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Gas Price Check...

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It seems like the last page and a half of this thread has been going in circles.


Some people live in cities/towns and/or have jobs and the type of community where riding a bike to most functions is possible, some people don't. It is as simple as that.


I don't fault people that work 30 miles from their house for driving a car to work, and I don't fault people that live a couple of miles from work for riding their bike to work. Neither is wrong or right. It is a lifestyle choice and each produces it's effects.


With that said, I think the necessity that is owning a car(or more than one per household) is a direct result of poor planning and urban sprawl being out of control. That and the notion that "working close to home is a bad thing" is complete bunk. It probably isn't a mistake or accident that in most places, places people need to go are so spread out and inaccessible by foot.


The fact that people are being ridiculed because they bike or walk places seems rather juvenile, of course this attitude has probably been reinforced by Chevy commercials blasting John Mellencamp in the backround.

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This is our country. For biking!


30k is plenty to own and operate a not terribly fancy car unless you live somewhere with a really high standard of living, so it's not really an issue of wealth. Though biking does give you a nice chunk to spend elsewhere.

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Better fill up now, I think it's just going to get worse.


I can't believe I was arguing on this forum years ago that we weren't going to go back to pre-$2 gas.


Or should I say I can't BELIEVE I HAD to argue that point.

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Going back through the thread, the average price when this thread started appeared to be in the 2.65 range.


In less than two years, there's been, on average, about an 80 cent per gallon increase.


I ought to see if I can find the difference for the past eight years since a lot of people blame the Bush administration for the gas prices.


EDIT: About 2.00/gallon increase. According to this website, the average price of gas per gallon in January 2001 was 1.52. According to this site, we're currently sitting at 3.39. Gas prices have more than doubled in the last 7 years and 3 months.

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Going back through the thread, the average price when this thread started appeared to be in the 2.65 range.


In less than two years, there's been, on average, about an 80 cent per gallon increase.


I ought to see if I can find the difference for the past eight years since a lot of people blame the Bush administration for the gas prices.


EDIT: About 2.00/gallon increase. According to this website, the average price of gas per gallon in January 2001 was 1.52. According to this site, we're currently sitting at 3.39. Gas prices have more than doubled in the last 7 years and 3 months.


Well that's not the only thing. Everything else has gotten more expensive too. I remember just a year ago being able to buy a 2-liter of coke for .98. Now it's 1.38. Everything at the grocery store has gone up like that. Of course they blame it on the increased shipping costs, and in some cases it may be true, but other times I think they're looking for an excuse.

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Gas prices in Toronto since 2002. They've pretty much doubled in the past 5 years:




Note the huge spike around the time of Katrina. I had to fill up for around $1.50/L on my way back from Toronto that weekend.

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We need to drill here...




The Bakken Oil Formation, which covers North Dakota and portions of Montana and South Dakota, is believed to have 175 to 500 billion barrels of recoverable oil. The 200,000 square mile reserve that was initially discovered in 1951.


The world uses about 83 million barrels a day. Drill the shit.


I live right in the middle of the Bakken Oil Formation. The amount of oil rigs popping up is crazy. I live in a town of 1,200 people and we have 9 oil rigs in operation within 10 minutes of town, plus a gas plant and a couple of other plants in the development stage. If they were smart they would develop a refinery, since none have been built in ages.


Pointless bit of trivia but I live in the town where oil was first discovered in North Dakota.


My Walk Score was 69, but considering it is a small town it isn't that impressive.

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Guest Vitamin X

It actually is a little bit impressive, considering that small, rural towns tend to be far more spread out. Probably pretty hard to do much walking in North Dakota, though.

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And maybe recumbents aren't that common where you guys live, but I see PLENTY of people using them here in Portland.

To the best of my recollection, I have never, ever seen someone riding those things around town anywhere I have ever lived in my entire life. From all I've heard from people who've been there, Portland is a very unusual place. You try that recumbent bike shit back in Tennessee, and you'd get treated like a kid on the playground who's half the size of everyone else and named Gaylord Assman.


Oh, and at 88 lbs., that's probably not really healthy for a 30+ year old woman at 5'8", but hey, it's your undoing, and we'd all reap the benefits from that as well.

Possibly so. But since I also have several metastatic cancers as well as radiation sickness I believe my weight is the least of my worries.

Vitamin got chemowned.


