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Guest Princess Leena

PS2 Games.

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Guest Princess Leena

So, I'm getting another PS2 today. Please don't tell me to wait for a next-gen system. I'm a Jew.


I had a crappy used one before for a couple months before DRE's, and a power failure, which led to a glorious sledgehammer smashing.


Please suggest me whatever games you've liked on that system, as I can obtain all of them now. Thanks.

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Final Fantasy X

Bloodrayne 2 (1 is okay; 2 is sheer greatness)

Resident Evil 4 (I loved this to death--quite literally, actually. It was the killer of my PS2 -_-)

The Bard's Tale (Cary Elwes makes this game worthwhile)

X-Men/X-Men: Rise of Apocalypse (-BAMF!-)

Psi-Ops (TK owns the world.)

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Guest Hotbutter Spoontoaster

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas.

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City.

Grand Theft Auto III.

Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater.

Sonic Mega Collection Plus.

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Get the Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening Special Edition.


And don't bother with the two Metal Gears if you can find their decked out upgrades before them - Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance and Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence.


Also, you need Resident Evil 4.

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Ratchet & Clank Series 1-4

Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3

GTA: Vice City

GTA: San Andreas

Madden '07

Fight Night Round 3

Capcom Classics

Midway Classics 2 & 3

Jak & Dexter: The Series

Tekken Tag Tourny

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I'm not sure if you have the other systems, I think the ones below (excluding GoW) can be found on Xbox as well.


If you don't mind the older rosters, NFL 2k5 is awesome. I still play that.


God of War is excessively violent fun (and cheap), but the game gets repetitive by the end and it's fairly short.


Burnout 3 and Burnout Revenge are fun arcadey racing games, where it's fun to crash. They are also cheap to grab, I think Revenge is greatest hits now.


The Dynasty Warriors games are excellent mindless fun, but it's something you should rent first. You just run around killing hordes of underlings, while other generals run around the battlefield trying to complete objectives or take bases. There's a ton of characters, but most do play fairly similar so it falls into the same "repetitive" boat as God of War.

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Dark Cloud 2

Shadow of the Colossus

Metal Gear Solid 2


Final Fantasy X


ones that I have "on tap" (to play when my current ones are done)

Kingdom Hearts

Resident evil 4

Metal Gear Solid 3 Subsistence

Rogue Galaxy (not yet out)

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Playing the previous gen's games until the price drops is the way to go. I went through tons of PS1 and Dreamcast games before I got my PS2.





Final Fantasy X


Guitar Hero (expensive but very much worth it)

God of War

Ratchet and Clank series

Guilty Gear X2 (GGX is good too, do not get GG Isuka)

Marvel v Capcom 2

Devil May Cry 1

Katamari Damacy / We <3 Katamari

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God of War is excessively violent fun (and cheap), but the game gets repetitive by the end and it's fairly short.


By the end?


Try "by level 2."


The game is a triumph in graphics, art design, voice acting, cinemas--yet such a complete and utter failure in control and camera areas. Plus, yeah, giving you actual interesting things to do besides FIGHTing.


People who bitch about the logs may be justified, but that was almost a welcome reprieve from all the damn fighting.


If you love new school presentation married to the most annoying old-school gaming cliches (pits! millions of identical enemies that are braindead yet sneak in cheap hits! more pits! Instant-death trap! More pits! etc), and really crappy platforming then you might like God of War.


Give me Prince of Persia's lousy presentation, "slow" battles, and sublime platforming anyday.


I beat GoW...after like a year of getting it for 15 bucks at a pawn shop. I sold it for like 12 bucks and I still feel ripped off.


Watched the making-of stuff too. David Jaffe is so disappointed he didn't get to include the forced-scrolling platforming section where you'd have to also deal with a sandstorm. Yeah, that sounds like fun David.


They ditched the Icarus wings too, although it's going to be in GoW2. Too bad, that might have been really fun.

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Well, everyone's said most of my favorites, so I'll put in votes for:


DMC3 (and 1, of you've never played it. Do not come near 2, I'm pretty sure the suck will rub off).

