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Guest TysonTomko420

Comments which don't warrant a thread

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I want someone to answer me this truthfully.


How the *HELL* are you supposed to get over with the name GUNNAR SCOTT?


Gunnar, maybe. But Scott as the last name on top of it? Jesus.


Reminds me of "Garrison Cade". ... And do they still call Helms "Gregory"? cause I seriously can't remember right now.


What the fuck is with WWE and G names?


You're fine with Gunnar, but the usage of a fairly regular last name is what put you over the edge? Gregory Helms is fine, it's his name. Shane is such a indy-rific name anyways.

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Is it true that they have "Flash Funk" listed for upcoming shows? That's what the guys on PWInsider just said, but I couldn't tell if they were joking or not.

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Guest Dumb Monkey

What do people think the Undertaker will be doing for a feud now that

Kennedy looks like he'll be going to Raw?

What should they do with him up to the end of the WWE season, Wrestlemania?


That reminds me. Who should try for the streak this year? Let's think about this. We may as well do Raw and Smackdown since that'll be more fun. As we have seen in the past with Orton, apparantly wrestlers are allowed to cross over if they want to take down the Taker's streak.


HHH? Naah, he already had his shot


Ric Flair? Nope, I don't think enough people would buy Flair beating the Dead Man.


Hulk Hogan? Possible, but he's already gone up against Taker enough in other circumstances. This'd be fun but I don't think it's the best possibility


Booker T? Like with Flair, I don't think people would buy him winning


A returning Brock Lesnar? Yes, that'd be a good choice but there's not a good chance of that happening


A young upstart? Hmm, there doesn't seem to be any young upstarts that could step up to the plate here.


Finlay? Yes, it can be done. They would have to build him up a little more now though if they want people to think he actually has a chance. Even if they don't, he's still a good possibility. A Finlay loss also makes the streak more impressive as he's at least upper mid card right now and I would say a boderline main eventer.


Benoit? Yes, yes, yes! It hasn't really been done yet. Benoit at this moment in time is the most buyable wrestler in the WWE who is actually a threat to perhaps the most meaningful thing in wrestling today which is of course the Undertaker Wrestlemania streak. Both are veterans, both are submission experts, both have respect from the crowd/locker room, both are great strikers and the both of them are master thinkers inside the ring. This'd be one of the bigger, big feel matches in WWE history. The kind of feeling you get from bouts like the Macho Man vs Randy Savage retirement bout.


Rey Mysterio Jr.? I'm kind of mixed here on this. I suppose it depends on how long Rey is out for.

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That's hilarious that they fire Francine just after doing a big article and new photoshoot with her on ECW's WWE.Com sub-section. Not to mention finally debuting her on TV 2 weeks ago.


I'm thinking she asked for her release since they weren't doing jack shit with her. Also, she probably didn't feel good when it became public that Vince made comments backstage at the One Night Stand '06 show about her being ugly and telling John Laurinaitis not to hire any girls who looked "like that".

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster
Hall of Famer returns.


This week, the first Intercontinental Champion and WWE Hall of Famer Pat Patterson made his long-awaited return to work as a producer with World Wrestling Entertainment. A mentor to countless WWE Superstars, two months ago, Patterson suffered a very rare abdominal aneurism which required immediate and extensive surgery. Now recovered, Patterson was unquestionably elated to be back on the road, but more importantly, he feels fortunate to be alive.


“I am the luckiest guy alive today,” exclaimed Patterson. “With an aneurism in your stomach and in your blood vessels, normally at five centimeters they operate right away because that bubble that you have on your blood vessel busts and you can die instantly.”


Patterson’s aneurism was 11.9 centimeters. According to the Hall of Famer, his physicians could not understand how he was possibly alive.


“[The procedure] is one of the most dangerous surgeries,” he said. “My chance of surviving the surgery was about 10 percent.”


Undergoing a four-hour intensive surgical procedure that required a cut stemming from his chest to below his stomach, Patterson was hospital-ridden for 10 days. In the weeks that followed his release from hospital care, Patterson required much rest while staying with his sister in Montreal.



“I love the business and I missed it,” he said. “[While recovering] I would watch every show on television just because I like to bitch and complain about some of the things I see. I give my honest opinion.”


Though he has been active – daily exercise and teeing off at the golf course – Patterson stated that physical exertion still makes him very tired. Nonetheless, the WWE producer made it his mission to make it back to the place he calls home.


“I didn’t want to take it easy, I wanted to heal fast,” he added. “I’m feeling very good right. I’m going to be OK. I’m not back to work full time yet, but it’s nice to come back when you’re well appreciated by the WWE Superstars and crew. I’m thankful that I’m here today.”

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Does Too Cold Scropio know that MVP stole his flash funk gear? Someone also needs to tell him that the ring gear doesn't fit him.

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Box Office FRIDAY numbers...


1. The Grduge 2 - 9.6 million

2. The Departed - 5.9 million

3. Man of the Year - 4 million

4. TCM: The Beginning - 2.9 million

5. Open Season - 2.8 million

6. The Marine - 2.2 million


According to Deadline it should have a 6.5 million opening weekend!!