Quite the saab story.

Fuck you.

Aw come on, that was gold. A real softball setup, but still.

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Better fill up now, I think it's just going to get worse.


I can't believe I was arguing on this forum years ago that we weren't going to go back to pre-$2 gas.


Or should I say I can't BELIEVE I HAD to argue that point.


I heard gas will be $5 a gallon (some places but not a national average) by the end of the year and Diesel could run closer to $6 in some areas.


$6 a gallon diesel will pretty much kill the trucking industry, so I would expect before it gets that bad that all the truckers will drive to DC and protest because the trucking industry is too important to let collapse and it being an election year they'll get bailed out (along with airlines). But you will just have to deal with it.


Also, Ive heard the first rumblings of people hoarding gas now to save money. I could really do that as a 10 gallons lasts me almost month so if I filled up a couple 10 gallon jugs I could get through the summer on $3.29 gas..but I need to find some cheap gas jugs and I bet those would cost more than the savings on the gas.

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10 gallons lasts you A MONTH? And you're thinking of hoarding gas? 10 gallons lasts me about half a week.


I don't even know where to begin on that one. You know you'd have to add fuel stabilizer to it, right? That's not that expensive, but will cost you at least a few bucks, depending on how much gas you decided to "hoard".

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I rarely fill up more than once a month either. Maybe more often than every 31 days, but certainly not regularly twice a month.


If they were smart they would develop a refinery, since none have been built in ages.

This is a false meme. Who would you have build it? None of the big oil companies WANT to build more refineries. They are happy with their bottleneck.

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Once a month? Geez. My girlfriend and I have been sharing a car to school and sometimes work to save gas, and we still go though 14 gallons in about six days.

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I rarely fill up more than once a month either. Maybe more often than every 31 days, but certainly not regularly twice a month.


If they were smart they would develop a refinery, since none have been built in ages.

This is a false meme. Who would you have build it? None of the big oil companies WANT to build more refineries. They are happy with their bottleneck.

Sure they would. One of the basics of supply and demand is that as prices rise, sellers desire to sell more goods at that price.

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The government has to cut all the incentives and tax breaks the oil industry gets to operate "as is." Of course, they won't, since they're in their pockets anyway.

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All I'm saying is that last time (a few weeks ago) the heads of these companies testified in front of congress, all they wanted was, as I've said before, less restrictions on where to drill for oil. So they can get cheaper crude. They have no interest in getting more refining capacity.

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All I'm saying is that last time (a few weeks ago) the heads of these companies testified in front of congress, all they wanted was, as I've said before, less restrictions on where to drill for oil. So they can get cheaper crude. They have no interest in getting more refining capacity.


On top of no interest in selling oil any cheaper or having any loyalty to the american market.


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Once a month? Geez. My girlfriend and I have been sharing a car to school and sometimes work to save gas, and we still go though 14 gallons in about six days.


I got gas on March 23 and I got gas yesterday (and only 9 1/2 gallons). I could have filled up later this week but I wanted to catch gas before it went up again more than $3.29.


Thats what happens when A)I have 14 mile total commute to work B) I only work 4 days a week C)My car gets 34.5 MPG D)Rarely do I go anywhere other than work.

Ive had my Yaris since 3/26/07 and I just went over 9,000 miles like 2 weeks ago (and that includes almost 900 miles in a trip all over NJ last July). The dealership is pestering me for now that I should be doing a 15,000 mile service (and they wondered why I was so eager to take the 6 year/72,000 mile warranty..I'll get the full 6 years out of that easily).

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Man Arrested After Pumping Gas Into Imaginary Car


LOUISVILLE, Ky. -- A Frankfort man was arrested on drug trafficking charges early Sunday morning after he was reportedly pumping gas into an imaginary vehicle.


According to the arrest report, Metro Police arrived at a gas station at First and Jefferson streets in Louisville and immediately smelled marijuana coming from Joshua L. Moore, who station clerks contend was filling up an imaginary vehicle...




This is the most hilarious thing I've seen in weeks because I know this guy. It's all over the internet and the picture along with the story is hilarious.

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I think I know that guy. Well, maybe not, "Josh Moore" isn't exactly a rare name, but the one I knew sure loved him some reefer and was totally goofy enough to do something like this.


EDIT: I checked out the picture, and nope, not him. Though it does look a little bit like him. Wacky.

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