Resident Evil 4 ("awesome" is an understatement)


Dark Cloud 2

both Kingdom Hearts

Bard's Tale (Good call Yuna, Elwes > just about any other voice work in a game)

Beyond Good and Evil (as stated, deserved a much better fate)

Metal Gears

God of War (mindless but fun [except for the fucking Pillars])

GTAs if you need a time killer

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My list of actual recommendations.


Ape Escape 3.

Capcom Classics Collection.

Onimusha 3

Katamari 1/We *heart*


Prince of Persia 2 Thrones or Sands of Time

Silent Hill 2

Tomb Raider Legend

either Mega Man Collection, if you know you like the titles.

Ratchet and Clank + Going Commando (don't like UYA or Deadlocked much)

Zone of the Enders The 2nd Runner

Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2

Viewtiful Joe

Rumble Roses

Obscure (really good for two player; a cheesy survival horror game that seems to be inspired from the Faculty. Team up with a friend and beat enemies to death with blunt objects!)

Resident Evil 4

Sly Cooper

Klonoa 2

War of the Monsters

Sky Gunner

Castle Shikigami 2


Bard's Tale is charming and funny from what I've played but I haven't played enough to really vouch for gameplay.


In case some one else recommends it, Psychonauts is charming and funny and well written, but the gameplay is really pedestrian, and it tries so hard to be "weird" that it fails to meet its true potential. It's one of those games reviewers gush over for being so original and inspired and bitch that people should have bought it.


Then they don't actually play it themselves.


Kind of like Beyond Good and Evil. J/king, I played about a half hour of it, and it didn't grab me at all.

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I liked Beyond Good & Evil but it's not that great. The best things about it are it's positive female main character and good production values. The actual gameplay isn't anything special, the stealth action is especially bland. The story is what disappointed me. You can tell it was supposed to be this deep plot that made you think but it was actually very basic. Despite the title the story was the generic evil corporation stuff.

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Well jeez, Leena, this is quite hard, what kind of games do you fancy?


I mean I would say thing FFX right away, Guitar Hero, DDRs, Rachet and Clanks, uhh Katamari Damaci...


Ico and Shadows of the Colossus are both amazing games.


I mean, what do you like best? But I don't think you can go wrong with the above ones. SSX3 / On Tour is a good one too.

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Guest Princess Leena
Well jeez, Leena, this is quite hard, what kind of games do you fancy?


Basically everything but fighting and shooting games. Liking RPG's and sports games the most.


I'm also looking for PS2 exclusive games. Or, PS2/GC games. I've already played most of the XBox and DC library, and the games are better on those 2 systems anyway. At least Grandia 2 for DC is. :) I need to play that game again for Millennia.


Anyway, thanks for your suggestions.

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I cannot imagine that there are TOO many exclusive sports games for the PS2.


For RPG's, You can go from pure RPGs like FFX to semi-RPGs like Kingdom Hearts 1+2, to Strategy RPGs like Disgaea.


I basically listed some of my favorite games. SSX gets some love for simply being a fun racing game. I dunno, I'll have to go home and check out my collection. Besides the ones I listed, I have a tougher time remembering.

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Guest Princess Leena

There's a couple tennis ones I want. Especially a PAL one, which requires me to mod my PS2. The only reason I'd mod it.


I'm just looking for suggestions since there's a zillion PS2 games. :P

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A decent question is: did you have a playstation?


Because if not, there are quite a few good PSX games worth picking up and playing which SHOULD be super cheap. A few, also, that are hella expensive. But if you can find them, both PSX Suikoden games are fairly legendary. I would try and find a friend to borrow them from, I'm always lending out my copies, because they're very hard to find at a reasonable price.

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Guest Princess Leena



But, I can play all PSX games on emulators, anyway. Which is a need for some of them with the insane loading times.

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Well consider those games heavily recommended then, pixels or no :)


A lot of the ones mentioned above should be available for $20 or less, unless your fu is better than mine and you can get them for less.

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Shadow Hearts: Covenant is one of the better RPGs on the system, and you don't need to play the original to play Covenant. That, FFX, and Disgaea would keep an RPG fan occupied for a long time.


From there, you can move on to sequels like X-2, Disgaea 2 (or the other Nippon Ichi SRPGs), or Shadow Hearts 3.

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