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Guest TysonTomko420

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If Candice Michelle isn't the top face Diva in two years, and Women's Champion... I'll be stunned.


If she's in the company in two years, I'll be shocked. She looks like a woman (read: older than 25) and you know girls don't last much longer than 30 in WWE...

Unless your name is Lillian Garcia, in which case you can be in your 40s and still stick around.

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If Candice Michelle isn't the top face Diva in two years, and Women's Champion... I'll be stunned.


If she's in the company in two years, I'll be shocked. She looks like a woman (read: older than 25) and you know girls don't last much longer than 30 in WWE...

Unless your name is Lillian Garcia, in which case you can be in your 40s and still stick around.


She's meant to be seen as what she is, a respectable middle-aged woman. Candice and the rest of the females are meant to be seen as divas.

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I hope the Hardys in MITB means we get them hanging from the hook and swinging around when someone moves the ladder from under them.


that Edge spear on Matt from the hook down to the mat was one of the greatest WWE spots I've ever seen...WM 17, right?

I think it was on Jeff at Summerslam 00.


No, wait, Jeff was on the ladder and Edge jumped off the top/another ladder, I think.

Edge did the spear on Jeff at Mania X-7, but I think he had already done it at the first RAW on TNN in a ladder match pitting the Hardyz vs E&C. Still awesome, nonetheless.


ah yes, thank you poch, as one old man to another, my mind is starting to go :lol:

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Whenever Raw is on and non-fans are in the room, Lillian always gets the "damn, she's hot" over the lady wrestlers, for what it's worth.


Thinking of Lillian as a "middle-aged woman" is strange.


ALso, that Bobby Eaton figure is awesome.

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Guest robrabies
Also, the way he was pushed into the main event, it wasn't a natural transition like


Personally, I think Cena could reach those levels of overness that Austin, Hogan, and Rock were at; he has all the tools to do so. It's just that the way WWE has pushed him has hurt his ability to do that by causing some of the fanbase to resent him.


I don't think he can, and it's not his fault. People on this board are complaining that he's not the next Rock and Austin, but is that because of the characters or the times? The Rock and Austin were great characters, but how many things didn't work during the attitude era? Not much, once WWF/E changed to a more edgy product (like Nitro), which really just mirrored society in general wanting edgier/more provocative things. Rap rose to real prominence societally and fiscally speaking in the mid-to late nineties, more violence/sex/cursing on TV/radio was occurring (just think of the things you can see on the radio/tv that you'd never would have heard in 1995) for many reasons (not the least of which people really hated that the eighties and early nineties were so bland/boring). The Rock and Austin characters were great, but only attained their level during the attitude era b/c the people DEMANDED this type of character as opposed to the other way around. Last few years, in general, it seems the public at large feels there may be TOO much sex/cursing/etc. happening/commonplace and in a way, want less edgier things 9and becoming more conservative in many ways). This is why wrestling fell into this recession (not the best word, but you get what I mean) and lost the casual fan, in addition to losing major talent and WWE losing competition, and getting lazy.


NO ONE from the current crop will become Rock/Austin/Hogan big because the public doesn't want it currently. Probably in a half decade-to decade they will, since these things are usually cyclical. But I'd say the mood/general attitude of society at the time dictates the state of the wresting business much more than any character/characters.


There is some merit to the edginess argument here, but to believe that The Rock, Austin, and Hogan were only huge because the audience wanted them to be and not because of their own merits is completely bat shit. Hogan and The Rock are easily the two most charismatic wrestlers ever. Cena couldn't hold their jock on his best day. He'll never get that over because he doesn't have that charisma, and his character will never have the resonance that Austin's did, the original Joe Six Pack sticking it to the man. He's a decent worker, but nothing special. He's just "there".


People lauding Cena is like being amazed at a pair of AA batteries. Yeah, they do their job pretty well, but it's pretty damned easy to find a replacement. My God, if you push hard enough, and if you book them like they are invincible, you make stars out of stiffs with no mic skills like Lashley, the black Goldberg.

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ALso, that Bobby Eaton figure is awesome.


The level of detail on his mullet is exquisite.



I think I saw a Sabu (in the background of one shot and being attacked by Jeff Hardy) an awesome 1995 era Diesel, Kamala, and the first HBK figure (in the lunge pose) looks more like Ken Doane.



Too bad there aren't better shots of Greg Valentine and Jimmy Hart, and what appears to be Dibiase (or someone else in a green suit) behind Abby (i think).

