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Man Who Sold The World

The Things That Anger You Thread.

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I was pretty pissed the advertised "I TOLD YOU NOT TO GO INTO ROOM 1408" scene was not present.


Fun fact: My friends saw that movie basically just to hear that line. When the movie ended, they were mad he didn't say it, while I was terrified since the movie scared the shit out of me

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Bug is a horrifying movie, it's true. The scariest part of it is that there's absolutely nothing unrealistic at all about it. I've seen those tinfoil rooms for real and worse. Although I've never seen a double intentional self immolation. Funny Games I can get where you're coming from on too, although it just made me go out and buy an all white outfit like that. 1408, while I like it, I didn't find it scary at all. I like it a lot, though. The story is actually scary, and maybe that's why the movie wasn't.

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as far as out of place people in a movie theater... DMX's Never Die Alone and watching the white family squirm for about the 30 minutes they were in there for.


I liked Bug, most people hated it... but fuck it was awesome.


And the only movie I was a dick for was the first SAW. Fuck that movie with a spiked bat.

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1 - The fucking construction workers next to my house. They're doing construction two feet from my house, putting up an entire new building. They flooded the second floor. They start at like 6AM and work until 5. They wake me up every morning. Every. Morning.


2 - People rolling around Oakland blasting their subs. I'm not gonna be an old crotchety white guy about this, but it's every 5 minutes. Literally. All night. All day.


I live in noise.

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2 - People rolling around Oakland blasting their subs. I'm not gonna be an old crotchety white guy about this, but it's every 5 minutes. Literally. All night. All day.


I live in noise.


Oakland?! Mothafucka, it's Smokeland...






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People who don't understand that when they're ride is leaving a party that's 45 minutes away from where you live it's probably a good idea to just go "okay" and call it a night, since everybody else is either absolutely hammered or lives nowhere near you. It happens at almost every party I go to with this good friend of mine, and they never seem to get that I'm their ride which means I can't get too smashed (and I don't care for being shitfaced anyway), so I'm always stuck having to cut myself off after getting a minor buzz, while they drink it up for the whole night. I ended up leaving them after giving them a 2 hour warning, and they got a ride home from somebody else there. Words are going to be had, and the likelihood of me being their ride again (since this happens ALL the fucking time) is slim to none.

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My roommate. He ties himself up with the dumbest girls then yells at me about them. No joke. His room is a complete fucking mess (I don't really care about this, but I'd like to maintain a nice apartment.), gets in a huff about everything, can't take a joke, and does a shit job at cleaning up after himself.

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"Bug" is a brilliant movie that Lionsgate marketed wrong. If anything, it's a character drama first, a horror movie second, and a black comedy third.


Anyways, obese people in movie theaters annoy me. They have all these artery clogging foods (and diet soda-what is with fat people and diet soda?), and seeing their grease soaked fingers and lips horfing down the stuff loudly gets to me to no end. The fact that they are really loud and obnoxious doesn't help either.

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(and diet soda-what is with fat people and diet soda?)



i can't explain, as i find diet sodas to be horrid. it has this aftertaste which coats my tongue with this salty... something. and those chemincals are so bad for a person. not that regualr soda is any better. how about a nice ice water?

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it's a really lame excuse, that's what i don't understand. lying to one's self, i don't understand.


oh, fat people suing McDonalds for making them fat... that's rediculous. like people suing ciggarette makers for giving them cancer. or suing a gun manufactuer because they got shot. and dumb shit like that.

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Well look, regular soda is full of empty calories, so opting for diet, even if you're eating some bacon burgers with it, is at least making some difference.


Regarding McDonald's though, I don't like this anti- fast food movement that treats McDonald's as on par with tobacco companies. People act like you're going to keel over and die if you have one McNugget. Those black dudes in Super Size Me, who were like "Yeah, I'm going to McDonald's right now. Just do some pushups." were actually totally right. Fucking health Nazis make me sick. Find something important to care about.


I'm a little pudgy from being an alcoholic, but I've eaten McDonald's for years, sworn off fast food just cause I don't particularly enjoy the taste, and it hasn't affected my weight much at all. Maybe I'm just lucky, though.

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being fat in any fast food place makes one a target. even if it's my bi-monthly fast food visit (and i mean every other month, not twice a month) you're automaticlly looked at as "you obviously eat here three times a day put down the burger you cow".


the ciggarette companies and McDonalds do have something in common... people choose to eat or smoke, it's not like they're forcing the Big Mac down your throat and the smoke into your lungs. people just love to sue i guess. anything to avoid blaming themselves for the situation they've gotten themselves into.






something else i hate - the way my mother treats my father. he's an old man, works sixty hours a week, and busts his ass around the house, doing all the chores, driving people around, fixing things up... because my mother and sister are two of the weakest women i've ever known. but yet, my mother has the huevos to say that he never does anything around the house. i actually raised my voice to her about it. "YEAH I KNOW DAD IS JUST THE LAZIEST FUCK ON EARTH RIGHT?" he's spent the day rearranging furnature and hanging shades in the window and cooking and washing the dishes and cleaning up outside. seriously. i've vowed to never be as weak and useless as her.

