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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

OAO Hard Justice PPV Thread - August/13th/2006.

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lol now we are getting random impromptu interviews here, good lord. They gotta go long on the airtime and eliminate this garbage filler shit from the replay to tie up things.


Monte Brown is doing the goofiest promo here just trying to aimlessly kill time, and he's not doing too well, I can see why the company doesnt want him doing this shit anymore. This is just strange as hell.

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My friends started chanting THE ROOF! THE ROOF! THE ROOF IS ON FIRE! And I just got this mental image of Samoa Joe and Abyss running down the tunnel saying WE DON'T NEED NO WATER, LET THAT MOTHER FUCKER BURN!

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I'm hoping they just cut the womens match and the four way tag off the show with the loss of time....it seems that might be happening here since they definately had plans to do the four way tag as the second match via that video package right before they had to evacuate the building. When they came back, they ran Shelly-Sabin instead and now they seem to be going to Runt-Abyss.

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They evacuated the building LOL


Sometimes they manage to look so bush league


To be fair, if a fire broke out on Raw then I'm pretty sure they'd have to get people out too...

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They evacuated the building LOL


Sometimes they manage to look so bush league


To be fair, if a fire broke out on Raw then I'm pretty sure they'd have to get people out too...



It's more that everytime they start to go on a roll something like this happens.


You're not suggesting that Vince has anything to do with this, are you? ;)

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Guest snakesonawiggly

I wish I would of orderd this PPV but I'm holding out for Bound For Glory

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So is the PPV cancelled or whats the deal? I might order the replay just so I can see what happen, actually no....SOMEONE PUT IT UP ON YOUTUBE!!!

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Guest snakesonawiggly
So is the PPV cancelled or whats the deal? I might order the replay just so I can see what happen, actually no....SOMEONE PUT IT UP ON YOUTUBE!!!

It's still going on its almost over Two matches are left

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Hmm, LAX lost? Not sure how I feel about that, I figured they'd get the titles to look strong out of the gate. Unless it was such that they were so obsessed with injuring Styles & Daniels that they made a mistake and got surprise-pinned.

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Guest snakesonawiggly

Fuck Jeff Jarrett I don't know if I am going to watch TNA anymore I am that upset

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Snakes, this is TNA and this is Jarrett we're talking about here. You knew going in you would get your overbooked nonsense and the Christian heel turn. Buying this show and expecting otherwise is sheer folly.


Oddly enough I think they managed to pull out a decent show in spite of the debacle of the fire early on. I enjoyed the Joe/Rhino/Monty match, the Abyss/Spike match, and the X title match.


I'm baffled as to what some on this board see in LAX....I mean they fucking blow. Just a 2nd rate ripoff of the LWO with Konnan taking the place of Eddie. It was blatant watching that Hernandez is crap, by far the worst of the 4 workers in the ring.


With a shortened PPV why keep the pointless Kim/Zerelda match?


I'd also be remiss in not noting the Zbyzsko/Hebner silliness is back. I'm not exactly sure what the point is now, considering everyone KNOWS they aided Jarrett in some sort of collusion and Larry Z. was already punished by Cornette. Seriously, this is the single worst angle of the year, but at least so bad it's kinda funny.

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So much for Sting/Joe. They went the expected, overbooked route.

....Why would they do Sting/Joe?


Sting/Christian, Jarrett/Joe is far superior, based both on what's been going on (IMO the Christian turn on STing, was really the only thing that could have happened) and, the fact that they should just go ahead and give Joe the title/get him in the title picture.

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Christian turn was predictable but in a good way. TNA kept it simple and straight to the point. The JJ and Sting match was a trainwreck though.


Bound For Glory line up so far looks like Sting vs.Christian and JJ vs. Joe which what I predicted. They(Spike TV) need to get Goldberg in soon and try to build towards a Goldberg vs. Steiner or Brown match.

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Well, I think we all knew Christian was turning. The thing I didn't get about it is why did he attack Steiner and actually help Sting for most of the match if he was going to just turn on him later? I mean his help might have won Sting the title.