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Guest phoenixdown2112

For any one interested although there has been numerous updates to the WWE website...Joey Mercury's Profile is still up on the Smackdown Page not sure what to make of that as any other time someone gets released there name is removed from the roster almost immediately...just thought i'd post and see if there's been any official word on what happened with Mercury? No one in the company seems to be making an official statement on the why's of his firing.

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I read on Gerweck.net he was fired backstage at Raw because he showed up in "no condition to wrestle." They didn't have a source from where they got the info so I never posted it here.

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Crucifix Bombs, Corner Punches, and HHH no-selling a chokeslam. Fantastic. It was somewhat obvious that "Cena" may have been outside the control's range of detection, somehow, as almost nothing he was doing was getting picked up by the game.

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Cena cumulative days as reigning champion over the last two years is coming close to the Triple H reigns of doom from 2002-2005.


According to the WWE title history section :



Triple H


1st reign : September 2 2002 - November 17 2002, 76 days.

2nd reign : December 15 2002 - September 21 2003, 280 days.

3rd reign : December 14 2003 - March 14 2004, 90 days.

4th reign : September 12 2004 - April 3 2005, 203 days


Total : 649 days



John Cena


1st reign : April 3 2005 - January 8 2006, 280 days.

2nd reign : January 29 - June 11 2006, 133 days

3rd reign : September 17 2006 - Present ( 196 days by Wrestlemania time)


Total : 609 days



I didn't counted the 3 weeks or so where the title was vacated in late 2005 because the exact date isn't on the website. so Hunter's number is approximately 620 days or so.

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Carlito is here and Carlito is angry:


"I'm out of Wrestlemania," he says. "Apparently, they had to make space for Kane vs. Khali and Melina vs. Ashley. How can I be at Wrestlemania? If I politic and kiss ass, I should make it.


"I'm not going to cry or be bitter, there's always next year ... and I don't want to get fired. But they're showing disrespect by not having Ric Flair at Wrestlemania and even more disrespect by not having Carlito there."


He doesn't like the role he has been given, that of a fan favourite, saying, "I absolutely hate being a babyface more than anything else."




Welcome to Heat Carlito, I hope you will enjoy your stay.

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Carlito is here and Carlito is angry:


"I'm out of Wrestlemania," he says. "Apparently, they had to make space for Kane vs. Khali and Melina vs. Ashley. How can I be at Wrestlemania? If I politic and kiss ass, I should make it.


"I'm not going to cry or be bitter, there's always next year ... and I don't want to get fired. But they're showing disrespect by not having Ric Flair at Wrestlemania and even more disrespect by not having Carlito there."


He doesn't like the role he has been given, that of a fan favourite, saying, "I absolutely hate being a babyface more than anything else."




Welcome to Heat Carlito, I hope you will enjoy your stay.

It is a bit of a joke that Flair and Carlito aren't on WM. Cena and HBK have no buisness hanging on the Tag Tittles. They easily could have put Carlito-Flair, Highlanders, WGTT, Cryme Tyme and Murdoch and Cade in some tag-team battle royal or tag team turmoil or something. It's a total joke that the Raw and SD tag titles and the IC belt aren't being defended. They only have 8 matches and 4 hours to kill. I have a feeling they might throw out a bonus match.


And is Carlito is way better as a heel, but that's what got him cheers in the first place. Working face for a little bit won't kill him.

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Carlito is here and Carlito is angry:


"I'm out of Wrestlemania," he says. "Apparently, they had to make space for Kane vs. Khali and Melina vs. Ashley. How can I be at Wrestlemania? If I politic and kiss ass, I should make it.


"I'm not going to cry or be bitter, there's always next year ... and I don't want to get fired. But they're showing disrespect by not having Ric Flair at Wrestlemania and even more disrespect by not having Carlito there."


He doesn't like the role he has been given, that of a fan favourite, saying, "I absolutely hate being a babyface more than anything else."




Welcome to Heat Carlito, I hope you will enjoy your stay.


Maybe worse.


If Carlito doesn't want to get fired, he shouldn't have gone against the company line at WrestleMania time no less. That kind of talk could make Vinnie Mac go ballistic.


For that matter, insulting four fellow "sports entertainers" won't win him any friends in the locker room either.

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Carlito is nothing. His matches are piss poor.


The irony considering he threw out names like Ashley and Khali. He can get away with saying this kind of shit since he can just go back to his dad's fed if he gets canned, and be the biggest star there.

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