Deadline HD

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Dave Scherer reports that starting soon the ECW brand will no longer be treated as a seperate company but rather as the 3rd brand of the WWE. Little minor changes such as the women swtiching from being called Vixens to Divas and the males from Extremists to Superstars will take place. There has also been some discussion about removing the ECW logo from the screen and replacing it with the WWE logo. Alot of this is Kevin Dunn's doing. He thinks the fans are confused and don't realise that ECW is a part of the WWE and he says thats the reason for the low ratings. Also expect the product to be toned down alot. Vince McMahon is not a fan of hardcore wrestling and he hated the RVD vs Test match.


Credit: Gerweck.net

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Well, it cost 23 million to make ( and a film has to make double to break even, due to theatres getting half)...hopefully the dvd sales are good.



Umm, theaters do not get half. That is why popcorn and candy is so expensive. Also, you realize that this weekend will not be the only profit the movie will be able to take in from theaters, right? 6.5 million is respectable if it is enough for 6th in the top 10. I bet it does more next week than TCM: The Beginning does next week.

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Well, it cost 23 million to make ( and a film has to make double to break even, due to theatres getting half)...hopefully the dvd sales are good.



Umm, theaters do not get half. That is why popcorn and candy is so expensive. Also, you realize that this weekend will not be the only profit the movie will be able to take in from theaters, right? 6.5 million is respectable if it is enough for 6th in the top 10. I bet it does more next week than TCM: The Beginning does next week.


Ultra expensive popcorn and candy isn't nearly enough to keep them running. And yes, obviously it's going to be out for a few weeks, but it's profits will probably drop drastically from it's opening weekend..

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I know people that run theaters, and they simply do not make half of each ticket sold. MOST of their revenue comes from the food/arcades. I cannot convince you of this without proof, and I am not interested in it enough to search for it online. So trust me, it ain't half.


As far as the movie's profits, I would say they will not be disappointed with 6.5 million at all. If I were guessing, it will probably make around 15 million while in the theaters.

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Don't know exactly where they got their info, but 411wrestling says Unforgiven's initial buyrate was 285,000.


Last year's Unforgiven initial one was 225,000 with the final number being 260,000.

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I know people that run theaters, and they simply do not make half of each ticket sold. MOST of their revenue comes from the food/arcades. I cannot convince you of this without proof, and I am not interested in it enough to search for it online. So trust me, it ain't half.


I'm pretty sure that when a movie is first released, it's just like you say, they don't make half of each ticket sold. During the first week of release, most of the money from ticket sales goes to the studio, around 70, 80, 90%. Then for each week after that, that total goes down for the movie studio, and the movie theater makes more money off of the ticket sales and there comes a point where the movie theater is taking in more than the movie studio, but by that point it doesn't even matter since the movie has been out for so long anyway. That's usually only the case for huge blockbusters though, that are in the theater for well over a month. I'm sure theater owners f'n loved Titanic, since it opened in December '97 and (goes to look this up to make sure) was still playing on 1000+ screens by June '08 and still on 700+ screens as late as August '08.


Most theaters make profits, like you say also, off of concessions, arcade, and then of course the on-screen advertisements that theaters have showing before the trailers and movie starts to play.


I also think that most money is made just from popcorn. I read once, a while back, that for every dollar of popcorn theaters sell they make $0.90 profit.

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Supposed Cyber Sunday plans from PWInsider:


The current plan for the 11/5 Cyber Sunday PPV main event is to feature a fan ballot to determine which of the WWE championships will be on the line - the WWE World title, the ECW World title, or the WWE championship - in the "Champion of Champions" match featuring Big Show vs. John Cena vs. King Booker. This may be the planned announcement for this Monday's Raw by Vince McMahon.


Also scheduled for the PPV is Jeff Hardy defending the WWE Intercontinental championship, with the fans deciding his challenger among Johnny Nitro, Shelton Benjamin, Carlito, Super Crazy, and Chris Masters.


Local advertising in the Cincinnati market also lists Ric Flair, DX, Vince McMahon, The Spirit Squad, Edge, Lita, Randy Orton, Rob Van Dam, Batista, Sabu, and William Regal for Cyber Sunday.

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Thats a stupid stip for the Main Event of CS..really..


My guess is, whichever title wins the fan ballot will be the one that wins so that no title changes hands..cause that would really mess things up a lot, and honestly I dont think it matters a bit who wins. Although..LOL @ the thought of Cena winning the ECW title...thats probably what will happen.

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Edit: Bah, Marvin beat me to the punch by a minute or so.



Also, I hope for Survivor Series they change things up and go 5 vs. 5 vs. 5 first ever "Triple Threat" Survivor Match, with one guy from each time in the ring at a time.

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Edit: Bah, Marvin beat me to the punch by a minute or so.



Also, I hope for Survivor Series they change things up and go 5 vs. 5 vs. 5 first ever "Triple Threat" Survivor Match, with one guy from each time in the ring at a time.

They did a prototypical version of that on a recent Smackdown with Londrick, the Pitbulls, and James/Stevens. Was pretty fun and felt rather fresh as far as three team matches go.


Regarding CS, though the result is a given once the title is chosen, I am curious as to what championship fans choose, and what that reflects. Choose the WWE title because its promoted most or because they want to see Cena lose it? Same with the other two.

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