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Steve J. Rogers

Has it really been 5 years allready? 9-11-2001

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I know its not untill Monday, but I just posted this on another message board, and figured I'd share it here as well


You know, its kind of...


Funny is not the word I want to use, I guess thats what everyone uses when you use that phrase. Funny, ironic, whatever.


I kind of considered myself lucky in a sense. That I didn't know anyone personally who died in the attacks that morning. Considering a close friend of mine (well my older sister's friend, but I consider my sister's close friends like my older sisters as well) worked in the Towers, and she was one of the first things that came to my mind that day.


Well, that was untill this year when I found out I DID know someone who perished in the Towers.


Just someone I knew in College. Wasn't all that close, I covered her field hockey games during my Freshman year (and last year on the school paper) up at Fairfield University. She was a year older than me.


Well, I found out by way of trying to find a mutual friend back during the winter. Funny...(damn I can't think of a better word and I actually want to be a journalist), thing this information super highway is I guess.


RIP Johanna Sigmund 1976-2001

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Well, have we "learned the lessons of September 11th" yet, as the President used to harp on constantly? Are our borders secure, or can anyone still walk in as they wish?

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You misinterpreted the lesson. The moral of the whole thing was to always be scared of your own shadow, don't trust anyone, and if it ain't with us, it's agin'us.


That's what the lesson seems to be, if one listens to speeches on the subject.

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9-11 had an effect on me directly even though I didn't know anyone that died in the WTC or the Pentagon. My grandmother died the following day in a Boston hospital...my brother and I were prepared to drive across the country for the funeral and our wives and mother begged us not to do it. It was harder for me...my wife at the time was 4 months pregnant with our son. I was robbed of the chance to say good-bye to a very important woman in my life. I know it probably has an impact on my political views on what goes on in the world since but oh well.


We had a chance to make the world a better place after 9/11, and we dropped the ball. American leaders screw up strategies for Iraq, etc...the rest of the world turns a blind eye to the Islamo-fascist threat that is rising up all over the world...it's just a mess. It's almost as if we need another 9/11 event for us to wake up to what the hell is going on.

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9/11 didn't have an effect on me until about 2 years ago when I met my ex and things became serious with her. Her father was a cop and her uncle was a firefighter, both brothers and both going down with the towers trying to rescue people, so she really isn't all together. Before I met her and realized how it fucked people up and realized that that is how thousands of people are like now...big change of view on cops, firefighters, the government and life in general.

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Guest JustPassinBy

The war against Islamic Facism must be won at all costs.

By any means necessary.

Unconditionial surrender or destruction of this idealogy is the only way.


History will see George W Bush/Tony Blair and the American/British soldiers of this generation, as the great liberators,defenders, and innovators of civilized society. Much like FDR/Truman/Churchill fought the facists in the 1930's and 40's, the US/Britain is once again leading a fight that is just as important now, as it was then. 9/11 is this century's Pearl Harbor, and Japan found out what it was like to awaken the sleeping giant.


When the nukes fall on Tehran, the Islamic fascists will then reap what they've sown.

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Guest Dangerous Donnie D

I'd just like to point out, I get to be in a court room over child support on 9/11. Yeah, of all the days they could have taken me to court, they chose 9/11.

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Guest NYankees

I remember going home from school that night and listening to the radio and hearing that the Yankees game was rained out. I think they were playing the White Sox.

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The war against Islamic Facism must be won at all costs.

By any means necessary.

Unconditionial surrender or destruction of this idealogy is the only way.


History will see George W Bush/Tony Blair and the American/British soldiers of this generation, as the great liberators,defenders, and innovators of civilized society. Much like FDR/Truman/Churchill fought the facists in the 1930's and 40's, the US/Britain is once again leading a fight that is just as important now, as it was then. 9/11 is this century's Pearl Harbor, and Japan found out what it was like to awaken the sleeping giant.


When the nukes fall on Tehran, the Islamic fascists will then reap what they've sown.


Using the term "Islamofacist" CHECK


Comparing this to WW2 CHECK


Encouraging use of Nukes CHECK


Michael "Savage" Weiner is in the house folks....

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When the nukes fall on Tehran, the Islamic fascists will then reap what they've sown.


Yep, the countless thousands of young children, women who aren't even allowed to leave their homes, men who've never committed or supported a terrorist act in their lives, they'll all reap what they've sown.


Marn, is that you?

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When the nukes fall on Tehran, the Islamic fascists will then reap what they've sown.


Yep, the countless thousands of young children, women who aren't even allowed to leave their homes, men who've never committed or supported a terrorist act in their lives, they'll all reap what they've sown.


Marn, is that you?


Personally I wouldn't cry if Tehran got nuked, but calling for the use of nuclear weapons in this "war" is still kinda extreme at this point.


I still think the best way to beat the terrorists is economically. If we can get off oil, no more money goes to Tehran or the House of Saud, and thus no more money going to the terrorists (or at least as much).

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I remember in the days that followed, how we pretty much had the support of the rest of the world. Even the French said "Today, we are all Americans." Castro even expressed shock and dismay for the huge loss of life, and then of course took a few cheap shots, but still... Yasser Arafat donated blood, and encouraged Palestinians to do the same. Yep, the world at large had our back. Didn't take long for Washington to screw that up.

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Guest JustPassinBy

When the nukes fall on Tehran, the Islamic fascists will then reap what they've sown.


Yep, the countless thousands of young children, women who aren't even allowed to leave their homes, men who've never committed or supported a terrorist act in their lives, they'll all reap what they've sown.



I'm sure there were citizens of Hiroshima and Nagasaki that didnt support the bombing of Pearl Harbor.


That doesnt seem to matter in war.


In war, all that matters is winning.

This is a war that must be won at all costs.

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If you heard of Sand Indians, wouldn't you want to wipe them out too? They sound like they would crawl into your sleeping bag and bite the shit out of you.

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On 9/10/01 my mom called and told me my dad's sister had died, and the funeral would be Friday. I got off the phone and thought, "Boy, this is sure gonna be a shitty week."


I had no idea.

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The war against Islamic Facism must be won at all costs.


Trying to tie a 20th century secular totalitarian movement with a 21st century religious crusade is at best a statement of historical ignorance, and at worst a blatant attempt to mislead people.


Islamic terrorism, while horrific and disgusting, is not the same thing as fascism. One is based on a glorification of homicidal martyrdom in the name of religion, while the other is based on the glorification of nationalism and the state. Except for the fact both a contrary to the ideals of liberty, they have nothing in common.


To continue to equate Islamic terrorism with fascism, given their very different ideals, methods, and goals, are an egregious act of either intellectual dishonesty or total ignorance of history.


In other words, shut the fuck up and read a history book, jackass.

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