I think Jarrett has taken insanely overbooked NWO stuff to new extremes, with a bit of Memphis heel tossed in. The guy flat out cannot win a match cleanly. Not ANY match. He could be wrestling the Brooklyn Brawler and he'd have to have 3 run ins, a ref bump, and a heel turn to get the win.

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Snakes, this is TNA and this is Jarrett we're talking about here. You knew going in you would get your overbooked nonsense and the Christian heel turn. Buying this show and expecting otherwise is sheer folly.


This is true. But with as much money as they invested in Sting, to not have him be NWA champ one time is retarded, anyway about it. Christian needed to be a heel, but they should have had Sting win tonight, this Christian turn, and have a title match the next month. I know it's stupid to even expect Jarrett to drop the belt to anybody, with the excetion of Joe, who if he doesn't win the title this year, I'm giving up on TNA.


Oddly enough I think they managed to pull out a decent show in spite of the debacle of the fire early on. I enjoyed the Joe/Rhino/Monty match, the Abyss/Spike match, and the X title match.


So the show's worth down loading?


I'm baffled as to what some on this board see in LAX....I mean they fucking blow. Just a 2nd rate ripoff of the LWO with Konnan taking the place of Eddie. It was blatant watching that Hernandez is crap, by far the worst of the 4 workers in the ring.


I just think they're doing well with the gimmick. I dig thier tag-matches, and Konnan as the figurehead is a good role for him. He's got promo skills, he just got lazy, and used the same tired shit for a few years. Plus, the 'Border' and Konnan sitting at the spanish announce table is good shit.



With a shortened PPV why keep the pointless Kim/Zerelda match?


To keep the crowd happy, and get them into the show again after the pyro fuck up. People dig a good catfight.




I'd also be remiss in not noting the Zbyzsko/Hebner silliness is back. I'm not exactly sure what the point is now, considering everyone KNOWS they aided Jarrett in some sort of collusion and Larry Z. was already punished by Cornette. Seriously, this is the single worst angle of the year, but at least so bad it's kinda funny.


Zbyzsko is seriously the worst guy in TNA right now. He's pointless, his hair is beyond fucking gay, he's boring. Cornette is good in a Commissioner role. That's all they need, Larry needs to never be on my tv again.

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....Why would they do Sting/Joe?


Sting/Christian, Jarrett/Joe is far superior, based both on what's been going on (IMO the Christian turn on STing, was really the only thing that could have happened) and, the fact that they should just go ahead and give Joe the title/get him in the title picture.



How many times has Jarret vs. Hot-streak Face happened? Face wins, Jarrett gets the belt back eventually. It's getting old. Beating a certifiable legend like Sting would mean a lot more for Joe's title reign.

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Honestly, I don't think beating anyone really makes Joe because it's obvious he's going to win regardless of whether it's Sting or Jarrett. They can't get cutesy with that booking either...if Joe challenges he has to win it, no bullshit finish.


I am possibly the only one on earth who bothers with this Zbyzsko/Hebner angle. I thought they had given up on it since they edited them out of the Jarrett title win footage, but here's Hebner back tonight blathering about exposing Zbyzsko. I mean what is there to expose? I can see Hebner now going to Cornette, saying how he and Larry were in on a mass conspiracy with Jarrett. Cornette would say "No shit, Sherlock" and throw him out. The point needing explanation is not whether they were in collusion but WHAT and WHY? Why did Zbyzsko and Hebner aid Jarrett? What were they hoping to gain? Who gives a shit what Hebner has to say now anyway? Cornette already noted he can't fire Zbyzsko due to a no cut clause, so he punished him with the hair match. So why the fuck are they keeping this angle going, when the end result in terms of a match is just Jarrett getting smeared by Joe anyway?

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If they're actually paying attention to continuity, it involves the original screwjob from many months ago from Raven. There was a mystery involving Jackie Gayda which caused Jarrett to get dirt on her, etc. The mystery was never "solved" but it implied that Zbsyzko was in cahoots with Jarrett and D'Amore when Raven was cost the belt and therefore, Raven deserves to be in the title picture again.


Throw him into the Brown/Rhino/Joe situation and Joe can get a win on him after Raven takes on the other two in some decent brawls.


Just sayin', that's my take on it.



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