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I was never much of a Gatorade fan until last week when I had the Grape Fierce flavor.......OMG that was a tasty drink. Are the other "fierce" brands as good?

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Same here. Also, Gatorade is a lot better when you buy the powder mix and use about twice as much powder as recommended.

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Berry citrus was my favorite, but they stopped selling it down here.


I've stopped drinking it, but my favorite was the X-Factor Orange/Tropical Fruit. I used to add it to strawberries, bananas and raspberries and make smoothies.

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What about Propel? I like the traditional Gatorade flavors(orange, lemon-lime and fruit punch) and the new Tangerine Rain but I tend to drink lemon Propel more then anything else.

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I love Propel, but the Propel with calcium is disgusting. It makes it sorta... chalky?


Rain's just another brand of gatorade, same caloric content, the lime is indeed very good, they still sell it up here.

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I hated Orange Gatorade until about two months ago. Now it is one of my two favorite flavors. Glacier Freeze is the other one.


I used to drink Riptide Rush like it was going out of style. Then I burned myself out on it. I can't remember the last time I had it.

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Cirtus Cooler was the best when it was still being made. Now I'd have to go with either the red or orange X-Factor.


Powerade's Green Squall is the best, however.

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Sorry if this has been mentioned like 15 times already, but there was a flavour in like 98-99 that was called Midnight Rush or something? Tasted like a blackberry-grape mix. Not bad.


Blue gets the nod, old lemon-lime a close second. I don't usually get the Fierce, just the regular.

Also, Gatorade is fantastic while hung-over or extremely sleep deprived. For two weeks the past summer, I was working from 930 pm-5 pm (right during the Stanley Cup Finals at one point, for fuck's sake). I had Gatorade/Red Bull combinations down to a science.

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That Ice line they have. There's a purple one, a baby blue one, and like three other ones. Ones pink and ones really light blue...


They come in squeese bottles usually.


Yeah, I like all them shits the best.


And old school Orange.

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Sorry if this has been mentioned like 15 times already, but there was a flavour in like 98-99 that was called Midnight Rush or something? Tasted like a blackberry-grape mix. Not bad.

You're probably thinking of Riptide Rush.

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Guest Vitamin X

Glacier Freeze is the best. On 100+ degree days in SoCal doing pizza delivery back in the day in a car with no a/c, this was a fucking life-saver. Drank it all the time, always picked up a bottle or two on the way back from a delivery. Water wouldn't do the trick either.


Same goes sometimes for me down here in Miami, in the same car with no a/c.

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