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At least Konami's trying. I didn't get Elebits, but Dewy's Adventure looks fun even though it looks a bit childish.

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I'm cool with Konami's approach. Original games that make good use of the controls. I'm not too worried about the graphics because of it.


I don't understand Elebits' level creator at all, though. doh

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In other random news... I finally got my Wii back just in time for Super Paper Mario!


The Big N couldn't fix my Wii so I got a complete replacement. They transferred all my Mii's and data from the old machine to the new which was a shock. Aside from it taking almost a month, I'm very satisfied with Ninty on this.


Oh and Kids, Always ALWAYS register your serial numbers... makes things like extended warranty worth while.

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Only three of the lights is flashing on my Wii-mote, and it doesn't seem to be working...


What is going on? Does it need new batteries?

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Maybe it isn't pairing right with the Wii.


Try to hit the Home button to check the battery power level. If that doesn't work, take out the batteries and put them back it.


If that doesn't work, cut the power from the Wii, unplug it, and remove your batteries. After a minute or so, plug the Wii back in, power it on, and put the batteries back in.


Failing that, try new batteries.


For some odd reason, my Wiimote seemed to have pairing issues when I'd rented Sonic/Secret Rings. But only when that game was in the Wii and had been played the last time. Hm.


But I still got a good week or so more out of the batteries after that before needing to recharge, so I don't think it was the batteries.


If you have two wiimotes or more, maybe you're not using the primary; try another.

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I only had a few minutes, I'll do the power / batts thing when I get home tonight.


Whatever, I am hyped about both RE games. As long as it's a GOOD rail shooter, the Wii-mote is a fine lightgun, a la Rayman Rabbids ;)

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Anyone play the Prince of Persia game yet? I grabbed it the other night (Wii Sports and Wii Play have gotten boring) and it was a toss-up between that or The Godfather, since I wanted an action-oriented game.

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I passed on it because there's *no new features at all*. In fact, they just tossed in waggle and removed the blood. Not even the PSP features are in. Weak. I've played through it 2x already on console.


Odd import game that looks really fun:



Sure, it's mini-game-ish, but it seems to work really well in context.


IGN said, BTW, that Umbrella Chronicles isn't a "rail" shooter. It's a FPS (with free, FPSery movement), but linear.

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While I neither have a Wii, would pay $6 for that TMNT game, or even like that TMNT game, seeing licensed games on VC is a good sign (I had always heard the official stance on that was "don't hold your breath", although I believe that was directly related to GoldenEye).

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Guest Smues

I went ahead and bought TMNT just to torture myself. Man oh man it was just as bad as I remembered. Played it once so far and while I did fairly good, especially for my first time playing it in forever, I couldn't believe how cheap that game was. The water level was as bad as I remembered it. As was the re-spawning of monsters if you dare to take a few steps back while killing them. And not getting any health back at the end of a level is such total horseshit. I managed to make it to level 4 before I died. I dunno how far into it because I don't know how big the level is. I got a building or two passed where I found a 'captured' turtle, which actually probably means I was going the wrong way, since I seem to recall having to go out of your way to find them.


But hey the music is catchy!

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While I neither have a Wii, would pay $6 for that TMNT game, or even like that TMNT game, seeing licensed games on VC is a good sign (I had always heard the official stance on that was "don't hold your breath", although I believe that was directly related to GoldenEye).


While it's encouraging to see a licensed game, it's discouraging to see a premium cost on it (odd how cheap a licensed arcade game is on XBLA, though).

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I agree, especially on a game that may not even be worth the original five to begin with. I would gladly pay an extra dollar for licensed wrestling games, though (though I still don't see that happening - thanks, Wildlife guys).

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I don't think we can rule out a No Mercy VC port because of issues with The Fund. I think it could be ruled out because the game is still better than the garbage THQ releases these days.

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I don't think we can rule out a No Mercy VC port because of issues with The Fund. I think it could be ruled out because the game is still better than the garbage THQ releases these days.


True. Otherwise they could just release WCW/NWO Revenge, which I enjoyed more than No Mercy to begin with.

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WM2000 is really close to No Mercy when it comes to in-match gameplay quality, but the CAW and match options in NM just completely blow it away.


Even if certain trademarks were removed, I could see a No Mercy VC port being a huge hit, because the port could remove the slowdown issues (which were never that bad, but always seemed to be a big sticking point with some) and the CAW would allow for players to create any of the characters that might be removed as a result of licensing.


I agree with Andrew, though - THQ isn't going to jeopardize their new wrestling brand with what essentially would boil down to a cash-in port, no matter how wildly successful that port would be.

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I don't believe the F or the roster is a concern at all, really. Remember that Vince & Co. have grown extremely protective with their "intellectual property," and when they own a name/trademark/gimmick, they basically own it forever.


So while they've been signing retired talent to the Legends programs, TNA ex-WWF guys often do ripoffs of their own former characters because WWE owns the trademarks on them. Remember Fake Diesel and Razor.


Specifically relating to video games--about half of the WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game roster was gone by the time it hit consoles. Plus, Acclaim was selling and distributing WWF Attitude for Dreamcast years after it was made initially...and it was WWF that sued Acclaim over it.


Tecmo Bowl was altered to remove player names. If necessary, WWF logos could be removed/altered from No Mercy I believe.


However, it won't happen, because THQ/Yukes would rather sell the new SvR game on Wii.

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Guest Smues

So I gave TMNT a second try last night. It got a bit easier when I realized that pizza respawns if you leave the building. Didn't know that the first time through so my guys were constantly hurt. Had a better feel for things, and made it a little further into level 4, only to get anally raped by the COMPLETELY HORSESHIT closing walls of 1 hit death. Like I didn't think the game was cheap enough, I forgot about those pieces of shit. All 4 of my turtles go from full health to dead and it's game over and I'm too angry to continue. Such a crock of crap.

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Guest Smues



I downloaded it despite still owning the N64 cartridge. It's a blast, and I love all the different paths you can take to get through the game.

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_hLTKWF8zw that guy makes it look so easy.


Angry Nintendo Nerd's thoughts on the game:


Please, NEVER bring up Angry _ Nerd's review of the game. The guy is less trustworthy than GameSpot for game reviews, and he is just not funny nor is he worth my time to watch.

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Guest Queen Leelee

Yes, Angry Nintendo Nerd is really awful, if that isn't obvious enough since he includes a 2 minute rant of "this game sucks monkey nuts, my ass, etc...". His Rocky review on the Master System was incredibly stupid as he had no idea how to play, and it wasn't just a button masher. And that game was actually quite good for its time.

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Too much coarse language for my tastes.


Anyway, what I remember most about Fox 64 was the ID4 level and multiplayer. I don't think the dog fights were that good looking back, but we seemed to enjoy them in our teenage years.

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http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v_hLTKWF8zw that guy makes it look so easy.


Angry Nintendo Nerd's thoughts on the game:


Please, NEVER bring up Angry _ Nerd's review of the game. The guy is less trustworthy than GameSpot for game reviews, and he is just not funny nor is he worth my time to watch.


He's intermittently funny. You're being silly if you expect an unbiased "review" from a persona that's all about angry ranting and raving about games that ticked him off as a child.

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