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Guest TysonTomko420

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The reason WWE is adding people like Rene Dupree, Bob Holly, and Matt Striker to ECW is so that they can phase out and most likely release a few of the ECW originals that they signed while ECW was planned to still be just an internet show and didn't have the prime time Sci-Fi deal and also see nothing in. Those that are currently on the bubble are CW Anderson, Francine, Tony Mamaluke, Danny Doring, and Jazz. There is also talk on giving both Al Snow and Steven Richards office jobs, which would eliminate their time in the ring.


-- PWI Audio

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Snow and Richards weren't needed and Snow has been doing agent/trainer stuff for awhile anyways, so it's nothing for him. Richards, was a chronic injury risk and it's better for him to take the office job.


The other guys there aren't really that great but they should keep Mamaluke just to keep FBI going and have a jobber tag team.

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If Anderson and Mamaluke are released, I will be surprised.

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Has Jazz even shown up other than the buildup for ECW ONS?


Theres really no reason for her to be around unless shes a valet. Stick her with 2 Cold Scorpio..


Christoper W Anderson sounds so stupid but I think he should stay.


Doring Id imagine is a lock to leave though..

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CW Anderson looks like such a goof on national TV. He's fucked, and rightfully so.


There's no reason to keep Doring or Francine either. Jazz could be a manager, but whatever.


Releasing Mamaluke would be so stupid. Do they not realize how awesome he made The Big Show look at One Night Stand? He bumps like a fucking pinball, and it never hurts to have a tag team around.

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I, for one, am totally against the release of CW Anderson. I loved his work in ECW when it was around the first time, and I loved his match last night with CM Punk. The man's got an amazing left hand!


I'd be a bit upset to see Danny Doring go too, but without Roadkill, I don't see what they can do with him.


Jazz, well, just put her with 2 Cold Scorpio and have her be his valet. That way you aren't just wasting a talent.


Mamaluke? Are you kidding me? Him and Little Guido will always be my favorite italian jobbers. Why get rid of them when they can make ANYONE look like a fucking badass?

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*The first match already being lobbied for Wrestlemania 23.

*Why Mick Foley joined the Kiss My Ass Club on Raw.


Downhome? :) Thanks

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CW Anderson looks like such a goof on national TV. He's fucked, and rightfully so.

Could you explain a bit? He looked good last night.

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I will say that I thought CW put on a nice match w/ Punk.


However, I remembered CW as a scary lookin badass only a fool would cross. Not only did it look like he put on 30 pounds but the angry pissed off look on his face was long gone and he just looked washed up. Still, I hope he sticks around as a utility guy.

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Probably because he's overweight, bald, and wears plain tights. He does have that kind of 80's jobber look to him. No matter how well he wrestles, it doesn't matter; remember, this is the WWE we're talking about here.


Doring? Meh. I wondered why they hired him in the first place. Francine? Arrgh, because she's a better bumper than pretty much any current Diva not named Stratus, but she doesn't look as smokin' hot as she used to, and she's also supposedly pretty egotistical and not likely to be a good fit for a corporate asskissing environment and political snakepit like the WWE is now. Jazz? Uh... why? She spent less than a year in ECW, and three or four years in the WWE, so I don't see how she could really be considered an "Extremist" to begin with. She's a damn fine worker, but is plain-looking and injury prone, two things that are worse to the WWE office than being a bad worker.


Tony Mamaluke on the other hand looks good, can talk, can wrestle, is a great guy personally, and can bump like Shawn Michaels made out of flubber. They'd have to be fucking crazy to cut him.

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Guest Cannonball K

Sharing the same name as CW Anderson, I've always been a fan oh his work...


but for crying out loud you think the fucker would have sprung for a gym membership sometime in the last decade...damn baseball player mentality



and I know Scorps had a DFL the other night, but is he signing or was he just picking up an easy $500 and visiting friends?

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Sharing the same name as CW Anderson, I've always been a fan oh his work...


but for crying out loud you think the fucker would have sprung for a gym membership sometime in the last decade...damn baseball player mentality



and I know Scorps had a DFL the other night, but is he signing or was he just picking up an easy $500 and visiting friends?

