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World Trade Center

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I watched this tonight. Stone is hit and miss with me, when he just wants to make a straight up film like Natural Born Killers or Platoon, he's great, but when he tries to get political like JFK or Nixon, he just comes off a fringe kook. Overall this film was just ok and nothing more. The story was too drawn out, and there was nothing really to it all. Put me in the camp of it being too soon for 9/11 movies. I believe it was Stanley Kubrick who said of "Schindler's List", "The Holocaust isn't about 100 people living, it's about six million people dying". This is how I feel about September 11th, it's not about 2 people trapped in rubble, it's about 2000 people in a skyscraper while it's collapsing. In that sense, "United 93" was a much better "September 11th" movie then this although 93 was too intense for me to watch all the way through. This felt more like a feel good made for TV movie on ABC then anything that had any business being in theaters. Skip it.

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Um, spoilers?? Not everybody's seen this, don't ruin it.






















Two planes fly into the World Trade Center and it goes boom.























I P-Diddy'd Paragon's post. And by "P-Diddy'd" I mean "queered up."

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I just want to say that "Natural Born Killers" is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. Oh, and I would dare to say it's Stone's worst movie. Yes, worst than that one with Jennifer Lopez and "Alexander"

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93 was too intense for me to watch all the way through.


I never read much about 93. Could you elaborate?


The fact that you essentially knew scene for scene what was going to happen in United 93, along with the subject matter in and of itself made it too intense for me.

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

But everything is too intense for you. Even titty milk.

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93 was too intense for me to watch all the way through.


I never read much about 93. Could you elaborate?


The fact that you essentially knew scene for scene what was going to happen in United 93, along with the subject matter in and of itself made it too intense for me.


I sat through it, and if I can sit through it, almost anyone can.


It was an intese and at times very depressing, but it was very well done. Paul Greengrass did an excellent job and for the moment I have it as my #2 movie of the year.

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Any Given Sunday was good, if not overly bloated...I mean the eye thing was a bit much, but overall it was a decent flick.


I might have liked The Doors better if I wasn't nursing a hangover as I was watching.


I didn't care for Natural Born Killers either.


Born On The Fourth Of July, Platoon and Wall Street were all good enough to give this guy a pass for the few turds he's churned out lately.


that being said, I don't have an interest in seeing this flick, but I do want to see United 93...that I'll probably purchase.

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I'm surprised that Hollywood waited five years to exploit the WTC attacks. This oughta line their pockets nicely.



I agree. Then again the people who printed up all those "We won't forget 9-11" bumper stickers and t-shirts can eat a bowl of dicks too.

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I called five years immediately after 9-11 when Hollywood did the bs, "There won't be a movie about this", thing. Anyone who truly believed that there wouldn't be a 9-11 movie within a decade of the event was living in a fantasy world where Hollywood can come up with original ideas.

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I agree whole heartedly that the two men who survived were not the people who needed to have movies written about them.


Frankly, I am dead against making a movie about it at all.


But this is the worst of the worst.

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So is this movie about the overall events on 9/11, or is it more about the NYFD, because the trailer or at least the TV sports make it seem like it is about Nic Cage and the NYFD, which makes me wonder if Stone just goes with the flow regarding such cloudy events as supposedly the motorolla walkie-talkies not working when the NYFD Chief tells his crew to evacuate the WTC buildings because of an imminent collapse, yet to coverup Guliani's no-bid contract to Motorolla, they "official story" was told that The Fireman got the message to evacuate, but they just decided not to and try to get more people out!?!

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