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it's a really lame excuse, that's what i don't understand. lying to one's self, i don't understand.


oh, fat people suing McDonalds for making them fat... that's rediculous. like people suing ciggarette makers for giving them cancer. or suing a gun manufactuer because they got shot. and dumb shit like that.

It's even better when they sue McDonalds because they have diabetes.



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and something else i hate about my mother... when i eat something she gets all "why do you use (insert sauce here) on your food, you don't even taste the food, it ruins it" etc etc... but she drowns everything shne eats in salt and pepper. she doesn't even take a taste of the food before pouring the salt and pepper on.


i could fill 30 pages on just what i hate about the woman.

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I never wanted to be able to perceive any prejudice in myself, but in the name of self-discovery I might as well reveal that fat people anger me greatly.


edit: yes, just when they're waddling around acting like normal, everyday people.

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Guest Smues

I AM fat because of McDonalds and other similar places, and it pisses me off too when people sue over that shit. I'm fat because I'm weak and I go get fast food way too often. It's not McDonalds fault, nor is it their job to keep me out of their restaurant. It's completely my fault/problem and I understand that. People who sue fast food restaurants for making them fat are one of the lowest forms of life I've encountered. I also hate that lady that sued and won because her son spilled hot McDonalds coffee on her and burned her. IT'S COFFEE, IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE HOT. I'm not one of those personal responsibility nazis that think that EVERYTHING is an individuals own fault, but christ. If a McDonalds employee spilled scalding hot coffee on you, it's their fault. If they give you coffee, you drive off, and then it spills, tough shit.


Whatever happened with that idiots lawsuit who sued McDonalds and three other restaurants for making him fat (Taco Bell KFC and Wendys I think?) I pray he didn't get a penny.



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I also hate that lady that sued and won because her son spilled hot McDonalds coffee on her and burned her.


Look into this case. The coffee was at a temperature unfit for consumption/handling. Yes, coffee is supposed to be hot, not boiling. She required skin grafts. I don't like that this has become the go to example of a frivolous lawsuit, when in this case it was actually justified.



I dunno, I'm a little strange about fat people. I was actually fat for a while (nihilistic drug/alcohol/junk food consumption), and constantly felt bad about it. Much of why I love Nathan Explosion: self-loathing badass metal singer, overweight from being a binge drinker? Check.

But anyway, I lost a lot of weight, and am now just a little chubby, basically average, yet still constantly worry about it. The class of women I attract demonstrates that I look fine, but I just can't be comfortable.


And I have absolutely nothing against other people who are fat.

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I also hate that lady that sued and won because her son spilled hot McDonalds coffee on her and burned her.


Look into this case. The coffee was at a temperature unfit for consumption/handling. Yes, coffee is supposed to be hot, not boiling. She required skin grafts. I don't like that this has become the go to example of a frivolous lawsuit, when in this case it was actually justified.


All I know is that her daughter was a substitute teacher in my school district and was an insufferable militant feminist whore about every little thing. I was just walking in and she was following me and I held the door open and she bitched me out for like five minutes about how she could open the door just fine by herself until I told her "Fine you insufferable cunt, I won't treat you nicely anymore."


If her mother is anything like her she deserved to get burned with scalding hot coffee.

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Wasn't the McDonalds lawsuit just a one-time thing that was quickly thrown out and never heard from again? People act like it was the end of society.

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IIRC, there was actually a law on the books for that jurisdiction which covered the maximum temperature for a restaurant's beverages, and the McDonalds coffee way exceeded that limit, literally boiling hot. So they broke the law, and thus the suit was merited.

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Something that pisses me off is when you hold the door open for someone, smile at them, and look them dead in the eyes, and they say absolutely nothing.


Just say a simple fucking "Thank You" you raging bitch. Fuck!

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I don't think this was mentioned but Something about driving:


When your on the road next to a school bus and some douche little kid throws a spitball at your window or some kind of object he/she found. If I wouldn't get in trouble, I'd stop the bus and find out who did it.

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IIRC, there was actually a law on the books for that jurisdiction which covered the maximum temperature for a restaurant's beverages, and the McDonalds coffee way exceeded that limit, literally boiling hot. So they broke the law, and thus the suit was merited.




Links are fun!


Her daughter was still a feminist Nazi whore though.

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I work in the cellphone industry, it has to be worst retail known to man. I got to deal with idiot customers all fucking day. Some customers approach to a cellphone is similar to crack, they're addicted to phone and something happens to phone they go thru withdrawal.

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