I'd guess he was seriously considering signing, since he went over.

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Guest DRH 502

CW Anderson got alot of heat on a sport supplement known as "Superdrol" which was in reality a mild anabolic steriod after he took somewhere around 15 pills a day (The highest recommended does for a 220 plus pound adult is only 2-3 pills...anything over 3 can cause serious health problems) and was hospitalized for liver failure or something similar...anyway my point is he apparently *tries* to work out or just likes taking massive amounts of toxic oral steroids...

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There is also talk on giving both Al Snow and Steven Richards office jobs, which would eliminate their time in the ring.


-- PWI Audio


Just move Richards back to Smackdown.

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CW Anderson looks like such a goof on national TV. He's fucked, and rightfully so.

Could you explain a bit? He looked good last night.


Probably because he's overweight, bald, and wears plain tights. He does have that kind of 80's jobber look to him. No matter how well he wrestles, it doesn't matter; remember, this is the WWE we're talking about here.

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Has Francine even been on the ECW TV show yet? I seriously can't remember.


As for the others, none of them ever did much in ECW to begin with, so I doubt that many people will really miss them anyway.

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Has Francine even been on the ECW TV show yet? I seriously can't remember.


As for the others, none of them ever did much in ECW to begin with, so I doubt that many people will really miss them anyway.


She was standing at a catering table backstage while Heyman walked past a couple weeks ago.

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I had no past knowledge of CW Anderson, and my 1st reaction was i who's this overweight balding jobber guy? I was impressed with his wrestling skills as the match went on, but no way a guy with his look could ever get over. Too bad he couldn't keep himself in shape.

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I had no past knowledge of CW Anderson, and my 1st reaction was i who's this overweight balding jobber guy? I was impressed with his wrestling skills as the match went on, but no way a guy with his look could ever get over. Too bad he couldn't keep himself in shape.


Actually he got over VERY easily and could get over very easily. Just do what ECW did, let him brutally break people down ala Finlay.


Anyone who says FIT has a good look might just be a little nuts as well. He just needs to go out and beat the living hell out of people and then snap them with a spinebuster. Heck, team him with a manager like Arn Anderson and he'd get over in no time.


It's just no one in this damn company that works in creative wants to do anything but write sex jokes all day.

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And what about Kevin Thorn's girl, Ariel?


Actually, wasn't she the very first person shown on ECW tv?


Nah, that was week two.

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Guest netslob
CW Anderson looks like such a goof on national TV. He's fucked, and rightfully so.


yeah, that'll teach him to be less then flawless.



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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Until Torrie and Melina's guest appearances, Kelly was the only female to appear on ECW.

How about Lita with Edge those first three weeks, buddy?

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Ah, fuck. Alright then. You got me.


There's been other females on the show.


I forgot Areil, and Candice Michelle's guest appearance.


I didn't count Francine's cameo as a background extra.



Drugs, alchohol and concussions fuck with your memory after a while.

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from Devin Cutting:


Since ECW was relaunched in June, whenever WWE held a joint Raw and Smackdown taping (aka supershow), a solely ECW taping was held the following day. WWE will be using a different taping schedule in September and October. Rather than hold a solely ECW taping on the day after a supershow, WWE will tape two episodes of ECW On Sci-Fi the previous week instead, one prior to Raw and the other at the Smackdown taping.


Here is how the schedule will look:


September 11th @ MSG

ECW On Sci-Fi taping (airdate - September 12th)

Live Raw broadcast


September 12th in Worcester, Massachusetts

Smackdown taping (airdate - September 15th)

ECW On Sci-Fi taping (airdate - September 19th)


September 18th in Montreal, Canada

Smackdown taping (airdate - September 22nd)

Live Raw broadcast


October 9th in Columbia, South Carolina

ECW On Sci-Fi taping (airdate - October 10th)

Live Raw broadcast


October 10th in Jacksonville, Florida

Smackdown taping (airdate - October 13th)

ECW On Sci-Fi taping (airdate - October 17th)


October 15th in Los Angeles, California

Raw taping (airdate - October 16th)

Smackdown taping (airdate - October 20th)

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