angle the interloper? Forget it.


This match kinda reminds me of the Sabu/Ken Shamrock match from TNA. I sorta hope they try that ladder vs. submission idea, which I thought was a good match in theory but wasn't utilized right.


I have a hunch this will lead to RVD's return anyway.

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Sabu's over with the WWE fans and the ECW fans. The way I see it, it will probably be booked as a face vs. face match up until the finish where

Heyman comes out and screws Sabu out of the shot, turning Angle tweener before RVD comes out and makes the save



I don't have any basis for the spoiler other than common sense, but I really can't imagine any other finish. No matter what happens though, this will easily blow Raw out of the water. I still watch Raw out of boredom (although with fast-forwarding, it probably only takes a little over an hour, but ECW's the only wrestling show I actually look forward to before it happens.

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Yeah but there is one truly huge beef I have with that idea: Big Show vs. Angle at SS? What the fuck? It seriously has to be Sabu somehow winning this match. I don't exactly know how, but there has to be an ECW title match at SS with at least 1 actual ECW wrestler in it.

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I'm thinking that its going to be Angle vs RVD and Sabu vs Big Show at SummerSlam. I think the Sabu vs Kurt Angle match will end with RVD interferring and costing Angle the match in some way or another....or there's a ref bump and Big Show comes out to make sure that Angle wins the match but RVD comes out and makes the save and Sabu wins the match somehow and later Angle blames RVD for the loss which sets up Angle vs RVD at Summerslam.

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The problem with that Angle/RVD match is that it'll likely be yet another example of them putting the WWE guy over the ECW guy. I'd just as soon neither guy be on the PPV, or maybe just make it a 4 way.

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If Angle goes over on RVD at Summerslam it better be because Heyman came out and screwed RVD and Angle joined Heyman's side.

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So, yeah. I'll be at this show with a friend. I'm glad this was announced. I was worried.

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Is it even confirmed that RVD is back tonight? I know he has been doing house shows, and I am sure people should be expecting him tonight. I have a friend going to the show and I know he wants to see RVD since he is aware the suspension is over and he has worked the last couple of house shows.


Also, RVD's role on tonight's show/main event could also determine whether he being thrusted right back into the Main Event spot or not.

The thing is, you can't go too wrong right now because guys like RVD, Sabu, and Angle pretty much have their status with the fans cemented, as in, no matter if they job or not, they are still over as hell to ECW fans.

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They'd have to be beyond being on crack to not have RVD on TV tonight. I mean he worked the house shows over the weekend in the same area of the country. They've managed to get by decent enough without him, but the past month has been largely makeshift stuff until he gets back.


I'm thinking he does a run in during the main event and to screw over Heyman he makes sure Sabu wins.

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Guest nokia

Rvd should be revealed as one of the Riot police guys...


Have Heyman order them to take out Sabu...One of the 2 starts kicking Sabu whilst the other takes of the helmet (Ala Edge at ONS) and reveals himself to be Rvd......

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You know, Van Dam's worked more WWE matches than ECW in his career, and his WWE career is just about as long as his ECW career, so calling RVD an "ECW Guy" when he doesn't use the ECW music, ECW tights, have Fonzie, or his asshole prick character is kinda incorrect. He's a WWE guy.


But I did enjoy the Angle/RVD main from (I think) Week 3. They should do another round of RVD kicks and Angle throwing Rob on his head for our enjoyment.

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You know, Van Dam's worked more WWE matches than ECW in his career, and his WWE career is just about as long as his ECW career, so calling RVD an "ECW Guy" when he doesn't use the ECW music, ECW tights, have Fonzie, or his asshole prick character is kinda incorrect. He's a WWE guy.

Oh God will you shut up already!? Is there anything else you want to nitpick about or do you want to wait till after tonights show? Its one thing to not like the new ECW but its another to troll a thread everytime ECW is mentioned and just bash it.

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I am thinking Angle goes over tonight. Why build up Sabu to get a title shot and then have the blowoff be at Summerslam when Sabu - Show will be the 4th match on the card? Save Sabu's title shot for a time when they need a match that will draw. You can have the Basham's cost Sabu the match, then have RVD make the save and have the Bashams v. RVD + Sabu at Summerslam.

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Guest The Great Muta
The Nashville state fairgrounds :)

*sigh* ECW needs its own tapings...

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From PWInsider:


As we alluded to on today's Elite hotline, several changes in the front offices of World Wrestling Entertainment are scheduled to be announced soon. The word going around at the Smackdown/ECW taping is that Simon Dean (Michael Bucci) will be replacing Tommy Dreamer as the head of the developmental program and would be working directly under Executive Vice President of Talent Relations John Laurinaitis.


Bucci will be taking over all the developmental duties currently handled by Tommy Dreamer, who will be staying on to help transition Bucci into the role. The decision isn't really much of a surprise as Bucci worked under Jim Cornette in OVW for a number of years while coming up through the developmental program himself. It's expected his in-ring career, as it stands, will likely be over as a WWE performer. He will likely be moving from Kentucky to the Northeast to work out of WWE's Stamford, CT headquarters. Developmental talents are expected to be officially informed tomorrow.


Dreamer will remain on board full-time as a wrestler for the ECW brand. The feeling is that Dreamer's heart is in working as a wrestler and with him being on the road every week for the new version of Extreme Championship Wrestling, his time working in the offices was severely limited. By all accounts, there's no problems on Dreamer's end over his departure from the front office, possibly because he always preferred to wrestle and was where his goals truly were.

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